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Escorte Vaslui

Cele mai sexy escorte din Vaslui sunt aici pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

dulcica foc Cu simtul umorului destul de dezvoltat, mereu vesela si pusa pe sotii.. Iubesc sinceritatea si punctualitatea , in consecinta urasc cu toata fiinta mea, minciuna si mincinosii in acelasi timp
voi ce spuneti
un tip sufletist nimic mai mult
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

I am a very laid back person with a good attitude and my own style. I'm very fond of the Golden Rule (treat others the way you want to be treated), but at the same time deep and complicated with my thoughts, easy going with people that are not picky, open mind, very honest .sometimes more than it should be . I'm passionate about almost any kind of music, for me it's like a kind of just release your soul. Open to changes, you never know what life has for you, and what new lessons are you going to learn, what kind of people are you going to meet and in which way are they going to touch your heart. I am looking for a partner in life. I want a best friend and a lover to share quiet moments,i am a very enthusiastic, outgoing, independent person who enjoys similar things, but who can also introduce me to new things
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

Ador plimbarile si distractia Sunt o persoana sincera, sensibila, modesta, deschisa dialogului, punctuala, fidela, o fire vesela, umpluta de viata ... mai pe simplu "sunt prea de casa" - ceea ce in ziua de astazi nu prea se mai cauta.
Sunt o fata sexi fund bombat si te las sa ma descoperi
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

Salut! O imagine(...)pauza de efect- face cat o mie de cuvinte! Uneori, cateva sute de litere... fac imaginea mai clara.Un amic mi-a spus sa imi fac un cont serios- pandemi face,on line cam singura modalitate de a gasi ce cauti. In general, nu doar laptopuri sau pantofi ci si prieteni, parteneri sau soti. Asadar: asta's eu. Si caut un prieten sau partener. Am 45 de ani asa mai am rabdare cu debusolati, saraci, idioti ori badarani. Cand/daca vreti sa stiti mai multe despre mine, va rog intai sa cititi descrierea si apoi sa va declarati intentiile. Nu mai am rabdare nici sa intru pe profilul fiecaruia. Dat fiind ca m-am afisat in 'toata splendoarea" mea, voi trata lucrurile destul de serios aici. Nu ma intereseaza fiintele sub 40 de ani si nici masculii saraci, pentru ca nu sunt ipocrita: n-am nici o intentie sa convietuiesc cu cineva intr-un apartament amarat, eventual cu rate la masina... :) Ce ofer?! Ce oglindesti: camaraderie, sinceritate,senzualitate, a doua/treia sansa - depinde doar de tine, nu sunt "strong independent woman". Sunt o nevasta normala. Good luck!- si voua si mie.PS: daca te "mananca" si ma iei la misto sau ma "certi", macar asteapta replica, nu ma dau inapoi de la o ironie buna si nici nu ma duc sa plang ca m-ai conceput proasta, aroganta sau curva... Cine zice, ala e!- oglindire ;)
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

am 20 ani ,ma numesc cristina,am parl castaniu inchis,ochii caprui,ma consider o fire inteligenta I am a very active and purposeful woman. My heart is very kind and vulnerable and I trust it only to a true connoisseur of sincere love. I am a very open person and have a great sense of humor and my friends tell me that I am always the soul of the company
am 1.70cm,90.52.90,
baiat simpatic,dragutza,.....fete de treaba care imi pot deveni in special caut distractie
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Daca ai interes in niste jucarii sexuale poti incerca acest Sex Shop Vaslui.
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

