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Matrimoniale Vascau

Cele mai frumoase femei si cei mai draguti barbati sunt aici pe cel mai mare site de matrimoniale din Vascau, Intra si tu!
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

I am an easy going person, like communication, new people and travelling. I like to develop myself and very curious about something new. I am very funny and optimistic. I can tell that i am reliable person and my dear and close people can always ask me for help and I will always support them.
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Femeie, 20, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

sunt foarte sincera! Daca iubesti frumosul,nu ma iubi,ptr ca sunt altele mult mai frumoase decat mine......daca iubesti bogatia ,nu ma iubi ,ptr ca sunt altele mult mai bogate decat mine,....daca iubesti IUBIREA, IUBESTE-MA ,ptr ca-ti voi darui toata dragostea pe care nu ai avut-o niciodata si de care ai atata necesitate rest ..vesela,optimista...te las sa ma cunosti ...
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irina Rinaldi
Poze verificate
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

I am single with no kid. i have negru hair and brown eyes, I am 5\'7\" and 139lbs I am someone who caterer and my dream and goal is to find and my soulmate and make him happy and also enjoy this amazing life together. I am romantic, warm, tender and sensual. I love long touching, kisses, heart-to-heart talks. People consider me kind, honest and reliable. I am not perfect, but I have a lot of good qualities such as sincerity, understanding and patience. I really love nature, long walks and just being in the forest or near the water. I enjoy going out and spending my spare time in a company of good friends.
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Femeie, 21, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

Sunt o fata rasfatata,sunt dornica de Nou,nu imi plac barbatii fitosi.Sunt o fata dornica de orice I am a cool minded person , I love being straight forward in my activities with people,in fact the reason my folks like me is just cos of my policy of being simple as I believe Greatness Lies In Simplicity how about u don't u think so ?
Cum spune toata lumea-superba-
Incerc sa cunosc masculi care imi pot oferi orice! Sunt deschisa la absolut orice tip de relatie
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

ma consider cea mai fraiera iubita din lume,MOTIVUL:pun botu prea repede si sunt prea sufletista Sunt o persoana cu calitati si defecte, sincera care cauta in primul rand un prieten. Imi vor un mascul inteligent, plin de umor si bun simt care vede viata cu optimism si care are respect pentru toti oamenii din jur.
sexy bomba
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

o fata simpla .... Sunt singur, grijuliu ?i politicos tan?r?, care este extrem entuziast ?i obiectiv orientate. Am tendin?a de a construi rela?ii bune ?i de durat?, preferand s? canalizeze energiile in ceva pe termen lung ?i merit?. Sunt persoana destul de de ie?ire, comunicativ, u?or merge ?i deschis. Sunt un mare credincios in egalitate ?i dreptate, eu provin mereu satisfactie m? jur, cu bune ?i pozitive oamenii minte. Imi place s? citesc c?r?i, de gatit, cinema, teatru, muzica, animale si socializare. Simultan Imi place s? se bucure de lini?tea de plaja sau la munte ca o prostie ca suna. Prietenii mei spune c? sunt cinstit, inteligent, interesant, amuzant ?i aventuros. Cu toate astea eu sunt altruist, minte pozitiv? fa?? de ceilal?i ?i nu sunt greu de mul?umit ....
din pacate pentru multe persoane conteaza destul de mult acest aspect . . . de ce oare? . . . las la aprecierea voastra . . .
ce caut? e ceva rudimentar dar in acelasi timp foarte greu de gasit. . . dc vrei sa stii cautama . . .
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

sunt o fire distractiva.mereu vesela,imi plac baietii care spun mereu plac mincinosii :P I am sweet, thoughtful, kind, intelligent, and have a great sense of humor. I am very easy going and laid back. I am often told that I am very easy to talk with. I am not an angry person, and I am not interested in someone that is. Having past events shape your life is one thing, carrying the past as a burden that sits heavily upon your shoulders is not the way i view life. I am happy with myself, and my life, and I like to think it shows. I would do the best with someone that isn't extremely uptight, unless of course you are willing to learn to let things go!
bruneta,ochii caprui,inaltime 1,55
sa ma distrez :D
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

