rmj Laid back person looking to meet new people and have fun. I speak English but unfortunately do not speak Romanian. I am a foreigner working in the Constanta area and I will be here for at least 1 year and more if possible.
Janes11bmw 20 October to 04 Novrmbtie. La Constanta. Wreu contact in feme pentu priten, marriage, relaxat..Un om normal caut kubira el..Respondfemr singur erwu un sot, la casa, spit tot factura,auotor, pentu tot. Vscsncs. Kopi by probleme. Te pup Tom
alexandru1970 Un barbat care stie ce inseamna dragostea, care stie ca numitul Kafka nu e un fotbalist ceh si care stie ca viata e scurta, dar merita traita la intensitate maxima. Carpe diem!
Dyesern Hola.
Vivo en Madrid,no soy rumano pero conozco Rumania,viajo mucho para alla
Stapanitor Uman,un om normal,simplu intr o lumea moderna lipsita de viata,iubire si continut esential
osmin Nu vreau ca viata sa ma transforme intr-un robot.Locul meu nu este in turma asa ca am renuntat la stereotipuri