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Femei Singure Navodari

Cele mai sexy femei singure in cautare de barbati din Navodari sunt pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

sunt ice, deci spun totul prin asta, dar.... sunt si baby, deci alege ce vrei sa fiu si am sa fiu intocmai contrariul.. About my hobbies. I like to sing, write poems, listening to music and dancing to the beat, swimming, playing Basketball, watching TV, Movies going to GYM and comedies. I love friends and family, I am a fun person and make friends easily. I am a person who is very real when it comes to life and it's issues. Am honest, kind caring, affectionate, good sense of humor, easy going, free thinker, trustworthy and respect the lives of other people.
numai buna de lins in talpa... ba nu, urma de la talpa...
nimic special, doar o raza calduta, pentru a ma face sa ma topesc..
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Femeie, 21, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

vezi tu........... Here I am among women seeking men. I joined the dating site to find my other half. I am a quite serious and confident person, but I can relax and have fun as well. I can be a little bit sentimental. When someone of my mates or friends is sad, I try to boost their mood and help them to get rid of these negative emotions. I like traveling, meeting new people and making friends
pe cineva potrivit mie
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

I dream to meet a man, who is looking for a mutual love and respect. I just want to full our hearts of happiness and romantic atmosphere! I dream to create relationships, where we can be honest with each other and should be able to rely on each other when it is needed.
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

sociabila,simtul umorului...........restul descoperiti!!! I enjoy exercising daily which either involves training or aerobics. I think it is important to exercise and eating very healthy meals. I love to go out dancing, to nice romatic dinners and shopping at large malls like the Mall of America. I enjoy romantic music and slow dancing as well an fast dancing. I prefer romantic, attractive, affectionate men. I believe that romance is a very important part of the relationship. I enjoy men who are confident with themselves and are not afraid to express themselves in a diplomatic way
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

Sunt o persoana sociabila si vreau sa-mi fac noi prieteni. I'm a girl which perfectly blends beauty, nature and the creative feminine coquetry. You can experience with me pleasant moments and joy of communicating and being. For my beloved will not be barriers in the knowledge of my essence.
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

O fata simpla sunt o fata diferita de celelalte...fiecare are cate un defect...nimeni nu e angelic iar cel care se crede e in toate sunt ca umblu dupa bani..lux..etc...frumoasa nu ma consider dar fiecare e frumos in felul lui sh cn te place te place asa cum esti...:X
Tot ce e bun
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

i can not complain about me I am a woman; feminine, loving, refined, charming, but not self-centered, the one who is very caring and knows how to treat her man, surrounding him with affection which results in intimacy, satisfaction, anticipation, and joy all wrapped into one package . I have a sympathetic and exceptionally kind, gentle nature, I understand and respect others, able to listen and support. I am very good at solving other people's conflicts and easily find a compromise in any situation. I am active and hardworking, I am able to put tremendous amounts of energy into doing the task which is important to fulfilling a goal which is mutual for my partner and me. I am joyful, charged with optimism and positive energy, and it is never boring with me.I can be very creative, smart and spontaneous in order to make my soul mate happy. I enjoy spending my free time in the countryside having rest after the city fuss. I feel comfortable when I can see the open sky. I adore spending romantic evenings with my partner.
i think not bad
man who invites me to travel abroad
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

Hmmm....niciodata nu mi-a placut sa ma autocaracterizez,insa..daca tot sunt aici :P Sunt o persoana spontana,imi place sa rad mult si sa fiu mereu in miscare...ador muzica si \"interactiunea interpersonala\" :D
Ohh that hurts :P Aici prefer sa nu ma exprim, sa aprecieze altii..uite-asa!!
Nu caut nimic,insa accept mai tot :) curiozitatea m-a impins aici...insa nu strica nicicand amici de peste tot, nu?Rock on :D
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

no coment I am Godly lady who is sometimes fun, sometimes serious, but always real. I feel laughter is the key to good health and life! I love people, enjoy mingling and having some good clean fun. I am a very loyal and no nonsense woman. My relationship with my Savior and family are very dear and important to me. I love to have fun with my family and friends.
just fun
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valentina vli
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

