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Fete Singure Oradea

Cele mai sexy fete singure in cautare de barbati din Oradea sunt pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

Sunt o iubita serioasa,imi plac oamenii sinceri,nu minciuna,inselati,bautura,fumatul.Stiu ce vor de la viata. DORESC sa-mi gasesc sufletul pereche. Am trecut in viata prin multe greutati,dar sper ca de data aceasta voi trece peste ele daca voi gasi perechea care imi lipseste si ma sustine. Imi place sa ascult muzica, sa ma plimb,cumparaturi,la un gratar.
Pizde Oradea.
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Femeie, 20, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

sunt foarte sincera! I'm not a body with a soul, I'm a soul that has a visible part called body. Iar daca esti aici sa-ti umpli timpul sau alte motive de genul, te rog ignora-mi profilul, fa-mi o favoare si nu ma face sa-mi pierd eu momentul
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irina Rinaldi
Poze verificate
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

sunt o doamna f serioasa si mi vor deasemeni sa fie la fel persoana respectivafara minciuni alcool si dezamagiri doresc ceva real si concret multumesc de antelegere as mai putea integrala sa stie limba engleza minim dc nu mare sa poata lucra an uk,sa avem vigilenta reciproca MULTAM !
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Femeie, 21, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

Sunt o fata rasfatata,sunt dornica de Nou,nu imi plac masculii fitosi.Sunt o fata dornica de orice I am a person who is very real when it comes to life and its' issues. Am honest,kind caring,affectionate,good sense of humor,easy going,free thinker,trustworthy and respect the lives of other people...
Cum spune toata lumea-superba-
Incerc sa cunosc barbati care imi pot oferi orice! Sunt deschisa la orice tip de relatie
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

o fata simpla .... I am a caring, honest, loving, romantic, affectionate, polite, faithful, kind, humble and friendly lady. I like dancing, reading, listening to music, i like the beach, camping and i enjoy cooking.I want a Man that is caring, kind, humble, brave, bold, intelligent, honest, loving, affection and friendly Man. A man that would love me for who I am. a Man who values the pride in himself and in His wife a Man that keep is home front first in everything.
din pacate pentru numeroase persoane conteaza extrem mult acest aspect . . . de ce oare? . . . las la aprecierea voastra . . .
ce caut? e ceva simplu dar in acelasi timp foarte greu de gasit. . . dc vrei sa stii cautama . . .
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

ma consider cea mai fraiera sotie din lume,MOTIVUL:pun botu prea repede si sunt prea sufletista Ik ben een vrolijke vrouw, sociaal en rustig, niet gecompliceerd en..ah een tikkeltje romantisch. Leuke jurkjes, schoenen met hakken, parfums, parels zijn mijn favoriete dingen. "Vrouwelijk" is een woord, die bij mij past. Ik houd van reizen, warme landen, zee, muziek, lekker eten en dansen. Ik ben best ontwikkeld en gesprekken met een bepaald niveau stel ik zeer op prijs. Ik zoek net als iedereen een bepaalde warmte en eerlijkheid, een matje met wie ik leuke of minder leuke dingen kan delen. Ik woon in Nederland maar ik ben Roemeens van oorsprong.Vandaar dat ik een Nederlander zoek, die ook een bepaalde band met mijn eigen land heeft.
sexy bomba
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

Je suis une femme sérieuse , sincère , honnête , gentille , fidèle , calme , douce , élégante , amoureuse , souriante , tendre , sympas , courageuse , très romantique , qui culture du bonheur , générosité , sensibilité et fidélité.
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

