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Cele mai frumoase femei din Fetesti care vor relatii sunt aici pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 18, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

Frumoassa , desteapta I am Hawwa Originally from Ukraine Iaaぎa┐ve been living in Ukraine all my life interested in for a long time relationship . I love to learn about new places, people and cultures. Iaaぎa┐m single never been married . I like to be in harmony with the world around me. but Iaaぎa┐m very down to earth I like to read a lot and keep up with many thingsaaぎa徘olitics, social issues, culture, travels, people. I especially value humor, being able to laugh at yourself, being able to communicate, culture in general, social issues, staying healthy, and the freedom to think out of the box. I also like Woody Allen films, swimming, hearing peopleaaぎa┐s stories, and simply talking with people. Iaaぎa┐m looking for a companionaaぎa徭omone with his own life, with a strong personality, yet also able to make the compromises that life sometimes requires. Someone who isnaaぎa┐t too thick and who is able to laugh at himself. No smokers, please.
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania I am honest, Loving, caring, Romantic, Decent, loyal,kind, respectful and friendly, and out going personality I am thoughtful and generous with everyone i meet,,....I am a self-confident individual who enjoys talking with and helping others
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

Cu alta ocazie :D Imi place sa traiesc viata la maxim, sunt destul de impulsiva, exigenta si perfectionista, imi plac lucrurile clare, locurile diferite si fiintele inteligente si educate. Respectul si sinceritatea sunt necesare pentru a pastra orice tip de relatie. Iubesc animalele si natura, constanta si lupta sunt necesare pentru a creste personal. Viitoare politista nationala, Spania.
Placuta :\">
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

Il caut pe EL: -cel care nu se teme sa iubeasca - cel care vrea sa se implice,sa investeasca emotional,sa planuiasca, sa construiasca o relatie sanatoasa si frumoasa. - cel care vrea sa-mi fie impreuna cind gresesc,cind ratacesc drumul , care ma invata, ma sfatuieste si intreaba pentru ca tine cont de parerea mea. Cel care viata nu l- a plictisit care mai gaseste placere in lucrurile fara valoare care nu se pot cumpara cu bani: iubire,tandrete,sinceritate,respect. Sunt interesata de barbati care au un profil complet inclusiv o foto recenta. Fotografia mea este recenta, luna Mai 2018 Looking for Romanians only!!
Caut ceea ce caut :)
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

Iaaぎa┐m just looking for my second half, for the Man, who will bring happiness to me, who will show me the real love in the real life. Itaaぎa┐s so exhausted to be alone. I donaaぎa┐t mean that I have no friends or people to spend my time with, no, I am a very sociable girl, I even can be a heart and soul of the party when I am in a good mood, but today Iaaぎa┐m looking not for new acquaintances, but for the Man who will be more than just a friend for me, who will be my support, my soul mate, my beloved man.
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

have come to terms with the simple fact that those right and singular ones we seek and desire are most times not as close as we want them to be and till we are willing to accept that fact and look beyond our search region we might never find that soul mate and live that happy and desired life.I am new to this online thing and here in search of my lover and best friend, Recently came across an old friend that wants me to give this a try cos she met her husband via this online world, which she relocated to his home country and have been happily married for years.I am slightly impaired but fortunately i hear clearly at a close range and use the help of a hearing aid from a distance.I am originally from England and here on more study on my field of work "Special Kids & There Communication".I do not have a problem with what ever region, city, state or country i find him as i know that together we both can make it work.If you out there leave me a note and we will start off as friends.
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

km nebuna,de viata distrativa..... I'm an independent, well rounded, outspoken female that loves to laugh and engage in intelligent conversation. I'm pretty girly, but will try new things, even if they're outside of my comfort zone. I love my family more than just about anything, besides God, and one of my main ambitions in life is to one day have a family of my own! I know what I've had and know what I deserve and will not settle for less! I love to shop, go to the beach, club occasionally, travel, and sometimes just lay low and chill. Baggage free and drama free people feel free to hit me up!
va las p voi
o pers sa ma iub asa km sunt eu
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