nu-mi ajung cuvintele My self-summary i'm hijabi girl (because i always wearing hijab all day, except when i'm in the house) . I like to cook western food, chinese food, and indonesian food. I like taekwondo,painting and doing some fashion sketch. i'm a businesswoman that have small business. I'm not scammer. I'm classy, elegant,and modest woman. I always wear my design, so my look is my personality.I want to meet good guy no bad guy. If you want to meet me in my country i always with my bodyguard that are policeman (because i want to protect myself from wrong guy and bad guy who are terrorist,drug users, drug traffickers and drug dealers( because in indonesia it has death penalty for drug dealers and terrorist )). Good guy don't be afraid with me . What Ia€™m doing with my life achive my goal !!! to be successful entrepreneur!!! and activate my aseets: 1. i like to cook indonesian food, chinese food, and western food maybe i can build restaurant or food truck ( and also serving my dishes from monday-friday to my future husband) 2. i like to make abstract painting maybe i can build art gallery and sell my artworks with higher price. 3. i like doing fashion sketch and making dress, maybe i can build fashion house bigger. Ia€™m really good at art,making fashion skecthes, painting, taekwondo, and cooking Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food favourite books : rich dad poor dad by robert t kiyosaki favourite television : glee, oprah winfrey show, how i met your mother favourite music: clean bandit, jess glynne, sharna bass, the corrs favourite food : indonesian food, chinese food, sea food, italian food, french food, middle eastern food. The six things I could never do without my hijab my art stuffs my pencil my fashion skecth book my laptop my friends and my family I spend a lot of time thinking about -vacation ........, because i like vacation -making new recipes (because i'm adventurous cook) -my achievement -making peoples happy ( because i like joking with my friends ) On a typical Friday night I am hang out with my friends, making artworks or cooking dinner for my family You should message me if You are caucasian or middle eastern race. (i like american,european, australian and middle eastern guys ( because i have male friend and he is american and he's such a fun guy)), indonesian guys are not special for me because maybe i just talk to him with indonesian language so i can't improve my english skill but also same culture with me, and i can't have international networking . I'm looking for middle esatern guy or caucasian guy because we can talk about different culture, i also can speak english with him, i can improve my english skill, and having international networking. Having business degree or economic degree.Having halal business not haram business ( haram business like drugs and alcohol) ( maybe i can be your business partner too ).Want to chat with me and friend with me, good guy no bad guy. I don't want to meet peoples who are drug users, drug dealers, gay, terrorist, drunk people, smoke person....:P please go away drug users, drug dealers, gay, terrorist, drunk people, smoke person :P. (but ocasionally drink it's OK for me) about smoke person.... i have asthma by the way so... i don't like smoke person. because the smoke can make my asthma relapse, sorry.... :(. You can talk with me about anything, discussing with me about anything, because i'm very open minded person :) . I'm looking a guy that wants to support me (i will support you too) , share some experience with me, making future plan together, joking with me.
se vede nu..?
daca fat-frumos se ascunde pe aici as vrea sa-l cunosc...
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

simpatica cu mare chef de distractie I am positive,kind,athletic,loyal,affectionate (all the goods stuffs)and i try to see the humor in everything.I am the type of woman that will remember things that you like and then do it for you-use your imagination.My friends tell me that i am generous and charming and have a big heart,i am 100% real with proof to the right man because i am not here to play with anyone heart because life is too short for that and not here for dirty talk or sharing of dirty pictures because that is for immature men and kids..I am here for a man that can talk maturely like a christian and that knows how to treat a woman with true love and respect and that knows communication is very important to build a friendship that will lead to a relationship that will last forever.You have passions and interests that make you unique and you are inspiring in your own unusual way.You have things to teach me and things you want to learn from me.You are a man who believe in the woman you are in love with and generous.You are affectionate, kind,passionate,easy going,curious and open minded and have a big heart...So please i need a serious person only..Keep safe and protected always from the deadly virus..
inalta de suspensii,pusa bine pe roti si cu mare motor la spate
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

I am a fun, out-going, intelligent, open-minded woman who enjoys dancing and having a good time. Some of my hobbies are: photography, dancing, movies, No drama here and not looking for it. I want someone who can just be themselves and that is enough.
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

o sa ma cunosti pe percurs;) I am a dreamer and I have a sense of humor. I think it also shows that I am open minded, opportunities come from all directions and you never know where you might meet your next best friend or lover.Life is extrem and I like to wake up feeling excited of what the new day brings, even if that means bouncing off the planets. Poza opening your eyes each and every morning and smiling at the thought that this new day is completely different and brings new excitement, and that the person you're with feels exactly the same way. I'm fairly natural and like to be considerate, respectful and caring but you never know if you get me on a bad day
Un barbat adevarat.
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