I may appear as a bit of a shy and sensitive girl at first, but if you allow me to get to know you, then you'll soon discover why I save the best of myself for people that I hold dear. Time is the most valuable thing that we can give each other. I'll appreciate a moment of your time and you writing to me if you are interested. Just say "hi".
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

sunt o fire vesela,optimista,imi place f mult viata.Apreciez f mult sinceritatea,nu imi plac minciunile! Congratulations. I search for serious attitudes to me 28, I very urgently wish to have family, but in me problems to find to me directly the young man here I have addressed in the Internet of cafe, and to me have told, that it is possible to find the person of dream here... I hope, that you will answer me.... ???????? ?? ??????? Concerning age differences, if I have written you that it already means that I am not afraid of your age, it means that I look least at age. I consider that the the man is more senior, the more it can give to the girl of life experience, will be wise in councils and will not allow to make an error.
sunt simpatica,am ochii albastri,1,65 inaltime si 52 kg
caut un mascul simpatic,cu simtul umorului,care sa stie sa aprecieze o femeie,sa o respecte
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Rose Rose
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

Sunt o persoana vesela im ok looking and i am on here looking for my dream partner who will care for me and treat me like a woman who won't cause me shit in our relationship and won't cheat on me because i have been cheated on lots of time
asa si asa
o relatie serioasa
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

I am a person like cooking housewife are honest Am a girl of 24yrs loving, caring obedient and humble still searching for the love of my life, no matter how rich, poor, color or religion all i need is a man of dignity that\\\'s all thanks and God bless
beautifule and sweety
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

Uita-te si tu la poze I'm passionate, cheerful, ambitious and animated. I love being goofy, laughing and being active (down time is not my best friend, although I do enjoy lounging and watching movies or reading), but I also can be serious when needed. I'm looking for someone who can compliment my personality, who has goals and is driven, but also enjoys having fun, can make me laugh and enjoys sports. Having a positive attitude is key -- it just makes the world a better place for everyone.
Depinde ce cauta fiecare
De baieti cu gura mare e plina lumea! Fetele stiu de ce! :D si lor le raspund. P.S.: NU DAU ID! NU MAI AVEM, S-A TERMINAT!
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

fire vesela,zambitoare,nu fumez,sincera ,onestaiubesc adevarul urasc minciuna,romantica iubesc calatoriile,nu sunt bogat a in banii ci doar in un suflet bun si curat sa stiti ca nu am abonament,deci nu pot conversa cu toti favoriti multumesc pt.intelegere fire vesela zambitoare, un baiat de 32ani iubesc frumosul si calatoriile urasc minciuna respect si vreau respect,nu fumez,romantica,bogata in un suflet bun nu in banii restul mai vedem....... sa stiti ca nu am abonament deci nu pot conversa cu toti favoriti,multumesc pt.intelegere. t,
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

...Sunt umpluta de distractie.. I myself is a fun loving lady,sweet and romantic, easy to get along with,am fairly smart and witty and i want a man that will share with me the good life and made me a woman and at night time express the most wonderful feelings that every one needs and be expressive about many things
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

Femeile sunt speciale. O stim cu totii. Ne gandim la ele, le iubim si admiram , le f...m . frumoasa, cuminte , ascultatoare, incapatanata , Increzatoare 10 reguli simple pentru o viata fericita 1: Nu trebuie sa fii lipsit de frica a pur si simplu fii curios 2: Impaca-te cu propriile frici 3: Inceteaza sa mai cauti justificari 4: Fii rabdator cu tine insuti. 5: Nu astepta o garantie 6: aA refuzaa si aA renuntaa a nu sunt unul si acelasi lucru 7: Fii mai degraba creatorul vietii tale, decat observatorul 8: Gaseste-ti atribula 9: Adreseaza intrebarile corecte 10: Continua sa traiesti
placut , asa spun eu
Doresc sa socializez , sa cunosc persoane , distractie , etc
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Femeie, 28, Casatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

Drãgutã, tandrã , sentimentalã, ador momentul petrecut in doi cu concubinul de viatã ... ....Cred ,cã o relatie c.a s.ã dureze , are trebuinta de comunicare , seriozitate si sinceritate ... Ador conceptiille vechi , in ceea ce priveste o relatie !
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

