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Dame De Companie Bicaz

Cele mai sexy dame de companie din Bicaz sunt aici pe site-ul de matrimoniale Intra si tu!
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..
cum spuneam...barbati :)
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

Sunt eu asa cum sunt..:) Congratulations. I search for serious attitudes to me 28, I very urgently wish to have family, but in me problems to find to me directly the young man here I have addressed in the Internet of cafe, and to me have told, that it is possible to find the person of dream here... I hope, that you will answer me.... ???????? ?? ??????? Concerning age differences, if I have written you that it already means that I am not afraid of your age, it means that I look least at age. I consider that the the man is more senior, the more it can give to the girl of life experience, will be wise in councils and will not allow to make an error.
Sa aprecieze altii.......
Pe cineva sa ma intaleaga cu toate fanteziile mele....
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

am par saten ochi albastri 165cm corp atletic I am a kind of woman who is very honest,faithful,good looking.easy going,open minded,caring,loving and a very hard working woman...I love to laugh and and give a very nice smile on my face...any one after can catch me up and hook me well
masculi cu intentii serioase
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

I am honest, caring, loving, sincere and faithful to one partner. I like cooking, walking at the beach, listening to music, watching movies and reading books. I am a good listener and prefer to make good relation with all kind of person.
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

sunt foarte directa,imi place sa dansez si sa fac de toate Hello, I am very glad, that you have paid to me attention. Pleasantly, certainly. Well, about itself I can tell, that I very cheerful and interesting girl. In a life at me it is a lot of predilections, such as: to read books, to go in for sports, listen to music etc. In a life, I kind, understanding and always the sincere girl. I do not love lie and a deceit, because this most bad quality which can be in the person. I prefer good dialogue with interesting people where there will be no falseness and lie. I am sure, you understand, about what I want to tell to you.
destul de sexi
barbati sexosi
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

i am looking for a real perason who is interested in going out and love to have some who know how love and to treat a man i wish i wish you all the best and ..... to you all ... ask me what everthing you want to know and dont atingere me if you know you are not serious byeee
sunt frumoasa...!!!
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

Sunt o persoana onesta, sensibila, cu bun simt, care apreciaza sinceritatea. Iubesc muzica, ador natura, imi place sa calatoresc. Imi plac florile si tot ceea ce este frumos... Sunt o scorpioana romantica, in cautarea sufletului pereche...
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

Vad ca ai obosit ,dar eu nu pot sa merg in locul tau .....pot doar sa merg laolalta cu tine .....Vad ca suferi ,dar eu nu pot sa-ti plang lacrimile ,pot doar sa plang impreuna cu tine ,Vad ca vrei sa renunti ,dar eu nu pot sa-ti traiesc viata ,pot doar sa traiesc alaturi de tine ,Vad ca ti-e frica ,dar eu nu pot sa mor pentru tine ,pot doar sa.-ti daruiesc o viata fara de moarte ....!
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

Descopera solitar I am a single hard working and responsible woman. I am a good listener, kind, loving and humorous. I like to cook, watch good educative programs, gardening,reading and listening to music. I believe in love but i believe more in unconditional and honest love. I am looking forward to a solid relationship with a responsible man who is serious, God fearing and knows exactly what he want and is not confused about it.
Mascul pentru prietenie casatorie
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

Sunt sincera si apreciez sinceritatea si la cei din jurul meu. Imi place sa imi petrec timpul liber in natura, fie ca inseamna drumetie, o plimbare cu bicicleta sau pur si simplu in parc sau in gradina. Nu ma intereseaza o aventura deci economisiti-va momentul si forta cei care cautati asa ceva. Sa gasesti o persoana compatibila este greu, mai ales dupa o anumita varsta, dar cine stie.
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Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

Seriozitate punctualitatea si respectul sunt cartile mele de vizita...pooop Easy going down to earth fun loving and understanding woman, loving and caring woman, loyal and honest! And spiritual woman! Love to laugh and make people around me laugh too! Passionate and affectionate woman.
Agreabil ingrijit si apetisant.
Un barbat cu simtul. Umorului calm discret manierat si cu bun simt.
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Poze verificate
Femeie, 24, Casatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

