watersrundeep I am too old to care about who likes and doesnt like me. I have more important things to do with my time. If you love me, I love you. If you support me, I support you. If you hate me, I just really dont care, my life goes on without you.
bellarden1 I am a nice man with a lovely smile i have been told. Never been married,no kids. I dont smoke or do drugs and taste alcohol just a couple of times per year.
alexandru1970 Un barbat care stie ce inseamna dragostea, care stie ca numitul Kafka nu e un fotbalist ceh si care stie ca viata e scurta, dar merita traita la intensitate maxima. Carpe diem!
cata75 un om pasional si visator in acelasi timp. daca viata ar fi un templu,in el as adora atat trupul femeii cat si sufletul ei;intr-un cuvant Feminitatea!
Csibike Anything in life worth doing is worth overdoing. Moderation is cowards.
Marius031980 Cu o groza de pitici pe creier.
Daca am prezentat interes, hai sa ii numaram impreuna.
Sunt o persoana directa, cine apreciaza acest lucru are numai de castigat, atat in ceea ce ma priveste cat si de la viata in general
NEPTUNE69 People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.
~Abraham Lincoln~