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Masaj Nehoiu

Cele mai frumoase femei din Nehoiu care ofera masaj sunt aici pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

Sunt o iubita deschisa la nou si provocarilor vietii in limita bunului simt. Sunt de intocmai o sotie ambitioasa, increzatoare in fortele proprii, capabila de sacrificiu si de daruire pentru cei apropiati. Sunt o fiinta comunicativa, de incredere care ascunde adevarul uneori dar o face spre folosul inlocuitorului sau.
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

mmmm.... las pe altii sa ma descrie I am a sensitive, gentle and romantic girl. I know the value of life and I consider that we should appreciate every moment. There are so many things in life to enjoy. I do not want to tell you that I am the best match for you. Also I do not want to tell you how much I would love you, care about you and give myself to you. It is just words. Corresponding is good, but only meeting personally would say what can be real. This site gives us the opportunity to get acquainted, to make first step, so let's do it and see what would be. I do not want to tell you that aa‚¬Ĺ“I am a kind, sincere, honest, beautiful and great personality just for youaa‚¬ ť (it is who we are most of American women), just ask me and I would answer you. I want you to be that man I am ready to devote my life to and share all my feelings with, to know that we are like one. You should be mature and responsible. You should know what you want from life, to be careful and tender to me and have a good sense of humor.I am looking for the one and only driver, who will love me, appreciate my ideas and will be proud of me! I won't like it, if he has a lot of other cars in his garage! I have to be the one and only for him, as well as he for me! I want my man to take care of me, and thus, who will let me look after him! I see near me a REAL man, who knows how to show his pluses and how to fight with his minuses! He will definitely have a potential, not only dream, but also realize his dreams! If you are exactly such driver, please, write me! Waiting exactly for you!.
relatie de lunga perioada
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

It's my first time here, I will define my personality as conscientiousness, humble and agreeableness. I'm new to this whole experience. I'm a very young looking, attractive and young-in-spirit woman. However, I'm also very intelligent, intuitive, discerning, articulate and successful. I enjoy the finer things in life and enjoy the fruits of my labor, but I'm also very down-to-earth and grounded. I enjoy a variety of activities ranging from trips to anywhere, dining out, movies, long drives, going to the pool, taking walks and just hanging out. I'm romantic and have a desire to be with a man who is both down to earth but has an edge of excitement. I like to try new things, I enjoy spending quality time, I love a growth mindset and working out. I would like to meet someone who is kind, humble, funny, honest, and most of all a man that knows what he wants. I'm a great cook and love to share the kitchen with my partner. It's possible if you had a long day, I will ask you to take a long bath and relax while I fix dinner and it's possible I prepare a bubble bath with a chilled glass of champagne or wine for you. I love being out in nature. I love to dance , travel and working out I want a man that likes to kiss and cuddle. I'm looking for someone that is a healer and into holistic lifestyle to retire with.
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Poze verificate
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

sexy si atat I'm fair, honest, calm and cheerful. I do not like lies and impudent people. I do not like people who are looking only for the benefits of communication. I want to find a man with whom I will have one dream that we will achieve together.
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

Un suflet curat I am a sensitive, gentle and romantic girl. I know the value of life and I consider that we should appreciate every moment. There are so many things in life to enjoy. I do not want to tell you that I am the best match for you. Also I do not want to tell you how much I would love you, care about you and give myself to you. It is just words. Corresponding is good, but only meeting personally would say what can be real. This site gives us the opportunity to get acquainted, to make first step, so let's do it and see what would be. I do not want to tell you that aa‚¬Ĺ“I am a kind, sincere, honest, beautiful and great personality just for youaa‚¬ ť (it is who we are most of American women), just ask me and I would answer you. I want you to be that man I am ready to devote my life to and share all my feelings with, to know that we are like one. You should be mature and responsible. You should know what you want from life, to be careful and tender to me and have a good sense of humor.I am looking for the one and only driver, who will love me, appreciate my ideas and will be proud of me! I won't like it, if he has a lot of other cars in his garage! I have to be the one and only for him, as well as he for me! I want my man to take care of me, and thus, who will let me look after him! I see near me a REAL man, who knows how to show his pluses and how to fight with his minuses! He will definitely have a potential, not only dream, but also realize his dreams! If you are exactly such driver, please, write me! Waiting exactly for you!.
Un suflet bun
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Femeie, 20, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

