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Masaj Erotic Satu Mare

Cele mai sexy escorte care fac masaj erotic in Satu Mare sunt pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

I'm curious, cheerful, passionate, but most of the time thoughtful, honest, decent, active and warm-heart lady. Romance as well as a hope to find my true love always lives in my heart and soul. I possess a self-estimation
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

If you are looking for something really special here, you have finally found the right profile! Nice to meet you! And it would be even better to meet you in reality! I think I should let you know that I am a simple woman in the real sense of it and would stand by my man no matter what. I believe in the principle of love, once you are in it then you have to make it work as the younger generation these days do not seem to know what that is about. I can say that I'm elegant, sweet, very communicative, and naturally young lady! I know exactly what I want from life and one of my greatest desires is to meet my partner and make him the happiest in the universe! I'm ready for a serious relationship. Live happy every day! That's my motto, it helps to find something that I can be thankful for every day! Because we only live once, we should appreciate small and simple things that happen to us every day. I enjoy good food, wine and an interesting conversation.
sunt eleganta am ochii caprui sunt singura
Un mascul sa ma iubeasca
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

Prietenia si respectul stau la baza unei relatii durabile si trainice. Esti tu schimbarea pe care vrei sa o vezi in jurul tau sau o astepti doar de la ceilalti? Teme de interes-implicare: educatia, justitia sociala, antreprenoriatul social, participarea civica, mediul si dezvoltarea durabila, frumosul din natura si cel din creatia omului..Imi place lemnul, nu plasticul. Imi plac copacii vii, cele mai minunate si valoroase creaturi vegetale. Si Diana Krall..
masaj erotic satu mare
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

sexy 2 miine,2 picioare, un pic de cap. Posed si 2 ochi cu ochelari. Nu imi plac deprimatii si obsedatii de ei insisi. Sa partajam ce e gratios ce e bun ce e util si ce e moral. Imi place natura si detest aglomeratia, si ar mai fii de spus mai am 1154 de caractere...1134
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

buna Descrierea mea fizica le vezi in poze...Daca vrei sa afli mai mult, trimite-mi un email. Eu as vrea sa cunosc un tip in Ottawa, Montreal sau Ontario in general, care e nefumator si nu e un alcoholic, intre 40 si 50 de ani. Scopul e: prietenie, cu posibilitate de a ajunge ceva serios (daca sintem pe acelasi wavelength). Imi pare rau, dar nu sant interesata de nimeni din Romania.
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Andreea Blonde
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

Sunt o persoana foarte sociabila, deschisa,prietenoasa Sint o persoana vesela , comunicativa intelegatoare . Apreciez in mod aparte seriozitatea, corectitudinea , comunicarea urasc aventurieri, nu imi plac glumele de prost gust prefacatoria . Nu ma inplic intr-o relatie nereala care nu are sanse de supravietuire , imi place sa traiesc in armonie . Caut un mascul serios pentru casatorie care sa-mi asigure stabilitate ,respect si in particular iubire , nu am obligati sint pregatita pentru o relatie in doi , o relatie eleganta statornica , cu vacante frumoase , si toate acele lucruri frumoase care viata ne ofera , nu sint disperata astept cu rabdare barbati casatoriti vedeti de familia ce o stapaniti a fost creat pentru fiintele care doresc sa cunoasca omul s-au femela cu care sa-si refaca viata s-au cei care nu au fost casatoriti si isi cauta jumatatea stati deoparte
Sunt blonda, ochi albastri,simpatica, am 1,60 m inaltime
Caut sa socializez, sa ma distrez
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

I am sweet girl that is full energy and ideas how to create perfect relations with a man, just haven\'t found a decent man for that yet. But i am all in my searchings. I believe in love with a first sight and even with the first letter. I am quite cheerful, intellectual and pretty, that is why i am looking for respectful and smart man.
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

I consider myself to be very funny, cheerful, positive and optimistic. I enjoy having fun, I have positive attitude towards life and I enjoy making people smile. I do not like arguing. I believe that to solve a problem it is necessary to discuss it. I am very kind and caring. I am active and energetic. I believe that reading books helps to develop intelligence. I like cooking very much. I love pets and you will get to know me better when you come closer...Text or inbox me let' get to know each other better.....
masaj erotic satu mare
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

sunt cam geloasa cand iubesc un suferit .imi plac plimbarile si distractiile,Imi place sa fiu o reala sotie indiferent ce dragoste care nu are la baz prietenia, este ca un castel produs pe nisip;stiind s asculti vei profita si de pe urma celor care vorbesc r u; argumentle nu conving pe nimeni;nici-un fapt m ret din lume nu a fost conceput f r pasiune; cele mai frumoase lucruri nu pot fi v zute sau atinse trebuie s le simti cu inima... printre toate florile lumii sunt si eu o flore, culege-m de poti..
am 1 m 75 50 kg draguta suparacioasa si extra geloasa dar geloasa din iubire
mascul care sa nu ma minta,,,si sa ma iub asa cum il iubesc eu
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