Cand te-ai nascut ai plans si toti in jurul tau radeau.. TRAIESTE-TI VIATA in asa fel incat, atunci cand va sosi clipa tu sa surazi iar cei din jurul tau sa planga!!!! .....Indrazneste sa ma iubesti... Iubeste-ma daca indraznesti... Te provoc la duelul inimilor ! Nimic si nimeni nu ne poate opri, nimic si nimeni nu poate interveni... Te provoc cu cea mai fierbinte sarutare. Te provoc sa-mi raspunzi la fel, sa ma strangi in brate cu toata puterea ta,sa ma sufoci cu iubirea ta si sa ma arzi cu buzele tale! Indrazneste sa ma iubesti ! Nu e un joc, e viata noastra care curge iremediabil, ca o lava incandescenta dintr-un vulcan care tocmai a erupt... Te provoc la IUBIRE, Dragostea mea ! Iubeste-ma sau arunca-ma in haul uitarii! Iubeste-ma daca poti! Indrazneste,numai, sa ma iubesti si vei vedea Tu!!.....
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

Sunt o persoana care nu prea tolereaza drama, apucaturile telenovelice si fiintele care definesc stereotipurile muierii frustrate - Nu imi plac barbatii cu apucaturi muieresti, paranoici sau gelosi.
decizia va apartine......
doresc sa cunosc un barbat care sa ma faca sa am din nou pot sa-l privesc in ochii si sa stiu ca nu ma minte
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Denisa Didi
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

Disteactiva , nebuna (in sensu bun ) iubesc natura imi plac surprizele cadourile sunt intelegatoare si iubesc enorm caini am un baietel si sunt o mama resposabila Hello, I am very glad, that you have paid to me attention. Pleasantly, certainly. Well, about itself I can tell, that I very cheerful and interesting girl. In a life at me it is a lot of predilections, such as: to read books, to go in for sports, listen to music etc. In a life, I kind, understanding and always the sincere girl. I do not love lie and a deceit, because this most bad quality which can be in the person. I prefer good dialogue with interesting people where there will be no falseness and lie. I am sure, you understand, about what I want to tell to you.
Bruneta ochii capruii 52 kg inaltime 1.62
Caut un barbat responsabil demn de o (familie) sensibil si deschis nu suport oameni perversi mincinosi si chitrosi vreau un mascul atent si plin de surprize
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

Iube?te-te a?a cum e?tiaヲ Iube?te-te intocmai a?a cum e?ti ?i las? dracului la o parte perfec?iunea pentru c? vrei s? ?tii ceva, femeie? Tu e?ti perfect? in toat? splendoarea imperfec?iunilor tale, iar cine nu e in stare s? le iubeasc?, p?i atunci e liber, domne, s? plece ?i s?-?i g?seasc? perfec?iunea. Cine-l opre?te? Nu sunt perfect?, dar sunt mandr? de min
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

va las p voi sa come I`m 5`7" 120 with a athletic build , mentally stable, physically fit, a bunch of laughs, warm,I am real easy person to talk to and a good listener,caring, honest, God Fearing, and a positive person. I love to play golf and I enjoy chillin` with my friend/family , I like going to the movies , or watching movies in my room , I like swiming , fishing, listening to music and dance to any kind of music, traveling , going bowling and also a good cook.I am a family oriented person and There is more, but it would be better for you to find some things out for yourself..
la fel com tot voii
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

