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Matrimoniale Lugoj

Cele mai frumoase femei si cei mai draguti barbati sunt aici pe cel mai mare site de matrimoniale din Lugoj, Intra si tu!
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

Atentie!!! Fara SUPARERE dar nu discut cu persoane care nu au poza de profil! Nu mi se pare corect sa vb cu un NO NAME NO FACE Or WhatEver doar de dragul unei conversatii!Persoanele sub 48-50 de ani va rog limitati-va la o discutie amicala si atat!!! Eu sunt o fire destul de calda dar uneori VAD CA AICI SE INTRECE CHIAR CE LIMITA! Dak ma placi ma accepti si asa! Multumesc!:)
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

Caut o relatie serioasa 'si te iubesc cu mila si cu groaza, ca un nebun de alb ce captureaza regina neagra pt vesnicie, iubita mea cu f mari probleme' .. momentan ma aflu in Coventry (plecata din Buc). despre mine sunt o formula intre un copil si un om matur .. ofer multa atentie si afectiune si asta ma stabilizeaza cel mai mult cand si primesc .. sa zic fara minciuni?! imposibil nu?! dar eu nu o sa te mint .. mi-am dorit mereu un tip calm si pozitiv dar nu prea am avut parte decat de opusul .. rad si imi place sa te fac sa razi, acum nu stiu daca am sa iti nimeresc tipul de umor .. si intr-o lume in care societatea isi pierde valoarea ma intreb daca o sa mai gasesc o pers decenta aproape care sa 'imbatranesc' poti sa imi spui de unde incepe increderea?
Slaba 46 kg
O relatie serioasa
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

dragutza de treaba curioasa sa imi fac mai multi prieteni Adevar, bucurie, curaj, dragoste, dans, Dumnezeu, fericire, grija, iubire, loialitate, maturitate emotionala, prietenie, pasiune, romantism, respect, tandrete, zambet... Barbatii casatoriti, cei implicati in alte relatii i rog sa ma ignore!!!! Nu vor aventuri!!!!!Multumesc pentru intelegere. Sa fiti iubiti.
sexy si rea
persoane dragute de treaba si dornice sa imi fie prieteni( cupluri si fete bi) sunt o tipa bi curioasa astept mesaje pupici
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

buna si nebuna!!:)) Sunt o persoana sociabila,loiala,cocheta ,bine intentionata,sensibila si corecta.Daca esti un om serios,cu un caracter puternic, un om care stie sa pretueasca si sa aprecieze femela de impreuna el,bine intentionat,loial,onest si fara numeroase vicii,cauta-ma!
matrimoniale lugoj
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Denisa Popescu
Femeie, 35, Casatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

Astept sa fiu descoperita I am a honest,respectful, loving, caring, romantic and responsible woman that treat people in the way I want to be treated. I don't lie nor cheat and therefore I don't believe in lies and don't want liars.I have been hurt in the past and its hard to trust in life again I am a warm, kindhearted,and a pleasant woman, very sensitive to the needs of others; with a very keen intellect and a good sense of humor, I love to make people laugh and to make them feel very comfortable and convenient when i am around. My interests are vast: enjoy reading, movies, music, interesting conversations, traveling,sport, dancing and visiting beautiful places. I live life with passion.
Am un alura fizic frumos
Indiferent ce iesit din comun
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

...My personality type tends toward being I'm outgoing people would most often describe me energetic, loving,caring, extremely emotional, bubbly, understanding, very supportive, very caring and warm, very passionate and loving, easy going and down to earth.
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

Stiu ce vreau ! Cu simtul umorului bine dezvoltat! Imi vor exersarea normalului si firescului, in doi, si sper ca voi intalni , pe cineva adecvat pentru mine la un moment dat, aici, pentru ca: a€ś Ne am nascut ca sa traim, traim ca sa iubim, iubim ca sa nu murima€ť
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

