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Femei Maritate Pitesti

Cele mai sexy femei maritate din Pitesti te asteapta pe
Femeie, 23, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

"primei impresii nicicand nu-i acorzi a doua sansa"...o mica completare pt pers care nu au cei 7 ani de ma aflu in Spania la cules capsuni...asa k,putin bun simt nu ar strica,mai ales ca nu stiti cine e in spatele acestui nick.
simtul gaseste?
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Mihaela Morena
Femeie, 49, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

Cunoaste-ma! I am a young woman at heart and i am in the Air Force as an Airman First Class. For security reasons cannot put up more photos. I hope to find my type of man. Please write to me if interested and will also write to you when i am interested. Best of luck!
Putin grasa
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Femeie, 28, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

I am a quality woman who is confident, honest, kind, smart, fun, trustworthy, supportive, loving, loves kids, outgoing, down to earth, friendly, great sense of humor, sociable, respectful (I would always treat you with respect). I have good morals, traditional values, I`m a lady who is a very good listener and someone that you could talk too about anything. I`m looking for a long term relationship and a life long lover. I also want someone that is honest with me at all times
AM 1.65 48 KG :)))
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safta mariana
Femeie, 42, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

niciodata sa nu spui niciodata Sunt romanca,stabilita in Statele Unite Ale Americi.Sunt considerata o femeie luminoasa si charismatica. Sunt spirituala, independenta, iubitoare de frumos, nonconformista, imaginativa, puternica, generoasa, empatica, sincera. Am simtul umorului, dar si simtul propriei valori ca nevasta . Am un caracter integru si valori traditionale in ceea ce priveste bunele feluri sau relatiile romantice. Imi tin intotdeauna promisiunile. Iubesc confortul, provocarile si las mereu loc pentru schimbare. Sunt pregatita sa explorez in tandem, alaturi de barbatul potrivit, formele profunde de manifestare a dragostei, intr-o uniune de cat mai indelunga durata.Imi doresc o relatie in care libertatea individuala sa potenteze comuniunea in cuplu, bazata pe cat mai numeroase afinitati, pe respect, bucurie impartasita,stabilitate afectiva, spontaneitate, comunicare pe toate planurile. As vrea sa cred ca mai se afla un mascul bun, cu sufletul deschis spre iubire, creativ, prezentabil, matur, cult, rafinat, cu un simt al umorului,un OM de la care sa am ce invata,sa ne respectam si sa ne oferim tot ceea ce putem mai frumos si bun. I'm Romanian, established in the United States of America.
astept acel ceva care iti apare o singura data in viata
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Femeie, 59, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

Nu s interesata de niciun fel de interactiune cu barbati insurati. Nu va mai obositi sa mi explicati ce stramba sunt eu, care singura fiind, am cont pe un site de matrimoniale si ce drepti, sinceri si corecti sunteti voi, care insurati fiind, ma judecati pe mine.
Stiu cum arat, pot sa pozez la anii mei in Playboy, asta dupa 4 nasteri.
Un barbat care safie barbat, fara fitze.
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Femeie, 39, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

Unusual, not like others, liked by others, yet, still unhappy in love, but not giving up anyway! Many people ask me how comes, you are so beautiful, yet you are still alone? Maybe you are picky? That makes outs a sad smile on my lipsa€¦for believe me, I am not picky! I simply can not be with just anyone in sake of being with somebody! I want to find my one and only one, and this is why I am searching for you here! Where are you, my Only one? Give me your hand! Ia€™ve been waiting for you for so long!!!
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Femeie, 38, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