I like to Tease in a Respectful and Caring way, Playful, I am a Giver , I love surprises.Impulsive and Adventurous, willing to try different things, I love to laugh, I am Strong with a Caring Heart. Relaxed , and Humble.
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Femeie, 46, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

Sunt o femeie naturala in cautare de ceva mai bun. Ia€™m looking for a partner. Distance doesna€™t really matter . I am romantic, loyal, sincere woman. I need to belong to one man in the deep blue see of love. I am loving and caring person. I am charming, have a good sense humor, I am really energetic and enthusiastic. But of course I am not perfect, but I can admit my mistakes and work to make myself better. less Fake profiles should please stay off!!!
Nu sunt cea mai urata din lume:)
Pe cineva cu care sa pot comunica.
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

o persona simpla I go through my life with a smile on my face, with desire to see and experience more. I am confident and reliable, I am all-sufficient person but my life is never full and my happiness in never complete while I have no a loving person by my side.
nu va spun este secret
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Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

I enjoy going places, but it doesn't have to be expensive. Some of the best dates I have had has been casual and inexpensive. I do enjoy formal affairs as well, but not necessary. I am open to most places to meet as long as it is some place we could talk without screaming and where we both feel comfortable.
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Femeie, 55, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

Sunt o prietena de 42 de ani si vreau sa imi fac prieteni I do not smoke or drink, I am christian, Virgo. I like Dining, Outdoor Activities, Reading, Watching Sports. I want a man that is not too hurt and not too hard to trust again and can give himself to a woman like to be loved and taken care of in a way that will bring him joy of life and an appreciation he will look forward to every day, to spend the rest of my life with., I am looking for man that is tender hearted, kind, considerate of others needs, one that would appreciate having a woman that would love him in a way that hea€™s not been loved before.
inalta cu parul lung
imi caut prieteni
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Femeie, 61, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

sunt divortata,de profesie doctor vet.,sunt optimista,am simtul umorului si exceptional de ingaduitoare cu defectele celorlalti I am simple girl who is looking just for simple girlaa‚¬a„¢s happiness: to have caring and loving husband, own cozy home and pretty kidsaa‚¬ ¦I like traveling a lot and new meetings and sensationsaa‚¬ ¦I am easy-going and sociable person. I like reading and listen to good musicaa‚¬ ¦What else? Write me!
barbat cu studii,50-60 ani.corect, de omenie
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Femeie, 61, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

Sunt o persoana serioasa, inteligenta, sufletista, simpatica, cu simtul umorului si multe alte calitati. I am a dreamer and I have a sense of humor. I think it also shows that I am open minded, opportunities come from all directions and you never know where you might meet your next best friend or lover.Life is distinct and I like to wake up feeling excited of what the new day brings, even if that means bouncing off the planets. Fotografie opening your eyes each and every morning and smiling at the thought that this new day is completely different and brings new excitement, and that the person you're with feels exactly the same way. I'm fairly natural and like to be considerate, respectful and caring but you never know if you get me on a bad day
Constitutie normala, 1.65 cm, 70 kg, bruneta, ochi caprui.
Caut un partener cu studii superioare, de varsta apropiata, intelegator, modest, inteligent, serios.
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lenuta butnaru
Femeie, 50, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

simplu and idilic Hi,am 29yrs,a final year medical student,5.8ft,honest,faithful,respectful,loyal,great sense of humor.Open minded,easy going.I am intelligent, reading,cooking,traveling,visit the gym 3days in a week.Thanks
un sot bun
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

Inalta si frumoasa Sunt o femeie normala, locuiesc in Spania de 22 de ani, destul de serioasa, sincera, fidela, generoasa, romantica, muncitoare . Restul te las pe tine sa descoperi, daca esti interesat sa ma cunosti. Caut un mascul serios, fidel, vesel, care stie ce vrea de la viata, romantic, sa-i placa sa calatoreasca. Trebuie numai sa vrei sa iubesti si sa fi iubit.
Baiat dragut n
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Femeie, 45, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

