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Cele mai frumoase femei din Saliste care vor relatii sunt aici pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

Sunt o femeie sigura pe mine,singura,independenta. I am an honest,loyal, passionate, generous, giving, affectionate, sexual, supportive, sensitive, and a good listener who is easy to get along with. I am ready for a serious relationship and I really look forward to starting that with the right person...I am a simple girl who is probably not mature enough to dream of creating a strong and long-lasting relationship, but I do and that is why I am here. My friends say that I am a shy kind, maybe this is why it is harder for me to find a second half. But I am ready to fight). Humour and Laughter are a must in life.I posses a strong sense of Fairness, Work Ethics and Morale values. Always striving to put others first.Sharing my Thoughts, Feelings, Dreams and Desires. Hopeless romantic, Sensitive, Emotional, not afraid to cry. Remember if you are not the serious one, dona€™t message me.
Consider ca am un corp bine peoportionat
Caut un barbat singur, deschis pt relatii serioase, independent , sa stie ce vrea de la viata si sigur pe el si alegerile lui!
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Anna- Anna
Femeie, 59, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

Sunt o doamna serioasa in varsta de 50 ani,am fost casatorita insa de 10 ani sunt vaduva. Sunt aici in cautarea unei relatii serioase si de indelunga perioada (exclus aventuri ).Sunt o fire linistita, intelegatoare, cu mult bun simt, credincioasa, si nu imi doresc decat o viata linistita in doi.
Placut, ingrijit.
Un barbat cu varsta cuprinsa intre 48 -55 de ani.Sa fie sincer ,cu bun simt, si sa isi doreasca la fel ca si mine o relatie serioasa si de intinsa durata.
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Femeie, 21, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

O nevasta normala, interesata de un om normal, nu suport filfizonii, mincinosii si pe cei ce cred ca omenirea se invirte in jurul buricului lor. Imi plac barbatii atenti, inteligenti, tandri si cu simtul umorului. In fotografia de profil sunt tatal si fiul meu.
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

nu cred ca am chiar necesitate de descriere... Zambeste celor care te urasc sa simta ura ta.Zambeste celor care te iubesc sa simta dragostea ta.Iar daca cei care te iubesc te vor trada,zambeste le sa simta indiferenta ta .No busco relaciones, no soy medio corazón, lo tengo bien ocupado. Solo busco amistades. Unos quieren el mundo, otros quieren el sol, pero yo solo quiero a mi corazón.
ceva deosebit...
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

Apreciez sinceritatea, modestia, respectul de sine si fata de ceilalti, cum ar fi si flexibilitatea si pofta de a evolua.... Poate impreuna. Sunt onesta, deschisa, vesela, extrem activa, iubesc tot ce este elegant si delicat. Acasa poate fi si in natura, la mare, la munte, inclusiv cu sporturile aferente. Este bine sa stii ca daca nu te identifici cu ale mele cerinte si cu ale mele preocupari, pe alocuri, macar, din pacate, nu cred ca ne vom scrie. Multumesc pentru intelegere :) Intrucat contul a fost creat mai demult si inchis si apoi redeschis, si nu pot modifica varsta, fac mentiunea ca am 38,6 ani. Rog curiosii si neseriosii (necunoscatori de limba materna) si doritorii de flirt ... sa se abtina.
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

aaaaaaaa,nu stiu cu ce sa incep,incercand sa scriu ceva inteligent despre mine,mi-am dat seama ca nimanui nu-i pasa de ce scriu eu pe aici asa ca am sa bat campii sa zic ca sunt atat de inteligenta ,educata si eleganta si cum mai vreti voi,intr-un cuvant "perfecta".In fine o sa zic ceva despre mine,IUBESC oamenii simpli care stiu sa-ti fie impreuna chiar ce se intampla,muzica buna,iubesc fulgii de zapada,stropii de ploaie,iubesc aburul de cafea,fluturii,traiesc sa iubesc,iubesc viata asa cum e,pentru ca e doar una.Am o multime de defecte sunt superficiala,aroganta,egoista,narcisista,incapatanata,posesiva,lenesa,ironica,geloasa,cicalitoare,orgolioasa,dezordonata,,,,ajunge?Si acum ar trebui sa spun ca urasc aia si cealalta dar nu am s-o fac pentru ca URA este cel mai josnic sentiment pe care-l poate avea un om.ura te face sa fii un om bolnav pe dinauntru.Detest MINCIUNA mai mult decat orice.Daca ati avut rabdare sa cititi tot ce am scris eu pe aici VA MULTUMESC si cam atat.
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