EU....CINE SUNT EU??Un punct minuscul in aceasta lume, o fiinta cu sentimente,un om care incearca sa-i dea vietii un rost,un suflet printre milioane de alte suflete.Imi place sinceritatea,romantismul,tot ce e elegant si pur in omenirea asta!Cred ca viata reprezinta sa privesti si sa culegi florile prieteniei,atunci cand ele iti apar in cale.ALEGE SA IUBESTI SI NU SA URASTI,sa zidesti si nu sa darami,sa perseverezi si nu sa renunti,sa lauzi si sa nu barfesti,sa vindeci si nu sa ranesti,sa oferi si nu sa iei,sa actionezi si nu sa amani,SA IERTI SI NU SA TE RAZBUNI!sa te rogi si nu sa disperi,ALEGE SA-TI FOLOSESTI PUTEREA DE A ALEGE!ADEVARATA BOGATIE A UNUI OM ESTE SUFLETUL SAU!!SA nu legi nicicand prietenie cu omul pe care nu-l poti respecta!Esenta prieteniei este INTEGRITATEA,GENEROZITATEA SI INCREDERA DEPLINA.FERICIREA ESTE o STARE DE SPIRIT AUTOCASTIGATA DE ALEGEREA FACUTA!LA VISUL CARE IL DORESTI,E O CALE ATAT DE LUNGA,CACI VIATA TOATA DE-O TRAIESTI,TE-NTREBI DE-O SA-TI AJUNGA!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Femeie, 45, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

I mi place viata I am a simple woman who has a good sense of humor and I am serious, respectful, generous, ambitious, affectionate, tender, sincere, frank, understanding, sentimental, caring and sensitive and I like to give affection to the one who will love me.
Epiderma fina mijloc subtire fund elegant
Prietene pt sex distractie si lunga perioada
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Femeie, 39, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

Sa ma dedcriu?..o femeie sincera I am an outgoing, grounded, independent and active woman. I enjoy being with the people I love. My family and good friendships are important to me. I can be very serious and passionate about the things I care about but I also enjoy the lighter side of life, having fun and a good laugh. I enjoy the work I do and in my spare time I enjoy reading a good book, watching a good movie, swimming or walking. I\'d like to share my life with a man who is happy, mature, intelligent, has a sense of humor and is generous at heart.
Asta las la apreciere...
Un barbat care stie sa asculte
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Femeie, 61, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

Cuvintele mele par goale si fara sens, scrierile mele sunt de neinteles, strig dupa ajutor dar nu ma aud in Ecou, realizez doar ca sufletul meu mi-e gol... am an active woman and I like to lucrate fun and happiness around me and I also like to look attractive. I think that it makes others happy when they see a nice person not only on the outer perspective but the inner as well. I would like to give joy and to be an inspiration to my only one. I am a kind, sensitive and sociable person. I easily find common cultures with different people. I prefer a quiet way of life, dona€™t like to make fuss and be in a hurry, easy going and open minded, like to look at life from a very good and brighter side even if the whole world is up on my shoulders.. Life is certainly short so lets make the best of it once we have the chance to explore and share the greater things we have been blessed with from above..I want to see a reliable, intelligent and caring man by my side with whom I would spend every ocazie of my life with. I would like to fill our home with harmony and tenderness, to present my beloved with smiles and feel every second that he is happy with me.
Mica, grasa si urata
Un barbat pe care sa-l iubesc nu pentru ceea ce e , ci pentru ceea ce simt atunci cand sant cu el.
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Femeie, 44, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

Cu simtul umorului dezvoltat Sunt o persoana ca oricare, cu defecte si calitati, sociabila,descurcareata,nu depind de nimeni,dar cred ca toti putem avea o a doua sansa in viata, Poate cineva gandeste la fel,poate are nevoie de comunicare,poate gasim in doi o raza de fericire
Caut relatie de prietenie
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Mihaela Ionita
Femeie, 49, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

Cunoaste-ma! Sono fatta di cicatrici a infatisare di mondo di pensieri di troppo di colpi di fulmini cuori non capiti e fiducie andate a fuoco sono fatta di scelte improvvisate di amori cadenti e stelle fisse, di fiati trattenuti sogni mancati per un pelo e musica malinconica spinta fino all'alba ho nostalgie immotivate sbalzi di umore ho lacrime dedicate a chi non ha ssputo leggere i miei occhi ho un cuore formidabile testa forte, e non smetterò mai di credere che questa è una vita meravigliosa.
Asa si asa
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Femeie, 50, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