Sunt o persoana desfatatoare , sociabila si intelegatoare cand e cazul I'm a very honest and sincere person. Kind of old-fashioned in ways. I enjoy cooking, baking, spending time with family. I love the mountains and the sea. Anything specific you'd like to know about me, please feel free to message and ask!
Caut un mascul care sa ma respecte , sa ma iubeasca si sa imi prezinte o siguranta din toate punctele de vedere
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

sunt o tipa sociabila...indrasneata, imi place sa fiu tratata ca o printesa...ador sa dansez (in liceu am fost majoreta)! imi pare putin rau ca am terminat... Sunt o persoana vesela, cu mult orizont, artista,muncitoare, imi plac plimbarile cu bicicleta, pe jos, joc badminton, fac sky,sunt bine in pielea mea. Caut un mascul care sa ma reprezinte, pentru ca imi place sa spun te iubesc si sa iubesc. De fapt caut un barbat de care sa ma instragostesc ca la 20 ani, nefumator si care este bine incadrat in societate.
167cm, sunt slabuta si obisnuiesc sa ma imbrac in fuste...ador fustele ff scurte...:)
caut prieteni...:)
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

Sweet flowera€¦:)) sometimes wild, sometimes tender and very lovinga€¦like to communicate with people, learn English and look for my soulmate:) Hmm, a little bit shy..very sexy anda€¦super girl!! And it is me!!!!
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

va las pe voi sa ma descoperiti...:P Ich bin eine echte Frau, die einen echten Mann sucht. Ich liebe es, mit meinen Lieben ganz allein zu sein und für den Rest meines Lebens mit ihm zusammen zu sein. Ich liebe es, mit Freunden unterwegs zu sein und manchmal ganz allein zu sein, und ich werde dazu bereit sein Sicheres Fundament und liebender Mann für den Rest meines Lebens, Alter ist nichts für mich, ich möchte einen Mann, der liebevoll, fürsorglich und aufgeschlossen ist
jupanul idilic care NU exista!!!!
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

Este important sa alegi cu cine sa vorbesti, dar si mai important este sa intelegi cu cine trebuie sa taci.Timpul linisteste si lamureste. Nici o dispozitie sufleteasca nu poate persista neschimbata de-a lungul timpului. (T. Mann) Nu umpleti nicicand goluri din suflet cu oricine!
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania incerc sa fiu obiectiva...cei apropiati mie ar spune cam asa: sociabila, vesela, inteligenta, spontana, mult prea sincera. eu as creste cam tot atatea defecte, dar n-o sa-mi fac acum antireclama, nu?
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

I very emotional and kind during too time the person. I like to dream, as I the romantic person. I do not like to stop before the risen problem on a way because for me there is no nothing achievable. I simply purposeful person. I like to find sufficient time for sports because it to me allows to support the body in the good form. I love a life, as I very cheerful person. I the optimist also think that it speaks about much. To me to like to listen to music, to go to cinemas. I like to find out always something new and for this purpose I go to museums, I read interesting books. Still I like painting as by means of the image it is possible to tell very much much. I like to communicate with interesting people... In general I the versatile person and about myself can tell very much much... But I shall do it when I shall find on this site of the person with which to me it will be interesting.
dupa cum se vede
nu conteaza
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania vrei sa afli singur? nu stiu ce sa spun ,am 63 de ani sunt vaduva,la pensie,imi place s acitesc ,sa ma plimb ,muzica clasica ,as vrea sa mai gasesc un job ,cel mai bun ar fi la domiciliu,nu mai stiu ce sa spun ,intreaba ma ce vrei sa mai sti
tu ce ai zice ?
persoane educate,interesante, stiu ce vor de la care poti sa ai o conversatie,fara fite si figuri...:)
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

O fire cu simtul umorului... caut o relatie frumoasa,tandra, serioasa, pe termen lung, nu caut inca mai cred in dragoste...sper chiar sa ma indragostesc...din nou...Nu ma intereseaza decat barbati din Bucuresti, sau care au intentia sa se stabileasca in Bucuresti...Si educatia este f fel si bunul simt...Va doresc succes la toti care cautati dragostea...!!!
Vei vedea..
Baietii cu care am ce vb
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

A lonely woman who gladly fills everyday with laughter. Would probably be described as clumsy and absolutely nothing against it :) Despite my sour humor, I do not find it difficult to be there as a pillar if needed. Good listener than I'd like to disskut everything and nothing. Independent but appreciate sharing tasks with someone. In my spare time so I read a lot, watch movies, go out in the countryside, cook and enjoy big parties for dinners! Not so funny to just cook for myself. I'm quite calm as a person, but I have temperament or maybe it's just that I have strong opinions ?! Looking for someone to share the ups and downs of life! Or why not just meet someone I'm comfortable with and feel confident so that the busy and cuddly I come forward. Someone who sees my crunches as an asset. Who would like to be calm and safe, with their own opinions. Who does not fear a woman with skin on her nose!
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

vei vedea I am fundamentally a good-matured and honest girl who enjoys the simple things of life. I can get along well with most people, but I prefer the company of my closest friends or relatives. I am a very humble and giving person with a large heart.
ceea ce imi trebue in functie de moment
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Nico Nicol
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