a man that is hardworking. A man that has love in abundance and is Ready to give it out. A man that needs care and support in Life. A man that will be there for me In The Good and Bad time of my life. A man that we will live together and Bear children and a man that will Love our Kids and take Good care of them and a man that we will like happily, hope to read back from you telling me the kind of woman you seek for...
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

o tipa cautare inca...;) I\'ve inchis la culoare hair and dark eyes, I\'m a simple soul, a faithful l besides a sweet and passionate lower. My hobbies contine movies, reading, going to concerts, watching tv, fishing, listening to the music, going to the cinema, walking along the avenues, also I adore all the beauties of nature and many others things..,very social, active and confident Person. I enjoy travelling, the outdoors (cottages, boats, dh skiing) and socializing with good company. I have a soft spot for good food (all types of cuisine)and wine and I enjoy cooking. I include regular exercise in my life be it biking, hiking/walking, down-hill skiing and working out.
destul de ok, zic;)
O persoana speciala...
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bomboana dulke
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

sunt o fire vulnerabila explodez foarte repede cand ma derajeaza un cuv nepotrivit sp despre pers mea sunt ok daca nu ma calci pe coada EU....CINE SUNT EU??Un punct minuscul in aceasta lume, o fiinta cu sentimente,un om care incearca sa-i dea vietii un rost,un suflet printre milioane de alte suflete.Imi place sinceritatea,romantismul,tot ce e frumos si pur in societatea asta!Cred ca viata inseamna sa privesti si sa culegi florile prieteniei,atunci cand ele iti apar in cale.ALEGE SA IUBESTI SI NU SA URASTI,sa zidesti si nu sa darami,sa perseverezi si nu sa renunti,sa lauzi si sa nu barfesti,sa vindeci si nu sa ranesti,sa darui si nu sa iei,sa actionezi si nu sa amani,SA IERTI SI NU SA TE RAZBUNI!sa te rogi si nu sa disperi,ALEGE SA-TI FOLOSESTI EFICACITATEA DE A ALEGE!ADEVARATA BOGATIE A UNUI OM ESTE SUFLETUL SAU!!SA nu legi nicicand prietenie cu omul pe care nu-l poti respecta!Esenta prieteniei este INTEGRITATEA,GENEROZITATEA SI INCREDERA DEPLINA.FERICIREA ESTE o SITUATIE DE SPIRIT AUTOCASTIGATA DE ALEGEREA FACUTA!LA VISUL CARE IL DORESTI,E O CALE ATAT DE LUNGA,CACI VIATA TOATA DE-O TRAIESTI,TE-NTREBI DE-O SA-TI AJUNGA!!!!!!!!!!!!
slabuta 1.67 bruneta ochii verzi corp lukrat la sala 42 kg am un aspect extrem placut
sa imi fac multi prieteni si prietene
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

Hey there!Im a nice,kind person,love to laugh,smile, bit crazy sometimes.. open mind enough i guess..:D ....Viata asta e un lung sir de pasi,de treceri de la ceva inspre mereu altceva,de undeva catre altundeva,de la ceva ce stii catre necunoscut!Și cu fiecare pas confectionat fiecare a€eua€al tau se schimba si devine mai atent,mai curios,mai plin de intrebari,mai matur!Și il duci pe fiecare catre necunoscut,catre maturitate,catre raspunsuri ce par pierdute in eternitate!Faci un pas mic si fiecare a€tua€ vine dupa tine cu increderea ca mergi pe drumul bun si ca viata nu te va pocni in fata sau din spate!Treci prin frig,prin indiferentele unora construindu-ti poduri,construindu-ti pasii catre propria si necunoscuta destinatie!Oare destinatia asta inseamna o parte din infinit?!
Look at my pictures :)
Im searching for a nice guy, positive, to complete me...
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

a te indragostii e cand ea adoarme in bratele tale si se trezeste in visele tale!! Cand vezi c-apare luna si stelele lucesc... sa stii ca-ntotdeauna eu am sa te iubesc... iar daca noaptea-i aspra si nu e nici o stea... n-ai sa stii nicicand ca esti dragostea mea... tu pt mine esti viata, chiar de suntem departe.. As frange timpul, spatiul si tot ce ne desparte.. Dar asteptand lumina in seara ma scufund.. si ma ridic iar ziua doar cu tine-n gand!!! Life is greater than death.. but love is bigger than both!!!!
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Mary maria
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