Sunt o persoana sincera si ambitioasa. Sunt o persoana joviala, sociabila si cu simtul umorului. Imi place sa calatoresc, sa cunosc locuri frumoase si oameni interesanti. Iubesc caldura soarelui si cea din interiorul sufletului. Caut un mascul educat, care vrea sa se investeasca, responsabil si dornic de a construi o relatie serioasa, o familie.
Va las pe voi sa va dati cu parerea...:)
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

sunt o fire foarte vor sa cunosc cat mai multe persoane Inteligenta,draguta,onesta intr-un cuvint ecechilibrata imi place sa gatesc,sa ascult muzica buna si sa petrecem timp de calitate in doi ,cu omul potrivit...bineinteles!!! Inca o precizare,nu raspund la mesaje ce vin din partea profilelor fara poza.
constictutie atletica
o persoana sa ma inteleaga si sa putem discuta de toate
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

Draguta,sincera I'm outgoing and love to spend time with friends and family. I am very easy going, I tend to love every little things of life! Well here I am to my surprise looking for someone to spend the rest of my life with and share all the great things in life.
60 kg , 175 m ,
Barbat generos
matrimoniale lugoj
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Poze verificate
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

I would also like to find a like-minded male,open minded as well as down to earth who likes to enjoy life to the fullest,where we can participate in activities together and encourage each other to pursue their interests as well
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

simpatica zic uni E destul de greu sa te descri singura ,sint o femeie educata, placuta imi place sa calatoresc .imi `place sportul sa conduc ma relaxeaza acum locuiesc in spania de 19 ani si imi caut jumatate crezi ca esti tu ?????????
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

pozele spun aproximativ tot.. Sunt o persoana cu prea mult bun simt, sincera, loiala, un prieten la bine si la rau fara asteptari, o romantica invechita, cu prejudecati, care nu-si gaseste locul intr-o lume fara principii; daca vrei sa ajungi la inima mea trebuie da fii un om de calitate ;fb.nicoleta graur bacau
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

Un barbat care stie ce vrea de la viata I'm the one your mother warned you about! :) Omul excelent pentru mine trebuie : S? fie b?rbat, nu c??elu? orfan; S? ?tie ce vrea, ce poate ?i ce-i place; S? m? fac? s? m? simt singura femeie din lume; S? ?tie r?spunsul la milionul de chestii care-mi sunt mie necunoscute; S? ?in? pasul cu planurile mele; S? nu se simt? in competi?ie cu mine, ci in echip?; S? nu considere c? treaba lui e s? se uite la meci ?i a mea s? m? oglindesc in smal?ul crati?elor.... the rest on private :)
Placut dragutz ochi caprui sate
Caut o relatie de Indelunga durata
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

sunt o fata care stie sa se distreze dar si sa fie serioasa I am a very cheerful lady with a great sense of humor. I have a warm, calm and kind soul. I am a great companion who is easy to spend time with and to rely on. I am understanding, caring and loving. My good attitude towards people helps me make new friends and maintain relationships with good friends. I believe that love conquers all: differences, distances and barriers. All I can offer to you are love, respect, loyalty as well as tenderness, all my affection and passion. I believe that I can keep my man happy in many ways. A lady with a spark in her eyes and a big loving heart.
sunt bine!
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

I am a very ambitious person, easy going, disciplined and focused woman. I love listening to good music. I love to encourage people so they can reach their goals. I am a good listener. I like to meet people that are knowledgeable, intelligent and experienced. Someone that knows how to treat a woman right.
un tip bine rau
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

Sunt optimista, umpluta de energie pozitiva si incerc sa vad jumatatea plina a paharului, fapt care ma face sa mai cred in cinste si onoare , in demnitate si adevar ,in sinceritatea si bunatatea oamenilor .Sa nu uitam totusi ca ne -am nascut dintr-o clipa de iubire.Iubesc tot ce-i elegant si curat sufleteste. Nu sunt aici pentru a cauta aventuri efemere, care oricum nu-ti aduc nimic bun; caut "jumatatea" cu care sa refac intregul , acel tot unitar plin de dragoste,lumina iubire bucurie,romantism frumusete sufleteasca,caut domnul, hotarat si pregatit pt un nou inceput,il caut pe EL,simplu spontan,serios si cu principii MASCULUL care sa reuseasca sa lase balastul trecutului in urma si sa incerce sa traiasca in PREZENT .. sa "construim" ceva durabil, frumos si plin de armonie IMPREUNA.
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