Buna!!!! .Cei care urmariti flirt si aventura.... slabe sperante....!!! As vrea sa cred ca mai exista si barbati care stiu ce vor cu adevarat... o familie!! Sunt o iubita simpla, modesta, frumoasa si fara interes. Nu mi place ca sunt pe aici, dar uneori soarta e nedreapta.Conversatiile fara rost, dar cu alt interes, ma obosesc si nu le accept!!
masaj erotic satu mare
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

I am a very optimistic person. I like to smile and to laugh, and make others happy. I always hope for better. I think life is beautiful as long as you think so. I am positive that everything is possible in life.I am very friendly and adore kind, balance and intelligent. I am communicative and genuine person by nature. I appreciate home coziness and I am interested in social life. I have many friends and good family, but I feel lack of a aparte person by my side who I can give all my care, warmth, love and tenderness. I want
masaj erotic satu mare
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

Beautiful girl...i waiting for someone ho carring me :D:D I hope you're here to find your one and only. Your kind, intelligent, gentle, romantic, tender, sexy, well-balanced and, to be frank, very hardworking and creative woman is here. Well, I really love my job, candle lit dinners, sandy beaches and with all my heart I dream of romantic nights in front of a fireplace with special someone!
Very Beautiful ;))
I looking a men ho take care of me ;))
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Ragazza Bella
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

`` Glumeata,sincera, ... " I am theodora by name i am 31 female with no kids ...never been married...5'7 feet tall and athletic and I was born in colorado and raised in Ghana and my race is colorado My heritage is English,may be u may ask what i mean by my heritage is English is all cuss our Colonial masters was the British and my dad is a British man, my religion is a Christian,never mind about me been a Christian so let us see what the future would hold for me and u. Am student i study accounting and i just completed my education and had master degree in accounting. Talking about who i am;am that easy going type, adventurous, romantic, ambitious and have a very good sense of humor.. My hobbies are too many but to mentioned a few; sports,watching movies, going for walks, listening to music (almost all types of music), love on the beach, dancing in the dark
Uitate la poze ... ;-)
Nimic in mod,,Special " ;-) ... Socializare ... Pierdere de timp ... Etc ;-)
masaj erotic satu mare
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

Casca ochii si ai sa vezi...! Ich bin eine Nette, ehrliche, aufrichtige, aufmerksame, treue Frau, ich möchte echte Gefühle teilen, Wende mich positiv, gute Laune und empathie an. Mit Werten des Respekts, der Gerechten Aufteilung und der menschlichen Wärme. Ich möchte Menschen treffen, die die gleichen Qualitäten haben, nicht egoistisch oder launisch, die Ihre Vergangenheit verdauen und bereit sind, mit der Zukunft zu beginnen. Gibt es noch die große Liebe? ich Suche noch nach der Antwort auf diese Frage, die sich alle stellen, aber ich fange leider an, daran zu zweifeln. Wie Sie vielleicht verstanden haben, Suche ich nach einer ernsthaften und vor allem stabilen Beziehung... Wenn Frauen für Sie Sammlerstücke sind, bitte unterlassen Sie es, wie jeder andere auch.
Mai bine nu se poate.
Domnul ideal
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Andre Dya
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