Om normal ,un pic romantic?,serioas? ,singur?,caut domn asem?n?tor pt.rela?ie,nu vor aventrur? nici s? fiu dublur?.Mul?umesc c? ai citit caut?m? dac? vrei.Acum v? rog doar Caras - Severin ?i ce este m - ai aproximativ s? m? contacteze.Mul?umesc tare mul? pentru in?elegere
Un barbat care sa ma iubeasca :*
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

las la aprecierea voastra I am a cheerful woman with an active lifestyle. I love myself that's why I'm always trying to look beautiful and to take care of myself. The most important thing in life for me is a family and a loving man next to me. I will never betray my loved one and I want to start my life from scratch. By nature, I am very patient, but I'm not going to tolerate if I get offended often. I am looking for my like-minded friend and lover all in one person.
creata,ochi caprui,54 kg,1.70
barbat singur,romanic,cu simtul umorului bine dezvoltat,sincer..
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Simona Stan
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

SIMPLA I am young and ambitious woman. I think that at personal atingere it is possible to learn much about me. I will try to describe myself shortly. I very sociable, kind and romantic woman. Many people say to me, that I very good person. I hate a deceit and lie. I true and loyal, and I always treated very kindly people. I do not look at a material well-being of people, I communicate with different people, I am given by pleasure from dialogue with usual, open people. I too very open woman, and I like to converse in an open and frank manner. I think that at dialogue you will draw conclusions for yourselves, and will understand what I.
va las pe voi sa decideti
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

Caut prieteni. Oameni de treaba, cu multa scoala si buna crestere, iubitori de Dumnezeu. Sunt o fire destul de activa, hotarata, filantropica, nu am timp de povesti cu pesti cu oameni lipsiti de integritate.
Slabuta ,parul brunet ,ochii caprui
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

sunt super de gasca....imi place la nebunie sa ma distrez ....sunt foarte sper sa va placa de mine asa cum sunt...apropo... I am Open-minded person woman ,easygoing I love getting to know people, and having people get to know me. Itelling the Truth(Honesty) and Love is what i show.I hate somebody who is full of lies.I am the Shy type of person and this makes it am passionate, reasonably intelligent, a lover of all things creative,Obedient and Respectful type of person, hard for me to talk or Interact with friends.Friendship is what i need from you.I'd love to meet lovely and caring people who are honest in all their endeavors and are modest in every way and line of their life . I think i have said alot,I will be happy if you would'nt mind telling me who you are,the thing you like and dislike in this World ok..
CE SA zic,,,,MORTAL!!!!!
un tip super din toate punctele de vedere...:>:>:>
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

gentle, fun ,. And maybe it will be next to me that you will be very warm and comfortable. I am trying to find love on this site. I hope that I'm lucky. I will meet the man next to whom I would like to share my life
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

sunt buna rau.... I am a happy, easy and positive person. I work as an engineer in the sea. I like to listen to music in my spare time, go to the beach and the museum, I like being outside, going for a walk, swimming, sailing and traveling. I'm looking for a long term relationship
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

persoana placuta.......dar fiecare cu opinia sa Placuta, linistita, umpluta de viata, pasionala. Imi place sa calatoresc, sa merg la spectacole si concerte, sa dansez, sa ma plimb in aer liber(parc, plaja... etc) Imi place sa rasfat omul de langa mine, prietenului adecvat nu i-ar lipsi curatenia, mancarea buna, atentia mea. Imi place linistea si intelegerea, urasc certurile si agitatia.
ceva de viata ....o sa vedem,si nu rasp la cei fara poze
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

tanara studenta in cautare de trairi noi, orice fantezie este de indeplinit , pofta ta imi e porunca, detin carnet de sofer deci ma pot deplasa la domiciliu , nu percep niciun fel de taxa o fac din pura satisfactie
mica de inaltime , un corp jucaus si un posterior de invidiat
barbat solitar dar si nu numai pregatit pentru tot ce am sa ii ofer
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