I am an from Belgium looking for man of my dreams. search for true love never ends forever. Look for a romantic, gentle, polite, honest man. . So I decided to her. I want to communicate with her. . I am good-hearten, honest, compassionate, loving, friendly, I hope to give all my heart, all my feelings, all my life, to some one
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

I am single lady looking for the right,kind and honest man to be in a faithful,caring,understanding and loving relationship with,i am a lady with much and different qualities therefore i do expect to have a man with the same or more of my qualities...........
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Femeie, 43, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

Omului ager la minte nu are trebuinta de prea multe explicatii, precizari, lamuriri, un singur cuvant ii este de ajuns pentru a pricepe totul... In cateva cuvinte nu se pot spune multiple lucruri.Imi place sa iubesc dar si sa fiu iubita si respectata in acelasi timp.Daca aceste conditii nu sunt indeplinite o relatie nu poate sa dureze.Stam de vorba numai daca crezi ca-mi poti indeplini cerintele...Sunt cam dura...dar asta sunt eu!... Perche sono anche i uominii italiani chi se trova qui possiamo dire poche parole.Sono una donna seria e voglio una relatione seria e vivere la vita tranquila,mi piace amare e voglio esere amata e rispetata.Non voglio aventure....Questa sono io...Se ti piace bene se no....Voglio molta seriosita!
Sufletele trebuie hranite cu elemente esentiale, pe care se intemeiaza marea cultura, binele, frumosul si adevarul!
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

sunt o fire vesela,optimista,imi place f mult viata.Apreciez f mult sinceritatea,nu imi plac minciunile! Single, busty and curvy looking to meet and play.. can travel possibly host .. Love playing dirty,. I am a very attractive, beautiful, romantic, loving, and charming. Looking for dark and handsome guy for casual encounter
sunt simpatica,am ochii albastri,1,65 inaltime si 52 kg
caut un mascul simpatic,cu simtul umorului,care sa stie sa aprecieze o femeie,sa o respecte
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

Sociabila, deschisa la experiente noi . Sunt o doamna cu interese diferite si o viata umpluta de viata. Dar stau intotdeauna pozitiv si incerc sa trec toate problemele de viata cu zambetul pe fata Sunt foarte activ si prefer modul activ de viata si de agrement. Imi place sa merg la munte si sa ma odihnesc acolo, sa stau cateva zile. Particip la cursuri de sala de gimnastica si de fitness. Dar, de asemenea, imi place sa ma hranesc si cu mintea (zambet). Am citit carti, atat literatura profesionala, cat si romane de aventura sau dragoste. Imi plac animalele, mama si cu mine avem doi caini (zambet)
Blonda,ochi caprui ,nici inalta-nici scunda , aranjata mereu.
Un mascul respectuos , cu simtul umorului si cu dorinta de viata .
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Rose Rose
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

Sunt o persoana vesela Salut! O imagine(...)pauza de efect- face cat o mie de cuvinte! Uneori, cateva sute de litere... fac imaginea mai clara.Un amic mi-a spus sa imi fac un cont serios- pandemi face,on line cam singura modalitate de a gasi ce cauti. In general, nu doar laptopuri sau pantofi ci si prieteni, parteneri sau soti. Asadar: asta's eu. Si caut un prieten sau partener. Am 45 de ani asa mai am rabdare cu debusolati, saraci, idioti ori badarani. Cand/daca vreti sa stiti mai numeroase despre mine, va rog intai sa cititi descrierea si apoi sa va declarati intentiile. Nu mai am rabdare nici sa intru pe profilul fiecaruia. Dat fiind ca m-am afisat in 'toata splendoarea" mea, voi trata lucrurile destul de serios aici. Nu ma intereseaza fiintele sub 40 de ani si nici barbatii saraci, pentru ca nu sunt ipocrita: n-am nici o intentie sa convietuiesc cu cineva intr-un apartament amarat, eventual cu rate la masina... :) Ce ofer?! Ce oglindesti: camaraderie, sinceritate,senzualitate, a doua/treia sansa - depinde doar de tine, nu sunt "strong independent woman". Sunt o nevasta normala. Good luck!- si voua si mie.PS: daca te "mananca" si ma iei la misto sau ma "certi", macar asteapta replica, nu ma dau inapoi de la o ironie buna si nici nu ma duc sa plang ca m-ai creat proasta, aroganta sau curva... Cine zice, ala e!- oglindire ;)
asa si asa
o relatie serioasa
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