Miniona, echilibrata fizic si intelectual, conversatie placuta To begin with I wish to welcome. :) I wish all good mood. I the lonely woman. I quiet, resolute. I do not play. And I do not wish to be a toy. And I search for long-term relations. I the usual girl. There are inchis la culoare strips in a life, and happen white. But the most part of a life I stay in good mood. Always I try to optimise the work. I do not drink and I do not smoke. I choose a healthy way of life. If I speak something or I do, I can usually explain why so, instead of in another way. (Actually it is possible not always, sometimes the choice becomes on the basis of an internal voice, sometimes it appears erroneous.) I cannot long be angry with something or someone. I very seldom take offence. Very much I love the nature and animals. I like to walk on the nature. I do not understand, how people can lay all the day on a sofa and watch TV. I am always ready to listen to opinion of any person, but I agree with it only well having thought. I seldom hide from people the to them the relation.
1.60, ochi caprui, corp atletic
Un domn intelgent si carismatic, cu simpt al umorului, responsabil pentru o relatie pentru intinsa perioada
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kitty baby
Femeie, 36, Casatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

crazy:))) Ich bin nicht auf der Suche nach dem charmanten Prinzen oder dem Ritter, wie wir es oft in den Filmen sehen, aber ich suche jemanden, der zuerst auf der Erde ist und Kopf an den Schultern ist, der eine ziemlich große Anschaffung von Reife und eine ziemlich große Vorstellung vom Leben, ein ernsthafter aufrichtiger Mann, der weiß, was er will und was er von einer Frau erwartet, einem einfachen Mann, der ehrlich und treu für eine ernsthafte und dauerhafte Beziehung ist ... angenehm s absehen.
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

de vis :D Sunt o persoana ambiÈa€ºioasă, pasionala, cu bun simt, cu umor ,altruista ,Èa„¢i aÈa„¢tept sa intre à ®n viaÈa€ºa mea o persoana potrivită mie. Nu sunt perfectă .Nu caut un barbat perfect. Urasc minciuna Èa„¢i oameni falÈa„¢i.
eu zic k arat ok
ma uit
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Femeie, 70, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

optimista,sociabila,sincera,directa Fireasca spre superba (vorbesc despre caracter) si modesta :)) El trebuie sa fie placut, inteligent, sincer, serios dar nu foarte, sa ii placa sa isi rasfete femela de aproximativ el... Oricat am scrie noi aici, totul este dat peste cap cand intervine chimia. Chimia intervine cand lasam on-line-ul deoparte si iesim sa dam piept cu viata reala...
acceptabil, fac mult sport, inca lucrez, locuesc in luxemburg
prietenie,deocamdata prin intermediul calculatorului
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Femeie, 64, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

Persoana draguta,inteligenta,educata,caut persoana circa de aceeasi conditie Am Rose,communicative, active, soft, cheerful, and honest in the relationship. I have a good sense of humor. I have a kind, lovely and encourage heart. My friends say I am very sociable and love to be with people, I am sweet, feminine and attractive lady who is sensual and lovely,I love children and animals. I want to create a strong happy family where everybody can feel comfortable and safe. I want to share all my love, tenderness and my life with a true man. I am just a woman who wants to be happy, to love deeply and to be loved by a reliable man.
Inalta,par blond ochi albastri intr-un cuvint draguta...
Linistita,educata,bun simt,inteligenta
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Femeie, 66, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

Eu cred ca a te defini reprezinta a te transforma in ceva finit. A te identifica, aspru si apasat, cu nivelul cuvintelor, e ca si cum ai uita ca esti o farama de perfect pe un camp de mila si mir... Eu sunt cea care sprijina ploaia cu umerii sai,eu sunt cea care in fiecare dimineata nu mai este la fel (cineva necunoscut,razbate pe chipul meu , ca iarba, prin frunzarul vechi....) Tu cititorule, cine esti???
normal, satisfacator
un OM
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Femeie, 49, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

