jiminy Born in the UK but raised in the USA from the age of two.
I only speak English but i know a few Romanian words and phrases.
jeeasy Tip matur, casatorit curat, inteligent, discret in cautare de experiente sexuale cu femei sau cupluri; sunt doar activ.
mihai talent Te las pe tine sa ma descoperi...uite draga mea stimata doamna...un 3 cuvinte .serios .visator realist...responsabil.bai legat de talent, pictez ( mike ciuraru)...oficial,nu cred ca mai intr-u pe acest sait....nr meu ..zero ,salte,sease sease,,patru,unu singur,doi indragosti,sease ,sease,noua luni
mgabim O persoana agreabila cel putin aceasta este opinia mea......dar nu este obligatoriu ca toata lumea sa fie de acord cu mine, asa ca va invit sa va convingeti.
bratkul Un om normal,cu bune si cu mai putin bune.Va las sa descoperiti in ce parte inclina balanta.
osmin Nu vreau ca viata sa ma transforme intr-un robot.Locul meu nu este in turma asa ca am renuntat la stereotipuri
NEPTUNE69 People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.
~Abraham Lincoln~
catman11 I\'m a REAL man looking for a REAL women. Liers and thieves need not apply. what more to say anything you want to know ask I shall answer you. Talk to me learn about me I am sure you will not be disappointed.