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Femei Singure Brasov

Cele mai sexy femei singure in cautare de barbati din Brasov sunt pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

Asa si asa Badoo Brasov, Brasov.
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

I am Ruth by name, I am easy going lady never been married, Am very humble, trustworthy faithful and honest looking for the right man of my life in which we are going to spend all the rest of our life together in peace.. I hope to find the right one on here
placut Femei Brasov, Brasov Disponibile.
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

te las pe tine sa ma descrii :* Iubesc viata, iubesc oamenii, natura. Vor sa devin mai buna in fiecare zi, sa-mi ajut semenii la nevoie, sa aduc zambete si placere in sufletul oamenilor care ma inconjoara. Celebrez viata in fiecare zi, deoarece este un dar pe care l-am primit de la Univers. Vreau sa imi traiesc viata si nu ea pe mine. "Zambeste si te bucura de fiecare zi!" e sloganul meu.
Mai eleganta decat fosta ta :* Femei Sex Brasov, Brasov.
Distractie si de toate :*
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

ce sa zic...imi place distractia.hihihi a€žSa nu cumva sa confunzi personalitatea cu atitudinea. Personalitatea e cine sunt... Atitudinea mea depinde de cine esti tu!a€ Se afla batalii pe care e bine sa le ocolestia€Šnu de teama ca le-ai putea pierde,ci pentru ca ai deveni ridicol castigandu-le ! Nu merge premergator mea pentru ca s-ar putea sa nu te pot urma. Nu merge in urma mea pentru ca s-ar putea sa nu te pot ghida. Mergi alaturi de mine si fii prietenul meu!
las la aprecierea voastra. poate ...poate...ceva mai mult...
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

sunt fierbinte Sant necomplicat eu cu calitatile si defectele mele,cu momentele mele triste si momentele mele vesele,cu vointa mea de a glumi si cu vointa mea de a plange ,cu forza mea si cu fragilitatea mea sant eu,simplu eu
las la alegerea dvs.
un tip tandru,sincer,cu bun simt
femei singure brasov
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Adina Mihaela
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

Buna , sunt Mihaela ... I am a very simple and easy going young lady ,I am honest, fun, affectionate, supportive. I like jogging at the park, reading, going to movies, museums, and festivals. I enjoy cooking with that singular man in my life and spending quiet times together. I'm hoping to find a great guy who is looking for a real relationship that will turn into long-term.
Am 1.71 m . Sunt slabuta , cu parul saten .
de treaba , amuzant care as stie de simtul umorului sa stie de gluma etc ..
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

Simpatica, deschisa la discutii, foarte sociabila. Este extrem sa iubesti,dar dragostea unei persoane nu-ti poate umple golul din suflet.Umplerea acestui gol este responsabilitatea ta.Ai necesitate sa iubesti si sa te afirmi pe tine insuti zi de zi,clipa de clipa.Fara iubire de tine insuti,indiferent cat de multa iubire primesti de la partenerul tau,nu este de ajuns.A cauta sa obtii iubirea de la o alta persoana inseamna a te comporta ca de pilda aloolicul care cauta sa obtina fericirea de la o sticla.Cu cat bea mai mult cu atat mai putin satisfacut se simte- si cu atat vrea sa bea mai mult.Toti suntem dependenti de starea de a fi indragostit.Dar,dupa ce am a€žcazuta€œde cateva ori si ne-am rupt cateva oase emotionale,e de asteptat sa devenim putin mai intelepti.Stim ca,mai curand sau mai tarziu,va trebui sa fim autentici unul cu celalalt.Aceasta este deosebirea intre idila si parteneriat.Idila este o incercare de a mentine dependenta.Ea are o viata destul de scurta.Parteneriatul este un dans a doi oameni obisnuiti,care invata sa traiasca impreuna,zi de zi.Este o scoala umpluta de provocari.Adeseori,este mai mult munca decat joaca.Si,cu siguranta,necesita mult mai multa adaptare psihologica,decat pot darui ani intregi de terapie!Nu absolvim aceasta scoala intr-un an sau doi.Ne trebuie multi ani,poate chiar o viata intreaga,ca sa-i asimilam intreaga programa.Recunosc caci tot ce am scris nu sunt cuvintele mele........insa in profunzimea lor sunt incarcate de mult adevar.
Dragutza, atletica.
Persoane deschise,cu care pot comunica pe diverse teme, de distractie.
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 31, Casatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

