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Publi24 Giurgiu

Cele mai sexy femei publi24 din Giurgiu sunt pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

simpatica.iubesc animalele iar restul las la aprecierea voastra I am here to find my soulmate.I always lock in life with the confidence.I am a romantic, full passion and love. I am great sense of humor. I love :-) enjoy your life. ia€™m looking for the man of my dreams with a kind heart.
asa si asa
sa fie sincer,sa fie din bucuresti sau giurgiu cam atat.
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

draguta cred eu ...sincer cuminte ;) Va rog nu ma stresati cu mesaje ridicole si nu am eu bun simt?????s-au tu cand scrii cuiva dar nu ai poza de profil pai ce cautati oameni buni pe un site de dating fara poze ?! Eu v-as trimite la pescuit serios
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

Sunt o doamna cu interese diferite si o viata umpluta de viata. Dar stau intotdeauna pozitiv si incerc sa trec toate problemele de viata cu zambetul pe fata Sunt exceptional activ si prefer modul activ de viata si de agrement. Imi place sa merg la munte si sa ma odihnesc acolo, sa stau cateva zile. Particip la cursuri de sala de gimnastica si de fitness. Dar, de asemenea, imi place sa ma hranesc si cu mintea (zambet). Am citit carti, atat literatura profesionala, cat si romane de aventura sau dragoste. Imi plac animalele, mama si cu mine avem doi caini (zambet)
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 26, Casatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

Sunt din Brasov, locuiesc in Detroit Michigan, divortata, imi place sa gatesc mancaruri traditionale romanesti, imi place sa pescuiesc. Nu-mi plac barbatii care pot sexul pe intaiul plan.... Inaintea sentimentelor..
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

SUNT CEEA CE ITI DORESTI.... Traim intr-o lume falsa iar ipocrizia lor ne face sa fugim de lucrurile atat de frumoase si naturale care erau odata si odata tot ceea ce conta pentru noi. Rautatea lor ne face sa devenim fricosi in a cunoaste o noua persoana care poate ar putea fi persoana care o cautam de atata timp. Ajungem sa purtam zeci de masti pentru a ne feri sufletul de acele suflete "diabolice". Uitam sa mai fim noi ca sa nu mai avem de suferit! Pacat ca in loc sa ne revenim, ne scufundam sufletele in noroi!!Vreau sa cunosc un blondut cu ochii verzi sau albastrii .Daca esti tu astept sa necunoastem .Vreau o relatie serioasa...Din nu stiu ce vreau nu acept!!!Chiar vreau o relatie de aproximativ nu la distanta .Și stie ce vrea de la viata !Cine imi face un bebelus? ??
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 21, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

Sunt un om simplu in cautare de stabilitate si incredere chiar si amici........ Everything in life is temporary. So if things are going good, enjoy it because it wona€™t last forever. And if things are going bad, dona€™t worry. It cana€™t last forever either. ...cei fara chip care va ascundeti de voi insiva...nici la dialog nu ma apelati...e pierdere de vreme...
Un barbat care sa imi fie alturi si care sa ma faca sa ma simt iubita si dorita. Nu caut aventuri , deci va rog nu imi trimiteti mesaje daca nu vreti o relatie de lunga durata.
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

va las sa apreciati.......... ;) I consider myself a kind and cheerful person. I am very sociable, and I have many friends. I have a very good sense of humor. I am very optimistic person. I love animals and nature. I'm very active and energetic. I am very family-oriented and loving. I'm a good housewife.
persoane compatibile cu o leoaica mereu in infatisare si umpluta de viata....... :)
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

eu sunt o fire foarte deschisa imi place sa fiu directa chiar daca asta cateodata supara persoanele din jurul meu ...dra asta e asa sunt eu : I think I need to recruit one of my friends to write this. I am down to earth, open-minded, creative and fun. I care very much about the people in my life and try to make sure that they know that. I like entertaining, and spending time with good friends. I also love to get dressed up and go to the theater, or just sit at home and snuggle in front of a good movie. I am looking for someone who is willing to be my partner and best friend. Honest communication is really important. I feel it is what binds two people as one.
Ce pot sa spun despre fizicul meu?????????a pai nu tare stiu???prefer sa ma laude alti ,nu eu!!!!!!!!
caut un om care sa ma aprecieze!!!!!!!!si sa ma poata face fericita!doar atat..................
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