Deschisa sociabila directa nu suport minciuna I enjoy fine dining and am always looking for someone to share the appreciation of good food and fine wine. I am just as comfortable with my hair up in old jeans as with my hair down wearing my favorite little pink dress.
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Femeie, 48, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

Sunt extrem calma.buna.sincera.urasc minciuna.imi place sa rad si sa glumesc putea sa ating sufletul tau ca o raza de lumina alungand intunericul,as putea sa vad in ochii tai adevarul iubirii absolute,as putea sa te cuprind intrutotul cu infinitul unui cer pur si albastru sub care sa fim doar tu si eu!!!SI TU AI PUTEA...daca esti TU cu adevarat...
Nu sunt nici eleganta nici urata nici grasa dar nici slaba sunt o femeie atragatoare
Un barbat bun iubitor sate asculte la necesitate si sa fie sincer
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Femeie, 39, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

Nu am un om natural cu bune si rele, vreau sa mentionez ca anul nasterii este gresit.el este 1958 si nu 1953. si rog utilizatorii fara foto. sa nu intre pe profil.multumesc. caut pe cineva cu care sa-mi petrec sarbatorile ,sa ne petrecem, zilele libere la o plimbare in natura ,teatru,film/ nu ma intereseaza, casatoria/ ,
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Femeie, 57, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

Sunt o persoana sociabila , draguta, calma,o buna gospodina I am a very many sided person, I can be very different. My mood changes lots of times a day, that means you will never feel bored with me. I can be tender and a bit aggressive, I can laugh and then burst into tears. I never loose my hope for the best, I believe that if I was given this life and the obstacles on it's way then I should overcome them with honour and pride. I am used to go till the end and not to leave the deal on the half of it's way.
Am ochii verzi caprui nu sunt slaba dar nici grasa am parul grizonant
Un mascul dragut antialcoolic nefumator sincer cinstit romantic religios inalt atletic calm
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Marina musca
Femeie, 32, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

Destul de sociabila i am just a simple woman yet very true and genuine,age and looks doesn't matter for me at all so long as he has that golden heart,values and attitudes which is very important to a person. One of the most valuable lessons we can learn from LIFE is this. That,try as we might,we will never have all the answers.We can wonder for the rest of our days whether we are doing the right things continuing in the best paths towards tomorrow,but no one is ever going to answer those questions for us.We have wondering of what to do and curiosities of whats to come.
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Femeie, 56, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

Sunt o fata draguta, romantica, vesela, cu un simt al umorului. Imi place sa studiez totul neobisnuit, nou pentru mine. O multime de distractie ma aduc de la comunicarea cu oameni buni. Principalul fapt din portiunea mea pentru mine este onestitatea. Visez la o familie fericita.
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Femeie, 39, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

Totul e fluid... Je suis une femme de caractère, douce et calme a la fois, honnête, franche. la vie est si précieuse, alors j'espère que de cette façon je trouverais celle qui mérite de partager ma vie, qui en sera comblé de bonheur...
Bum de descoperit
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Femeie, 39, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

Sunt..cred ca e mai frumos sa descoperi tu.. Buna sunt Andrada ! O fata draguta ,simpatica , distractiva ,educata cu bun simt si stilata . Am perioada cand sunt blonda sau roscata depinde de preferintele partenerului meu Daca esti doritor sa ma cunosti scrie-mi in privat te pupaces
Ce caut?...
Caut un mascul educat..plin de pasiune..dorinta
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Femeie, 35, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

