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Sentimente Ro Timisoara Fete

Cele mai sexy sentimente ro timisoara fete sunt pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

dragutza de treaba curioasa sa imi fac mai multi prieteni -Simpl?? In cel mai complex mod -Timd?? Cu un tupeu fantastic -Energic?? Intr-o lene notorie -Z?p?cit?? La cel mai serios mod -Rea? Dar totu?i..bun?;) -Frumoas?? Pentru c? a?a m? consider si a?a sunt considerat? -Mandr?? Pentru c? am de ce! : -Dur?? Pentru c? tu m`ai f?cut a?a Copilaroas?? Doar cand vreau :x -Fericit?? Pentru c?\'mi place s?`mi tr?iesc via?a din plin : -Sincer?? Pentru c? nu suport lumea prefacut? -Dificil?? Pentru c? nu ma las u?or ca toate tarfele! -Iubit?? Pentru c? merit ;;] -Adorat?? Pentru c? sunt a?a cum sunt :x
sexy si rea
persoane dragute de treaba si dornice sa imi fie prieteni( cupluri si fete bi) sunt o tipa bi curioasa astept mesaje pupici
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

Sunt o fata de treaba serioasa si sincera. sunt nici frumoasa,nici urita,nici bogata,nici saraca,imi plac oamenii si acord circumstante atenuante oricarei persoane,dar pastez distanta dintre mine si cei care vorbesc necuvincios..viata este atit de scurta incit este pacat sa ni-o scurtam si noi..sunt o prietena calma,am multa intelegere ptr fiintele suferinde de boala,imi place sa ascult muzica picaturilor de place sa privesc orizontul cu toate transformarile lui..
Sunt blonda cu ochi albastri ,inaltime potrivita si slabuta.
as cauta sa am multi prieteni din toata lumea.Si atat fete cat si baieti.Sa aiba simtul umorului,sa nu fie cu fitze.In concluzie sa fie de treaba.
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pokerul tau
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

Buna .. sunt o tipa lesbi deci nu va prea agitati sa ma agatati. Vreau doar sa cunosc oameni pentru ca ma consider o tipa grozav de sociabila.. I dream of becoming an excellent wife, caring and attentive. I want to facute an atmosphere of mutual understanding, peace and freedom in relations, and I'm ready to work long and hard for this, because I understand the perfect couple does not exist, good and harmonious relations and the fruit of the works of two close people. I'm a kind, hardworking and purposeful woman, a good hostess. Communication is my strong forte. I speak bluntly, but with charm and wit.
Nici mica dar nici mare.. inceput serios de muschi abdominali(pachetele)... fiindca am facut sport de reusita cred ca sunt ok din punct de vedere gizic
Caut fete pentru discutii si placerea comunicarii.
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Oana Stancu
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

Sorry boys, I have boyfriend (I love him). I DONT want to MEET and SPEAK men (no WASTE time, please). Never READ messages from boys!!Automatically erase them. Im just here ONLY seeking for GIRLS, to have a friendly relationship.
In cautare de barbati in varsta care doresc emotii de memorat dar si fete bi ce vor sa intretina relatii intime!
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

Sunt o persoana ca oricare, cu defecte si calitati, sociabila,descurcareata,nu depind de nimeni,dar cred ca toti putem avea o a doua sansa in viata, Poate cineva gandeste la fel,poate are trebuinta de comunicare,poate gasim in doi o raza de fericire
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

Stiu ce vreau ! Cu simtul umorului bine dezvoltat! What am I doing here? I often ask this question to myself. I never thought I would be looking for love on the Internet. Not that I don't believe in romance or don't believe in love, just somehow this thought never crossed my mind. But times change, and here I am looking for a man. Not just a man, though, but THE MAN. My man... I don't even know what he should be like, so many girls faurite a precise image, and then try to judge every man by the similarity to that deplin image they've created. This is silly. I only know what qualities he should possess - he is strong (and here I don't mean heaps of muscles, but rather the internal strength), caring, affectionate, reasonable, supportive, intelligent and have that crazy side to himself because otherwise he will not understand me, because I'm not a typical girl. Do you think you match the description and want to know what makes me different from the rest? Just write me, I will gladly tell you ;-)
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