sunt bruneta ,imi place distractia,mancarea gatita in casa,calculatorul si muzica. I am easy-to-deal with. I am sociable and I can find the common language with almost everybody. I am fond of meeting new people and I am faithful to my friends and close people. I would like to meet a kind, caring, loving man to share my life with. I hope we will have some interests and views to life in common.
am 1.65 si 57 de kg
caut distractie,prietenie si de ce nu poate si o relatie!
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

asa si pe dincolo, oricum nu isi imagineaza cineva ca e real cum ne descriem noi insine pe site-urile astea Love is a nutrient that can never be lost in life. Life is because of love, it becomes colorful; in the family, it is because of love, it becomes happy; in school, because of love, it becomes full of laughter and laughter of children; my life, it will become more exciting because of you. I look for a good man who loves children and wants a family.
nici frumoasa, nici urata dar cu simtul realitatii
un om, daca asta mai insemana ceva zilele astea cu ceva calitati, morale si profund umane. cam din alete vremuri, de altfel....recunosc!
publi24 giurgiu
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Poze verificate
Femeie, 35, Casatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

Buna. Eu ma numesc..Valerica . Am 39 de ani sii locuesc in tulcea. Am un usor handicap la o fata de 15 ani. Sunt o fire vesela sii deschisa pre tot ce inseamna frumosul sii placerea.vietii.
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

sunt o persoana dinamica,sociabila foarte prietenoasa Am Eva with the age of 35yrs single with no kids,I\'m affectionate, love cuddling, kissing, holding hands. I\'m very romantic and love to be romanced, pampered and treated like a special woman.I am just a honest person looking for the real meaning of love. I am sweet, caring, understanding, patient, humble, I love people who accept who i am, responsible, i am rich in good spirit and willing to share the real meaning of love to the right person.I love feeling secure and being sure that I can trust and be trusted. I love companionship that allows for having ones own space as well. I love being able to share interests but also have some of my own. I suppose I want the best of both worlds......
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

am very easy going and like all sorts of different things.....Outgoing and have a fun personality, love to laugh and to be with someone who can make me smile.....Looking to meet someone who is true in heart, able to communicate freely...Outgoing, fun personality and no head games, not a control freak and no hidden agendas, not into drama....I've already been in a relationship that was built on lies and really don't need that nor do I need false hope, so if that is what you seek, keep seeking, I am not her.....If I open up my heart to you, don't break it......I am neither hard to please nor am I high maintenance and would love to meet someone who could be with me for me.....I am extremely caring and down to earth and maybe sometimes I try too too hard but I guess everyone has their faults, so please don't judge me.....Still looking for that one special guy who could end my search and show me that love does exist not just for a little while but for eternity.........
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

bruneta,ochi caprui,nu exagerat de inalta la 1, cantareatza,st distractiva,de viata,curioasa,,si imi place sa cunosc cati mai multi prieteni...bine aqm sa nu interpretati trebuie sa ma imprietenesc si cu unu mai mare d varsta k mn,apropiati atat!!!Nu cu unu care e de seama cu tataie:)):)):))
am mai spus si mai exagerat de inalta;)...stiti voi cum spun astia la masini cand vor sa le vanda:)):):))?MERITA VAZUTA...asa si eu:merita sa ma cunoasteti!!!
sa ma iubeasca,sa ma nu parcurs mai vedem noi:)):)):))glumeam;)si inca ceva:URASC MINCIUNA;).........
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 39, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

sunt o persoana cu calità ¤ti si defecte ca oricare alta...o persoana complexa care se poate schimba in anumite conditii... depinde de tine sa ma ajutzi sa devin ceea ce iti doresti,poate ca merita sa incerci...
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