Frumusika Se spune ca, de multe ori, iubirea nu vine atunci cand o astepti, ci atunci cand nu te mai gandesti la ea. Dar pana o intalnim, tanjim dupa ea, speram... Pana la urma am inteles de ce o cautam. Pentru ca nu frumusetea ne face sa iubim, ci iubirea ne faciliteaza sa vedem frumusetea din oameni si din tot ce ne inconjoara.
Ce nam gasit
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

if you say gullible REEAAALLLYYYY slow, it sounds like O R A N G E S .. Ok, ok thats probably not true ;) but thats pretty much my sense of humor. I'm an open book and I am still trying to finish my own story but i'm missing a few pieces & well that's why i'm here. I'm a fun loving gal who loves having a good time, and truly believes laughter is the best medicine. Maybe sometimes I laugh too much, I'm a intreg goofball, very random & sometimes I even shock myself by what comes out of my mouth but with that being said I know when to be serious and respect those traits in others as well. I'm very independent but far from being feminist. I'm not offended by a dirty joke and can dish one out of my own. I'm very sarcastic and believe sarcasm is my second language so bring it on boys I'm very eager to learn not only in my career but about life in general. I keep striving to push myself to be a better person & I want someone who will challenge me that way we can be eachothers partner in crime and bring out the best in one another. a€śHea€™s not perfect. You aren't either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if he can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto him and give him the most you can. He isna€™t going to quote poetry, hea€™s not thinking about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you could break. Dona€™t hurt him, dona€™t change him, and dona€™t expect for more than he can give. Dona€™t analyze. Smile when he makes you happy, yell when he makes you mad, and miss him when hea€™s not there. Love hard when there is love to be had. Because complet guys dona€™t exist, but therea€™s always one guy that is magistral for you.a€ť a€“ Bob Marley
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

nebunatica,amabila,comunicativa. i`m romantic woman caring, loving lady looking for true love happens and joy, i like to go for walks in the parks and in the malls go to good movie play pool drive to the country side with my friends, go fishing,swimming, cooking, yoga, play with the computer, above going to the beach with my Lovely son.
sa cunosc cat mai numeroase persoane,obiceiuri si limbi straine :)
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

sunt o dragalasha. I always thought that when I fall in love and start a family, that will be for life. Yes, now I know that things do not always happen as we desire, but the most important lesson I've learned is that we should never give up on our hopes, wishes and beliefs. I still believe in love, family and marriage and I am here with a hope to meet a wonderful man. When you get to know me, you'll see that I am a very devoted and trustworthy person. I have a very strong feminine side. I am caring, gentle, never raise my voice and do not like scandals. I believe in conversation and compromise. I am romantic and sensual - these are the two traits that I keep solely for my future partner. I will do everything in my power to see him smile to me every morning and every night as we fall asleep.
un mascul care sa merite ce ofer eu
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

:::)))) In primul rand celor care vor sa ma intrebe daca sunt casatorita sau am iubit,raspunsul este :nu.Si nu pentru ca am pretentii prea mari,doar asta e situatia,si sunt multumita....As dori sa conversez cu oameni deschisi la minte,cu simtul umorului,si care stiu ce reprezinta respect.Nu ma impresioneaza nici banii,nici o fotografie frumoasa,nici vorbe goale....sper sa fie pe aici oameni care gandesc la fel:)...
Un mascul care sa vrea o relatie seriousa
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Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

Toata omenirea are perioade bune si proaste.Trebuie sa te obisnuiesti sa traiesti cu asta. In loc sa ma simt deprimata si doborata, traiesc dupa o formula...cea a cunoasterii!!! De o folosesc, invat din toate perioadele..bune,rele!
Is in zona de confort!
In viata reala...exista anumite lucruri pe care,pur si simplu nu le poti face!Oamenii care spun copiilor ca pot face ce vor,nu sunt realisti; unele lucruri pur si simplu nu sunt posibile. Cu toate astea,nu vrei sa-i descurajezi! Ramai sceptic,optimist si...alegeti batalia!!! Cand crezi ca poti castiga, ia-o candva cu toata forta...insa, da-ti seama care-ti sunt limitarile!
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