la aprecierea voastra aaaaaaaa,nu stiu cu ce sa incep,incercand sa scriu ceva inteligent despre mine,mi-am dat seama ca nimanui nu-i pasa de ce scriu eu pe aici asa ca am sa bat campii sa zic ca sunt atat de inteligenta ,educata si eleganta si cum mai vreti voi,intr-un cuvant "perfecta".In fine o sa zic ceva despre mine,IUBESC oamenii simpli care stiu sa-ti fie alaturi indiferent ce se intampla,muzica buna,iubesc fulgii de zapada,stropii de ploaie,iubesc aburul de cafea,fluturii,traiesc sa iubesc,iubesc viata asa cum e,pentru ca e doar una.Am o multime de defecte sunt superficiala,aroganta,egoista,narcisista,incapatanata,posesiva,lenesa,ironica,geloasa,cicalitoare,orgolioasa,dezordonata,,,,ajunge?Si acum ar necesita sa spun ca urasc aia si cealalta dar nu am s-o fac pentru ca URA este cel mai josnic sentiment pe care-l poate avea un om.ura te face sa fii un om bolnav pe dinauntru.Detest MINCIUNA mai mult decat orice.Daca ati avut rabdare sa cititi tot ce am scris eu pe aici VA MULTUMESC si cam atat.
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

Sunt o femeie placuta si umpluta de vaiata dornica sa descopar diamantele neslefuite ale lumii! Sunt o fire vesele si pusa pe glume cam tot timpul,dar am si momente cand trebuie sa fiu singura in natura sa ma relaxez si sa meditez!
INALTA 1 73,creola ,draguta ,bruneta cu ochi caprui ! sunt slabuta,dar nu extrem exagerat!
UN barbat placut care sa ma inteleaga sa avem aceliasi opinii de viata, care sa fie o fire vesela sI care stie sa se descurce in orice situatie!sa stie ce vrea de la viata!
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

just me! I love life and see the glass half full. I am always mesmerized by the ocean and want the person I am with to feel a connection also. I love to be fun and spontaneous and enjoy each day finding something joyful to smile about, i am seeking a long term relationship willing to relocate if things work.
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

hotarata What am I doing here? I often ask this question to myself. I never thought I would be looking for love on the Internet. Not that I don't believe in romance or don't believe in love, just somehow this thought never crossed my mind. But times change, and here I am looking for a man. Not just a man, though, but THE MAN. My man... I don't even know what he should be like, so many girls faurite a precise image, and then try to judge every man by the similarity to that ideal image they've created. This is silly. I only know what qualities he should possess - he is strong (and here I don't mean heaps of muscles, but rather the internal strength), caring, affectionate, reasonable, supportive, intelligent and have that crazy side to himself because otherwise he will not understand me, because I'm not a typical girl. Do you think you match the description and want to know what makes me different from the rest? Just write me, I will gladly tell you ;-)
un tip care stie ce vrea
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

asa cum vrei...asa cum vrei TU! Hei! Odata ce am intrat pe acest site incerc sa descopar oameni si sa incerc sa cunosc distincte personalitati. S unt o fire uneori alteori pesimista da in general sper in ceea ce e mai bine, imi place adevarul, naturaletea si arta.Cel mai mult ma atrag apusurile de soare la mare. Despre mine ce pot sa zic imi plac limbile straine, literatura, comediile si filmele de actiune imi place sa descopar locuri noi, sa cutreier ..........Imi place tenisul de camp, ping pong si sah..incerc sa iau lucurile atat in modul bun cat si in modul mai putin bun.
.... comunicare cu o persoana deosebita...
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