I can be a strong woman, but want to be weak and protected near my man. I can struggle, but I want better to smile. I can make my way through life, but I better want the life to be a clear way for me. I believe that I can do the best of my life, and I am trying to do this every moment of my existence!
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Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

sunt simpatica ,distractiva si mai multe I'm fair, honest, calm and cheerful. I do not like lies and impudent people. I do not like people who are looking only for the benefits of communication. I want to find a man with whom I will have one dream that we will achieve together.
inalta,corpolenta alura parului satena,ochi negri
un bait simpatic si de treaba
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Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

e mai bine sa ma cunoasteti in particular Vreau sa raman prietena M-am gandit bine. Si vreau sa raman exact cat sunt acum de emancipata. Nu vreau mai multa egalitate in drepturi cu nimeni. Cred ca e destul ce am capatat eu, femeie, in ultima vreme. Dreptul de a munci, daca am chef. Eu as vrea sa ma opresc aici. Se poate? Sau oare acum trebuie sa inghit, la pachet, toate drepturile, egalitatile si obligatiile care decurg din asta? Nu vreau sa fiu ca un barbat. Insist sa nu. Si mi se pare ca drepturile si le mai face si omul. Sau in cazul asta femeia. Si eu n-am simtit nicicand ca am usi inchise tronc! in fata pentru ca sunt femeie. Chiar nu-mi trece prin cap ca ma nedreptateste cineva la job sau in societate, in general. Si, cel mai important, nu vreau mai multiple responsabilitati decat am in prezent. Nu vreau sa demonstrez nimic. Mi-as dori din inima sa am aproape mine un mascul care castiga mai mult. Nu vreau sa castig mai bine sau musai la fel ca el. Nu vreau o masina la fel de mare cat a lor, a barbatilor. Vreau sa mi se deschida usa cand am trebuinta sa ies din taxi sau sa intru intr-o incinta. Vreau sa mi se tina paltonul cand afara e frig si vreau sa-l trag pe mine. Vreau sa mi se intinda o mana cand cobor din tren. Si sa fiu luata cu masina de acasa cand sunt invitata in oras. Bineinteles, vreau ca un barbat sa faca toate astea. A, si vreau sa mi se acorde dreptul de a plange des, in mod oficial. Asa sunt femeile. Nici nu-mi trece prin cap sa-mi car singura sacosa. Eu sunt croita sa car buchete de trandafiri de gradina, din cei care aroma frumos. Ii prefer de culoare roz, in caz ca se intreaba cineva. Incarcatura maxima pe care o pot accepta este un tort de ciocolata care trebuie sa ajunga urgent in fridiger, acasa. Asta da, pot sa car. Dar de multe ori trebuie sa mimez ca imi prieste sa ma descurc singura. Pentru ca dau peste masculi care asteapta asta de la mine. Ma cred o feminista. Pe cuvantul meu ca nu am chef sa platesc jumate-jumate cafeaua cand sunt insotita de un barbat. Dar uneori trebuie sa fac asa, ca sa arat ca sunt o femeie moderna, nu vreo retrograda. Trebuie macar sa ma prefac ca scobesc absorbita in portofel. Altfel, un barbat care a intalnit prea multe feministe o sa creada ca sunt o profitoare de cafele si alte servicii. Imi place sa fac o cafea buna dimineata si sa ma muncesc la un mic dejun pentru doua persoane chiar si trei sferturi de ora. Cand il gusta cineva, vreau sa ma laude mult. Si eu sa ma simt ca o gaina care a creat un ou de aur. Si nu doar, cum ar parea, patru oua gauri normale. Imi plac rochiile incredibil de tare. Imi plac in distinct cele cu buline. Imi plac agrafele cu libelule si glossul pentru buze. Imi place sa fac cumparaturi de sutiene si pantofi. Chiar daca mai am acasa si sutiene si pantofi. Cand o sa fac copii, nu vreau sa ma intorc la serviciu dupa 2 luni de stat acasa. Ma gandesc ca vreau sa alaptez macar un an intreg. Si sa stau acasa cat se poate de mult. Nu cred ca se darama vreo intreprindere, oricat de importanta as fi eu in ea, cat fac eu mere rase cu biscuiti. Chiar daca decid sa fac asta timp de doi ani intregi. Doar mere rase cu biscuiti. Nu vreau sa fiu egala lui, nu suntem cantitati care putem fi masurate cu acelasi instrument de masurat. Cred ca barbatii si sotiile sunt diferiti si e foarte bine asa. Dar de ce tot vorbim despre asta? Despre egalitate? E chiar asa de important subiectul pentru unele dintre noi? Vreau sa raman asa, femeie, pana in varful unghiilor mele pictate mereu in rosu aprins. Unghii care se cuprinde ca o declaratie de feminitate si nu de razboi.
prieteni si poate si mai mult
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Femeie, 44, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