Incapatanata,ambitioasa,orgolioasa,cu pretentii,imi place distractia,muzica de toate genurile... O esenta tare si sufcient de masculina va recunoaste rapid un complex de inferioritate, dar rareori ca fiind si al lui. -In ciuda lui Minulescu- De ziua mea, de ziua ta, Voi prinde fluturi la perdea Iar tu ma vei certa nervos, Ca ti-am intors viata pe dos. Și eu voi da un acatist Citit d-un popa securist Vreo 6 saptamani la rand, Sa nu mai stau cu tine-n gand Apoi ma plimb prin magazine Tu, cu amantele depline.. De ziua mea, de ziua ta, Taci, naibii! Pune de-o cafea ! n.b. Promit sa dau acatiste de viata lunga, domnilor, indiferent de varsta, cu mintea ciuruita, care pun panglici la descriere despre " seriozitate, sinceritate, bla, bla dar care imi lasa mesaje de fatalai atinsi de oftica Damei. Buey, Adame, buey, fartate, ridica-te din cazatura ! Treci de capitolul ala din Biblie ! Cuvintele de la descriere imi apartin, cand voi vrea sa dau citate, pun " " , clar. foto de la profil, la fel imi apartine (unii, in ciuda altora, chiar imbatranesc elegant ) Nu-mi mai repetati ca este doar un site de dating si va incurc asteptarile si vietisoara! Nu-mi lasati mesaje daca va cautati nevasta civila, penala, contencioasa, amoroasa, euroatlantica, asiatica etc.. sau casatorie binara, plenara, atat mai mult aventura considerand ca, daca stiti sa dati din dos, e suficient ! Retineti ca nimeni nu e obligat sa raspunda mesajelor pe care exp. le crede wow!
162cm,blonda,ochi verzi,58kg
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

Se spune ca e nevoie de un minut pentru a-ti da seama ca o persoana e speciala,de o ora pentru a o aprecia, de o zi pentru a te indragosti dar ajunge o viata pentru a o uita......Si dice che ci vuole un minuto per notare una persona speciale,un'ora per apprezzarla,un giorno per volerle non basta una vita per cancellarla......
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

as vrea sa fiu aproximativ pe cat sufletul iti plange as vrea pe ale tale buze iubirea sa o pot atinge As a very open and sincere person I cannot lie. I value honesty and humanity. I am trying to stay optimistic in any situation. I like to learn something new all the time. I love life and I would love to share my optimism with the decent man. I am kind-hearted person, because I believe life is made of moments that should be appreciated. I hope that soon I will find my soulmate here!
tanara prezentabila, atletica siuatie materiala exceptionala, pozitie sociala masina 2 vile,nu vreau nimic...doar sa ma laud
tanjesc dupa timpul in care vei fi langa mine,cand vei ma incalzi cand ma vei face sa tresar dupa atingerile tale cand vom fi ca unul...
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

incapatanata,plina de viata,cu mult simt al dimineata inainte de a servi rest............surpriza I care both about my inner and exterior state, it is very important for me to find balance and to devote enough attention to my physical shape I like fitness, like going for jogging, swimming, camping, walking going to the beach and also to my mind development -traveling, sightseeing, reading, theatre, performances, exhibitions. As you can see, almost everything in this world is captivating for me and I know how to value simple pleasures of this life.
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

BuNa Si NeBuNa!!!!!!! Daca iti place sa citesti, daca ai simtul umorului , daca iti plac seriale gen MASH sau Friends si le ai vazut de atatea ori incat stii replicile , daca ai imaginatie, ei bine ... pornim de aici.
Superba:)) ma suport :P
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

I am a very simple and honest lady.My nature is very peaceful been romantic at heart l wanna share it with a very simple and honest man.I careless about distance and want a man who has a very good sense of humor towards a long term relationship leading to marriage.
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me me
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

sunt o fata prietenoasa glumeata distractiva... I am a very cheerful lady with a great sense of humor. I have a warm, calm and kind soul. I am a great companion who is easy to spend time with and to rely on. I am understanding, caring and loving. My good attitude towards people helps me make new friends and maintain relationships with good friends. I believe that love conquers all: differences, distances and barriers. All I can offer to you are love, respect, loyalty as well as tenderness, all my affection and passion. I believe that I can keep my man happy in many ways. A lady with a spark in her eyes and a big loving heart.
se vede in poze destul de bine
caut persoane dragute sociabile cu bun simt ...
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