Sunt afectuoasa, dulce, si cu umor. Mi-am produs un stil personal, cu o viata activa cu senzatii bogate de calatorie, arta, si excursii in natura. Cu privire la cariera, sunt ambitioasa si competitiva, si lucrez in domeniul economicla un nivel inalt. Am studiat si lucrez in patru limbi (engleza, germana, franceza, si spaniola) si apreciez multiculturalismul. Imi plac sporturile, politica, economia, si literatura. Caut un partener inteligent cu care sa am idealuri comune, si sa reusim sa ne intelegem si sa ne sustinem unul pe altul.
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

sunt o prietena normala I am a fun loving person. I love to try new things and believe that everything happens for a reason. I enjoy photography and learning about new cultures and different walks of life. Snorkeling is a passion, along with swimming.
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

Hello my dear,my name is Patricia and I will write something about me,with hope that you will reply me.I have been thinking about this site,and about whether I should do my profile here,and finally I decided to do that.Now,I am here and I will try to find a real man to start a good communication.I am placid woman,loyal and serious,divorced and for that I wish I can find real man to atingere him.I am looking for love here and looking for a man who will accept me and love me as I am.If you are the one,please write to me,I will respond you for sure.I hope you will look at my profile and write to me,dear. I really hope to know you better!! What are you looking for here dear? What are your goals? Are you happy person?See you soon,Your Patricia
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

Imi place sa las pe altii sa isi dea cu presupusu I consider myself a serious person, do not throw words to the wind.I'm quite an emotional person and I like to give people positive emotions.I am open and sociable person.I like men that know what they want from this life
o prietenie p;e termen lung
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 19, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

e aiurea sa completezi acest camp... perfect nepotrivit... si nu stiu cine reuseste sa ramana obiectiv vis-a-vis de el/ea insusi/ insasi... Am Eva with the age of 35yrs single with no kids,I\'m affectionate, love cuddling, kissing, holding hands. I\'m very romantic and love to be romanced, pampered and treated like a exceptional woman.I am just a honest person looking for the real meaning of love. I am sweet, caring, understanding, patient, humble, I love people who accept who i am, responsible, i am rich in good spirit and willing to share the real meaning of love to the right person.I love feeling secure and being sure that I can trust and be trusted. I love companionship that allows for having ones own space as well. I love being able to share interests but also have some of my own. I suppose I want the best of both worlds......
ceva nemaigasit inimaginabil, particular ... :)
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Beybe beyb
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

Sunt o persoana placuta , cu un spirit tanar de viata , calda , deschisa spre noi oportunitati de a cunoaste si a descoperi placerile vietii ! I am optimistic and active, kind and honest person with good sense of humor. I live with smile. Somebody told me that a smile cost nothing but gives a lot. I think that life is cool stuff and I prefer to enjoy each day of my life.
Aspectul se poate deduce din fotografii !
Caut sa ma redefinesc , sa descopar lucruri si persoane cu care as putea fi compatibila pentru a imparti impreuna experientele vietii .
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

sunt prea complexa incat sa ma descriu in cateva randuri... Hello U..............??? Un limitat resume`:Sunt nÄscut in BUK/RO iar de 23 ani locuiesc in Stock/SWE.De prof pilot-capitan SAS civ.air trafik.Div de cca 5 ani,serios,cultivat,civili- zat,modern,f.pedant,rafinat, costiincios,bun la suflet,de incredere si cu frica lui D-zeu si f.f.singur,caut fata viselor mele care sÄ indepline ascÄ calitÄtiile de mai sus si care,cu abs 100% sigurantÄ sÄ creadÄ in expresia``what goes around ALLWAY`S come`s around` o rog din tot sufletul sÄ mÄ kontakteze PÄnÄ atunci tie,fata viselor Äti urez din tot sufletul... O zi bunÄ ! ciao
nu vad in primul rand despre ce este vorba, in general oamnei seriosi cu care pot lega o conversatie normala
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