Sunt o persoana sincera si ambitioasa. Intr-o viata atat de dura, mincinoasa si trista, incerc sa zambesc continuu si caut pace, iubirea, echilibru din toate punctele de vedere.... Cer sa traiesc inca 30 de ani macar, in iubire exclusiva si manifestata zilnic....
Va las pe voi sa va dati cu parerea...:)
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

sunt o fire foarte vor sa cunosc cat mai multe persoane I am a good and cool lady who is friendly and like hanging out with family and friends. I like communication and likes to joke. I am new to this internet thing, i am on a try for a luck. I am only 5'6 tall, average and sportive. I like to meet someone who would like me as i am .
constictutie atletica
o persoana sa ma inteleaga si sa putem discuta de toate
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Poze verificate
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

i am 34 years old i can speak Good English i am honest serious hard worker . i like music dance swimming travel read Cook restaurant, i like a man who like to be with is wife in is free time i am here for serious not for those who are playing game please if you are one of them i beg you don't contact me because i want something serious and honest .
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

Draguta,sincera putea potrivi, poza mea iti 'spune' ceva, atunci sa nu ai retineri, doar stii si tu ca din nimic nu iese nimic si, prin urmare, eu am produs initialul pas - acum este randul tau. Am intentii foarte serioase, viata este scurta" o relatie serioasa chiar o casatorie !
60 kg , 175 m ,
Barbat generos
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

placuta zic uni I am a woman in the full meaning of this word.....i can be gentle and eccentric, passionate and tender, loving and hating. a spontaneous person, like everything new, and creative. I can say i am a bit of experimentator :))))))
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

Eu...caut,dar sunt sigura ca nu mai exista.Dupa ce am impartit 12 ani bune si rele,am devenit "Babaciune zbarcita"si "Pensionara".Cred ca toti barbatii ,dupa ce se folosesc mare de femei,le arunca intr-o debara,le tin ascunse,iar viata lor continua cu o relatie paralela,cu vreo Bunaciune in loc de Babaciune.Niciodata nu am visat la vreun print superb si bogat,dat fiind faptul ca nici eu nu sunt vreo Madona.Imi vor un om cu bun simt,care sa stie ce este acela RESPECT,si care intr-adevar sa isi doreasca o relatie cuminte,bazata macar pe respect reciproc,daca A IUBI oricum nu mai reprezinta nimic in zilele noastre.Eu sunt o sotie normala,spun eu...,vesela ,glumeata,inca dornica de o expresie sau alta de distractie.Sunt si nenorocita daca este cazul,imi scot si eu ghearele ,daca este nevoie.Dar deja sunt scarbita de gheare,colti si pumni,rautati si jigniri.DOAR daca te regasesti in caracteristicile pe care le caut,cauta-ma.Daca esti obsedat sexual,cumpara in alta regiune.Aici e inchis.
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

I feel something in my heart, it's like a little flame, every time I see you, this flame lights up, this flame is special for you, because I LOVE YOU!.? God is so wise that He never created friends with pricetags,because if he had ,I could never have afforded a PRECIOUS ANGEL LIKE YOU!
un tip bine rau
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mika 31
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

i don't like speak about myself because usually there are so many emotions, memories and thoughts that i have in my mind that it's so hard to chose only a few words to describe this. And i would prefer much more if there was a chance to look into my eyes because the whole world is reflected into them. what exactly? there is happiness because i am surrounded by marvelous people who i love and who loves me. there is excitement because waking up every day, there was no a day when i wasn't surprised with the clouds on the sky, with the tree that changes its colors every day, with passers-by who i meet on my way somewhere. there is love not only to people but also to things, to nature, to life. There is joy because i know that each situation in my life both pleasant or not really is teaching me something and i am trying to learn. but there is also some sadness sometimes because i miss one very important person in my life whom i can wait as long as it is necessary but i will better go towards him. maybe here i'll meet who I need and who needs me...
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

I am a happy person, i love to smile laugh,i think am a very down to earth and easy going, i love cooking, listening to music,spending time with family.. i am a person of confidence optimistic, lovely and a simple girl..
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Poze verificate
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

I am a fun-loving Woman with a good sense of humor, I am caring, thoughtful, hardworking and very loyal to the ones I love. I will go out of my way to help anyone if I could possibly do so. I believe in Romance ,Love and Living Life to the fullest. I want to find someone who wants to be in a positive, long-lasting relationship based on trust, love and faith-fullness. I enjoy learning new things, having fun and sharing in a good conversation. I want a woman that remembers to be romantic, thoughtful, considerate, respectful and compassionate. I don't believe this is too much to ask for in mutual relationship. I love giving and receiving kisses, hugs, and caresses. I am good at giving a good massage, but expect to get one as well. I believe in sharing what I have with the people I love, .I believe family is very important on both sides of a relationship and will go out of my way to keep the peaceful atmosphere of a happy home life, I do not like liars. I am a woman, and I want to find that distinct man to make me happy and I will also do my best to make him happy too as well..
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