I am very purposeful. I am just, cheerful, tender, sensitive, caring and devoted. I am reliable, faithful, kind, sociable and responsible... I was born when all planets were ready for making new star, my star. Speaking about horoscope I am a part of outfit of Femida, that is why I like when everything around me balanced. I dona冲 like impudence and insolence, but in the same time I can stick up for myself with a help of words. I want to change this world, but unfortunately in most cases this world changes me. In spite of being an adult I believe in miracles. But I think that ordinary people never notice them. I hate lies, but I like to dream. I want to live with my beloved person and children in future. I want to lucrate happiness and kindness in their souls.
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

ma vei cunoaste Sunt o persoana joviala, sociabila si cu simtul umorului. Imi place sa calatoresc, sa cunosc locuri frumoase si oameni interesanti. Iubesc caldura soarelui si cea din interiorul sufletului. Caut un mascul educat, care doreste sa se investeasca, responsabil si dornic de a construi o relatie serioasa, o familie.
vei vedea daca vrei
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Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

ce pot spune despre mine...foarte multe sau nimic,depinde de situatie :))) , deocamdata un om mediu dar visez sa am cel putin o statuie :)))) deci sunt o visatoare modesta , zic eu. merg pe principiul e elegant ce imi place , sunt amuzanta cu o imaginatie bogata, desteapta, sociabila si rabdatoare.
nu ma pot descrie singura, va las pe voi sa decideti :)))
nimic special
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

Sunt o persoana f.sincera altruista ,fidela intr-o relatie ,i-mi place mult sa calatoresc ,sa vad locuri noi,nu suport minciuna iar intr-o relatie daca nu vad respect si gesturi de afectiune o elimin degraba financiar stau bine ,deci caut un partener in viata care sa ma inteleaga si sa ma iubeasca .Si eu la rindul meu ofer aceleasi sentimente cele pe care le primesc.Sa nu uitati ca sunt in zodia scorpion deci am un bun caracter dar nu pot ierta pe cineva care greseste.Spunind aceste lucruri despre mine astept sa vad daca am sa gasesc persoana potivita .Va salut pe toti
aspect fizic satisfacator (cred eu):D
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

va las p voiii If you want to unite your life with a kind, passionate, caring woman. So this is me. I am faithful, honest and communicative. I love life, that's why I try to spend happily and with a smile meet each day. I can say that I am a happy person, I have almost everything in life besides love, besides being loved, so I am here with an open heart for love. Hope I can meet it here.
o pers sa ma iube asa km sunt eu
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Femeie, 58, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

nu-mi place sa ma autocaracterizez si ATAT. Sunt o persoana ambiテaコioasテニ, pasionala, cu bun simt, cu umor ,altruista ,テa┐i aテa┐tept sa intre テ ョn viaテaコa mea o persoana potrivitテニ mie. Nu sunt perfectテニ .Nu caut un mascul perfect. Urasc minciuna テa┐i oameni falテa┐i.
la varsta mea , sunt multumita de mine. Se putea si mai rau......
Discutii amicale , poate si sfaturi , pentru a trece timpul mai usor.
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Femeie, 53, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

sunt o tipa de treaba,nu vei regreta! I search only for serious attitudes!!! I search serious for the man clever and which will love me, very strongly is strong. I do not play with feelings and I would ask that I was written only by serious men and which search only for serious attitudes instead of for game
sunt o tipa blonda cu ochi 1,63m am 53 kg!!!!!
caunt un mascul bine,sa fie brunet,ochi verzi,inaltime potrivita,greutate potrivita!
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

las la aprecierea altora Ia冦 a beloved, careful, loving woman. My man can always lean on me and my support as in sad as in joyful minute.I am very communicative, easy-going, optimistic woman who likes this life. I am active person, I lead healthy life style, I think I am kind, honest, sincere, tender and caring. I value friendship, love and mutual trust.
din fire romantica,sensibila,an cautare de prieteni seriosi si sinceri.fitzosii sa stea deoparte rog mult.veti afla mai multe an timp.ok?aici intru o data pe saptamana sau chiar la doua saptamani din criza de timp.
nu mai stiu nici eu...
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Femeie, 62, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