Sunt ok.....!!!!! I want to find a faithful, attentive and most importantly honest man. He is mature and experienced. I want him to share my attraction to art, and I would support him in all his endeavors. I really like smart, well-read men, but this is not critical, because the main thing is the soul.
Destul de bine la.varsta mea:)))
Caut un mascul care sa stie sa respecte si sa iubeasca o nevasta dar in ziua de azi cam greu se gaseste asa ceva etc....
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

Mai bine va las pe voi sa ma descoperiti ;) I am a big dreamer, thats why I am here. I dream, but do not daydream, dream big but real. So far the biggest dream of my life is to find the missing piece of my puzzle to make the picture complete. Here I'm looking for somebody as cosmopolitan, positive, laid back and classy as me. I want to feel that extrem connection and compatibility with my partner and feel like I cant breathe and actually live without him next to me. I am Brazilian and traditionally have strong family values. In a relationship I can offer care, understanding, warmth, tenderness and affection, emotional support, true friendship, fidelity and a lot more. In reply I want you to grant me with a beautiful relationship based on caress, romance, love, passion, care and loyalty. If you really like what you see and became interested in me after reading these lines, please feel free to write me and I will gladly answer your letter
Parerea va apartine ..
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

I am a fun-loving Woman with a good sense of humor, I am caring, thoughtful, hardworking and very loyal to the ones I love. I will go out of my way to help anyone if I could possibly do so. I believe in Romance ,Love and Living Life to the fullest. I want to find someone who wants to be in a positive, long-lasting relationship based on trust, love and faith-fullness. I enjoy learning new things, having fun and sharing in a good conversation. I want a woman that remembers to be romantic, thoughtful, considerate, respectful and compassionate. I don't believe this is too much to ask for in mutual relationship. I love giving and receiving kisses, hugs, and caresses. I am good at giving a good massage, but expect to get one as well. I believe in sharing what I have with the people I love, .I believe family is very important on both sides of a relationship and will go out of my way to keep the peaceful atmosphere of a happy home life, I do not like liars. I am a woman, and I want to find that special man to make me happy and I will also do my best to make him happy too as well..
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Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

.............. imprevizibila!!!!!! chiar credeti ca descrierea sablon m-a facut sa-mi pierd originalitatea sau sa-mi etalez sinceritatea? nici pe departe! asa ca nu va mai obositi citind ca oricum nu-mi plac manelele :-))))
slabuta, placuta...
caut ceea ce cauta toata lumea, DRAGOSTEA ORIGINALA !!!
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

Sunt foarte desfatatoare si senzuala, cu un ascutit simt al umorului, perfect singura de un an de zile si destul de dornica de cuvintele si mangaierile unui mascul mai ales ca imi place la nebunie sa o fac pe la spate.
Cand te gandesti la mine, gandeste-te la o Pamela Anderson bruneta.
Mascul placut, bun vorbitor, potent si daca se poate fara obligatii.
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

i am a good and a nice person who always believe in love .money or no money love is the answer. i lost my parents a long time ago. since then i have been alone trying to put things in other to live a perfect live. since everything is now well placed. i need a good and honest man to love and cherish me.
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Antoo Antonia
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