Buna sunt emy si caut persoana potrivita imimii mele va pup !! Mi-am deschis acest cont pentru a discuta cu cei care merita , nu vreau sa ma intalnesc sau sa ma marit , sunt deja . Prin urmare va rog elegant sa imi cititi aceasta descriere si sa tineti cont de ea .
Pozele spun tot
O persoana care sa ma respect la fel de mult ca eu pe el !
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

cine vrea sa ma cunoasca stie ce are de facut... im sweet, caring , honest, loving and responsible.. im here to find someone who is right for the right time.... im not here for fun and games so by saying i dont want to waste your time nor mine.... i just want to chat with someone with respect and honesty and from there will see where it can lead us...
1.65,48 kg,o bruneta draguta cu ochii cautare de noi prieteni
caut noi prieteni...doar atat....
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

sexy I am a quality woman who is confident, honest, kind, smart, fun, trustworthy, supportive, loving, loves kids, outgoing, down to earth, friendly, great sense of humor, sociable, respectful (I would always treat you with respect). I have good morals, obisnuit values, I`m a lady who is a very good listener and someone that you could talk too about anything. I`m looking for a long term relationship and a life long lover. I also want someone that is honest with me at all times
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

My friends describe me as kindhearted,straight forward,active,pretty and sincere person and i agree with them.. i am also caring,a good communicator,a good listener..i know what i want out of life and a serious relationship and am willing to pursue that which is why am here..i am a one man woman and also hope to find a one woman man who knows what he wants out of life and also willing to pursue it..i want to concentrate and be committed to that man in the relationship and also make each other happy for a lifetime together..i really hope that man is out there waiting for me
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

I believe in the truth and honest of love..i am really a very sincere person when it comes to sharing feelings and emotions with that special person and i really am down to heart honest about the things i say and do cause i don't like hurting peoples feelings,cause everyone has a chance to laugh,so why do i make them sad..i am really very easy to get along with,fun to be with and am very adaptive and communicative when it comes to conversant conversation.and my life is based on the truth and honest of self personality...
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

sunt o fire ff serioasa si de incredere Tender, to tell something...i feel shy and i don't want to be a boaster, but i am really a very romanic woman, maybe a little bit naiive...modest and honest... not a little girl, but a mature woman, who wants to be happy.
ochi caprui,1.68m.58 de kg,paru lung ,bruneta
va las sa ma descoperiti voi
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

DRACUSOR I am a very active and purposeful woman. My heart is very kind and vulnerable and I trust it only to a true connoisseur of sincere love. I am a very open person and have a great sense of humor and my friends tell me that I am always the soul of the company
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

I am open and ambitious. My character is a mystery even for myself till this moment. I am purposeful and I believe there is no limit to perfection. I love animals. Its nice to spend my spare time communicating with good people. The most important for me is family
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

cu simtul umorului , atenta la detalii, glumeata dar uneori foarte atenta in decizile vietii mele. inca mai cred in iubirea vesnica si cred ca intr.o zi va aparea si persoana potrivita in viata mea si cu bun simt si iubitoare.
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