I'm down to earth, intelligent, loving, generous, supportive, playful and adventurous.I am honest, sincere and very loyal.I am looking for someone to start a new Chapter in my life. I am ready to set out on a new journey, and facute some awesome memories along the way. I am looking for a unic one to spend the rest of my life with.
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

imi place sa fac ceea ce simt!!! I am a strong woman when it is needed and a little weak girl when I am next to a strong man. I love to laugh and I think I am a very cheerful person. People always say they can rely on me and that is why I have a lot of friends. I love to just dream and imagine my future life. I simply enjoy everything and this way I feel happy
oameni noi!
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

i am Faustina but you can call me mina to by name 33 single not married before and a simple lady am a am kind lovely honest and hates lies and dissapoitments i love being with truth always because am God fearing lady my aim is to love once and beloved forever am with good senses of humour and here to meet goodfriend of mine and see how the future can lead me too ? What about you my dear friend tell me more about yourself and what you really search for on here thank s and welcome ?i know u as me why not married because yes because i need not just to rush in for what me heart desire is not meant for sorry to say no all me are the same and respect the present of relantionship? i need Mr.Right not just for chat but to meet also not on here for jokes nor playing fun and showin of nude sexy video sorry am not that type??tell me what u hate about me her.
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Poze verificate
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

Simpatica, comunicativa,sincera.Imi place sa fac sport si sa imi petrec momentul liber in natura. Iubesc marea si tot ce este frumos. Nu sunt o fire complicata si nu cer mai mult decat pot sa ofer! Imi vor un partener cu calitati aproximativ similare ptr o viata implinita si placuta! Cauta-ma!
matrimoniale lugoj
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mika 31
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

I am a girl who has a lot of dreams in my little head! And if you really want to know better I can tell you about my dream! I am very optimistic person! I like sport! I like dance! I will be a choreographer! My favorite color is red and my favorite flower is rose! Someone tell me that I am look like a rose! Very tender and sweet! But when someone make me pain I can show my thorns!
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

draguta foc, interesanta, apetisnta, inteligenta..... si numeroase altele.......... real interes........ pt cunoasterea unor noi prieteni. I`m 5`7"140 with a athletic build , mentally stable, physically fit, a bunch of laughs, warm, caring, honest, good listening, God Fearing, and a positive person,I am real easy person to talk to and a good listener. I love to play golf and I enjoy chilling` with my friend/family. I like going to the movies or watching movies in my room , I like swimming , fishing, listening to music and dance, traveling , going bowling and etc.I am a family oriented person and I get along with everyone in my family and outside my family.
am scris mai sus, e suficient ;-)
un barbat minim 1,80 necasatorit daca nu va incadrati nu ma deranjati
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

Sunt o fire sociabila, imi place sa imi fac prietenii noi, sa ma distrez. Sunt o persoana singura am 50 de ani dar sunt umpluta de viata si vreau sa imi impart restul anilor cu cineva drag. Locuiesc in Olanda de 29 de ani si am o viata eleganta si vreau sa imi caut perechea .
Arat destul de bine, fire atractiva dar cel mai mult conteaza modul in care te comporti si cum stii sa abordezi un subiect/ o persoana,nu aspectul.
Prieteni si de ce nu: un barbat.
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

sunt o persoana naturala cu calitati si defecte Sensibila, romantica, prezentabil, educata, sociabila, prietenoasa, cu simtul umorului, draguta, inteligenta. Imi place mult mult sa calatoresc in toata lumea, iubesc natura, florile in special trandafirii.
extrem bun sau mai bine zis buna
multi prieteni...poate iese ceva:))
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

About me: I guess I am best described as contradictory and diverse. Adventurous yet stable. Fun yet reliable. Hard worker yet not a workaholic. Funny with a serious side. Active yet relaxed. In shape, but up for staying in. Communicative yet thoughtful. And chivalry is not dead.And of course romantic! I am comfortable with who I am and am established in a good career.I like to stay reasonably active by going to the gym, swimming, tennis, basketball, hiking, walking, or bicycling.
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

Sexi si placuta. Am un caracter sociabil si ma inteleg bine cu toti cei binecrescuti One does not have a lot to say about himself no matter how much we put into writing it can't be enough to describe oneself I'm Kelvin simplicity is my style and being optimistic is my thing I love things which facute a positive life
Sunt o dulce. Pozele sunt reale iar eu si mai si
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