Daca aveam acum 20 de ani mintea de acum,cu securitate altfel s-ar fi aranjat viata mea. Sunt un om cu bune si rele,poate prea sincera pentru lumea in care traim. Cred ca am ajuns in acel moment al vietii mele,in care sa imi recunosc macar mie insami ca viata inseamna mult mai mult,decat:compromisuri,renuntari si suferinta.
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

sunt o fata sensibila,iubitoare,fermecatoare,comunicativa,inteligenta,imi place sa calatoresc,imi place sa fiu rasfatata,respectata si am o singura rugaminte nu imi trimiteti mesaje care contin cuvinte triviale,sunt pe acest site pt a cunoaste cat mai numeroase persoane cu bun simt si caracter motivat.
din punctul meu de vedere placut...veti vedea in poze....
caut barbat respectos ,inteligent,destept, cu capul pe umeri,glumet.ce anupe poate cauta o femeie?respect ,dragoste,siguranta,etc!!!nu caut ce credeti voi!
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

iubesc sinceritatea si imi place respectuul.....sunt iubareata si vreau numai iubire Vreau sa cunosc..un mascul slabut ..sincer cu simtul umorului doar pentru petrecerea timpului liber..fara obligatii si complicatii..numai din buzau....dragilor daca nu va raspund.. nu corespundeti...cererii mele...(scuze)
sunt asa cum ma creat.....
caut prieten cu suflet cald, sincer, care sa ma iubeasca cu o iubire autentica
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Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

sunt o pers simpatica,bla bla bla,dak vrei sa ma cunosti ai sa afli mai numeroase Ciao!sunt o persoana sensibila,educata,afectoasa,dar extrem singura,nu caut aventuri si nici distractie,caut un suflet blind si sensibil asa ca mine care poate sa-mi prezinte toata dragostea si increderea de care am nevoie pentru totdeauna.Daca cineva se conformeaza dorintei mele sa ma contacteze.Va multumesc celor care ma viziteaza si le vor toata dragostea din lume si multa multa fericirede care toti avem nevoie!!!
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

Sunt o fire destul de energica in cautare de o relatie privita din mai multe puncte de vedere, iar restul vine de la sine. I am a kind-hearted, sympathetic, tender, sociable, active, responsible, sincere, broad-minded, soft and sweet girl. I love getting new knowledge and impressions. I lead a healthy life style. I am easy to concentrate my attention. I am a good listener. I am very cheerful and extremely optimistic. I can say I am a lively personality who loves to give positive emotions, give presents, accept guests at home and help my friends.
Sunt inalta, contructie fizica: asa si asa, picioare lungi , preferate par lung ondulat si negru, ochi mari caprui foarte inchis si buze pline.
afla mai multe!
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

sunt zapauca......handilie.....etc....k nu mai am inventii proprii:))....ador sportul:X:X:X:X si acadelele=p~=p~=p~ si ciocolata:X:X:X=p~=p~=p~....sunt dusa...stiu....ciudatenia in persoana...
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Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

SUNT O FIRE MAI IUTE UN PIC , CAM TIMIDA IUBITOARE I am a fun loving person. I love to try new things and believe that everything happens for a reason. I enjoy photography and learning about new cultures and different walks of life. Snorkeling is a passion, along with swimming.
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

Prietenia si respectul stau la baza unei relatii durabile si trainice. Esti tu schimbarea pe care vrei sa o vezi in jurul tau sau o astepti doar de la ceilalti? Teme de interes-implicare: educatia, justitia sociala, antreprenoriatul social, participarea civica, mediul si dezvoltarea durabila, frumosul din natura si cel din creatia omului..Imi place lemnul, nu plasticul. Imi plac copacii vii, cele mai minunate si valoroase creaturi vegetale. Si Diana Krall..
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Femeie, 34, Casatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

I am a cool minded person , I love being straight forward in my activities with people,in fact the reason my folks like me is just cos of my policy of being simple as I believe Greatness Lies In Simplicity how about u don't u think so ?
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

I am a fun, out-going, intelligent, open-minded woman who enjoys dancing and having a good time. Some of my hobbies are: photography, dancing, movies, No drama here and not looking for it. I want someone who can just be themselves and that is enough.
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

Sunt o fata sociabila,nebunatica, dornica de a-si face noi prieteni.:* Nu o sa ma descriu pe mine...o sa spun ce imi doresc... Un om deosebit, simplu. Nu modestia il aseamana mereu, ci simplitatea de a fi diferit: de a sari mereu in ajutorul altora mai nefericiti decat el, de a avea o educatie aleasa si a respecta pe ceilalti in orisice conditii, de a straluci intelectual, de a dovedi caracter si, nu in ultimul rand, de a fi om. Cam la asta se rezuma simplitatea astazi: omenie. Si, pentru ca este din ce in ce mai rara, a ajuns deosebita. Numeroase fiinte, putini oameni..
caut prieteni
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