Sunt extrem sociabila Its me wynes,am 31years old,from knowle in bristol uk,I want u to know tht it will be ma greatest placere to meet you and know you better,because i know that..\"The purity and trueness of love through an Internet relationship far passes that of one based on physical contact,and I am glad that i have come across u ..but I have always wanted the love of my life to be understanding, loving, caring, faithful and most of all someone who would accept me for who I am..I\'m a touchy-feely type of woman...I like to kiss and hug, and cuddle, but I won\'t smother you. I\'m an honest, thoughtful, caring, clean, independant, fun, one man woman. Full of energy I like dancing to the oldies or country music, walking on the beach & boardwalk, going to the theatre, traveling, roller coasters, horseback riding, dining in or out, or just working around the house. I enjoy spending time with the man in my life but also allow him free time for himself. I\'m in a position to go anywhere, so distance is no problem. soreel me in so I don\'t get away. You\'ll have a good catch if you do.The key to my heart will be the man who wants to be close to me, holding hands, hugging, spending OUR time together doing the things we both like to do, like seeing a good movie, working out, or just sitting at home nestled in front of a tv on a cold winter nite..A man with some energy, not a couch potato. He needs to be a well groomed, thoughtful, caring, a happy with himself man, that likes to talk as well as listen, who wants a friend that leads to love, that accepts as well as gives. One who wants only one woman in his arms. I\'ll be faithfull to you, and will be there when you need an ear that listens. Kissing you when you least expect it, that kiss goodnite and another when you wake, and the big hug when needed most.
Slabuta,1,60 m
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Denisa Tirla
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

Imi place mult viata si imi place sexu triplu daca sti cum zic Je ne suis jamais été mariée donc pas d'enfants, je pense te l'avoir déj dit. Depuis 1 ans part contre, je tente de vivre heureuse dans une relation avec un homme qui sait ce que s'est que la femme et qui sait prendre la vie du bon côté, un homme qui sait aussi ce que s'est l'amour.
Am sani mari imi place viata fund ...1.60 inaltime ....
Masculi bine instarititi si sa le placa viata si sexul
masaj erotic satu mare
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

Sunt o fata tinara Cand vine vorba de mine..sunt extrem putine aspecte pe care nu le pot controla dar sunt destul de numeroase lucruri care-mi cad mie in grija. Eu decid cum imi petrec timpul, cu cine intreactionez si, cel mai important, eu imi aleg ce gandesc.. Prefer intotdeauna adevarul, cu riscul de a rani pe cineva. Sunt adepta sigurantei, iubesc ordinea si nu imi place sa ma complic mintind. Daca sunt provocata, pot ajunge incapatanata si inflexibila imi sustin cu tarie convingerile fara sa-mi fie teama de reactii.
Sunt frumoasa
Barbat bogati
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Femeie, 20, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

Frumoasa am Kelly by name ,new on this site i came here seeking for true love a man who will love me also take me as the only,i want you to know that am not here for game's, am here to make my own true man on here someone who i will trust also be honest with me forever and always have me as am going to be there with my own right person. have been cheat,hurt, also heart break and i don't want this to happen to me anymore
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

doar un barbat care stie ce doreste de la viata...cei cu prostii in cap sa se abtina...senza aventura.
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

Sunt o persoana prietenoasa,glumeatza, si de incredere... Cu ceva timp in urma(si eu noua pe aici odata, sau dupa o luuuunga absenta), am facut o descriere mai ametaforica si sensibilaa care a fost interpretata si analizata in toate felurile de vizitatori.Irelevant acum. Repet deci ca descrierea din profilul meu, cat si "preferintele" pt un potential partener de viata si batranete sunt fix cele mentionate in chestionarul completat. Pt "vulpi" , rautaciosi sau curiosi spun doar ca pozele mele din profil sunt cat se poate de recente si neprelucrate.(iar albumele au data).Sunt mandra de varsta mea!Stiu ca aici e multa lume, "oameni" putini, dar 1%din ei chiar sunt exceptionali si de exceptie. Daca esti unul dintre ei esti bine venit in viata mea virtuala de aici, din alte "locuri"(gasindu-ma cu acelasi nume, daca esti inteligent) si mai ales in cea reala.Iar daca ai avut curiozitatea si ai citit pana la sfarsit sper sa fii suficient de istet sa gasesti un mod de-a ma "gasi".P.S. pasiunile mele: muntele , dansul si imbratisarile. P.S la P.S: nu raspund celor fara poze, mesajelor care includ doar emoticoane, agramatilor sau celor care nu stiu sa lege mai mult de 3 cuvinte intr-o fraza. Chiar daca poate supar pe 99% dintre "vizitatori", subliniez ca sunt un om politicos, imi pretuiesc timpul si viata reala si voi raspunde doar mesajelor cu "continut" .
te las pe tine !!!
Un prieten de incredere , frumos si sa stie ce vrea de la viatza!!
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

cautati-ma si va voi spune Drãgutã, tandrã , sentimentalã, ador momentul petrecut in doi cu concubinul de viatã ... ....Cred ,cã o relatie c.a s.ã dureze , are trebuinta de comunicare , seriozitate si sinceritate ... Ador conceptiille vechi , in ceea ce priveste o relatie !
conteaza sa fie de treaba
un baiat serios sincer sa ma iubeasca sa nu minta k nu suport minciuna sa fie de treaba si sa ma pot intelege cu el
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