SINCERA SI DEVOTATA... My life is like a merry-go-round: lots of people and events happening around me, I can say that I never feel dull, there are lots of interesting things for me, I have wide range of hobbies, but a. but I need to find the centre for my lifea.. and I want this centre to be my love, my relationship with beloved man!!
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

Ochi albastri,bruneta inaltime 1.80,65 de kg,95-63-97... In aceasta viata am pus accent pe corectitudine sinceritate loialitate....considerand ca sunt la temelia unei comunicari adevarate. in aceasta jungla care a devenit viata noastraSemenii si/au pierdut sensibilitatea . Si totusi pot spune ca nu am uitat ca OAMENII MERITA IUBITI SI RESPECTATI si cu sufletul si cu inima. Am tinut sa tin la oameni cu sinceritate si cu atat mai mult la cei deosebiti. INTOTDEAUNA am cautat sa creez un cadru de manifestare al sensibilitatii si disponibilitatii SUFLETULUI!.
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

o fata plina de viata:),iubitoare de frumos...:P To describe myself I can use thousand of definitions, as I can be bright and shy person at the same time. I have very good sense of humor and now I need someone to share my life with all its pleasant moments with. I believe in real feelings and sure that they can overcome even through big distance.
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

SUNT O FIRE CAREIA II PLACE DISTRACTIA SI OAMENII CULTURATI RESTUL VB My life is like a merry-go-round: lots of people and events happening around me, I can say that I never feel dull, there are lots of interesting things for me, I have wide range of hobbies, but a. but I need to find the centre for my lifea.. and I want this centre to be my love, my relationship with beloved man!!
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

dragutza I`m 5`7"140 with a athletic build , mentally stable, physically fit, a bunch of laughs, warm, caring, honest, good listening, God Fearing, and a positive person,I am real easy person to talk to and a good listener. I love to play golf and I enjoy chilling` with my friend/family. I like going to the movies or watching movies in my room , I like swimming , fishing, listening to music and dance, traveling , going bowling and etc.I am a family oriented person and I get along with everyone in my family and outside my family.
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

sunt o fire foarte distractiva,imi place sa ies in oras,am multi prieteni care nu se plictisesc nicicand in prezenta mea. I am a big believer in physical attraction/chemistry as the starting point of a potential relationship. Without chemistry, there is no point in going any further. I believe there has to be a balance of give and take in a relationship.
nu ma consider miss,dar consider ca sunt destul de atragatoare incat sa atrag atentia unui barbat,pe langa calitatile fizice am o gramada de alte calitati ce complecteaza lipsurile fizice ce pot considera unii ca le am.
mascul brunet,serios si totusi sa stie ce isi doreste,sa stie sa se distreze.
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

sunt o fetitza sufletista...imi plac mult animalele si sa calatoresc...doresc sa-mi fac amici noi I'm a woman who has a pure heart who's loyal and only one man. I'm the woman who believes that everything happens for a reason and everything happens for life's growth. I'm the kind of woman who's matured enough in continuing life to the fullest. A simple woman who always look life colorful as a rainbow in after a pouring rain.
nici prea grasa nici prea slaba
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pisicutza 753
Poze verificate
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

sunt o persoana deschisa cu care se poate vb despre orice... Suntem aici intr-o continua lectie si poveste de iubire.Cadem,ne ridicam,ranim,suntem raniti,ne umflam,ne dezumflam.Suntem intr-o continua cautare in aceasta lume misterioasa dar important este sa ne regasim,sa ne reinventam,sa ne gasim linistea sufleteasca....................
sunt aici pentru a-mi omora timpul....caut prieteni de vorbit, sa ma relaxez si sa ma distrez ;)
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

sunt o fata ce iubeste afacerile I have great sense of humor and laugh at myself all the time. i would like to meet someone who is caring, sweet and loving.... I am a very caring, friendly person open for love and serious relationship. I am also an intelligent lady with a good sense of humor. I am a joyful and have pretty emotional personality along with feelings of compassion and empathy.
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