Caut o relatie sincera sunt o persoana buna,vesela etc O viata in care nu ai sarit in sus de bucurie, o viata in care nu te-ai poticnit in lacrimi de durere ca apoi sa plangi de fericire, e doar un drum intre nastere si moarte. Dar o viata in care ai spus cel putin o data "voiam sa inteleg multimea cu inima meaa€ , in care ai simtit emotia de a castiga si dezamagirea de a pierde, e mai mult decat un simplu drum, e o aventura, e o cale presarata cu zambete si lacrimi, e emotie, iubire si pasiune a€¦e viata.
Sunt ok!!!
Ami vor un mascul care sa stie sa respecte o femeie si sa ami.ofere iubire
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Femeie, 27, Casatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

astazi nu, poate maine! NU am FB, te rog citeste tot profilul candva de a trimite mesaje, merci mult. Daca al tau e completat si ai poza, sunt si sanse sa raspund. Esti un om normal, flexibil, glumet, disponibil, de varsta apropiata, curios, sportiv, intelegator, cu mintea la cap, vrei o relatie de lunga durata, dar nu plictisitoare si accepti o femeie activa, independenta care stie ce vrea si care ia decizii ? Da, sunt exigenta .... in ziua de azi, stiu, dar traiesc cu speranta ca voi gasi :) Prefer contactul cu cei care sunt in Europa, chiar Asia si USA, care au un job flexibil si calatoresc destul de des. Vin in Romania pe perioada sarbatorilor de iarna in general. Stii sa dansezi populara ? Asta e pentru urmatorul Revelion :) sau pentru vreo nunta, a noastra eventual :) "Inima mea e la Bucovina". Imi plac multe lucruri : sportul, marea, ciocolata, filmele, aventurile, cartile, comunicarea ... dar nu-mi place sa pierd timpul. Don't just dream, DO !!! Planuri de viitor: sa ne stabilim undeva aproximativ de mare, copii... poate..., si alte idei ? ... si la pensie inapoi in Romania :) ???
stiu exact ce nu caut! :)
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

sunt o persoana cu un caracter flexibil,cu bun simt,grijulie si plina de vreau o persoana pe masura mea sa imi fie aproape. I am a very ambitious person, easy going, disciplined and focused woman. I love listening to good music. I love to encourage people so they can reach their goals. I am a good listener. I like to meet people that are knowledgeable, intelligent and experienced. Someone that knows how to treat a woman right.
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

I'm someone who has a lot to offer to the right partner. I'm happy with my life, alone but not lonely. I miss sharing it all with someone special. I enjoy long conversations, experiences, and romance. I want a best friend and companion first..and let nature take its course, if it is mutual and we want to marry that's a decision to be made later.I am at a point in my life where I want to spend some quality time with a mate that will share all life has to offer. I'm independant and self reliant but would love the opportunity to have a partner again. Life is so wonderful and I know I am not meant to spend it alone. I'm easy going, never moody, open minded, witty, and intelligent. I laugh a lot and enjoy life. I think mutual respect and mutual admiration for each other is important.For me a down to earth type... someone compassionate, with good empathy; a romantic person who still believes true love to be possible; someone who is loyal and will stick by their partner no matter what. If you're after games lies and other things from me then i think i am not ready to to get on with all that . I'm quietly confident, love traveling and finding about new things. I love the country, less so the city and prefer a good restaurant,.I am a simply looking lady, easy going and caring woman. I am 5; caring, commitment, honest, humble like a child abed well educated lady,
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

Am pierdut dorinta de a-i multumi pe cei care nu ma plac, de a-i iubi pe cei care nu ma iubesc si de a zambi la cei care nu vor sa-mi zambeasca. Si, cel mai important , nu mai am rabdare cu cei care nu merita rabdarea mea. Sa fii sanatos, iubit si fericit , cititorule!!
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Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

Sunt ambitioasa Sunt in cautarea unei relatii serioase, in vederea casatoriei, fara relatii superficiale, nefumatoare, necasatorita, singura. Ma caracterizeaza seriozitatea, sunt o persoana cu principii bine definite, deschisa, sociabila, romantica, empatica, intuitiva cu abilitati telepatice. Defecte: intampina dificultati la capitolul pragmatism
Foarte sexy
De toate
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