I enjoy exercising daily which either involves training or aerobics. I think it is important to exercise and eating very healthy meals. I love to go out dancing, to nice romatic dinners and shopping at large malls like the Mall of America. I enjoy romantic music and slow dancing as well an fast dancing. I prefer romantic, attractive, affectionate men. I believe that romance is a very important part of the relationship. I enjoy men who are confident with themselves and are not afraid to express themselves in a diplomatic way
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

Sunt o persoana sociabila si foarte deschisa, restu las sa descoperiti ! I am a very open minded person, someone who accepts people as they are, I am a fair individual who adapts to changes in life and enjoys life to the fullest,and looking to meet a man that i can spend the rest of my life with in goodtimes and in badtimes as well, A man that I can love and cherished with all my whole being and heart and I pray to God almighty that he will provide me with that kind of a woman someday in my life. I'm pride of myself in being honest and most trustworthy, I seek that in a mate, someone who is compassionate yet understanding who has a calm behaviour and a great personality.
Astept parerea ta 1
Un mascul placut, dispus sa incerce tot ce e nou , distractiv , comunicativ si daca e sa fie sa avem o relatie. Dar rog seriozitate !
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

Sexi si placuta. Am un caracter sociabil si ma inteleg bine cu toti cei binecrescuti O vorba inteleapta spune:"Ceea ce stii folosesti, iar ceea ce nu stii te foloseste." Aplicand-o am dobandit o atitudine curajoasa si increzatoare. Intotdeauna sunt optimista, efect a studiilor psihologice, dar si a cursurilor pentru sporire personala, pe care le tin ca trainer. Astfel mi-am prevazut dictonul: "Cine crede in zbor, este stapan peste zare."(Lucian Blaga)
Sunt o dulce. Pozele sunt reale iar eu si mai si
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

"Imi place sa iau drumul la intamplare, sa calatoresc multimea si sa experimentez distincte culturi, familia si credinta mea sunt destul de importante pentru mine, caut pe cineva care poate fi dragostea mea si cel mai bun prieten
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

prea BUNA pt lumea asta...:p Congratulations. I search for serious attitudes to me 28, I very urgently wish to have family, but in me problems to find to me directly the young man here I have addressed in the Internet of cafe, and to me have told, that it is possible to find the person of dream here... I hope, that you will answer me.... ???????? ?? ??????? Concerning age differences, if I have written you that it already means that I am not afraid of your age, it means that I look least at age. I consider that the the man is more senior, the more it can give to the girl of life experience, will be wise in councils and will not allow to make an error.
tipa din poze
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Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

hmm sunt o neboona si imi place sa ii fac pe pe cei din jurulmeu fericiti.Imi iubesc f mult prietenii si cluburile aaaaa si pe JUSTIN XAVIER aka R. tzeparu:))) I enjoy fine dining and am always looking for someone to share the appreciation of good food and fine wine. I am just as comfortable with my hair up in old jeans as with my hair down wearing my favorite little inchis la culoare dress.
bruneta ochi caprui
caut un tanar de 26 de ani:))) saten inchis 1 60-65:))pervers mincinos cu audi sa ma duc la bar select sa imi cumepere suc cu 30 de mii sa comenteze cand prietena mea cere red asculte ce spun altii nu ce spun eu si nu in ultimul rand sa se poarte "fain" cu mine.....
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

well im seeking for a Long term relationship man who is ready to love and take care of me and my sons, a man who we can build a family family home together and treat each other like a King and Queen .the kind of man i can spend the rest of my life with as husband and wife .and have good time to make love to each other
arat bine zic eu
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

Serioasa, moderata, calma.Sunt copil si adult totodata,prietena candva de toate,curioasa atat cat imi permite bunul simt!Imi vor un suflet pereche alaturi de care sa ma simt implinita,fericita si caruia sa-i pot fi alaturi la bine si la greu! Sunt o familista convinsa .
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