I can say for sure that you will never be bored with me. I am a very sociable lady and all my friends say that I am funny to be with. I am very punctual and you can be sure that I will never be late for our dates. People say that I am very kind and I am always ready to help them. I adore romance and I am a very romantic person.
i dont know exactly
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

a€¦.un suflet batran, nascut odata cu facerea lumii sau poate in fascinanta Atlantidaa€¦un suflet care a strabatut veacurile, intrupandu-se in sotii sau barbati, frumosi sau urati, isteti sau tampiti, norocosi sau urgisiti, sanatosi sau betegi, acumuland toata durerea si fericirea lumii, toata stiinta si culturaa€¦pacat ca de fiecare data, toate amintirile sunt impinse undeva in subconstientul colectiv, si nu pot profitaa€¦(daca nu accepti teoria reincarnarii, treci pestea€¦)
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

sunt super ok...cel putin asa cred imi place sa ma distrez si sunt putin suparacioasa I am very easy going a true romantic at heart. I look for the good in people. I live life to its fullest and enjoy travel. I am looking for an easy going down to e TORONTO Ontario ... I am looking for a free man, well educated and onest an with a very good profession. I am looking to rebuid my life. I would love to see the picture and we can know each other online. Online
sunt nice
ce caut...baietii ok de treaba si dragutzi
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

Sunt o persoana sociabila si destul de deschisa, restu las sa descoperiti ! I'm passionate, cheerful, ambitious and animated. I love being goofy, laughing and being active (down time is not my best friend, although I do enjoy lounging and watching movies or reading), but I also can be serious when needed. I'm looking for someone who can compliment my personality, who has goals and is driven, but also enjoys having fun, can make me laugh and enjoys sports. Having a positive attitude is key -- it just makes the world a better place for everyone.
Astept parerea ta 1
Un mascul placut, dispus sa incerce tot ce e nou , distractiv , comunicativ si daca e sa fie sa avem o relatie. Dar rog seriozitate !
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

I am a single-minded girl. I love to achieve my goals. Friends consider me kind and cosmic since I look at life not like everyone else. I am feminine and so I like domestic chores like cooking delicious food, decorating the house. I fotografie my partner as a charismatic, making decisions person, smart, strong, caring. The main thing for me is support and trust. I want to meet a man ready to love and be loved.
arat bine zic eu
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

caut barbat interesat de relatie de lunga durata If I will describe myself like a absolut woman it won't be right! But I can say, that I am optimistic person and I am realist of course. If I have a dream I always do steps to achieve this dream. I am merry and cheerful person. I like to keep everything in order and I am a bit like a perfectionist. But the wish of my MAN is the most important for me. I am full of warmth to share. Just take it!
bruneta ochi verzi
mascul fidel
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 40, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

Descrierea mea in trei cuvinte este:energica,iubareata si uneori copilaroasa Sunt o persoana singura am 50 de ani dar sunt plina de viata si vreau sa imi impart restul anilor cu cineva drag. Locuiesc in Olanda de 29 de ani si am o viata frumoasa si vreau sa imi caut perechea .
Prietenii imi spun ca sunt cool,parintii ca sunt frumoasa,dar eu ma consider naturala nici prea ,prea nici foarte,foarte.Va las pe voi sa ma cunoasteti
In intaiul rand oameni sinceri,sinceritate si stabilitate candva de toate,Prima data cunostinte,apoi prieteni iar mai tarziu cine stie?
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