Sa ma descriu? Va las sa ma descoperiti Am new here and i wish to know you more so we can be together. Am ready to let you know me more so we can be together if you are interested. Am a free, fair and simple lady and dont get angry easily. I dont know your purpose here too but i wish to know so i can share with you together. beautiful as i am my hobbies are swimming, listening to music and watching movies of my choice. I will like to know what you like best in life so i can give you much attention just like a man deserve. I repeat this again that am very interested in a man who will be very serious about a true relationship and if possible life partner in future if our love grows. I know much about love and i can show you dear love, love that i call forever, perpetual, and eternal love. i will be glad to here from you out there and come and experience true long term relationship leading to life partner. loneliness is not suppose to be mankind\'s friend, it hurt alot and must be avoided as long as love and life is concern.
Un mascul intelegator Si .....
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Femeie, 53, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

O nevasta ca oricare alta sau ... eu stiu ?! Hai mai bine sa spunem ... o sotie normala cu dorinta de viata Inalta, umpluta cu moduri frumoase,par castaniu si ochii verzi stralucitori,cu o mare delectare de viata si voie buna.Iubitoare de animale,oameni,arte,muzica buna si natura.I-mi plac oamenii cu bun simt si umor.
Cat de cat frumusica
Un barbat adevarat care sa ma invete sa traiesc (nu sa supravietuiesc). Exista oare?!
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Femeie, 54, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

O fire retrasa, discreta, romantica I am kind, smart, attractive and love romance. I want to find here my future husband. Who will love me, understand, share my interests and dreams, who will never betray me, and will support me in any situation. I know that I want to have a happy family. If you isna€™t this man, please dona€™t waste my time.
Normal pentru varsta mea
Caut un barbat inteligent, cu simtul umorului, inalt (peste 1,80).
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Femeie, 47, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

Sunt casatorita ,am 40 de ani si doresc sa socializez cu o persoana de lncredere care pot discuta unele complicatii si sa fie lntelegator. frumoasa ,feminina,intelectualasi cu o senzualitatede zeita.Imi place subtilitatea si intr-o discutie apreciez siceritatea si marturisirile care vin de la inima.Ma astept sa primesc de la oamani tot ceeace eu ofer si nu mi-am pierdut inca increderea,desi am intimpinat dezamagiri.Daca nu mai am incredere in oameni mi-am pierdut increderea in mine.Sper sa intilnesc oameni in acest sait, si sunt sigura ca sut. VA astept cu bratele deschise.
Am 1,60 lnaltime ,bruneta ,ochi caprui .
Un barbat singur fara obligatii ,sa fie lntelegator sa pot discuta unele probleme ,sa fie respectos si o persoana linistita fara nervi.
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Femeie, 32, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

sunt o fire romantik,cu simtul umorului si destul de sociabila Viata... m-a ingenuncheat. Dar am luptat de fiecare data si am reusit sa ma ridic. Fiecare pas candva caut sa-l fac cu atentie si-ntelepciune. Detest singuratatea. Insa acesta nu este un pretext pentru care sa inchid ochii si sa accept ,,orice" sau pe ,,oricine" , desi pretuiesc nespus oamenii. Spun asta in ideea ca doresc compatibilitate... la nivel de suflet, in intaiul rand. Iar lucrul acesta se va observa in timp si va fi un factor decisiv in continuarea sau stoparea a ceea ce se poate incepe. Apreciez sinceritatea, deschiderea si transparenta unui om. Pun pret pe caracter, pe ceea ce este, nu pe ce are. Desi sunt necesare si celelalte, pentru a duce un trai decent, nu sunt prioritare. Imi vor o viata linistita, armonioasa, aproximativ un mascul care pretuieste aceste lucruri si care, la nevoie, va lupta pentru ele, atunci cand viata ne va asigura si incercari.
constitutie fizica acceptabila
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Femeie, 29, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

sunt distractiva,simpatica si nu-mi plac cei care mint I enjoy fine dining and am always looking for someone to share the appreciation of good food and fine wine. I am just as comfortable with my hair up in old jeans as with my hair down wearing my favorite little negru dress.
nu arat chiar asa de rau
caut distractie
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Femeie, 26, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

Zimbitoare, comunicativa, placuta, serioasa, cu simtul umorului . Caut un OM adevarat , alaturi de care sa pot trai clipe minunate , sa construim laolalta ceva frumos ... sa ne iubim si sa ne dorim sa fim impreuna zi de zi clipa de clipa , pe tot parcursul vietii
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Femeie, 46, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