Discreta, modesta, cu bun gust si simt, stiu ce vreau si ce nu vreau. Totusi, am un caracter puternic, sunt independenta, si nu uit incontro am pornit. Prietenul meu nu are cum sa duca lipsa de respect, fidelitate si tandrete. Nu caut aici barbati, caut viitorul meu partener de viata care stie sa iubeasca adanc o femeie, sa-i fie sprijin uneori, si cunoaste rolul femeiei pe pamint. In plus este dinamic, ambitios, si cu picioarele pe pamint. P.S. Cu multa insistenta rog sa cititi profilul meu candva de a ma contacta.
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

I am independent woman. I am a very friendly person and neat. I am multitasking and I like discipline and order in everything. I have my own business, that means that I can easily manage my schedule to do anything that I want to do. I enjoy my spare time visiting new places. I have been in other countries; since I have the access and the visas to visit any place, I have decided to make the effort to go look for the right man for me.. is it You?
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

Sunt de moda veche. Eu cred ca un mascul trebuie sa-mi ofere locul in transportul public, chiar daca nu sunt insarcinata si nu am sacose grele. Da, el ar necesita sa deschida usa pentru mine si sa-mi intinda mana atunci cand cobor din autobuz, chiar daca nu ne cunoastem si nu ne vom cunoaste niciodata. Sunt femeie, aceasta reprezinta ca sunt mai vulnerabila. Sunt de moda veche. Eu cred ca un barbat ar trebui sa plateasca pentru mine la restaurant sau la cinema si nu ar trebui sa apara intrebarea : "Cine plateste astazi?". Sunt de moda veche. Eu cred ca un barbat ar trebui sa aiba vigilenta de mine-sa ma intrebe daca am pus un fular calduros si daca n-am uitat sa mananc. Consider ca a pregati masa, a spala lenjeria si a calca camasile barbatului meu este datoria mea istorica, si vad in acest lucru autentica fericire a femeii- a avea grija de sotul tau. Eu cred ca un barbat trebuie sa fie putin dur, ferm, curajos si puternic. Ca eu sa ma pot simti aproape el tandra si firava - femela de care e atat de agreabil sa ai grija, s-o protejezi si s-o rasfeti. Și cat de intensa n-as fi, ar trebui sa fiu slaba. Suntem impreuna, iar aceasta inseamna ca trebuie sa ne respectam reciproc si sa respectam alegerea noastra. Vreau sa arat bine pentru el, ca el sa aprecieze si sa fie constient de faptul ca eu, prietena lui, sunt cea mai frumoasa! Vreau sa fiu doar sotia lui. Ieri, astazi si toata viata!
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

placuta Visele de astazi sa devina reealitate,sperantele de maine impliniri,orice cadere un pas candva gandul bun si fericirea sa ma insoteasca mereu.Fiecare rasarit de soare sa imi aduca o pofta ,iar fiecare apus de soare sa o implineasca;
arat binisor
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