Selectiva,sobra,punctuala ; nu accept compromisuri. I am open minded, honest, direct, loving and faithful. I am intellectually curious, like to read and am really keen on personal development in all areas of my life. I am very active but I also enjoy relaxing time...watching good documentaries and biographies, reading, listening to music, enjoying the gorgeous fall colors, fresh snow or the blossoming trees in spring. My hobbies include travelling, spending time in nature, dancing, skiing, skating, yoga, swimming, biking, hiking, cooking, photography,organizing and creating a loving home, socializing with friends, singing in the shower, watching good comedies and inspirational movies. I take courses for personal development (eg. Anthony Robins, Landmark Education). I am also interested in psychology, life coaching and relationship coaching. I like to have fun, laugh, travel together with my partner, explore new things. I love walking hand in hand, hugs, kisses, romance. I see challenges as adventures and opportunities to unleash my inner strength and power. I enjoy lively conversations on mostly any topic. I like to start the relationship with a warm friendship and then take it to a higher level of intimacy.
Placuta, chiar daca sunt putin supraponderala.
Caut pensionar, solitar si fara obligatii, stabil financiar, fara prea numeroase vicii, interesat de o relatie de durata, caruia sa-i placa vara la tara. Ofer companie placuta, afectiune,incredere .Nu accept comportament obscen, cuvinte triviale , barbati mult mai tineri decat mine sau casatoriti.
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Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

foarte timida Soy morena, ojos verdess, remテ。ntica, respetuosa, risueテアa, culta,sociable, solidaria, alegre, me gusta viajar,caminar por el lcampo, el contacto con la naturaleza. No me gusta la soledad, por eso busco un compaテアero para compartir lo bueno y malo de la vida.
sa zicem clasic
multi prieteni pt discutie
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

pusa tot timpul pe distractie Basically I love life and I love living life. I enjoy the outdoors, traveling, restaurants, laughing, goIng to events, and sociaLizing with quality peOple. I have travelled vastly. Its just better liVing and sharing lifE with someone else . Ia冦 originally from Malaysia and have lived in a few different couNtries. I enjoy being active, healthy and Staying fit. FaMily and quality friends Are importanT to me. If youa囘 like to know more Say a徂ia
prietenie,relatie si distractie
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

vreau sa ma distrez :x I am a romantic and tender lady, but it never bothers me from having fun with friends and living very active life! I am loving and caring, I am always an honest and devoted person and I feel so lonely without somebody very rarisim to care about. You will never see me arguing or crying at anybody. I must tell you that all my friends believe I bring luck and success. I am fond of pets as these creatures are very loyal and also need our love and warmtm...... Speaking about the best features of my character I want to say I am very optimistic person. I think if we believe in the best we will be happy and achieve everything we want. But when we have bad thoughts it influences our mood and our future plans. Also I can admit kindness and frankness in my temper. To my mind it is very important to be sincere and to open our heart in communication if we really want to have a friend. Friends say I am very active person and it is always interesting to spend time with me as I have a sense of humor.........I am looking for an kind, ordinary, faithful man who knows how to treat the woman and appreciates family values, who would like to have a happy family, home cosiness and a beautiful wife........
:d ... totul pe prv :p
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

Fi-ti inteligenti si nu deranjati inutil I what usual girl very much. I search not for prince and not riches. Try to find the simple present the man. And to find with him happiness. To confectionate good family and to give birth from him to children. And to live in peace.
Buna si iar buna
Dragoste,in nici un caz.
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Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