Sincera cu Tine Sunt de fel o realistica desi uneori visez cu ochii larg deschisi ( mi-e teama de ziua in care nu as mai visa ), sunt sociabila, empatica, directa, sensibila, ador natura( mai ales muntele). Caut linistea, armonia, caut zambetul primitor, caut vorba calda ce alunga tristeti.. caut omul cu care sa pot comunica, sa rad, sa ma bucur de fiecare lucru marunt. Imi doresc o relatie de indelunga durata, pana la MARELE APUS (asta in cazul unei compatibilitati bune ) , doar intr-o relatie stabila gasim fericirea, implinirea.
Oameni capabili sa inteleaga universul feminin.
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 37, Casatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

draguta,simpatica I enjoy fine dining and am always looking for someone to share the appreciation of good food and fine wine. I am just as comfortable with my hair up in old jeans as with my hair down wearing my favorite little pink dress.
usor cred
o persoana de acelasi sex k si mine,cu care sa ne simtim bine
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

imi place sa cred ca sunt \'altfel\'. Ai gasit persoana potrivita? Toata lumea se confrunta cu urmatoarea intrebare: cum imi dau seama ca am gasit persoana potrivita alaturi de care sa imi pot petrece restul vietii? Haideti sa incercam sa gasim impreuna un raspuns. In loc sa te intrebi "Este el/ea persoana potrivita?" When you love someone you will feel it deep inside. And nothing else can ever change your mind... La Vie Est Pleine De Surprises!!!
am poze.... tu decizi
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

If you are looking for something really singular here, you have finally found the right profile! Nice to meet you! And it would be even better to meet you in reality! I think I should let you know that I am a simple woman in the real sense of it and would stand by my man no matter what. I believe in the principle of love, once you are in it then you have to make it work as the younger generation these days do not seem to know what that is about. I can say that I'm elegant, sweet, very communicative, and naturally young lady! I know exactly what I want from life and one of my greatest desires is to meet my partner and make him the happiest in the universe! I'm ready for a serious relationship. Live happy every day! That's my motto, it helps to find something that I can be thankful for every day! Because we only live once, we should appreciate small and simple things that happen to us every day. I enjoy good food, wine and an interesting conversation.
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

I don't believe in implinit people, but if I believe in people who can change the senses of love and tenderness, I think it comes at a time when age is not important for love and much less carnal preferences and that's what I'm looking for a person who despite age doesn't care, because love has no limited age or defined.
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

simpatica Basically I love life and I love living life. I enjoy the outdoors, traveling, restaurants, laughing, goIng to events, and sociaLizing with quality peOple. I have travelled vastly. Its just better liVing and sharing lifE with someone else . Ia€™m originally from Malaysia and have lived in a few different couNtries. I enjoy being active, healthy and Staying fit. FaMily and quality friends Are importanT to me. If youa€™d like to know more Say a€œhia€
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

Las la aprecierea altora Hello my dear,my name is Patricia and I will write something about me,with hope that you will reply me.I have been thinking about this site,and about whether I should do my profile here,and finally I decided to do that.Now,I am here and I will try to find a real man to start a good communication.I am placid woman,loyal and serious,divorced and for that I wish I can find real man to contact him.I am looking for love here and looking for a man who will accept me and love me as I am.If you are the one,please write to me,I will respond you for sure.I hope you will look at my profile and write to me,dear. I really hope to know you better!! What are you looking for here dear? What are your goals? Are you happy person?See you soon,Your Patricia
Nu pot sa ma pronunt
Nimic special
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

sunt o fire vesela,glumeatza.imi place sa ma distrez cu prietenii,sa merg prin cluburi..... I am focused on a serious relationship and creating a family. I need love. I am sure that I will have the opportunity to meet a decent person and it is here. I have a light character and it's easy to find a common language with me. I am ready to compromise for the sake of peace in a relationships and family. I hope that my family will be happy and filled with happiness.
sunt blonda(vopsita),am 1,59(cam asa ceva)inaltime si vreo 59 de kg.
nu caut neaparat ceva.vreau sa-mi fac cat mai multi prieteni(amici).
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