Intreaba si vei afla. I am family-oriented, friendly and very communicative person by nature, warm-hearted, faithful, honest and trustworthy, intelligent, loving and caring by nature. I love children and appreciate a good sense of humor, genuine in my wish to meet a man for life with whom I feel easy and who will let me be myself when we are together.
Vino si vezi
Baiat atragator
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

ce pot sa spun .sunt o persoana deschisa la indiferent ce cu simtul umorului,care este in cautarea jumatatii sale ...maimulte le puteti afla direct de la mine Sunt o persoana sensibila,serioasa ,vesela .Urasc oamenii infideli ,falsi si mincinosi . Calitatile pe care le consider pietrele de temelie ale unei relatii serioase,de indelunga durata sunt..afectiunea ,,respectul comunicarea si increderea.
persista de vazut ce parere va faceti voi.
imi caut jumatatea si as vrea sa o gasesc pe acest site
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

Uita-te te rog la profilul meu si constientizeaza ca in spatele acelui profil sta o persoana mult mai complexa. Intuitia poate fi utila. I am young, energetic, serious and attractive girl. I am easy-going and that's why i can easily get new acquaintances and keep good friendly relations for years. I think that the best features of my character are faithfulness, kindness, sense of humor and ability to love! I don't have any bad habits and i like sport.
nice...(parerea mea) ;)
un barbat cu simtul umorului, vorbaretz si dragutz :D
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

I am a loyal hard working person who is looking for someone I can trust, laugh and have fun with. Someone who wants to go for a big adventure or the local flea market. Kindly get back to me on shellymckannas at Gm. I love the beach and my dog. I would love to meet someone who enjoys the little things like id & knows those are the big things. If you like what you get to read In my profile Kindly get back to me on shellymckannas at Gm figure out that. Looking for someone respectful, stable, sincere and consistent in thinking and behavior. Someone who shows humor and integrity and is fun to be around.
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

Dulce si sexy :) To begin with I wish to welcome. :) I wish all good mood. I the lonely woman. I quiet, resolute. I do not play. And I do not wish to be a toy. And I search for long-term relations. I the usual girl. There are inchis la culoare strips in a life, and happen white. But the most part of a life I stay in good mood. Always I try to optimise the work. I do not drink and I do not smoke. I choose a healthy way of life. If I speak something or I do, I can usually explain why so, instead of in another way. (Actually it is possible not always, sometimes the choice becomes on the basis of an internal voice, sometimes it appears erroneous.) I cannot long be angry with something or someone. I very seldom take offence. Very much I love the nature and animals. I like to walk on the nature. I do not understand, how people can lay all the day on a sofa and watch TV. I am always ready to listen to opinion of any person, but I agree with it only well having thought. I seldom hide from people the to them the relation.
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Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

Imi caut un partener...Sunt disponibila fac orice imi cere... i am Faustina but you can call me mina to by name 33 single not married before and a simple lady am a am kind lovely honest and hates lies and dissapoitments i love being with truth always because am God fearing lady my aim is to love once and beloved forever am with good senses of humour and here to meet goodfriend of mine and see how the future can lead me too ? What about you my dear friend tell me more about yourself and what you really search for on here thank s and welcome ?i know u as me why not married because yes because i need not just to rush in for what me heart desire is not meant for sorry to say no all me are the same and respect the present of relantionship? i need Mr.Right not just for chat but to meet also not on here for jokes nor playing fun and showin of nude sexy video sorry am not that type??tell me what u hate about me her.
Sunt sexy am ochii caprui parul lung si brunet...
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Femeie, 39, Casatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

sunt ok The most charming and nice creation of the world that is searching for love and tenderness. maybe it is hard to believe but I am lonely but like noone else I miss your warm touches and hot kisses. Please, do not make me wait for my happiness for too long, I want to be with you and only you!!!!!
barbatii au cuvantul
distractie, prietenie,intotdeauna mai e ceva de invatat
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