Sunt o prietena la locul ei, imi place mult sa gatesc, sa merg la pescuit, sa joc remi, sa ma uit la tv, sa ma plimb in aer liber,sunt glumeata,sunt asociabila, imi place sa descopar noutati.
sunt buna
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

sunt o fata draguta, simpatica, haioasa, vorbareata,,, nu ma prea pricep sa vorbesc despre mine I what usual girl very much. I search not for prince and not riches. Try to find the simple present the man. And to find with him happiness. To fabricate good family and to give birth from him to children. And to live in peace.
dragutica dragutica dragutica !
mi-as dori sa gasesc un barbat serios, devotat cu care sa pot vorbi deschis despre absolut orice si cu care sa incep o frumoasa relatie. poate sunt prea visatoare dar merita sa incerc
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

a man that is hardworking. A man that has love in abundance and is Ready to give it out. A man that needs care and support in Life. A man that will be there for me In The Good and Bad time of my life. A man that we will live together and Bear children and a man that will Love our Kids and take Good care of them and a man that we will like happily, hope to read back from you telling me the kind of woman you seek for...
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

blond but not silly Am new here and i wish to know you more so we can be together. Am ready to let you know me more so we can be together if you are interested. Am a free, fair and simple lady and dont get angry easily. I dont know your purpose here too but i wish to know so i can share with you together. beautiful as i am my hobbies are swimming, listening to music and watching movies of my choice. I will like to know what you like best in life so i can give you much attention just like a man deserve. I repeat this again that am very interested in a man who will be very serious about a true relationship and if possible life partner in future if our love grows. I know much about love and i can show you dear love, love that i call forever, perpetual, and eternal love. i will be glad to here from you out there and come and experience true long term relationship leading to life partner. loneliness is not suppose to be mankind\'s friend, it hurt alot and must be avoided as long as love and life is concern.
this u must say
man to have fun
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

Hi!I'm a very sensitive,soft & tender girl who needs to love & to be loved!!!!!I'm looking for my second half & I'm sure that I'll find the one man for's you,,,dear man?????!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

I am a cool minded person , I love being straight forward in my activities with people,infact the reason my folks like me is just cos of my policy of being simple as I believe Greatness Lies In Simplicity how about u dont u think so ?
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

simapatica, cu simtu umorului si multe alte calitati I am independent woman. I am a very friendly person and neat. I am multitasking and I like discipline and order in everything. I have my own business, that means that I can easily manage my schedule to do anything that I want to do. I enjoy my spare time visiting new places. I have been in other countries; since I have the access and the visas to visit any place, I have decided to make the effort to go look for the right man for me.. is it You?
blonda..ochii verzii..cred ca ajunge
cealalta jumatate a mea
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Femeie, 45, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

Vor sa cunosc un mascul din Brasov , Covasna , Predeal, Sinaia fizic placut ,serios , curat , frumos , gospodar de casa , distractiv . Sai placa drumetiile , plinbari in natura ,excursii un om cu suflet bun pentru o prietenie sincera .
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

I want to feel a exceptional care and love from a man who is very dear for me. I am feminine, gentle and charming, sensual and passionate. I set goals and achieve them. Today my goal is to find a person who will overcome all hardships with me and live happy days. I am ready to try all new beginnings. I am very family-oriented and I can bring love into the air because of my deep inner world and my attitude to this life! I am very educated and its interesting to be with me because I can express my thoughts and opinions and I would always respect the thoughts of other people and don't humiliate them, because I stay a human inside and try to be very tolerant and patient and I promise that for my man I would stay very caring and very patient and I would always!
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

Bin eine alleinstehende Frau, mit einem kleinen Mädchen, bin cool, locker, entspannte Frau, bin liebevoll, fürsorglich, ehrlich, bin für eine ernsthafte Beziehung hier, suche auch einen guten, fürsorglichen, liebevollen, verständnisvollen, familienorientierten Mann
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Mini Ko
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

sunt o persoana obisnuita, care a avut parte in viata de placeri si suparari, succese si esecuri, care uraste minciuna, aroganta si oamenii prefacuti, careia ii place sa se distreze, sa calatoreasca....
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

daca vrei sa aflii mai multe cauta-ma... Mi-am deschis acest cont pentru a discuta cu cei care merita , nu vreau sa ma intalnesc sau sa ma marit , sunt deja . Prin urmare va rog elegant sa imi cititi aceasta descriere si sa tineti cont de ea .
fiecare cu gustul lui
prietenie,distractie dar cateodata pierdere de timp...
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

sociabila...intelegatoare.... Sunt fierbinte. Cred c-am luat o febra urata cu prilejul ultimei excursii in Congo. Keep out! P.S. Mai berbecilor, lasati pupicurile dulci ca nu ne-am tras de sireturi la gradinita. P.P.S. Well, sunteti cam grei de cap - o femeie nu poate fi nicicand chiar atat de...So, I'm a man, caraghiosilor. E doar unul dintre miile de profiluri false, deci... pierdeti-va vremea cu gasculite adevarate.
50 kg....creata....draguta
un mascul bun simt
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