... ambitioasa si pretentioasa I am hardworking woman and self dependent, I am loving,caring and have a great sense of humor.I love to make those around me happy all the time especially my loved ones. I look like a city girl but inside me is a woman who loves nature and the out doors. I don't mind getting my hands dirty by fetching firewood while you set the tent when we go camping or change the car oil with you.
... nu stiu, cred ca e ok..
mai vedem
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

draguta,ochii verzi-albastri, schimbatori in functie de starea de spirit in care ma aflu...par saten cu suvite blonde...sper sa va plac I'm fair, honest, calm and cheerful. I do not like lies and impudent people. I do not like people who are looking only for the benefits of communication. I want to find a man with whom I will have one dream that we will achieve together.
1,70, 50kg...
un tip dragut,sa nu fie timid si ,mai ales, sa nu fie monoton..
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Femeie, 43, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

Numai cine va experimenta sa ma cunoasca va descoperii cine sint cu adevarat. I am a very cheerful person, I always believe in the best and that is why I am very happy about my life. I am very kind and reliable and Iaaぎa┐m kind and responsible woman, seeking for good relationship, someone I can produse a strong family with. I am a calm, life-loving, never lose my temper and I was brought up to respect men in every aspect I am looking for a solid mature man with whom to build a future. He will be a nice ordinary man who wants me and only me if that is not too much to ask.
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Femeie, 34, Casatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

roscata,buze senzuale,bust mare
Caut tip inteligent,plin de viata,caruia sa-i placa marea,calatoriile,sa fie romantic,pasional si atragator
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

SUNT DOAR EU, NIMIC MAI MULT SAU POATE UN PIC MAI MULT... Cinstita, corecta si foarte directa. Ce tie nu iti place, altuia nu-i face! Caut un barbat sincer si sufletist. Am doi copii pe care ii cresc singura si sunt casnica. Am nevoie de un mascul familist cu care sa-mi intemeiez o familie frumoasa. Vreau pe cineva care e dispus la compromisuri, recte sa se mute in timp alaturi mine. Nu deranja aiurea. Nu imi place sa imi pierd timpul inutil. Exclus zgarcitii...
frumusetea exterioara dispare in schimb daca ai frumusete interioara esti cel mai bogat om de pe pamant...
o persoana sincera care stie sa aprecieze ceea ce i-se ofera...
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

femeie naturala in cautarea unui om natural intr-o lume sunt cea mai eleganta dar nici cea mai urata.atractia porneste de la intaia vedere, rog cei fara poza la profil sa nu ma contacteze. momentul este pretios si nu detin suficient sa imi bat joc de el. va vor sa gasiti ceea ce cautati. Ana
"De obicei, un drum fara obstacole nu duce nicaieri."
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

I consider myself a very easy going person, even tempered. I love to go for long walks during a beautiful summer sunset with my dog Max along the wonderful walking trails by my home, going for walks during a gentle snowfall in the winter and walks during a crisp and sunny autumn day. I love to cook and a divin evening would be to decide on a wonderful menu and cook together while enjoying a fine glass of red wine and great music. I enjoy many type of music from easy listening jazz to classical to country western especially Ian Tyson. One of my hobbies is landscape painting and have become quite good, enough so that I can give them away as gifts to my family. My life long passion is genealogy and have been discovering my family roots for the past years. Love old movies, scrabble and nature.
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Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

ambitioasa,corecta,perspicace,curajoasa Thank you for paying attention to my profile. I am easy-going, like to joke, but serious when it is needed. I would be better alone then with just somebody. I want to get married once and for the whole life. I am am friendly, kind, family-oriented, I never complicate things and prefer to enjoy life.
Miniona,dar cred cu un forma placut
Pe cineva care sa ma inteleaga
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madalina maria
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

Sufletista Iubitoare Intelegatoare Va rog sa nu mi-o luati in nume de rau, dar nu sunt aici in cautare de sot. In principiu caut conversatie (de calitate, spumoasa, amuzanta, daca se poate), pentru ca viata mea sociala lasa mult de dorit, dar nu exclud probabilitatea unor conexiuni reale. Ca sa nu va obositi degeaba, va spun de pe acum ca nu suport greselile de gramatica, manelele, cartile din gamele Sandra Brown si Dan Brown, filemele gen Die hard si Alien.
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

nu coment Ce imi lipseste mai mult,. este un mascul de incredere impreuna de care sa ma bucur de o plimbare in parc de un film bun sau pur si ridem fim fericiti ca sintem laolalta sa ne facem planuri de viitor........alaturi de un barbat,serios cu simtul umorului....tandru ,placut cu bun mess. baciucornelia vor sa fiu contactata doar din zona.....ciao..!!!
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Femeie, 43, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