Pretentioasa... I am very active and cheerful. I love harmony and comfort. I am a cheerful woman and I can make your mood wonderful every day. My day always begins and ends with a smile on my face.Six Eight Two Six Two Eight Six Four Two Two, To be chatting more and get to know each other as well.
Nu conteaza aspectul cand mintea e vie...
Un tip sa ma uimeasca...mult!
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Ada rusu
Femeie, 49, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

Nu Caut, descopar, ma straduiesc sa inteleg. Cu fiecare treapta urcata realizez cat de multe sunt inca de cautat, de descoperit, de inteles. PS. Azi am vazut ca mi-am setat gresit anul nasterii. 56 si ii iubesc pe toti!
Un barbst serios
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Femeie, 64, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

I can say that I am very tender and cheerful person. I am very kind and soft person, friendly and easy-going. I take my life positively, everything is working only for my best! I definitely know what I want and I always do what I say. Look at me. You will notice that I am very shy and sometimes I am very embarrassed when people pay me compliments I try to find happiness around me. I like to be in the circle of my friends, I hate loneliness, I adore ice cream and chocolate. I am trying to stay fit all the time, that's why I do sport a lot. I try to find a happiness around me. You should try to know me better.
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Femeie, 26, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

Ma vei cunoaste pe parcurs dar cu certitudine nu iti va parea rau Je me nomme alexia .je suis de la France et je recherche un homme avec qui le passerai le restant de mes jours afin de fonder une famille .alors n'hésitez pas à me contacter si celà vous dis de faire plus connaissance. Merci
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Femeie, 49, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

"Omul sadeste in lume ceea ce poarta in inima sa! " Goethe/ Fericirea o face pe sotie eleganta si dragostea o face fericita. Iubirea este adevaratul fard al femeii./ In cazul in care vreti sa comunicam, v-as ruga foarte mult sa scrieti ideal romaneste si daca s-ar putea si inteligibil. Multumesc!
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Liliana Elena
Femeie, 36, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

I am a very simple girl with the true meaning of the humor. I like the outdoors and I wanted to try something new. I'm open-minded, sociable and considerate. I appreciate the honesty and sincerity. I do not accept lie,
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Femeie, 46, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

« Once, somewhere, life will surprise you so beautiful that you will forget how much it hurt you ... It will send you next to a man who will know how to heal everything that ever made you suffer, a man who, at those moments in which you would like to give up everything, will be able to help you find in your soul the power to move on »
Prieteni, socializare...
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Femeie, 32, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

I am fundamentally a good-matured and honest girl who enjoys the simple things of life. I can get along well with most people, but I prefer the company of my closest friends or relatives. I am a very humble and giving person with a large heart.
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Femeie, 41, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

I love to create beauty around me and as you can see by my profession I love it. I never quarrel with people, I have such soft, kind and tender temper. I'm also talkative, it's not a problem to find topics for discussion for me. I need one thing in my life, I want to fall in love truthfully and give all my tenderness to a deserving man. I'm no exception, I also want to meet a beloved man and live with him all my life. Ah, it's so romantic!
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Femeie, 41, Casatorit(a)
Arges Romania

Sunt o persoana educata,chiar daca nu am o facultate.Am fabricat cursuri de design componenta interioara si am confectionat in ultimii 8 ani intr-un birou de arhitectura . Am lucrat in proiectare ca tehnician proiectant (proiectare constructii-civile )) Imi plac florile, natura, excursiile.Sunt o gospodina buna. Imi place sa gatesc . Imi place viata de familie.Partenerul pe care il vor impreuna mine as prefera sa fie vaduv, cu ganduri serioase si sa ne ajutam reciproc. Am permis de conducere auto de 34 de ani, schimbat recent.
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femei maritate pitesti
femei maritate pitesti
femei maritate pitesti
femei maritate pitesti
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