I am very generous and kind; loving and sincere; accurate and faithful. Just dona€™t think that I am an ideal woman; but to tell the truth I have no bad qualities. To make my description more detailed I can add that I am punctual, intelligent, responsible and funny..
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

Numele Pandora spune multe... ;) Sunt de "moda veche "in ce prive?te modul meu de a in?elege via?a de cuplu. Sunt fidela,serioas? dar in acela?i timp cu unpronuntat simt al umorului,educata,sincer?. Imi vor un OM pentru toat? via?a ,care sa ?tie ce inseamn? a respecta FEMEIA si care sa si aplice respectul. Dac? sim?i di STI ca ai aceste caracteristici caracteriale si-ti dore?ti acelea?i lucruri de la via?a ,vreau sa te cunosc si,cine ?tie ,e posibil sa ne schimbam via?a !Daca te-ai saturat de nesiguran?a emotiva si de tr?d?ri atunci caut?-ma!Dava i?i dore?ti doar aventuri si sa supravietuiesti ca un fluture,te rog sa ocole?ti acest profil !
Eh... caut si eu cate ceva...
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

prietenoasa,sociabila si mai mult aflati pers de la mn dak va intereseaza I would also like to find a like-minded male,open minded as well as down to earth who likes to enjoy life to the fullest,where we can participate in activities together and encourage each other to pursue their interests as well
agreabil zic eu....nici prea prea nici extrem destul de
un barbat cu capul pe umeri si care nu vede numai sex in fata ochilor
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Femeie, 20, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

va rog elegant ....purtatzi-va ca atare!! sensibile.romantica,vedova,il cancro e il mio segno -la famiglia e la casa sono il mio regno-,altre informazioni vi dico in privato,,vorrei incontrare un gentil uomo libero,affidabbile,onesto, sincero ,che vuole veramente amare e di essere amato ,per continuare insieme il cammino nella vita ,,,
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

buna!! sunt o tipa mega de treaba care ii place f.mult sa ma distrez si sa cunosc lume Buna domnilor barbatii,care visitati acest chat,SENTIMENTE ,nu ce elegant suna cuvantul SENTIMENTE ,dar ma intreb si va intreb oare mai se afla asa ceva ???? Nuuuu ptr ca aici nu ne intalnim ptr a ne etala sentimentele ci ptr nevoile fiecaruia,adica v-au mancat creierii DOMNILOR cu sex in chat ,Azi nu mai cauta nimeni sentimente,ci aventura dar nu reala ci virtuala,eu una nu as putea intelege asta masturbare pe chat,Domnilor v-am etalat niscai poze sa zic ca sa va desfatati privirile si sa face-ti ce dorit voi ,dar nu ma mai priviti ca pe doll Barby care este de privit si de neatins ,sunt o prietena ce doreste o relatie cu SENTIMENTE reciproce nu o aventuriera ,Va multumesc ca ati citit si poate asa va dati si voi seama ca mai exista si oameni cu SENTIMENTE
sunt o tipa frumusik , o tipa mega misto ,dar las la aprecierea vostra
tot c vreau este sa-mi fac prietni si sa ne distram ok:P
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Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

Placuta down to earth person, have sence of humor and caring. i love to cook and gardening. i hate lies and games. i live alone and tired living alone. im ready to settle down and willing to relocate. as im tired living alone as i lost my family in typhoon last 2013.
Relatie serioasa
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

Caut si imi vor o relatie stabila. Sunt o iubita fina, usoara si sensibila. Imi doresc pasiune, dragoste, intelegere si bunatate. Ador calatoriile. Caut prietenie, intelegere, comunicare, respect si pasiune. Nu sunt interesata de o relatie de consumatie.
Forma fizic placut
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