sunt o fata simpla modesta fara vici si cu bun simt! , and who is employed.special to capture my heart and knows how to handle it with care, one who will cherish me and be willing to share life's greatest joys and sorrows. Someone who's willing to spoil, pamper and love me unconditionally, whom is kind, sincere, honest, passionate, loyal, sense of humor, loving and wants a lifetime of passion.and also knows how to have fun but can be serious when needed., so only serious inquiries will be accepted...I'm looking for a soul-mate...a best friend for life! Someone I could talk to about anything....A good listener, smart and funny! I'd give the same to the ONE !! Who knows - may be you are my twin-soul------ Do you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol or do drugs? I'm a nonsmoker/nondrinker, not into drugs (don't need them; I live in a natural high).I want to live a normal living always with my partner.i don't care if he drinks or smoke.i'll always have him deep in my heart My favorite movies are romantic movies, eating habits: just about anything.Horror, thrillers, comedy. End of the world themes (I don't know why). I like independent films to a point (experimental films are unwatchable so why watch). I do get a kick out of bad movies. I admire the attempt when there is no budget but hate it when there is and it's a mess.Musics are Pretty much everything except grunge. My favorite music's are Gospel,Jazz,Country,Rock&roll,High life,Co
aici va las pe voi eu nu ma pot descrie
pai ... caut distractie desfatare si ... sa fim aman2 multumiti
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

Muncesc mult in momentul saptamanii dar weekendul e rezervat persoanelor dragi. Ma relaxez la palavre cu prietenii impreuna de un vin bun. Sunt o fire independenta in cautarea cuiva in fata caruia sa imi incuviinteaza sa fiu vulnerabila.
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

I can say in one word about me a€“ I am a joyful person! I believe that all people are created for happiness, and me and you of course , too! I cant understand why we should be sad, while we can be happy instead and enjoy life!!!! As for me, I try to make the best of any situation, and even if I have something sad, it soon passes, and I have good mood again! And I want to meet someone who, like me, treats tis life as a holiday!
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Femeie, 49, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

Consider ca sunt o persoana placuta cu calitati si defecte. Caut si imi vor o relatie stabila. Sunt o sotie fina, agreabila si sensibila. Imi doresc pasiune, dragoste, intelegere si bunatate. Ador calatoriile. Caut prietenie, intelegere, comunicare, respect si pasiune. Nu sunt interesata de o relatie de consumatie.
Nu sunt o persoana iesita din comun, dar nici de lasat...:)
O persoana cu care sa ma identific.
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

Sunt o BALANTA veritabila, sociabila, sentimentala, optimista si sensibila. Imi organizez viata punand accent pe tot ce e frumos, elegant, ordonat si imi plac extremele dar prefer sa urmez o linie de mijloc. Sunt cat pot de diplomata, idealista si impaciuitoare. Imi place luxul si frumosul. Sunt destul de schimbatoare si tolerez greu rutina. Viata este umpluta de neprevazuta€¦nu-i asa? Sunt o femeie care stie sa faca afaceri si isi face loc a€śpe tocuria€ť cu mult tact in multimea barbatilor de afaceri. :) Caut un partener ... asemanator. :) Nota: Rog ca masculii casatoriti sau cei aflati intr-o relatie sa NU ma contacteze! Ar fi pierdere de timp. Multumesc.
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Femeie, 48, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

Sticluta de esenta in care a mai ramas o picatura........mai concentrata, dar tot picatura ramane I am Ruth by name, I am easy going lady never been married, Am very humble, trustworthy faithful and honest looking for the right man of my life in which we are going to spend all the rest of our life together in peace.. I hope to find the right one on here
un tip inteligent, nebun, pe care sa-l descopar in timp...
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

vesela tacuta nu suport fitosii si aventurierii, imi place tot ce e elegant a€ťpentru a nu ma mai intreba ce caut... caut celalalt fluture cu aripa franta, luna cu jumatate de chip, soarele fara o raza, lumina orbita de dragoste, un gest oprit la jumatate, un cerc imperfect, un zambet pe o margine de vis, un suflet ciobit si adunat intr-o incercare de cantec nou...a€ť
draguta nici inalta nici scunda nici grasa
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

veti descoperi singuri I am a tender and romantic woman. I wish to admit that I am a woman who knows exactly what she needs in her life and doesn't want to loose time in vain. I like to care about people who are close to me! I have a lot of love in my heart and I want to give it to someone.
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Poze verificate
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