Sunt calm, prietenos, romantic, emoÈaională Èai persoană optimistă. prietenii Èai rudele mele spun că eu sunt pasionat, harnici, de à ncredere Èai simpatic. Vă puteÈai gà ndi că sunt prea tà năr pentru a fi serios căutarea mea pentru dragoste, dar oamenii care mă cunosc spun că eu sunt destul de matur pentru và rsta mea Èai eu sunt gata pentru o relatie serioasa
Eu sunt blonda cu ochi caprui ,de inaltie mijlocie
Eu caut un mascul fidel si devotat,eu nu pot suporta minciuna si infidelitatea
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lolly lau
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

sunt o tipa sociabila si distractiva Hi! I'm mixie from Philippines !! I am a very loving, caring, friendly,im single, sincere lady seeking nothing but happiness and a man to complete me in a way no one has. I am very hardworking, passionate and very down to earth. i am fun to be with and a family oriented lady. if you feel you want to learn about me, then drop me a note and where you could be reached via Email,skype, whatsapp or viber.. Well i also love cooking, hiking, sports, shopping, photography and traveling around the world "how I wish".. I want a serious relationship but I am not in a rush to get what I want. I want to love and be loved, I want true happiness and laughter, I want to settle down for what desavarsit for me and understands me, cos no one is perfect, but you've got to be implinit for someone and understand someone to be in a relationship . I value commitment a lot and love to have fun. Life's too short and beautiful , I want to spend it with someone beautiful at heart and knows what they want.. A Open minded and knows what true committment is (for better or worse) they will always be there for me .. "I hate cheater & scammer please"
constitutie supla
o relaatie de intinsa perioada si un barbat serios
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

ii las pe altii sa o faca:) J'aimerais rencontrer quelqu'un avec qui je pourrais partager, plein de choses, comme les loisirs par ex et plus si vraiment affinités. Découvrir de nouvelles choses ensembles, quelqu'un qui serait attentionné, sérieux,honnête, qui aurait de l'humour, simple de la vie aussi, comme un pique nique au bord de l'eau. Avec qui je me prendrais pas la tête non plus, je suis plutôt très sociable, j'aime les imprévus les surprises j'ai de l'amour à revendre.
sa omor timpul....
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

mai bine sa ne cunoastem... si vedeti pe urma cum sunt si ce gandesc... I am honest with respect and dignity i don\'t have nothing to hide i am straight forward i say what\'s in my mind. I am not a play girl, I am a woman for just one man. I am just simply looking for the right one and not the perfect. I like to be faithful and loyal am also not rich neither i am poor but what i have to offer to my lovely man is priceless.
potrivit,sunt ok.
relatie de prietenie,dragoste,sau chiar amicitie bazata pe incredere si sinceritate.
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

have come to terms with the simple fact that those right and singular ones we seek and desire are most times not as close as we want them to be and till we are willing to accept that fact and look beyond our search region we might never find that soul mate and live that happy and desired life.I am new to this online thing and here in search of my lover and best friend, Recently came across an old friend that wants me to give this a try cos she met her husband via this online world, which she relocated to his home country and have been happily married for years.I am slightly impaired but fortunately i hear clearly at a close range and use the help of a hearing aid from a distance.I am originally from England and here on more study on my field of work "Special Kids & There Communication".I do not have a problem with what ever region, city, state or country i find him as i know that together we both can make it work.If you out there leave me a note and we will start off as friends.
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

o persoana simpatica,sincera,deschisa,pe care ai vrea s-o ai prin preajma. sunt o persoana care apreciaza, bunul un simt al umorului bine dezvoltat,sincera.deschisa in indiferent ce provocare..Caut un baiat.dragut,serios,simplu,care isi vrea cu adevarat o relatie serioasa..apreciat,iubit....sau gresesc?
am 1.60 , 48kg , satena (mediu/lung) , ochi mari caprui
caut baiat cu care sa corespondez
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