Eu sunt! Restul e poveste... Si da, sunt atat de frumoasa, inteligenta, cu bun simt, educata, nesimtita, nesuferita, pretentioasa... cu bune si cu rele, pe cat poftesti sau alegi sa fiu... Este doar alegerea ta cum vrei sa ma vezi. Nu pot sa plac la toti, dar nici sa ma schimb pentru fiecare. Sunt nevasta si sunt, si vesela, si senina, insa am, din pacate, si altfel de zile. Imi place sa fiu iubita in adevaratul sens al cuvantului. Nu mai vreau sa fiu femeia care stie sa le faca pe toate. Ah, da, am si un obicei nesuferit: iubesc frumosul si aleg sa visez frumos, intotdeauna, chiar ce e in sufletul meu. Ador cand un mascul stie sa surprinda elegant o prietena si sa o faca sa rada cu gura pana la urechi! Ador sa rad! Visez sa imbatranesc frumos laolalta de el! Și inca mai cred in iubire... Pacatul meu! Restul e poveste... P. S. Imi plac lalelele albe si bujorii albi.
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

apreciati-ma voi!!!!!! Je suis une femme de caractère, douce et calme a la fois, honnête, franche. la vie est si précieuse, alors j'espère que de cette façon je trouverais celle qui mérite de partager ma vie, qui en sera comblé de bonheur...
placut....k sa fiu modesta!!!!
caut tot ce se poate gasi
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

mai bn nu... sunt sensibila, comunicativa... sa rad, sa glumesc, sa citesc, sa dansez, sa merg la film, imi place viata in aer liber, sa calatoresc, ...asta ar fii lista a ceeace imi place sa fac in viata. Ce caut: cineva sa ma pot intelege si sa am o relatie de prietenie si sa (re)intemeiez o relatie durabila, o familie.
doar vedeti si voi! vedem!nush dak caut cv anume...depinde d propuneri!
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

sunt o tipa cu,capul in nori...dar ating si pamantul. I am a caring, honest, loving, romantic, affectionate, polite, faithful, kind, humble and friendly lady. I like dancing, reading, listening to music, i like the beach, camping and i enjoy cooking.I want a Man that is caring, kind, humble, brave, bold, intelligent, honest, loving, affection and friendly Man. A man that would love me for who I am. a Man who values the pride in himself and in His wife a Man that keep is home front first in everything.
sexy seniorita
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

Imi place tot ce se poate spune ca ~ma face fericit~....adica sportul,sa fiu mama,sa am langa mine un mascul pe care sa ma pot baza (care in ziua de astazi e cam greu),sa citesc,sa ma plimb,sa ma dau cu rolele..etc....
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

Imi caut jumatatea vreau pe cineva langa mine sa ne intelegem si sa facem o casnicie frumoasa. Sunt o persoana naturala modesta, toleranta, emaptica, generoasa. Urasc minciuna, aroganta , ignoranta si prostia. Valorile adevarate sunt familia, candva de toate , respectul fata de tine insuti si fata de cei din jurul tau , sa dai si sa primesti sentimente de dragoste, sa te valorezi si sa valorezi pe cei dragi si sa fii valorat. Nu are importanta partea materiala ci uniunea cu persoana de aproximativ tine. Sa iti fie (si sa fii alaturi)la bine si la greu .
Sunt o fata simpla fara obligati adoca fara copiii sunt singura.
Caut o relaatie serioasa. Chiar si casatotie daca se poate.
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

Normala, spune hello love ones, am Stephani from republic of south Africa,a place called cape town province,am from mixed family back ground in south Africa seeking good lover who will care for me and love me for real till eternal,am caring, honest,loving,hard worker,trust worthy,humble down to earth girl who is willing to relocate for real,am single never married,no kids,am here to seek the best man in my life for real,and to eve a family with whom who will love me till eternal no matter what the SITUATION,a work as a nutritionist in one of the non governmental organization called thembalethu home base care as their professional nutritionist,please if you are interested in me mail me as soon as possible for real. love Stephani.
Un tip cu care sa socializez...
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

I am ready to accept my future partner with all his traits and drawbacks if our souls match. His age does not matter to me anything, but his inner world does! I am sure that there is a men on this planet who wants to get acquainted with me, who is awaiting my love and who is just like me willing to have a nice and complete family. I am sure that the man I need is loving, decent, tender, mature and stable and reliable so if interested in what you read on my profile ,You can add this all this line together to get me because that is the easiest way too get intouch with me.. 5.....Time is nothing. The desire to love is everything. 2.....A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love. 0......I want to find someone who can make me laugh and smile on my worst day. 4......I believe everything can be worked out if the two people love each other enough. 2......I believe a strong relationship is built on a solid foundation, without a foundation you have nothing to grow upon. 8......I want someone who is willing to give 100% of himself to me and our relationship . 7...... I believe it doesn't take very long in wondering whether two people are compatible. 2......Life in abundance comes only through great love. 3.......Love is nothing but the purest connection between two hearts. 1.......You'll be surprised to know how far you can go from the point where you thought it was the end. Get me through the line and you are going to hear from me ASAPthanks for taken your time to ready this far....I hope to hear from you soonest
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

ma consider o persoana de incredere, stiu sa ii ascult pe cei care ma inconjoara.....cateodata tacuta, depinde de situatie, urasc minciuna si prostia I am very lovely and active. I love my life and enjoy every clipa of it. I am who I am, I belive that there are no desavarsit people, we should take everyone for who they are. everyone deserves his piece of happiness and I am not at exception. I hope to meet my second half here and finally be bale to say that wonderful words: I love you.
atletica si unii spun ca sunt placuta
caut o persoana onesta, care nu are obiceiul sa minta si cel mai important sa ma inteleaga la greu
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