I'm patient and persistent. I've a good sense of humor and I like to laugh when I can. I'm creative, fun-loving, energetic and active woman. My best friend would describe me as witty, warm, generous, thoughtful and caring. I have an adventurous side. I enjoy staying busy. I love to travel and see new things, visit new places, meet new people, try new recipes. I enjoy outdoor concerts, festivals and being on the water. I love fishing, dancing, cooking, camping, shopping, hiking, climbing, mountain climbing, canoeing, cycling, watching movies and enjoying life to the fullest.
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

glumeata sincera increzatoare ambitioasa incapatanata orgoliaoasa prietenoasa deschisa Vesela,sincera.Necazurile si problemele apar cand santem pe un drum gresit.Trebuie sa avem curajul sa o luam pe alt drum pana vom gasi ceea ce dorim.Ne aflam intocmai acolo unde vrem sa fim.Vrem mai mult? Trebuie sa incercam!Si odata,candva ,vom fi pe perfect fericiti! Cand sti ce VREI si iti ravnesti cu adevarat,nu ai sa spui niciodata,"nu mai pot" sigur ai sa reusesti! Eu am trecut prin multe ...bune si rele...dar nu mi-am pierdut speranta niciodata....!
blonda ochii caprui spre verde 1 57 si 50kg creola
un barbat sincer dragut amuzant deschis catre orice e nou
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

I want to find a person for life, with whom we will lucrate an amazing relationship. I want to be with an open and sincere person who will be honest with me. I believe that care and constant attention to each other are very important. I sincerely hope to meet such a person and fabricate a happy future together.
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

ok Ich möchte, dass Sie wissen, dass ich mich auf dieser Seite getroffen habe, um meinen Seelenverwandten zu finden, und ich möchte einen Mann, der bereit fĂŒr eine ernsthafte Beziehung ist, einen Mann, der bereit ist, einen Mann niederzulassen, der sich um seine Frau kĂŒmmern und gut aufpassen kann von ist Frau, ich möchte, dass Sie auch wissen, dass ich nicht online bin, um schmutzig zu reden oder Spiele zu spielen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihre Kontaktadresse hinterlassen
...ceva aparte :-)
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

cine e interesat ....o sa ma descopere Hi! I'm mixie from Philippines !! I am a very loving, caring, friendly,im single, sincere lady seeking nothing but happiness and a man to complete me in a way no one has. I am very hardworking, passionate and very down to earth. i am fun to be with and a family oriented lady. if you feel you want to learn about me, then drop me a note and where you could be reached via Email,skype, whatsapp or viber.. Well i also love cooking, hiking, sports, shopping, photography and traveling around the world "how I wish".. I want a serious relationship but I am not in a rush to get what I want. I want to love and be loved, I want true happiness and laughter, I want to settle down for what perfect for me and understands me, cos no one is perfect, but you've got to be implinit for someone and understand someone to be in a relationship . I value commitment a lot and love to have fun. Life's too short and beautiful , I want to spend it with someone beautiful at heart and knows what they want.. A Open minded and knows what true committment is (for better or worse) they will always be there for me .. "I hate cheater & scammer please"
frumos modest si cu care sa se poata duce o conversatzie :) ;)
femei singure brasov
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

Sunt o tipa ok,urasc minciuna si incompetenta... I am a very outgoing, warm, and caring person; yet can be extremely laid back when necessary. I love to laugh! In fact I believe it is one of my main traits which has kept people believing that I am in my late 30s. I enjoy great humor and have been told that I have a good sense of humor! I am also a keen observer and very good listener. I listen to what a person is saying as well as not saying. I can be shy at times if I feel that the situation will allow too much revelation of my true self. However, when it is appropriate for me to speak, I do so with diplomacy. I have very strong Christian, spiritual and moral values. It is the core basis of my faith that has kept me during trying times, and I will forever be thankful for the foundation I was given as a child. My parents were and are still Ministers. In fact the were the President and Dean of the Bible College I attended as well. I am at a point in my life where the Lord is certainly unfolding His plans in and for my life. I am actively involved with the youth and children's ministry and I do have a passion for working with the youths. After all, they are the foundation of the future. My goal is to travel the world and make a difference in the life of everyone with whom I come in contact. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart.
Caut un om ca mine...sincer
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