Calm, kind, honest, faithful. I am very homely. I like cooking, baking. I like to sunbathe, swim, travel, shopping, visiting furniture exhibitions at work. I am engaged in textile portiunea interioara stil and a complete set of objects in the repair of designer finishing materials.
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

I am open minded, honest, direct, loving and faithful. I am intellectually curious, like to read and am really keen on personal development in all areas of my life. I am very active but I also enjoy relaxing time...watching good documentaries and biographies, reading, listening to music, enjoying the gorgeous fall colors, fresh snow or the blossoming trees in spring. My hobbies contine travelling, spending time in nature, dancing, skiing, skating, yoga, swimming, biking, hiking, cooking, photography,organizing and creating a loving home, socializing with friends, singing in the shower, watching good comedies and inspirational movies. I take courses for personal development (eg. Anthony Robins, Landmark Education). I am also interested in psychology, life coaching and relationship coaching. I like to have fun, laugh, travel together with my partner, explore new things. I love walking hand in hand, hugs, kisses, romance. I see challenges as adventures and opportunities to unleash my inner strength and power. I enjoy lively conversations on mostly any topic. I like to start the relationship with a warm friendship and then take it to a higher level of intimacy.
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

ceea ce se vede I am a real and mature lady. I am kind, caring and I know how to treat a man. I can make our atmosphere comfortable and I can be adventurous and extraordinary. I am an extremely cheerful lady. I am a unique combination of contradictory traits that create a harmony of my soul: I am sensitive and passionate, friendly and calm, generous in my feelings but possessive towards my love. I am caring and loving, a reliable support for my close people. I know how to make my future man happy!
placut...imi zic unii
caut.....e treaba mea ce!!!:))
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

poate cu prea numeroase asteptari I want to find a faithful, attentive and most importantly honest man. He is mature and experienced. I want him to share my attraction to art, and I would support him in all his endeavors. I really like smart, well-read men, but this is not critical, because the main thing is the soul.
parerea ta conteaza
pe cineva care sa se ridice la nivelul asteptarilor.......
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

sunt placuta Sunt o persoana cu prea mult bun simt, sincera, loiala, un prieten la bine si la rau fara asteptari, o romantica invechita, cu prejudecati, care nu-si gaseste locul intr-o lume fara principii; daca vrei sa ajungi la inima mea trebuie da fii un om de exceptie ;fb.nicoleta graur bacau
baieti simpatici :))
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

Sunt o fata cuminte, sincera, serioasa. Sunt o persoana originala.Greu de cunoscut... De ce ??? Te rog privesti in adancul sufletului, nu a decolteului meu , si sunt sigura ca nu vei mai pune atatea intrebari! Sensibila... dar categoric declaratiile tale de dragoste facute la 99% din fetele din lista ta nu ma vor impresiona si pe mine!!! Sfat: Incearca sa cunosti omul dincolo de ceea ce pare !!! BINE AI VENIT SAU RAMAS BUN!
Numai bine
Prietenie, relatie serioasa
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

sunt o fire nebunatika si sincera..CATEODATA EXAGERAT DE SINCERA... I am a very honest and sincere woman and expect the same thing from people that surround me. And I do so much want to find my soul mate live a very wonderful life with. Family means everything to me. Family is the circle in which you can enjoy every ocazie of happiness. I want to build a good life with someone I love and we take care of each other. To walk on the beach hand in hand or just sitting next to each other. To support each other through the good and hard times. I want to build a good life with someone I love and we take care of each other. I do so much want to find my soul mate to live a very wonderful life with. Family is the circle in which you can enjoy every moment of happiness. I love kids, nature, and pets. I like reading and music very much. I am very friendly and have many friends. My biggest dream is to travel all over the world. I really want to enjoy all the beauty of the world, to see other countries. I am very curious to learn things about other people, their life, their culture, and their traditions. I am very romantic. I love to have a lot of flowers around me. I like to realizate autentic bunch of flowers. And I adore when men present me flowers for no reason at all. I enjoy cooking and I also like to go out to eat in typical restaurants. I like comfort and joy. I like very much going shopping and doing my shopping. I like little surprises and would like my husband to fulfill some my whims.
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LittLe AngeL
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

nu shtiu ce as putea scrie despre mn... Imi cer sa imi fac o ma vad ok...dar pentru mine EL trebuie sa stie ca lumea e in continua evolutie ca nu sunt femela care tace si am creier si il folosesc astept ca EL sa stie sa aprecieze ca alaturi de EL este o prietena si sa fiu tratata asa cum merit
mascul sintul umorului..respectuos cu bunul simt..
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