TE LAS PE TINE SA DESCOPERI MAI MULTE!!! :) I am a calm person, I am kind, understanding and honest. I think I am a good friend and a good listener. I'm proud of my family because it's so strong and peaceful, but now I want to realizate my own family and to have a woman's happiness. I am a woman who likes to look good, I wear high heels and I have style. I think that a woman should be feminine and sexy to her man always. I want to feel real and hot love once and for all. I try to be positive, honest and look at life with a smile. My goal here is to find a man who will accept and love me for who I am. I am an independent, hardworking, caring, smart, honest, sincere, and intelligent lady. With me it is never boring, because I am a woman of mystery and I always have something to surprise you with.
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Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

I am a strong woman when it is needed and a little weak girl when I am next to a strong man. I love to laugh and I think I am a very cheerful person. People always say they can rely on me and that is why I have a lot of friends. I love to just dream and fotografie my future life. I simply enjoy everything and this way I feel happy
caut prieteni si multa,multa distractie
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

I love life, and I love every moment of my existence! There are lots of wonderful things to enjoy, but the main of them is of course love! I adore sports, dancing, music, I am creative and active in everything I do, and I want everything or nothing! I am also an incurable optimist. ;-))))))))))))))))))))) I like to look attractive, and appreciate this in other people, it has nothing to do with dressing fashionably a€“ sensual and attractive looks comes from inside. It is sparkle in the eyes, smile on lips, and many other thingsa€¦.
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niko yubitik
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

simpatik si deschisa la noi trairi I am caring, loving sincere, honest and down to earth woman with good work ethics. I have a great sense of humor, intelligent, loyal, fun loving, love to make friends since am a very social person. I would also consider myself to be confident and passionate in what I believe in. I am emotionally available and have no games to play as am new to this internet dating and am sure to meet the man of my dreams since i have known a few people who met their love ones through this system. Other interests of mine este alcatuit din candle light dinners, stimulating conversation, laughter, movies, comedy, sightseeing, taking in events that are going from a street fair to an occasional show or concert, weekend getaways, picnics in a park, long walks by the ocean I am looking for a kind-hearted and cheerful man. I want him to be responsible and family-oriented. I want him to be romantic and tender, caring and attentive to everything..... Everyone is looking for King or prince , but I need that one who is meant to make my life complete. I am simple and need a simple man, whose heart is open for love, a man who will be the only one for me in this world, a man who will share this life and will be happy only because he sees me each day, waking up in the morning, a man who will be my support, my passion, my love. Be sure a€“ life will become better, if you share it with me..
am un aspect fizic bun
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

good looking matured lady.i love to go out at my free time to the beach and cinema with friends and loved the same time i love travelling from one continent to another..due to the nature of my work.i will love to date a very understand man with a real sense of humor...that has the mind to give.
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

sunt o fire dinamica umpluta de energie tot timpu sa caut ceva nou imi place sa ascult muzica si rock putin imi place sa scriu poezii sunt sensibila restu ramane sa descoperiti voi Sunt o persoana sincera si directa, nu cred in himere, posedand in vedere varsta, nu vreau avere, vreau un suflet pentru suflet, care sa ma intelega si mai ales sa incerce sa ma cunoasca. Vor o persoana dornica de companie pentru a imparti singuratatea.
sunt inalta fur ochi oricui
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Maia Vox
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

Versatila. ;) Nu-mi place deloc sa ma caracterizez,e ca si cand m-as dezbraca in public.Tot ce pot spune e ca sunt simpla.Nu caut nimic,ma bucur de tot ce-mi ofera viata si-I multumesc Domnului pentru orice,fie bucurie,fie suferinta.Din orice si de la oricine putem invata cate ceva.
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Bicaz, Neamt Romania

te las pe tine sa m-a descoperi!!!! I am serious, balanced, open, romantic, caring and feminine, intelligent woman with good manners. I am cheerful and romantic as a child, typical family woman who likes making home coziness and heart-warmed atmosphere very much. I'm also a woman with great sense of humor and family-oriented. I can be very witty and humorous on occasions. would you want to get to know who am i?
vreau sa-mi spui tu cum sunt!!!!!
............... pe tine!!!
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