cunoaste-ma si te vei convinge :) "Cine sunt!?... o nevasta impresionata de descoperirile sufletului, o iubita care se mira cu sinceritate de pulsatiile unei inimi, o prietena care crede ca primeste daruri pretioase, ascunse intr-o privire sau intr-un zambet, o sotie "agresiv de sincera si cu simtul umorului restul se intreaba, cine vrea.... despre mine... o femeie...simpla si complicata in acelasi regasesc in multiple lucruri pe care le regasesc in cerul senin al primaverii, in soarele arzator al verii, pentru ca imi place vara si deseori asa sunt si eu... lumnioasa ca o zi de vara, ma regasesc in toamna melancolica, in frunzele ce cad triste pe alei pentru ca de foarte multe ori melancolica sunt si eu...iar cateodata ma regasesc in neaua alba a iernii, in cristalele mici de gheata...cateodata mi-e deseori sunt trista...momente in care singuratatea si linistea sunt lucrurile de care am nevoie...iubesc probabil asa cum face chiar ce femeie...sunt un melanj de sentimente, de emotii care de care mai contrarii...iubesc, urasc, plang, rad, sufar, cad si ma ridic de fiecare data! eu...sunt un metisaj de sentimente, un amestec de culori calde si reci, sunt ploia ce cade din cer, sunt in picaturile care se prabusesc de asfaltul negru, cenusiu, sunt zambetul sunt adierea de vant , sunt apa .. Nu caut imposibilul, dar accept doar persoane serioase, decente , cu bun simt care pot aprecia valorile umane si tot ce fiecare clipa ne ofera in mersul nostru cotidian. Multumesc.. celor care inteleg..!!!
sunt...ce cauti
doresc sa cunosc persoane noi,sociabile,dragute
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Doina Alina
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

Sunt o romantica:)...dar cu picioarele pe pamant, iubesc tot ce tine de frumos, sensibila, sociabila, comunicativa, ceativa, iubitoare de sport, natura, muzica.... restul las sa descoperiti voi:)) si simptul umorului:)))
Cred e trecut in profil:D
Conversatii, prieteni noi cu care sa fac schimb de idei, pareri....!!!
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

I am a woman with a big heart. But I will open my heart for one man who will find sparkle in it. I want to live a happy life with our family and make each other happy. I dream to have a good and friendly family. I have calm character and I will always care for my man. I will support and live soul-in-soul with my soul mate. I want to be married with my man whom I will give my heart. I have many interests and I like to be developed in many spheres and I am interested in everything. I want to achieve life goals together with my man.
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

Modesta si sportiva Pot spune despe mine k sunt o fata fara fite, figuri si impresii...imi place sa fiu sa`mi recunosc sunt asa de daca ma supar...imi trece extrem repede incerc sa schimb fiintele care nu`mi gandesc doar la cat de greu imi este sa ma skimb pe atunci inteleg cate sanse am cand incerc sa`i schimb pe asemenea sunt destul de un suflet multa iubire de oferit ! detest prefacutii..mincinosii...oamenii de nimic ador sinceritatea si detest minciuna , URASC ALCOOLUL !! ! sunt asa cum asa cum sunt cineva ma accepta ! :X sunt pasionata de e zi in care sa nu fac..macar 1 poza..:D..viata este un joc murdar incerc sa joc cat de curat fac nicicand totul dintr`o ca stiu ca atunci cand v`a pleca...o sa realizez ca am ramas cu nimic ce mana primesc cu aia dau ..merg pe un solitar principiu : viata trebuie inteleasa privind inapoi si traita privind candva ! :) 0743804498 nr meu de tel :P
Numai muschi :))
Un barbat adevarat !!! sa fiu pt el sa fie pt mine ;)
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Poze verificate
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

va las pe voi.......... I am honest, hard working with sharp sense of humour ... single decent sober woman looking for a decent sober man.i want to spend some time with a man who is self assured and confident, with alot of attitude.i want a man who makes me smile when i think of him, i want a man who makes me warm when i talk to him, i want a man who gives me chills when i walk to him, i just want a man who makes me want to be with him for the rest of my life eventhough i know that won,t come easy. i am willing to give it a chance and see what the outcome would be. i would like to meet someone to share the good times ahead, the past is past. fine dinners ,long walks ,cuddles and hugs, sunsets in far away places, new friends and old, i am just a woman with love to give, my heart is an open book and all that is needed is you to read the pages and not just look at the cover, we are all looking for that one rarisim person to enjoy the future with so lets not hesitate to learn and know more about each other.i believe in a relationship where gender equality is shown in all areas of the relationship, a relationship where understanding takes the center stage than having to argue, a relationship where there is 100% freedom of expression and not only one person always dictating for the other... freedom of worship... a relationship where both partners are willing and ready to work hand in hand to see to the success of the relationship A partner that is God fearing, humble, down to earth, sociable, respects both the young and old, hard working, trustworthy.
Noi prieteni......
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