I'm someone who has a lot to offer to the right partner. I'm happy with my life, alone but not lonely. I miss sharing it all with someone special. I enjoy long conversations, experiences, and romance. I want a best friend and companion first..and let nature take its course, if it is mutual and we want to marry that's a decision to be made later.I am at a point in my life where I want to spend some quality time with a mate that will share all life has to offer. I'm independant and self reliant but would love the opportunity to have a partner again. Life is so wonderful and I know I am not meant to spend it alone. I'm easy going, never moody, open minded, witty, and intelligent. I laugh a lot and enjoy life. I think mutual respect and mutual admiration for each other is important.For me a down to earth type... someone compassionate, with good empathy; a romantic person who still believes true love to be possible; someone who is loyal and will stick by their partner no matter what. If you're after games lies and other things from me then i think i am not ready to to get on with all that . I'm quietly confident, love traveling and finding about new things. I love the country, less so the city and prefer a good restaurant,.I am a simply looking lady, easy going and caring woman. I am 5; caring, commitment, honest, humble like a child abed well educated lady,
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

I am a very descent, respected and respectful woman who likes to listen to other people when talking, i am easy going, have great sense of humor, am very responsible and accountable for all that i do.... Am single and looking forward to meet God fearing man in my life with my yet to find soul mate.... Caring, loving, descent, generous etc , these are words often used by people who know me to describe my personality.
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

Caut un barbat analt, dragut,bun la suflet cu un simt al umorului extrem dezvoltat, si o situatie financiara foarte buna, care a-si vrea sa se insoare, Daca nu va ancadrati, va rog sa nu ma deranjati. Nu voi raspunde.
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

daca ma cuceresti raman doar a ta. nu cred ca te-ai putea satura de mine. O seara de sex cu mine te duce in rai Imi place dragostea, si vreau sa fiu iubita. Te caut si vreau sa te gasesc ... ;) Sa nu-ti para rau de ceea ce faci, ci de ceea ce nu faci. Invata sa iubesti adevarul si sa ierti greseala...DE DRAGOSTE AU PARTE CEI CARE NU STIU SA O PRETUIASCA....ROG AVENTURIERII SA SE ABTINA...NU CONVERSEZ CU CEI FARA POZA...SPER,DESI E GREU..SA MAI GASESC PE CINEVA SERIOS PE ACEST SEIT....
imi ingrijesc destul de mult corpul.
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

I am a quality woman who is confident, honest, kind, smart, fun, trustworthy, supportive, loving, loves kids, outgoing, down to earth, friendly, great sense of humor, sociable, respectful (I would always treat you with respect). I have good morals, obisnuit values, I`m a lady who is a very good listener and someone that you could talk too about anything. I`m looking for a long term relationship and a life long lover. I also want someone that is honest with me at all times
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

Ia€™m a girl from Ukraine. i\'m usual girl but I\'m sure that I have something special to make my man happy and i\'m sure that my beloved wil be the happiest man in the world. I think that life is too short to think about sad thing and I am sure that we have to wait for the miracle and have hope in our hearts! I\'m cheerful and loving and I hope that you\'ll notice it!!
publi24 giurgiu
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Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

Sunt o persoana carismatica cu un simt al umorului destul de dezvoltat.Ador sa calatoresc,sa cunosc locuri si persoane noi, Suntuoso o persoana f deschisa si suport gelosia, infidelitatea , oamenii mincinosi.
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Alle Oficiall
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

Descopera-ma ! Hi!I'm a very sensitive,soft & tender girl who needs to love & to be loved!!!!!I'm looking for my second half & I'm sure that I'll find the one man for's you,,,dear man?????!!!!!!!!!!!!
publi24 giurgiu
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Ina Alina
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu Romania

neasemuita si irepetabila...puternica si in acelasi timp sensibila,echilibrata ,iubesc natura,animalele...,asteptari de la ceilalti nu am,insa am asteptari de la mine,pe oameni nu poti sa'-i schimbi ci doar sa-i accepti(iubesti)asa cum sunt...viata e dichisita si merita sa te bucuri pentru fiecare chiar daca nu-ti gasesti jumatatea,viata poate fi frumoasa si asa,alaturi de prieteni,familie,etc.
Atletica sani,fund
Un barbat care sa mi satisfaca placerile
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