I'm caring, faithful, Loyal, truthful, loving, generous, goals achiever, honest, Spiritual oriented, future driven, Confidential, Understands the ups and downs of life, Committed to relationship, reader, visionary, Conservative, Passionate, romantic, sexy and loving.I love to be fun and spontaneous and enjoy each day finding something joyful to smile about?
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

hmm sunt o neboona si imi place sa ii fac pe pe cei din jurulmeu fericiti.Imi iubesc f mult prietenii si cluburile aaaaa si pe JUSTIN XAVIER aka R. tzeparu:))) My name is Helene French of origin, living in France, I would like to meet a person of any kind, provided that this person is attentive, loving life and want to invest in a serious relationship. I am a smiling, simple woman who has a lot of love to give to a man who deserves it. I would like to chat with real man, who will not say "" you are too far away "", love has no border is not it? !
bruneta ochi caprui
caut un tanar de 26 de ani:))) saten inchis 1 60-65:))pervers mincinos cu audi sa ma duc la bar select sa imi cumepere suc cu 30 de mii sa comenteze cand prietena mea cere red asculte ce spun altii nu ce spun eu si nu in ultimul rand sa se poarte "fain" cu mine.....
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

prea BUNA pt societatea asta...:p If you are looking for a skinny, ditzy blonde then you may as well look at the next profile. But if you want someone with more to offer, then look no further! I am a tall and curvaceous blonde with personality to boot, a wicked sense of humour and, to complete the package, I even have smarts! My new life has begun and I am looking forward to the many adventures that lie ahead
tipa din poze
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

sunto fata simpla in cautare noi aventuri , distractii si barbati... Doresc sa cunosc un barbat din Brasov , Covasna , Predeal, Sinaia fizic simpatic ,serios , curat , elegant , gospodar de casa , distractiv . Sai placa drumetiile , plinbari in natura ,excursii un om cu suflet bun pentru o prietenie sincera .
ochi caprui , par brunet , 1.57 inaltime , 55 kilograme ,
sunt in cautare de barbatii sinceri, inteligenti , care sa ma satisfaca total..
matrimoniale lugoj
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

My biggest passion in life is living it to the fullest, following your passions and working towards whatever it is you want out of life. For me this is to finish off my studies (only a year left), traveling to new places and trying new things, like a new restaurant or rock climbing. Even though I love running off to see new things, it is good to know that my family and friends will always be there if I need them.
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

Buna My name is vanessa evan i am a sensitive, caring, God fearing woman I am a faithful and committed person, who is very considerate of other people's feelings am retiring soon and really cannot spend the rest of my life alone because time wait for no one and we have a little time in this world for us not to enjoy and live......I will be glad if u can kindly tell me more about you as I would love to know you more..In Addition Distance doesn't matters,cos i believe people meet by a reason and not by Chance..LOVE,TRUST AND HONESTY MATTERS,as long as this exist everything will work out for good,and with LOVE anything can happen.Feel free to write me and lets get to know each other and see where it will end
Sunt slabuta, Am 50de kg
Caut un barbat, respectuos, intelegator, si cu mult umor si bun simt, care sa stie ce ravneste de la aceasta viata!
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Doina Alina
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

Sunt o romantica:)...dar cu picioarele pe pamant, iubesc tot ce tine de frumos, sensibila, sociabila, comunicativa, ceativa, iubitoare de sport, natura, muzica.... restul las sa descoperiti voi:)) si simptul umorului:)))
Cred e trecut in profil:D
Conversatii, prieteni noi cu care sa fac schimb de idei, pareri....!!!
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

Pt a simplifica lucrurile 1,sunt casatorita 2 ,din motive mai greu sau mai usor de inteles ,deocamdata nu imi pot face ordine in viata ,3 ,am nevoie de afectiunea unui mascul , ;;stiu ca sunt multiicei care inteleg ,putini cei care aproba si destul de putinii care accepta asta ,Eu ma adresez celor putini 4,cei care vor sa ma certe ai rog sa ma ignore ,Inainte de a judeca viata mea sau caracterul meu pune-te in locul meu ,parcurge calea pe care am mers eu ,traieste durerea mea ,indoielile mele plinsul meu ,Parcurge anii pe care i-am parcurs eu si impedica-te unde m-am impiedicat eu ,apoi ridica-te cum am facuto eu ,Ma mai poti judeca?
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Lugoj, Timis Romania

pentru a cauta noi prietenii I am focused on a serious relationship and creating a family. I need love. I am sure that I will have the opportunity to meet a decent person and it is here. I have a light character and it's easy to find a common language with me. I am ready to compromise for the sake of peace in a relationships and family. I hope that my family will be happy and filled with happiness.
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Matrimoniale Lugoj

matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
matrimoniale lugoj
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