sunt o persoana caruia ii plac distractiile,muzica si calatoriile!si ink cv STELISTA PANA LA MOARTE! ....te las pe tine sa iti faci o impresie... sufletul meu e doar al celui care merita! I am kind, but strict, beautiful, but faithful, tender and caring. I believe that life is a gift and we should appreciate every moment. I have strong values in life and want to faurite a strong family. I easily make friends and trust people. I am a devoted friend, always ready to help.
un alura placut.....
nu caut ca acel baiat sa aiba masini,averi,case,bani si altele...vreau sa fie sufletist,sa stie ce reprezinta respectul si increderea!
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Poze verificate
Femeie, 34, Casatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

nu sunt narcisista!:P I am a funny young girl from the western part of Ukraine. I like active style of life very much. I like sports and animals. One day I want to have family, where there are love, trust, support and happiness! I like to spend my free time outdoor and I dream to travel in another country to see new people and may be find something interesting and useful for me?. I am always in good mood and my friends say that I like a sun in the sky?
Depinde de sezon=)):P
Nu caut nimic, am tot ce vreau...
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

daca vrei sa ma cunosti trebuie sa vorbesti cu Simpatica, comunicativa,sincera.Imi place sa fac sport si sa imi petrec timpul liber in natura. Iubesc marea si tot ce este frumos. Nu sunt o fire complicata si nu cer mai mult decat pot sa ofer! Imi doresc un partener cu calitati aproape similare ptr o viata implinita si placuta! Cauta-ma!
cunosti proverbul cu omul?nu judeca omul dupa aparente,intai cunoaste persoana....
nu caut ceva anume.daca imi place e bine...iar da daca nu imi place.............asta e
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

sunt simpatica si cu mult bun simt si foarte mult umor I\'ve negru hair and dark eyes, I\'m a simple soul, a faithful l besides a sweet and passionate lower. My hobbies include movies, reading, going to concerts, watching tv, fishing, listening to the music, going to the cinema, walking along the avenues, also I adore all the beauties of nature and many others things..,very social, active and confident Person. I enjoy travelling, the outdoors (cottages, boats, dh skiing) and socializing with good company. I have a soft spot for good food (all types of cuisine)and wine and I enjoy cooking. I este alcatuit din regular exercise in my life be it biking, hiking/walking, down-hill skiing and working out.
ca o printesa ...scz regina
un suflet bun si sincer
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

Buna,am 25 de ani o fire extrem glumeata draguta imi place mult sa gatesc,sa ies cu prietenii si calatorii.Dar va las pe voi sa ma descoperiti,va pup. I'm a very honest and sincere person. Kind of old-fashioned in ways. I enjoy cooking, baking, spending time with family. I love the mountains and the sea. Anything specific you'd like to know about me, please feel free to message and ask!
As dori la inceput o prietenie cu un mascul matur care stie ce vrea de la viata,sa fie sociabil dragut,sincer,si pe parcurs vedem noi ce va fi....
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

Putin nebunatica,usor timida si o prietena de nadejde. I am a sweet lady that has a sense of humor, bubbly, adventurous and open-minded person. I really love to explore new things. I like meeting new people. I am currently working. I am efficient in any way. I have a supportive and loving family. I hope this time; I will finally meet the man of my dreams I am searching for a man who will love me with all his heart. I want a man, who will be honest with me, responsible, loving and have a sense of humor. Someone who is willing for a long-term commitment. Age does not matter to me. I am sensitive, fragile, emotional, bright, kind and very optimistic woman. I am live my life on full. I am a woman who achieves a lot in this life but I miss one thing. The great love of my life. If you like adventure then I invite you to my world! I need man who will become my partner, lover, best friend. Who is active, without bad habits. Open to a new experiments! Go ahead! I am waiting
Roscata cu culoare inchisa,ochi caprui spre verzi, inaltime1,70, greutate 55 kg
orice fel de persoane atata timp cat sunt cu capul pe umeri
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Oradea, Bihor Romania

Una mujer muy sincera... Hi, there. It's the first time when I have to write something about myself. I'm full of energy but at the same time I can be calm and romantic. Promise to be a devoted wife, caring mother and passionate lover. Would like to faurite a strong and friendly family. Like nature, good music and good sense of humor.
Un hombre que sea muy sincero y que sepa amar...
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