I am a person like cooking housewife are honest i would describe myself as a sweet,loving down to earth woman with a good character,,it takes a lot to make me angry,i love swimming and fishing,,i also do love to travel since its part of my job,am a sweet,sensitive,,adventurous woman
beautifule and sweety
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

I am a very laid back person with a good attitude and my own style. I'm very fond of the Golden Rule (treat others the way you want to be treated), but at the same time deep and complicated with my thoughts, easy going with people that are not picky, open mind, very honest .sometimes more than it should be . I'm passionate about almost any kind of music, for me it's like a kind of just release your soul. Open to changes, you never know what life has for you, and what new lessons are you going to learn, what kind of people are you going to meet and in which way are they going to touch your heart. I am looking for a partner in life. I want a best friend and a lover to share quiet moments,i am a very enthusiastic, outgoing, independent person who enjoys similar things, but who can also introduce me to new things
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

I myself is a fun loving lady,sweet and romantic, easy to get along with,am fairly smart and witty and i want a man that will share with me the good life and made me a woman and at night time express the most wonderful feelings that every one needs and be expressive about many things
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

Uita-te si tu la poze Hello to all SINGLE men on this site. Finally, I decided to take up my personal life. Here I am, on this one of the best dating sites. I devote a lot of time in my life to my work. I enjoy my life. Although, lately I have realized that I have a void in my heart. In addition to the work, I dream of having a soul mate. I am a generous, honest, hardworking, mentally mature girl who wants to find love. I am ready to tell more about myself in our communication.
Depinde ce cauta fiecare
De baieti cu gura mare e plina lumea! Fetele stiu de ce! :D si lor le raspund. P.S.: NU DAU ID! NU MAI AVEM, S-A TERMINAT!
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Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

Sunt o fata simpla ,imi place sa ma distrez,calatoresc,sociabila i`m romantic woman caring, loving lady looking for true love happens and joy, i like to go for walks in the parks and in the malls go to good movie play pool drive to the country side with my friends, go fishing,swimming, cooking, yoga, play with the computer, above going to the beach with my Lovely son.
169,74 kg
Barbat serios,cu intentii serioase
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

sunt o persoana simpla,simpatica cu simtul umorului si tare nebunatica......... I am a fun-loving Woman with a good sense of humor, I am caring, thoughtful, hardworking and very loyal to the ones I love. I will go out of my way to help anyone if I could possibly do so. I believe in Romance ,Love and Living Life to the fullest. I want to find someone who wants to be in a positive, long-lasting relationship based on trust, love and faith-fullness. I enjoy learning new things, having fun and sharing in a good conversation. I want a woman that remembers to be romantic, thoughtful, considerate, respectful and compassionate. I don't believe this is too much to ask for in mutual relationship. I love giving and receiving kisses, hugs, and caresses. I am good at giving a good massage, but expect to get one as well. I believe in sharing what I have with the people I love, .I believe family is very important on both sides of a relationship and will go out of my way to keep the peaceful atmosphere of a happy home life, I do not like liars. I am a woman, and I want to find that aparte man to make me happy and I will also do my best to make him happy too as well..
o persoana intelegatoare,atenta,atletica,sa stie ce ravneste de la viata si descurcareata.
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Femeie, 46, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