sunt o fata perfect normala,incerc sa ma apar de prosti... I am an easy-going, romantic, loving, tender care and young at heart. I have a great sense of and can find humor in most situations. I value the friendships that I have developed over the years and am fiercely loyal. I have a big heart and enjoy giving much more than receiving. I am also generous to a fault and maybe a bit to trusting in others at times, but I believe the majority of people are good. I enjoy meeting new people and hearing about their life experiences, as well as sharing my own. I believe that everyone deserves respect regardless of status or income and try not to judge others. I enjoy staying active and try to lead a healthy lifestyle but i believe that in order for a relationship to succeed , there has to be honesty , trust and communication.
cum se vede.astept critici!!!!
e ceva de gasit pe aici?
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

poy despre mn c pot s zik...imi place s asc ies prin vb l ma uit l filme...sunt o fire destul d complikta dupa parerea mea...shi nu am prea multa incredere in oameni...mai ales in cei p kre nu`i cun f multzi prieteni dar putzini in kre intr`adevar am sufar d mn dekat knd e kzu` :))=)) rest sunt o persoana kre s enerveaza destul d ushor shi cu kre tre sa ai mare mare rabdare...dar in acelashi timp...sunt destul d sociabila(cel putzin I think so :|...) o mare pasiune pt bratzari shi parfumuri :d...asta nu inseamna k imi petrek majoritatea timpului in fatza oglinzii...shi sunt obsedata d felu` in kre ma imbrak..(sa ma simt eu bn)...shi ar fi ink numeroase de spus...dak ar fi dupa mn ash scrie un roman da` va las k [,] cred k deja am inceput sa va plictisesk ;)) zik blonda...deshi paru` meu...e shuvitzat d nu mai poate saracu` in app toate culorile..;))...ce sa faci..pasiune :P vreo 52 d kg,1 73 ochi verzi-albastri
just...normal ppl ;))
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Eu simona
Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

Buongiorno a tutti voi My self-summary i'm hijabi girl (because i always wearing hijab all day, except when i'm in the house) . I like to cook western food, chinese food, and indonesian food. I like taekwondo,painting and doing some fashion sketch. i'm a businesswoman that have small business. I'm not scammer. I'm classy, elegant,and modest woman. I always wear my design, so my look is my personality.I want to meet good guy no bad guy. If you want to meet me in my country i always with my bodyguard that are policeman (because i want to protect myself from wrong guy and bad guy who are terrorist,drug users, drug traffickers and drug dealers( because in indonesia it has death penalty for drug dealers and terrorist )). Good guy don't be afraid with me . What Ia€™m doing with my life achive my goal !!! to be successful entrepreneur!!! and activate my aseets: 1. i like to cook indonesian food, chinese food, and western food maybe i can build restaurant or food truck ( and also serving my dishes from monday-friday to my future husband) 2. i like to make abstract painting maybe i can build art gallery and sell my artworks with higher price. 3. i like doing fashion sketch and making dress, maybe i can build fashion house bigger. Ia€™m really good at art,making fashion skecthes, painting, taekwondo, and cooking Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food favourite books : rich dad poor dad by robert t kiyosaki favourite television : glee, oprah winfrey show, how i met your mother favourite music: clean bandit, jess glynne, sharna bass, the corrs favourite food : indonesian food, chinese food, sea food, italian food, french food, middle eastern food. The six things I could never do without my hijab my art stuffs my pencil my fashion skecth book my laptop my friends and my family I spend a lot of time thinking about -vacation ........, because i like vacation -making new recipes (because i'm adventurous cook) -my achievement -making peoples happy ( because i like joking with my friends ) On a typical Friday night I am hang out with my friends, making artworks or cooking dinner for my family You should message me if You are caucasian or middle eastern race. (i like american,european, australian and middle eastern guys ( because i have male friend and he is american and he's such a fun guy)), indonesian guys are not special for me because maybe i just talk to him with indonesian language so i can't improve my english skill but also same culture with me, and i can't have international networking . I'm looking for middle esatern guy or caucasian guy because we can talk about different culture, i also can speak english with him, i can improve my english skill, and having international networking. Having business degree or economic degree.Having halal business not haram business ( haram business like drugs and alcohol) ( maybe i can be your business partner too ).Want to chat with me and friend with me, good guy no bad guy. I don't want to meet peoples who are drug users, drug dealers, gay, terrorist, drunk people, smoke person....:P please go away drug users, drug dealers, gay, terrorist, drunk people, smoke person :P. (but ocasionally drink it's OK for me) about smoke person.... i have asthma by the way so... i don't like smoke person. because the smoke can make my asthma relapse, sorry.... :(. You can talk with me about anything, discussing with me about anything, because i'm very open minded person :) . I'm looking a guy that wants to support me (i will support you too) , share some experience with me, making future plan together, joking with me.
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Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