Sincera, deschisa si cu simtul umorului... Calm, kind, honest, faithful. I am very homely. I like cooking, baking. I like to sunbathe, swim, travel, shopping, visiting furniture exhibitions at work. I am engaged in textile interior estetica and a complete set of objects in the repair of designer finishing materials.
Forma fizic usor
Caut Un barbat asumat, sincer, serios pt casatorie
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

se vede in poza....;) E DIFICIL SA VORBESC DE MINE INSUMI ,PREFER SA O FACA ALTII ,INDIFERENT DACA E DE BINE SAU DE RAU ,LA FINAL NU STIU DACA SE APRECIAZA INTERIORUL UNEI PERSOANE SAU CEEA CE SIMTE ACEEA FIINTA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NU CAUT AVENTURI VREAU SA INTELEG IN PLUS CUM EVOLUEAZA OAMENII DIN ZILELE NOASTRE. Tu ce ma faci sa cant si sa visez acuma, Eu vad ca esti departe, si poate n'ai sa vii... Si cine esti, eu nu stiu, cum cine sunt, nu stii; Dar simt ca esti frumoasa, ca ochi albastri ai, Ca porti ceva in tine din rozele de Mai, Tu, care esti departe - si poate n'ai sa vii... ... Si cine stie? Poate e visul meu de vina, Caci el iti dete viata, si doar in el traesti, Tu, care azi nu esti - Si poate nici odata aevea n'ai sa fii... Dar eu visez - si visul aripile-si intinde, Dar eu visez - si visul din nou mai mult s'aprinde, - Chiar daca vei persista un dor neimplinit, Tu, care nu esti astazi, si poate n'ai sa fii Ori esti, - dar prea departe, si pururi n'ai sa vii. .............................................................................
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

hm...sociabila, cam nebuna..da` in sensu` bun al cuvantului, sincera ji persevernta I dona冲 mind when people tell me that my relationship ideals are a fairytale. If it is a fairytale to be loved, to be respected, to have passion, a moving and active love a if that is fairytale, then yes. If mutual respect, love, lust and friendship is a fairytale, then of course! I want to be in love with you, in lust with you, in like with you... ita冱 a multidimensional world why would I want a one-dimensional relationship? I want love, passion, honesty and companionship... s e x that drives me crazy and conversation that drives me sane. Thata冱 the standard Ia冦 setting. What standard are you setting?
zic io ca draguta..da` ceilalti ar tre` sa ma caracterize ,nu?:P
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

I work with the red cross team ,i am a medical Doctor i specialize on traumatic injuries from bombs and missile am looking for a sincere man to spend the rest of my life with,,who can laugh one who ia motivated and ambitious ,and willing to learn new things...
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