...sunt o persoana cu caracter dominant ... nu-mi place sa ma caracterizez....sunt o fire misterioasa imi place sa fiu descoperita......... Sunt o fire realist? ?i de aceea nu prea m? mai zguduie nimic... am tr?it numeroase experien?e ?i am recunoscut toate fe?ele pe care le pot avea oamenii. Experien?ele de via?? m-au inv??at s? nu mai am a?tept?ri de la ceilal?i ?i s? nu mai depind de nimeni. Nu mai a?tept s? mi se recunoasc? meritele, nici s? fiu in?eleas? ?i nici s? mi se r?spund? in mod echitabil la sentimente ?i la felul in care rela?ionez.
pozele sunt de ajuns....
Sunt atrasa de masculii rai, usor salbatici, puternici,indrazneti si imprevizibili impreuna de care nu m-as plictisi niciodata. Sunt o persoana extravaganta, care adora riscul si nu ar putea porni la drum alaturi de un barbat prea cuminte!
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

sunt imi place sa ma distrez:D I am a simple and caring girl with a good manners and good sense of humor and I like to share time with the person that I love.I would like to meet a man who is caring, honest, sincere, thoughtful, somebody who wants to build a family and spend time with me. fundul bumbat:))) simtzul umorului..siiii..mai vb :D
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Femeie, 33, Casatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

I want to find a person for life, with whom we will realizate an amazing relationship. I want to be with an open and sincere person who will be honest with me. I believe that care and constant attention to each other are very important. I sincerely hope to meet such a person and create a happy future together.
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Fryda sexy
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

Las asta la deschrierea voastra Caut prieteni. Oameni de treaba, cu multa scoala si buna crestere, iubitori de Dumnezeu. Sunt o fire extrem activa, hotarata, filantropica, nu am timp de povesti cu pesti cu oameni lipsiti de integritate.
Caut sinceritate oameni cu suflet bun si cineva cu care sa ma inteleg
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

fata snur fara tate fara cur:) Fosta gimnasta, nu beau si nu fumez. Caut un domn care sa locuiasca la mine( desi eu cred ca,caut acul intr un car cu fin) , sa nu fumeze si sa nu consume alcool decit ocazional sau mai bine de loc. Am trei copii stabiliti la casele lor,deci locuiesc singura. SUNT O PERSOANA DESCHISA,VESELA DAR GREU DE CONVINS!! ...SA FITI IUBITI.
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

Fac sala in timpu liber Ia€™m looking for serious relationship here, as I am choosing the mate of my life! I hope to meet sweet, reliable, caring man and wonderful person in general. Knowing myself I can say that I often pay attention at a mana€™s eyes. I hope you have kind eyes and will show me your wide smile when we meet.
Inalta Slaba toate dotarile
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

La femme fatale..:)))) My equal will be honest, warm, self-aware, a good conversationalist and trusted companion. A good sense of humour never goes astray, though I'd settle for someone who laughs at my jokes :) Most importantly I need a man with an open heart, who knows how to truly value and connect with others. A man who makes me feel like I just got home. Does that sound like you? Don't just sail on by. Drop me a line. As Ernest Hemingway once wrote, "My big fish must be somewhere." - The Old Man and the Sea
under construction...
Imprevizibilul mascat in previzibil
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

Doresc o relatie seriosa ...fara mincini si sa ma accepte asa cum sunt ...peste citeva luni astept un copil Hello,Im Jenilyn.Im single mother for 8yrs.I never been married.I want to find a serious relationship that can lead into marriage..To Love my daugther as his own.Im Loving,caring,trustworthy and GOD Fearing.
Mica de statura frumosa dar fara noroc ...imi doresc o relatie serioasa
Un baiat sa ma accete cum sunt si sasi doresca o familie
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

sunt eu :) I consider myself a very easy going person, even tempered. I love to go for long walks during a beautiful summer sunset with my dog Max along the wonderful walking trails by my home, going for walks during a gentle snowfall in the winter and walks during a crisp and sunny autumn day. I love to cook and a perfect evening would be to decide on a wonderful menu and cook together while enjoying a fine glass of red wine and great music. I enjoy many type of music from easy listening jazz to classical to country western especially Ian Tyson. One of my hobbies is landscape painting and have become quite good, enough so that I can give them away as gifts to my family. My life long passion is genealogy and have been discovering my family roots for the past years. Love old movies, scrabble and nature.
ma simt bine in pielea mea...
prieten,prieteni,persoane deosebite...
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Timisoara, Timis Romania

Everything in life is temporary. So if things are going good, enjoy it because it wona€™t last forever. And if things are going bad, dona€™t worry. It cana€™t last forever either. ...cei fara chip care va ascundeti de voi insiva...nici la dialog nu ma apelati...e pierdere de vreme...
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