SUNT O FIRE MAI SENSIBILA TRAIESC SINGURA FARA PARINTI SI FARA PRIETEN,IUBIT. I love to have fun and have a good laugh. I am a bit cheeky, I hate to be too serious. But i do have very strong morals when it comes to relationship. I am a practicing christian and really want to meet a man who is like minded in his love for God. I am an early childhood educator and run my own business. I enjoy dressing up and dining out, movies, the theatre, ballet. I love cities at night, our Sydney is so gorgeous! I love waterfalls and fountains, best enjoyed with an ice cream. I love nature reflected in water. I have a Labradoodle. I walk most days, I do about an hour and not at a slow pace! Mmmm driving in the country, and down the coast. Picnics, bush walks. I've been on South Pacific cruises and really want to see the Eiffel tower at night, so off to Paris in the Spring time, Italy and Venice too is a dream of mine. It would be wonderful to have someone to share that with, to share life with
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

I'm a humble person with good sense of humour. I do everything in moderation. I'm not perfect and I'm not looking for a perfect person but hoping to find someone TRUTHFUL that I can love with no limitations.
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

destul de isteata si cu simtul umorului dezvoltat Simpatica, vesela, curata, a-mi plac animalele, ordinea , dansul, plimbarile an aer liber, filme, excursii, etc. Sant vaduva si anca lucrez, stabilita an Israel cu locuinta si loc de munca si ash vrea sa cunosc un mascul cu varsta de peste 70 ani pentru relatie de prietenie de indelunga durata si vizite reciproce an cele doua tari.
nu ma pot plange....dar daca voi credeti contrariu va puteti plange in alta parte nu la mine
nimic special doar o conversatie desfatatoare
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

Sunt o persoana cu simtul umorului, si as dori sa intalnesc pe cineva la fel ca mine si in unic cu bun simt.. I am a tender and romantic woman. I wish to admit that I am a woman who knows exactly what she needs in her life and doesn't want to loose time in vain. I like to care about people who are close to me! I have a lot of love in my heart and I want to give it to someone.
las la aprecierea voastra sa descoperiti ce fel de persoana sunt
caut o relarie serioasa bazata in particular pe pwp si astept sa vorbim cine ma vrea in viata lui
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Nicoleta Maria
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

Sunt o fata umpluta de viata doar sa ma cunoasteti I would like to meet a person who is fun ny and smart who is independent caring and loving likes life. who takes pride in work who does not abuse alcohol or drugs. Prefer nonsmoker. Likes his family. I am very independent attractive person.Would like to meet someone of Slovic orgin. I do speak it but need to converse more.
destul de okey
un barbat care sa ma satisfaca mai mereu
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

I am family-oriented, friendly and very communicative person by nature, warm-hearted, faithful, honest and trustworthy, intelligent, loving and caring by nature. I love children and appreciate a good sense of humor, genuine in my wish to meet a man for life with whom I feel easy and who will let me be myself when we are together.
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

I want to find a good man, who will love me and will want to share with me everything - joy of life and happiness of having family. I am an optimist and I think that everything will work out if you make efforts and believe in your success. I am smiling and merry and it is not difficult to make me laugh. I do not need many things for happiness as even really sincere smile and several nice words can make me happy! I am serious about having a family with a man that possesses clasic family values. I have a lot of dreams but the biggest dream of mine is to meet really big love. The word "Love" means a lot to me. I am a girl with traditional family values and I think the highest values in a relationship are true love and respect. I am an educated, kind and tolerant. My heart is full of love to nature and music.
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

o fata serioasa,amuzanta dar si umpluta de viata in acelasi timp.daca doresti sa vorbim cauta-ma. Nu imi place sa ma descriu , imi place sa fiu fara acoperire . Nu imi place nesimtirea , bunul simt ma starneste :) . Nebunia , nonconformism-ul , spontaneitatea si loialitatea ma descriu in mare . Ahh si tine minte , gramatica e sexy ;) .
intocmai ca in poza
un barbat adevarat
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Duca Ioana
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Navodari, Constanta Romania

Sunt o fata modesta , fara obligatii in cautarea unei relatii de indelunga perioada . Sotie tanara, de origine din Brasov,am imigrat in Canada acum 7 ani. Sunt serioasa, sincera, directa si practica. Am insa o latura artistica si poetica, iubesc muzica,animalele,cartile, limbile straine si natura. Cred in a-ti trai viata aproximativ de Dumnezeu. Caut un om ortodox, care sa fie sincer, responsabil, poate si cu simtul umorului. Trebuie sa ii placa copiii si sa fie rabdator cu ei. Am o fetita de 10 luni, careia vreau sa-I ofer o viata crestina , intr-o autentica familie. Nu sunt casatorita, am facut si alegeri gresite in viata, de aceea vreau ca acum alegera sa fie cea buna.
Un barbat care sa iubeasca .
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Femei Singure Navodari

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femei singure navodari
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