daca ar fi sa ma descriu as spune numai atat: profesoara Se pare ca ai vrea sa ma cunosti. Dar mai ales ti-ai dori sa stii ce vreau eu..... Imi vor un barbat care stie ce vrea, care are forta de a lua decizii, de a risca. Care nu se teme de femei si nici de viata. Care ma face sa rad. Acela va avea parte de darurile mele dulci. Sunt creata pentru dragoste si pentru barbati adevarati. Nu mi se potriveste mediocritatea si superficialitatea. Domnul pe care il voi alege va fi incercat si testat. Si apoi vom merge laolalta prin viata, cu incredere, iubire, pasiune, senzualitate, respect, avand vigilenta unul de fiinta celuilalt. Vom pasi impreuna, continand preocupare sa devenim mai frumosi ca oameni, decat atunci cand ne-am cunoscut. P.S. Daca esti aici pentru flirt sau aventura am pentru tine un mic poem scris de mine, ca sa te feresti de foc :) POEM DESPRE DRAGOSTEA OAMENILOR TRAITA DE O ZEITA Cine m-a pus pe drumul tau iubite? Ca tu sa ma gasesti Si sa ma pierd pe mine? De ce nu m-ai lasat Un fir de praf, in drum, Sa zbor prin galaxii, Sa ma transform in scrum? Sa ard pentru nimic Iar Focul meu sa arda Si-n veci sa nu se-ntoarca De dragul tau, in vatra. Si-acuma cand mocnesc Si mi-e dor de iubit, Ai vrea sa ma duc unde? Cand nu mai am decat... Un infinit Niciunde?
micuta placuta ochi caprui spre verde si f mari
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Femeie, 40, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

sociabila,rebela dornica de a avea multi prieteni Selectiva, pragmatica, empatica. Apreciez sinceritatea, bunul simt si oamenii de calitate. Imi dispac perfect fiintele superficiale si cele neserioase. Nu sunt interesata de barbati mai tineri decat mine si de cei cu numeroase kg in plus. P. S. Nu raspund mesajelor primite de la masculi care habar n-au sa scrie corect... nu cred ca e o pretentie exagerata si nici celor care au peste 58 ani ! Multumesc!
un barbat serios,sincer sa stie ceea ce vrea
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

sunt o persoana sufletista,sincera cu simtu umorului,imi place sa am prieteni sa ma distrez dar si sa fiu iubita I am active, cheerful, optimistic, easy-going and emotional girl! I like traveling, I go to Moscow quite often, but I dream to see France, Italy, Australia and many other countries. I am always very open to new experience in my life, so I am sure life will always give a chance! I believe in Fate, but also think that person can do a lot to change his life, make it how he sees it and wants it to be.
nu stiu ce sa spun despre mine eu cred ca sunt draguta dar asta persista sa apreciezi tu si sa imi spui dupa aceea.PROMITI???
caut un om bun sufletist care sa ma iubeasca si sa ma acepte cu calitatile si cu defectele mele.Glumet sa ne simtim bine impreuna si sa vedem poate chiar ne potrivim.Fizicul nu conteaza doar mintea si sufletul
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

Caut, descopar, ma straduiesc sa inteleg. Cu fiecare treapta urcata realizez cat de numeroase sunt inca de cautat, de descoperit, de inteles. PS. Azi am vazut ca mi-am setat gresit anul nasterii. 56 si ii iubesc pe toti!
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

sincera in cautarea iubiri テ税禿 オテ ステ テ キテ セテ イテ柁津疎 Ekaterina. テ ッ テ疎ヲテ セテ疎。テ柁 テ ステ grade テ ケテ疎堙 ク テ シテ柁津 カテ疎。テ クテ ステ柁 テ エテ サテ テ テ オテ疎ぎテ打津疎佚 キテ ステ疎ケテ疎ヲ テ セテ疎堙 ステ セテ騨テ オテ ステ クテ ケ.
barbat sa ma placa asa cum sunt
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Fetesti, Ialomita Romania

............ Hello my dear,my name is Patricia and I will write something about me,with hope that you will reply me.I have been thinking about this site,and about whether I should do my profile here,and finally I decided to do that.Now,I am here and I will try to find a real man to start a good communication.I am placid woman,loyal and serious,divorced and for that I wish I can find real man to mangaiere him.I am looking for love here and looking for a man who will accept me and love me as I am.If you are the one,please write to me,I will respond you for sure.I hope you will look at my profile and write to me,dear. I really hope to know you better!! What are you looking for here dear? What are your goals? Are you happy person?See you soon,Your Patricia
las la aprecierea celorlalti.....
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