Sunt o femeie pregatita pt o relatie frumoasa, bazata pe respect ,sinceritate si iubire! i am anice looking girl seeking for lovei am anice looking girl seeking for lovei am anice looking girl seeking for lovei am anice looking girl seeking for lovei am anice looking girl seeking for lovei am anice looking girl seeking for lovei am anice looking girl seeking for lovei am anice looking girl seeking for lovei am anice looking girl seeking for love
Am 1,62 si 55 kg ,asadar sunt o femeie micuta dar cu forme!
Caut un mascul atent,dragastos ,tandru,sincer !
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mumushik tha
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

sunt o fire linistita sincera si calma Speranta si rabdarea sunt doua calitati deosebit de importante in viata muritorilor. Cauta si vei gasi....speranta moare ultima... Iubirea nu are varsta.....mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata. Sunt numai niscaiva citate destul de cunoscute, dar al caror continut persista actual. Daca ai citit pana aici poate ti-am atras atentia si vei fi interesat sa purtam un dialog satisfacator in scopul descoperirii unei eventuale compatibilitati....never say never.
un barbat linistit si nu mincinos nu conteaza varsta si sa ne intelegem bine
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

i hate this... Totul ne desparte: distanta, viata, oamenii, poate si destinul. Dar daca ai privi dincolo de fereastra camerei tale m-ai zari, pentru ca sunt totul ce este in jurul tau: sunt departarea, sunt apusul si rasaritul... Sunt totul si, totusi, nimic... Ai ascultat vreodata ploaia? Ai privit-o cum saruta pamantul, iar asta ii raspunde la sarutari sorbindu-i picaturile marunte? Ai vrut vreodata sa plangi, dar speriat ti-ai retras lacrimile inauntrul tau? Iti trimit lacrimile mele pentru ca sufletul meu se ineaca in lacrimi; iti trimit sufletul meu pentru a-i da viata prin tine... Gandeste-te la mine: fii pamantul meu, lasa-ma sa fiu ploaia ta..."
mmmm...good looking
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

sincera,simpatica.... Nu stiu exact ce caut sau pentru ce sunt aici...Caut o relatie,asa cum mi-o imaginez eu,cu cineva care probabil nici nu exista,sau sunt mici sanse sa se afle pe aici.Caut un mascul inteligent,matur si care sa-mi accepte egoismul ocazional,irascibilitatea trecatoare,,aptitudinile"de ,,copil rasfatat"si altele care nu-mi vin in minte acum.Cred ca am si parti bune si cred intr-o lege a compensatiei.Lasati sa fiu eu singura care nu se lauda pe aici........Nu am gasit ceea ce caut ,vreau sa vorbesc decat cu persoane responsabile si care considera ca imi pot face ziua mai buna decat o am fara compania lor....Sunt sociabila, nu prietenoasa. . .Si as mai vrea sa adaug ceva,in opinia mea cel mai mare atribut al unui barbat este ONOAREA!!!In alta ordine de idei as mai vrea sa spun ceva despre egalitate,ce tot ii dam in stanga si-n dreapta ca vrem sa fim egale cu barbatii?Eu nu vreau dom'le,nu vreau sa fiu egala lui!Nu ma deranjaza deloc daca el castiga mai mult decat mine si nu vreau sa-mi car singura cel mai rau caz un buchet imens de trandafiri,dar sa fie roz,neparat roz si ma mai incumet sa mai duc pana la masina un tort mare de ciocolata,atunci cand e ziua mea...astea sunt singurele lucruri grele pe care as putea sa le car....Nu vreau sa sofez,m-as simti mai bine atunci cand mi s-ar deschide usa taxi-ului sa pot cobori,nu vreau sa ma lupt cu decizii grele cu secrete arzatoare,vreau sa fiu femeie!Cred ca-mi sta mai bine asa cu unghiile mele rosii,cu sensibilitatea mea si cred ca e bine sa recunosc ca mai si plang cateodata...........
Trebuie sa mananc mai numeroase salate:D
o persoana de incredere,sincera si fara pretentii de la viata...
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Brasov, Brasov Romania

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