Buna am 39 de ani doresc sa cunosc persoane pentru prietenie Apreciez sinceritatea, modestia, respectul de sine si fata de ceilalti, cum ar fi si flexibilitatea si pofta de a evolua.... Poate impreuna. Sunt onesta, deschisa, vesela, foarte activa, iubesc tot ce este cu bun gust si delicat. Acasa poate fi si in natura, la mare, la munte, inclusiv cu sporturile aferente. Este bine sa stii ca daca nu te identifici cu ale mele cerinte si cu ale mele preocupari, pe alocuri, macar, din pacate, nu cred ca ne vom scrie. Multumesc pentru intelegere :) Intrucat contul a fost facut mai demult si inchis si apoi redeschis, si nu pot modifica varsta, fac mentiunea ca am 38,6 ani. Rog curiosii si neseriosii (necunoscatori de limba materna) si doritorii de flirt ... sa se abtina.
Am 1.67 asa si asa
Doresc sa cunosc persoane si cine stie
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

Femeile sunt speciale. O stim cu totii. Ne gandim la ele, le iubim si admiram , le f...m . frumoasa, cuminte , ascultatoare, incapatanata , Increzatoare I am a shining, smiling and always positively thinking lady. I think that life is given to live it to the fullest and bring as much happiness as possible into this world. I am serious about my search and I am sure that mutual strong feelings, interests and values will lead us to a big success in a relationship
simpatic , asa spun eu
Vor sa socializez , sa cunosc persoane , distractie , etc
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

...Sunt plina de distractie.. ...Nu stiu cine sunt,ce caut,ce vreau;stiu doar k locul meu nu este aici,intr-o multimea atat de expirata in care fericirea e un dar care se cumpara.....Fericirea mea e suferintza altora: un blestem... Sunt o persoana speciala,care se implica emotional in tot cea ce face.....Pacat,k nu se merita...M-am convins k nimeni nu merita atentie,ci doar mila pe care nu o am fatza de toate jigodiile din jurul meu.... Multumesc pentru tot cea ce iubesc acum, adik familia si rest nu am ce dori alta viata,dar din pacate nu eu decid, totul se rezuma la a fi jucaria plictisitoare a unui copil mic numit D-zeu care se joaca,se joaca,se joaca......Despre categoria numita baeti;ei bien imi plac baetii de moda veche,simpli reale si destul de maturi atat cat sa stie ca un sentiment nu e un drag a voastra zuzy
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Femeie, 27, Casatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

I am loyal, modest, cheerful and honest woman. I had enough sad moments in my life, including loss of my parents, divorce and others but there were also many happy days and the most happiest was when my son was born. I am a good mother and very caring person. I appreciate trust in relations and do not like lie and meanness. In childhood I dreamed about being a designer of fashion clothes. But I became a manager in the real estate agency. We never know where life will bring us to. As well as we do not know when and where we will meet our love.I dream about going to Paris, the city of love. I am easy-going and down-to-earth woman. I am hardworking and economic. I am always ready to help others because I know how important to have someone close when you are in a bad situation. I will give all my support and care to my future husband. If you look for loving and faithful wife, I wait for you. I miss tenderness, love, care and attention in my life. I look for the man who will want to give all that to me. He should be sincere and kind. I will never accept rudeness and cruelness in my family. I am very soft and look for the man who will appreciate and cherish me, who will make me feel a lady, who will treat me with love and be generous. My future husband should also love children and put our family first. I want us to share each other's interests and spend a lot of time together t
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Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

Sweet girl, charming and tender! I dona€™t have any disadvantages!:-)))) Am I a boaster? No! I say only truth!:-) I have a lot of interests and vivid imagination, I dona€™t like rude people, I try to find only positive points in everything, yes, I am an optimist! Although it doesna€™t mean that life likes mea€¦.
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

Deschisa la indiferent ce I\'ve inchis la culoare hair and dark eyes, I\'m a simple soul, a faithful l besides a sweet and passionate lower. My hobbies contine movies, reading, going to concerts, watching tv, fishing, listening to the music, going to the cinema, walking along the avenues, also I adore all the beauties of nature and many others things..,very social, active and confident Person. I enjoy travelling, the outdoors (cottages, boats, dh skiing) and socializing with good company. I have a soft spot for good food (all types of cuisine)and wine and I enjoy cooking. I include regular exercise in my life be it biking, hiking/walking, down-hill skiing and working out.
Aprox. 1.70 cm, nu sunt grasa :))
Caut baieti draguti pentru chat
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