Sunt o fata draguta Sunt o persoana sensibila, sufletista, f. sincera si deschisa. Detest minciuna si falsitatea. Ma aflu aici in debutantul rand ptr prietenie si socializare. Daca sunteti aici ptr aventuri va rog sa nu ma bagati in seama.
Un baiat inteligent si bogat
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

Sunt probabil cea ce cauti ... oricum merita sa incerci I am simple girl who is looking just for simple girlaa‚¬a„¢s happiness: to have caring and loving husband, own cozy home and pretty kidsaa‚¬ ¦I like traveling a lot and new meetings and sensationsaa‚¬ ¦I am easy-going and sociable person. I like reading and listen to good musicaa‚¬ ¦What else? Write me!
vezi pozele
Un barbat adevarat din toate punctele de vedere
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

nu-mi place sa vb despre mine Sunt o persoana ambiÈa€ºioasă, pasionala, cu bun simt, cu umor ,altruista ,Èa„¢i aÈa„¢tept sa intre à ®n viaÈa€ºa mea o persoana potrivită mie. Nu sunt perfectă .Nu caut un barbat perfect. Urasc minciuna Èa„¢i oameni falÈa„¢i.
cred ca placut,din punctul meu de vedere,si din partea altora.
nu stiu dar caut ceva
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Femeie, 43, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

Simpla si frumoasa My friends describe me as kindhearted,straight forward,active,pretty and sincere person and i agree with them.. i am also caring,a good communicator,a good listener..i know what i want out of life and a serious relationship and am willing to pursue that which is why am here..i am a one man woman and also hope to find a one woman man who knows what he wants out of life and also willing to pursue it..i want to concentrate and be committed to that man in the relationship and also make each other happy for a lifetime together..i really hope that man is out there waiting for me
Oameni cu o mintalitate naturala
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

prietenoasa,simpatica....... i never stop being grateful to God for his mercies upon my life and all the experiences that i have been exposed to. I am a fun loving man, jovial, Kind, easy going, lovely and passionate man. I like to have fun, work, travel, Play, and smile. I think of myself as being clever but harmless
prieteni atat.....
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

o scumpica! Fosta sportiva ,inca pot sa trec peste punctul mort .Iubesc muzica, poezia, florile, animalele si imi place sa gatesc.Nu stiu totul,in fiecare zi invat ceva si ma bucur de fiecare zi.Chiar daca presupune sa iesi din luxul tau,cred ca viata in doi e mai palpitanta. Daca esti romantic,educat un pic altruist ma poti contacta.
admira pozele!!!!!!
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

Vorbareta Glumeata ... ...mai bine incerci sa afli.. I have a curious and analytical mind but I also follow my intuition about situations and people. My thoughts, my words and my actions are in harmony, I am consistent and have integrity. I admire social awareness, a compassionate and kind heart, loyalty, integrity, love to nature, to animals and an interest in global issues I am very romantic and express my feelings in order to achieve good communication. I love being with affectionate,warm people who just love enjoying life at it's fullest! Good manners, kindness and refinement are characteristics I admire in a man. I despise lies, betrayal and emotional manipulation in order to achieve selfish personal interests.
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

eleganta desteapta sensibila si cu un chef de viata nemaipomenit I like being myself even if sometimes it is difficult to understand me!... i beleive that relations should always be mutual and i appreciate honesty! I accept critisism, but not the lie!!!!!!!! I prefer being direct than to fotografie something what doesn\'t exist and i don\'t like when people come into my life and then just disappear without saying nothing...... We attract people who we deserve to have in life.....
un mascul frumos ca si mine
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Saliste, Sibiu Romania

sunt o fire comunicativa, sociabila imi place sa glumesc si sa rad :) (atunci cand este nevoie) . Imi place sa ascult lucruri interesante pe care cineva le povesteste . Radiez de fericire deplin mereu o parte importanta ar avea.o pentru mine o persoana cu care sa fim pe aceasi marime de unda ,dar cum nu am intalnit aceasta persoana dorii tare mult sa intre in viata mea!
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