philbv franceze in bv,pt o femei adevarat.
imi place : calatorie, bucaterie, schi, plaja, caraibes.
izvs Persoana sincera devotata cu simtul umorului iubitoare inteligenta activa,Imi place tot ceea ce este frumos.Doresc sa sa impart bucuriile si necazurile vietii cu cineva,Sa traim viata ca o aventura in doi si nu sa avem o aventura ci o relatie serioasa bazata pe incredere respect.
florins53 prezentabil, interesant, pedant, distractiv,manierat,ambitios si
sentimental,realizat profesional si financiar ,locuiesc singur, iar in prezenta mea o femeie se simte bine
pekkomi Sunt un barbat care cauta noi prietenii si daca simte o relatie, te astept!!!!!!
Monro difficolt to describe myself.....well, if you are interested just contact me and I will tell you everything!
hansl I am a serious man from the Netherlands. who likes to travel. see museums go out eating. water sports like diving and sailing.
Slingeraap I am a kind man open for every situation and communication
I like to communicate first and see what it lead to.
I feel myself younger as I am!
TeacherJohn I'm John, 60 and English. I currently live near London but I am planning to buy a property in France in 2025 and live there permanently. I am semi-retired but looking forward to starting a new life in France. I am not fluent in French language, so please only speak English.