hello every one.. i'm new on here in search of my soul mate , i hate games or BS... marie is my name single never married i have been heart broken before but i'm now ready to move on, but i just need only one man who is ready for something serious not after sex hun, i am single, caring, loving, passionate, God fearing,i am an orphan i dont have family of my own but i blive i'm gonna make it in life so i'm not giving up .. if you wanna know you can message me then i'll reply you
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Femeie, 53, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

deschisa la discutii in limita bunului simt Daca iti place sa citesti, daca ai simtul umorului , daca iti plac seriale gen MASH sau Friends si le ai vazut de atatea ori incat stii replicile , daca ai imaginatie, ei bine ... pornim de aici.
seriozitate...fara minciuni ,fara orgolii.....persoane sincere :)fara care stiu ce vor de la viata
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

Incapatanata,ambitioasa,orgolioasa,cu pretentii,imi place distractia,muzica de toate genurile... Este dificil sa ma descriu...iubesc viata si tot ce este frumos.Stiu ce vreau de la viata.Daca intr/adevar te interesez,incearca si cauta in profunzime,nu te oprii la APARENTA.Rog cei tineri sa se abtina,nu este genul meu,msc ptr intelegere.
162cm,blonda,ochi verzi,58kg
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Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

las pe altii sa ma descrie.. ...Nu stiu cine sunt,ce caut,ce vreau;stiu doar k locul meu nu este aici,intr-o multimea atat de expirata in care fericirea e un dar care se cumpara.....Fericirea mea e suferintza altora: un blestem... Sunt o persoana speciala,care se implica emotional in tot cea ce face.....Pacat,k nu se merita...M-am convins k nimeni nu merita atentie,ci doar mila pe care nu o am fatza de toate jigodiile din jurul meu.... Multumesc pentru tot cea ce iubesc acum, adik familia si rest nu am ce dori alta viata,dar din pacate nu eu decid, totul se rezuma la a fi jucaria plictisitoare a unui copil mic numit D-zeu care se joaca,se joaca,se joaca......Despre categoria numita baeti;ei bien imi plac baetii de moda veche,simpli reale si destul de maturi atat cat sa stie ca un sentiment nu e un drag a voastra zuzy
depinde de preferinte...
un barbat serios si dragut pt o relatie de durata..
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Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

bunna dar si ne...buna uneori...:P VIATA=BUMERANG!nu raspund la cei fara foto..!neasumandu-ti varsta,fotografia si cine esti sunteti penibili!!! LUATI alaturi voi omul de la care ai ce invata ,fascineaza vorbind depasindu-si limitele !scriu exact cum gandesc eu nu altii!Intelepciunea ta= valoarea vietii tale.comoditatea,alcool,lenea ,impulsivitate sunt dusmanii tai!daca nu stii ce vrei;nu-ti asumi actiunile , nu poti iubii,TRAIEȘTI IN TRECUT ȘI nu faci o prioritate din relatia ta STAI solitar !!educati copilul fara cusur despre prietene si masculi daca tu nu esti un exemplu de evolutie personala, moral si fidel nu inseamna ca nu exista!azi esti respectat dupa gradul de confort oferit!!nu ma impresioneaza varsta ,banii,functia ci doar cum te comporti!!! PT FETI "FRUMOSI uita profilul!Un sfat poate inalta,dobora depinde ce interes are cine il da.Acasa=sentiment =armonie.Azi gasesti barbati,femei orice calitate.,lasi, Isteti(e)naivi(e) depinde ce vrei sa traiesti., sa decorezi casa? viata?iubesti adevarat cand lupti pt iubirea construimdu-o.Stiu INTOCMAI ce vreau un partener de viata OPEN mind,harnic sincer, (*cu un par frumos) care poate iubii,familist convins ca mine!o femeie capabila sa investeasca iubire ,atentie care si-a invatat lectiile din exp de viata poate in orice moment lua de la inceput!doresc sa locuiesc in Sibiu!plini de virtual,principii risipim timp iar sentimente frumoase zac in noi de parca mostenim pamantul
ok..parerea mea..las pe altii sa se pronunte,,eu ma simt bine aasa kum sunt...
nush nici eu ...ceva ceva
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Poze verificate
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