Sunt o persoana linistita i don't like speak about myself because usually there are so many emotions, memories and thoughts that i have in my mind that it's so hard to chose only a few words to describe this. And i would prefer much more if there was a chance to look into my eyes because the whole world is reflected into them. what exactly? there is happiness because i am surrounded by marvelous people who i love and who loves me. there is excitement because waking up every day, there was no a day when i wasn't surprised with the clouds on the sky, with the tree that changes its colors every day, with passers-by who i meet on my way somewhere. there is love not only to people but also to things, to nature, to life. There is joy because i know that each situation in my life both pleasant or not really is teaching me something and i am trying to learn. but there is also some sadness sometimes because i miss one very important person in my life whom i can wait as long as it is necessary but i will better go towards him. maybe here i'll meet who I need and who needs me...
sunt sexy:D
Sunt in cautare de prieteni :D
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

Sunt o persoana buna, placuta, inteligenta . Sunt pensionara . imi doresc sa gasesc o persoana asemenea caracterului meu. Pentru anii care au mai ramas , imi vor o persoana sa fim fericiti impreuna. Fiintele neserioase sa se abtina !
mega sexi .....
un barbat
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

placuta Se pare ca ai vrea sa ma cunosti. Dar mai ales ti-ai dori sa stii ce vreau eu..... Imi vor un barbat care stie ce vrea, care are puterea de a lua decizii, de a risca. Care nu se teme de femei si nici de viata. Care ma face sa rad. Acela va avea parte de darurile mele dulci. Sunt creata pentru dragoste si pentru masculi adevarati. Nu mi se potriveste mediocritatea si superficialitatea. Domnul pe care il voi alege va fi incercat si testat. Si apoi vom merge laolalta prin viata, cu incredere, iubire, pasiune, senzualitate, respect, continand grija unul de fiinta celuilalt. Vom pasi impreuna, cuprinzand preocupare sa devenim mai frumosi ca oameni, decat atunci cand ne-am cunoscut. P.S. Daca esti aici pentru flirt sau aventura am pentru tine un mic poem scris de mine, ca sa te feresti de foc :) POEM DESPRE DRAGOSTEA OAMENILOR TRAITA DE O ZEITA Cine m-a pus pe drumul tau iubite? Ca tu sa ma gasesti Si sa ma pierd pe mine? De ce nu m-ai lasat Un fir de praf, in drum, Sa zbor prin galaxii, Sa ma transform in scrum? Sa ard pentru nimic Iar Focul meu sa arda Si-n veci sa nu se-ntoarca De dragul tau, in vatra. Si-acuma cand mocnesc Si mi-e dor de iubit, Ai vrea sa ma duc unde? Cand nu mai am decat... Un infinit Niciunde?
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Femeie, 33, Casatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

sunt o fire tandra;ar trebui sa ma cunosti Iubesc marea muzica iubesc tot ce este frumos.Urasc minciuna si omul pervers.Cat este de dureros adevarul prefer sa-l cunosc nu sa fiu mintita.Sant o persoana simpla iubesc oameni simpli,oameni care stiu ce vor.Ca-m atata restul pe parcurs
eu cred ca sunt ok
nici eu nu stiu
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

fara falsa modestie consider ca sunt destul de draguta,sunt sigura ca pot sa atrag absolut orice mascul si stiu ce vreau de la viata. Well, Im a very nice, honest, loving and down to earth person who loves to hangout with friends and especially with Loved ones. Im looking for someone i can trust,some to be there for me at this point in time, to fulfil my heart desire.
sunt bruneta am ochii verzi,destul da inalta si cred eu suficient de atragatoare pt componenta masculina.
sincer nici eu nu as zice ca absolut orice dar detinand in vedere vremurile in care traim un mascul frumos,destept si cu bani..:)).glumesc...o persoana draguta...
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