I am very kind and honest girl. I have a great sense of humor. I am very purposeful and always going to the end. I love the spring and summer. I love to relax in nature and swim in the river or in the sea.
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

nu prea imi place sa ma descriu asa ca las pe altii:P:P Ich liebe es, neue Dinge auszuprobieren, wenn ich etwas in meinen Kopf stecke. Ich mache es und bin sehr streng mit mir. Ich bin sehr empfindlich gegenüber anderen und ich bin nicht böse auf andere, egal was sie mir antun und keine Rache suchen, aber ich halte mich dann von diesen Menschen fern. Ich liebe Respekt und bewundere Menschen, die es aufrichtig zugeben und sich bei Feller entschuldigen.
destul de bine...zic eu...:):)
sa ma placa asa cum sunt:):)
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

I'm very loyal friend, down to earth person and grounded. I have great sense of humor, and very content with who I am and what I've become and established. I like to fix things "I got tools" lol. I speak Little English, I'm working on it anyway English.
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

O femeie,cu capul pe umeri! Caut un domn serios ,de varsta apropiata mie,pentru o posibila casatorie sau o relatie stabila si demna,lipsita de vicii.Cei care nu aveti poza reala la profil, nu va incadrati in categoria cautarii mele, aventurierii ,va rog sa treceti mai departe peste profilul meu.Rog, multa seriozitate!
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

incapatanata Buna! Este o durere sa-ti chinui viata pana la sfarsit. Am avut nevoie de mult curaj sa ma inscriu aici, viata mi-a fost contra mereu. Sunt o persoana normala, calma, meticuloasa, credincioasa si cu toate acestea numai cred intr-o alta sansa
frumusik foc:*:*
un mascul care sa ma inteleaga
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

Sunt o persoana draguta,spontana,vesela,optimista. I want to see your smile every morning, kiss you everywhere i want, hold your hand and think about you all the time ! Do you see the thruth through all their lies ? And if you want to talk about it anytime - Write! On you it depend!
Va las pe voi sa descoperiti asta.
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Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

Sant serioasa linistita educata si sufletita caut relatie serioasa I love life and see the glass half full. I am always mesmerized by the ocean and want the person I am with to feel a connection also. I love to be fun and spontaneous and enjoy each day finding something joyful to smile about, i am seeking a long term relationship willing to relocate if things work.
Relatie serioasa de casatorie
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Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

sociabila Peaceful yet playful. Good sense of humor. I am creative and I enjoy learning for a better balance in life. I appreciate giving and receiving without keeping scores. Honesty is a must. Like beauty in life and people. Like my life full of "spices". Like people who know to listen. Like meaningful content. Spontaneity and being genuine. More at a different time and place.
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

I think that the way people attract each other has nothing to do with their character or appearance. We can spend many years dreaming of some desavarsit but then out of a sudden fall in love with exhaustiv antipode and realise that this is whom we waited for all our life. Love is a beautiful feeling and we should tresure it once we find it. By nature I am amiable and kind person. I try to see the good side of everything.
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

Buna m-a numesc Mariana imi place sa caut un mascul care sa vrea o relatie serioasa .....sunt desteapta ,frumoasa si imi merge mintea.mai multe aflati cand m-a veti cunoaste.ce imi place la un barbat ?....totul daca se afla iubire si nu imi vor nimic decat sa fie serios ca in rest putem face orce.
Frumos,placut si destept
Un mascul serios si capabil de o relatie si iubire reala in rest putem construi laolalta tot ce vrem important sa fim serios unul cu celalalt .
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Femeie, 49, Necasatorit(a)
Vaslui Romania

Santem responsabili pentru ceea ce facem cat si pentru ceea ce nu facem. sunt eleganta .isteata si devreme acasa dar mai ales modesta.simtul umorului e la purtator.sunt aici ca sa ma laud. insa daca cineva vrea sa ma cunoasca.trebuie sa fie la fel ca mine si un pic mai destept.
Sant o prietena normala fara artificii.
Imi doresc sa cunosc un mascul cu coloana vertebrala asumat care stie ce vrea de la viata.
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