Cel mai rau fapt pe care ti-l poate face cineva este sa te faca sa crezi ca poti avea aripi, ca poti zbura. Si atunci incepi sa visezi, vise pe care ti le hraneste. Si-apoi, deodata, fara nici un ratiune aparent iti frange aripile... si te izbesti de pamant... de realitate.
inaltime 160..altfel: 85-53-85
cuvant de cheie: siguranta :X:X:X
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Syssy Szidonia
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

Vom vorbi in privat Sunt o iubita la locul ei, imi place mult sa gatesc, sa merg la pescuit, sa joc remi, sa ma uit la tv, sa ma plimb in aer liber,sunt glumeata,sunt asociabila, imi place sa descopar noutati.
Ne vom cunoaste in privat
Doar sinceritate caut si un partener bun ....pentru convorbiri etc poate si mai mult.
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

as vrea sa fiu aproximativ pe cat sufletul iti plange as vrea pe ale tale buze iubirea sa o pot atinge I am open minded,friendly,caring, lovely,honest, considerate,faithful and have real good sense of humor. My favorite hobbies would este format din the outdoors,and all kinds of sporting activities,hiking,day trips,movies, cooking,and most anything that makes both partners happy
tanara prezentabila, atletica siuatie materiala exceptionala, pozitie sociala masina 2 vile,nu vreau nimic...doar sa ma laud
tanjesc dupa timpul in care vei fi langa mine,cand vei ma incalzi cand ma vei face sa tresar dupa atingerile tale cand vom fi ca unul...
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

BuNa Si NeBuNa!!!!!!! I am a warm, caring woman who knows how to share and give to others. I am passionate about many things, with both an insightful serious side and a fun-loving side that appreciates wit and loves to laugh. People with different backgrounds, ideas and interests fascinate me as well as new places waiting to be discovered
Superba:)) ma suport :P
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Femeie, 46, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

Sunt prietenoasa deschisa dar mai multe trebuie sa le descoperiti voi A one-woman man who wants to be friends with the possibility of a long-term, monogamous relationship. Must like animals and be someone who doesnt confuse responsibility with baggage. Must be family oriented. I can tell a scammer from a mile away so sincere only need apply. I love a man with a sense of humor who's matches mine. I am a sucker for tall men with beards but a good personality and soul make up for a lot
Nu ma descriu las pe altii sa aprecieze ce valoare am.
Caut un barbat care sa nu puna baza pe sex mai mult decat pe intelegere si comunicare. Vreau alaturi mine un barbat care sa doreasca relatie serioasa nu aventuri
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Vascau, Bihor Romania

Ochi albastri,bruneta inaltime 1.80,65 de kg,95-63-97... if you say gullible REEAAALLLYYYY slow, it sounds like O R A N G E S .. Ok, ok thats probably not true ;) but thats pretty much my sense of humor. I'm an open book and I am still trying to finish my own story but i'm missing a few pieces & well that's why i'm here. I'm a fun loving gal who loves having a good time, and truly believes laughter is the best medicine. Maybe sometimes I laugh too much, I'm a absolut goofball, very random & sometimes I even shock myself by what comes out of my mouth but with that being said I know when to be serious and respect those traits in others as well. I'm very independent but far from being feminist. I'm not offended by a dirty joke and can dish one out of my own. I'm very sarcastic and believe sarcasm is my second language so bring it on boys I'm very eager to learn not only in my career but about life in general. I keep striving to push myself to be a better person & I want someone who will challenge me that way we can be eachothers partner in crime and bring out the best in one another. a€œHea€™s not perfect. You aren't either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if he can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto him and give him the most you can. He isna€™t going to quote poetry, hea€™s not thinking about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you could break. Dona€™t hurt him, dona€™t change him, and dona€™t expect for more than he can give. Dona€™t analyze. Smile when he makes you happy, yell when he makes you mad, and miss him when hea€™s not there. Love hard when there is love to be had. Because excelent guys dona€™t exist, but therea€™s always one guy that is perfect for you.a€ a€“ Bob Marley
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