hard to really know prezenta ,pentru cei ce ma iubesc ,absenta,pentru cei ce mint .disponibila pentru prieteni mei ,invizibila pentru cei ce ma streseaza si pentru invidiosi chiar ....fericita . Nu stiu daca sint pe placul vostru dar nu ,i, bai .....astai viata si asta sint eu .
look at pic
i don t know yet
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Femeie, 39, Casatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

oare putem respira fara iubire... In my thirties, I am rather sympathetic, calm, sensitive and hard-working. I like to jump into the freshness of the morning, to feel that I exist. I like to take care of my loved ones and share my joy with them. What I am proud of is the education I received from my parents and the fighting Woman character they gave me. I am not looking for the "perfect" man, but I hope to meet this man with 85% sincerity, 90% respect and 95% true love. For the rest come and discover me.
in cautarea clipelor speciale...
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Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

... nu reusesc nicicand sa ma descriu...sunt o fiinta naturala cu defecte si calitati, si cred ca descrierea mea o poate face doar cineva care reuseste sa ma cunoasca putin. a te descrie solitar nu e cel mai potrivit fapt
nici prea prea nici destul de foarte... de fapt......cred ca nimic deosebit,o fata dupa care nu intorci capul pe drum, dar nici urata....doar normala
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Elena liliana
Femeie, 39, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

Sunt o fata sincera, educata cu bun simt I dream to meet a man, who is looking for a mutual love and respect. I just want to full our hearts of happiness and romantic atmosphere! I dream to lucrate relationships, where we can be honest with each other and should be able to rely on each other when it is needed.
Imi doresc un barbat educat pentru o relatie serioasa
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Deea 1
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

Daca esti curios o sa ma despcoperi Voglio continuare la mia amicizia o di più in compagnia di una "bella persona" e costruire con le sue nuove relazioni basate sulla tenerezza, il rispetto, la realizzazione e la fiducia in tutti gli aspetti, una persona corretta !! brigittevasque71 AT gml com Non sono qui per divertirmi, ma sono aperto a qualsiasi bellissimo incontro gratificante che mi verrà offerto ... Sono una persona realistica e ottimista, soddisfatta, curiosa, mi piacciono le persone vere, coltivate, raffinate e calde . Ho un figlio single e amo mio figlio, ridere, cantare, ballare, gite culturali, concerti, musei, mostre ecc ... la foresta, la natura, scoprire il patrimonio culturale e la storia senza dimenticare la gastronomia ... La mia ricerca: una persona che ha un innegabile desiderio di investire in una relazione stabile e rispettosa, che sa che amare non è possedere l'altro, o vuole modellarlo al suo ideale, ma può rilevare il suo aspettative da riempire, tutto questo a vicenda. Se sa come trovare le chiavi, riaprirà le porte dei miei tesori nascosti ... Lancio questa bottiglia nel mare, inoltre, la mia bottiglia non è vetro, ma cuore.
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Iosif Georgeta
Femeie, 44, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

Singura si de treaba I am wonderful girl loving and caring humble and respectful with lots of love to share i wish to find a very lovely man to take very good care of me one to spend the rest of my life with as my own man Sunt fat? minunat? umil iubitor ?i grijuliu ?i respectuos cu o mul?ime de dragoste pentru a partaja doresc s? g?seasc? un om foarte minunat pentru a avea grij? de mine extrem bine o s?-?i petreac? restul vie?ii mele ca om cu propria mea
Numa buna
Barbat pentru o relatie serioasa
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

dulce ca lamaia si acra ca mierea Caut un mascul analt, dragut,bun la suflet cu un simt al umorului foarte dezvoltat, si o situatie financiara destul de buna, care a-si vrea sa se insoare, Daca nu va ancadrati, va rog sa nu ma deranjati. Nu voi raspunde.
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Femeie, 65, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

e foarte greu sa incerci sa te descrii;dar stiu atit ca sint eu,cu bune si rele;doar eu Fara Separate nu ma intereseaza relatile pasajere caut Un Barbat Cu Capul pe Umeri care stie ce frea de la Viata Preferabil de Varsta Mea sau 6 ani maxim mai mare fara Supararare Domnilor de pe Acest Saite.
se spune ca pentru virsta asta...dar sint satula de vorbe mieroase....oricum frumusetea vine din consider ca am suflet
sinceritate? onestitate? cine mai gaseste asa ceva?
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Mysha 2009
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