I'm a very respectful and humble person, very friendly,open minded and straight forward in life. Loving and caring person who knows how to take very good care of a man especially giving him sense of belonging in everything I do in life. I am very quiet at first but I warm up quickly, Communication is very important to me..I love Animals a lot especially dogs and cats. I like to try new things & meet new people, I don't Smoke and less alcohol. Having a wonderful candlelight dinner somewhere overlooking the ocean. Afterwards taking a blanket, a bottle of chilled Red wine, and take a stroll down that same beach to find the perfect spot to sit,look at the sunset, then the stars, and listen to the surf while getting to know one another.
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

nice & sweet in dragoste nu credeam iar acum cand mam indragostit...mam indragostit de cine nu trebuia...trec prin clipe grele din veata mea...caut pe cineva k sa ma ajute sa alung tristetia din imima k sa-si mai bata iar joc de ia!!!!
pt cine este asa important fizicul sa se uite la poze :P
YOU ;)
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

buna! sunt elena,sunt gata sa cunosc oameni noi! I am a girl who has a lot of dreams in my little head! And if you really want to know better I can tell you about my dream! I am very optimistic person! I like sport! I like dance! I will be a choreographer! My favorite color is red and my favorite flower is rose! Someone tell me that I am look like a rose! Very tender and sweet! But when someone make me pain I can show my thorns!
nu vreau sa par increzuta :P las pe altii sa decida...
un baiat brunet, simtzul umorului si gata oricand sa se distreze:D
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

O esenta puternica si sufcient de masculina va recunoaste imediat un complex de inferioritate, dar rareori ca fiind si al lui. -In ciuda lui Minulescu- De ziua mea, de ziua ta, Voi prinde fluturi la perdea Iar tu ma vei certa nervos, Ca ti-am intors viata pe dos. Și eu voi da un acatist Citit d-un popa securist Vreo 6 saptamani la rand, Sa nu mai stau cu tine-n gand Apoi ma plimb prin magazine Tu, cu amantele depline.. De ziua mea, de ziua ta, Taci, naibii! Pune de-o cafea ! n.b. Promit sa dau acatiste de viata lunga, domnilor, indiferent de varsta, cu mintea ciuruita, care pun panglici la descriere despre " seriozitate, sinceritate, bla, bla dar care imi lasa mesaje de fatalai atinsi de oftica Damei. Buey, Adame, buey, fartate, ridica-te din cazatura ! Treci de capitolul ala din Biblie ! Cuvintele de la descriere imi apartin, cand voi vrea sa dau citate, pun " " , clar. foto de la profil, la fel imi apartine (unii, in ciuda altora, chiar imbatranesc frumos ) Nu-mi mai repetati ca este doar un site de dating si va incurc asteptarile si vietisoara! Nu-mi lasati mesaje daca va cautati sotia de viata civila, penala, contencioasa, amoroasa, euroatlantica, asiatica etc.. sau casatorie binara, plenara, atat mai mult aventura considerand ca, daca stiti sa dati din dos, e suficient ! Retineti ca nimeni nu e obligat sa raspunda mesajelor pe care exp. le crede wow!
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

I think that the way people attract each other has nothing to do with their character or appearance. We can spend many years dreaming of some ideal but then out of a sudden fall in love with total antipode and realise that this is whom we waited for all our life. Love is a beautiful feeling and we should tresure it once we find it. By nature I am amiable and kind person. I try to see the good side of everything.
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

I am very understanding person and I can easily forgive other people even if they offended me. I am very kind and tender woman. And I usually treat other people in the same way as I want them to treat me. I am purposeful woman and try to achieve those things I wish. I am also very open. So, you can read me like an open book. Sometimes it is hard to talk about those things I like. I cannot say that I have many interests. I just lead rather simple life and of course I like having my free time and enjoying it. I spend time with my family, my friends. And we like to do just usual activities people do, talk, walk, sit in the cafe and so on. So, I am looking for man who is like me. I want him to be kind and tender with me. I want him to achieve his aims and be strong. I want a man who knows what he wants from this life. I like when he is responsible for things he does.
Un barbat dragut cu care sa pot socializa!
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

I am very simple, work hard, and love to laugh. I am looking for serious relationship. Haven't been in a relationship for almost 10 month . And I'm here 504 .If you want to talk to me, I'd love to hear from you. rushasbrownatyahuudotcome is for me 475 read between the lines to find me to chat.I am looking for someone who wants to be 89 loved and married for the rest of their life and has a great family as well 22 If you are smart enough you will know how to atingere me via the contents in my profile message.Family and friends will always come first for me
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Larisa Mada
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Satu Mare, Satu Mare Romania

sunt frumoasa .isteata si devreme acasa dar mai ales modesta.simtul umorului e la purtator.sunt aici ca sa ma laud. insa daca cineva vrea sa ma cunoasca.trebuie sa fie la fel ca mine si un pic mai destept.
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