E mai bine sa ma o sa ma descrii tu mult mai bine....! I am a simple and caring girl with a good manners and good sense of humor and I like to share time with the person that I love.I would like to meet a man who is caring, honest, sincere, thoughtful, somebody who wants to build a family and spend time with me.
Prieteni noi,poate si o relatie!
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Femeie, 71, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

cred ca este bine sa cauti, sa afli, sa nu te declari invingator. Dac? nu vei imb?trani niciodat?, dac? i?i g?se?ti forta in tinere?ea altora, aventura la absolut orice cost e prioritatea ta, dac? tu cau?i magia ?i coupe de foudre, atunci nu m? c?uta! Toate astea ar putea ?a?ni prin porii t?i intr-o zi f?r? s? le cau?i. Ceea ce caut eu, e o persoan? pe care s? o simt pl?cut?, pe cineva c?rui s?-i cer un pahar cu ap?, intr-o zi . Desigur, voi p?stra ?i eu la indeman? un pahar cu ap?! Ce s? v? spun:-baft??!
caut sa mamentin ce am primit de la DUMNEZEU.
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

neee nu iti spun nimic descopera Singuratica,tacuta,rezervata,directa. Nu agreez excesele,ce-i "la moda", apucaturile si mentalitatile conationalilor. Chiar daca lucrez intr-o corporatie, nu ma imbrac gratios si nici nu ma machiez, asa ca nu ne potrivim daca porti costum sau iti poftesti o partenera de viata fancy. In linii mari, caut rocker/ascultator de muzici rock,blues, oldies linistit si serios a€“ mi s-a tot spus ca nu se afla aceasta combinatie, dar inca mai sper:), partener de petrecut seri tihnite acasa, dar si de o piesa de teatru, o plimbare intr-un parc sau o excursie la munte. PS - da, sunt ingamfata, nesuferita,inabordabila, ciudata, o sa raman singura etc. Stiu si imi asum!
vezi tu
ce gasesc:)
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

Sunt aici pentru a-i iesi in intampinare lui The One for me. "Dragostea este o atentie fina si o preocupare profunda fata de celalalt" Esentiale pentru relationarea cu mine sunt urmatoarele valori: respect, onestitate, bun simt, bunatate, fidelitate, umor, optimism, bucuria de viata, cunoastere si autocunoastere, increderea in Divinitate - Inteligenta Suprema. AM 3 COPII.
ce vreau
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

...:* cand ma vei cunoaste iti ei da seama.. a€ťpentru a nu ma mai intreba ce caut... caut celalalt fluture cu aripa franta, luna cu jumatate de chip, soarele fara o raza, lumina orbita de dragoste, un gest oprit la jumatate, un cerc imperfect, un zambet pe o margine de vis, un suflet ciobit si adunat intr-o incercare de cantec nou...a€ť
fac fitness de 3 ani ador sportul si peste 3 ani voi devenii viitoare antrenoare de mine fitness ul constituie visul sper sa l indeplinesc
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Nehoiu, Buzau Romania

Sunt o persoana simpla cu simtu umorului si plina de viata. Sunt de fel o realistica desi uneori visez cu ochii larg deschisi ( mi-e teama de ziua in care nu as mai visa ), sunt sociabila, empatica, directa, sensibila, ador natura( mai ales muntele). Caut linistea, armonia, caut zambetul primitor, caut vorba calda ce alunga tristeti.. caut omul cu care sa pot comunica, sa rad, sa ma bucur de fiecare fapt marunt. Imi doresc o relatie de lunga durata, pana la MARELE APUS (asta in cazul unei compatibilitati bune ) , doar intr-o relatie stabila gasim fericirea, implinirea.
Din puinctul meu de vedere am un aspect destul de placut.
Opersoana inteligenta cu simtu umorului si devreme acasa.
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