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Fete Busteni

Cele mai frumoase fete din Busteni care vor intalniri sunt aici pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 20, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

FOTOMODEL Sunt iubita implinita, realizata,sanatoasa si fericita, iubesc,calatorii, sa ma dezvolt, sa traiesc in armonie cu mine.Nu am nevoie de banii nimanui, nu visez sa traiesc peste hotare cu absolut orice pret, doresc,sper ca undeva pe pamint este sotul cu viziune asemanatoare la viata, si desicur sa apara sentinemnul de dragoste, bazat pe respect, o persoana implinita si realizata, care stie ce vrea de la viata, care traieste in prezent nu in trecut.Nu ma intereseaza barbatii casatoriti. Omul ale carui membre iti pot sterge lacrimile si iti pot mangaia zambetele...Omul care are timp sa te iubeasca sa iti vorbeasca si sa te imbratiseze...Omul cu care sa razi,sa plangi si sa taci,Omul care sa te priveasca in ochii si sa iti asculte sufletul.Omul care te invata sa evoluiezi si care are incredere in tine...Omul in ochii caruia sa iti vezi viitorul si linistea,...Omul care sa iti fie prezent si viitor,
fete busteni
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

Sociabila,carismatica,intelegatoare,prietenoasa my name is BIBIANA from West Africa,serrie-leone to be precise,but living in Accra. old,5ft9inc.tall,light in complexion.i m an easy going person.i m well behaved,from a good christian home.i m fun loving,love to laugh,and play jokes,cos i like to put a smile on faces.i hate Boring moment.i m not judge mental,i don't discriminate,and i m very slow to anger.i take each day as it comes,and pray to GOD,for better life in d near hobbies are singing,dancing,reading and swimming.i would like to meet friends,from all around d world.guys who are very serious minded,and knows exactly why they want a Relationship.not just a player on d net,or internet flirt.cos i m new on dis site,trying to make new friends.i need a man who is loving,generous,caring,good looking,trust worthy,kindhearted,and above all must have d fear of GOD in him.if u care to chat,u can add me to your yahoo list of friends with this id,and we get to chat is is i will surely get back to u. or call me on my mobile.00233-249696538,thanks. hope to hear from u soon.
Bruneta-1,70,90-65-90,ochii verzi,55 kg.
Mascul cu bun simt potent financiar.
fete busteni
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

Sunt putine de spus,mai numeroase de vazut!!! Critic mult prea mult. Sunt sincera si daca ma deranjeaza ceva o spun. Ador oamenii inteligenti,care au ceva de spus. Ador felul unor oameni de a privi dintr-o perspectiva amuzanta chiar si lucrurile cele mai serioase. Ador naturaletea si detest tot ce tine de fals.
sunt ok!!!
cit mai mult zimbet
fete busteni
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

Imi place, sa ma plimb ,imi place distractia,imi place ca concubinul meu sa ma asculte si sa fie grijuliu cu mine si mai ales sa nu ma insele cu nimeni I am patient,generous, kind, and loving. I am always upbeat, have a positive attitude about most things and I like to have fun. I enjoy music, theatre, movies and art. I love to travel, and to go sightseeing. I love musemus, romantic dinners, seaside resorts and sunsets.
Am un aspect foarte frumos eu asa cred dar ori cum las masculi sa vad ce spun daca am un aspect bun sa nu
Caut mai multe cum, ar fi iubire dragoste blandete
fete busteni
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

Sociabila, ambitioasa si dornica sa incerc orice .. I believe in the truth and honest of love..i am really a very sincere person when it comes to sharing feelings and emotions with that distinct person and i really am down to heart honest about the things i say and do cause i don't like hurting peoples feelings,cause everyone has a chance to laugh,so why do i make them sad..i am really very easy to get along with,fun to be with and am very adaptive and communicative when it comes to conversant conversation.and my life is based on the truth and honest of self personality...
Un mascul dotat .. si inteligent
fete busteni
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

imi plac distractiile,imi place muzica,dansul si imi plac extra mult hainele Buna. Eu ma numesc..Valerica . Am 39 de ani sii locuesc in tulcea. Am un usor handicap la o fata de 15 ani. Sunt o fire vesela sii deschisa pre tot ce reprezinta frumosul sii placerea.vietii.
pot sa spun ca arat bine...:d
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

sincera e curiosa di provare qualcosa di particolare, non avendo esperienze speciali... Cerco una DONNA per amicizia o qualcosa di più... scrivimi un messaggio. Write me a message to know more about us. Grazie
fete busteni
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

nu va pot spune acum va las sa ma cunoasteti mai intai si apoi facem schimb de convingeri I am a woman; feminine, loving, refined, charming, but not self-centered, the one who is very caring and knows how to treat her man, surrounding him with affection which results in intimacy, satisfaction, anticipation, and joy all wrapped into one package . I have a sympathetic and exceptionally kind, gentle nature, I understand and respect others, able to listen and support. I am very good at solving other people's conflicts and easily find a compromise in any situation. I am active and hardworking, I am able to put tremendous amounts of energy into doing the task which is important to fulfilling a goal which is mutual for my partner and me. I am joyful, charged with optimism and positive energy, and it is never boring with me.I can be very creative, smart and spontaneous in order to make my soul mate happy. I enjoy spending my free time in the countryside having rest after the city fuss. I feel comfortable when I can see the open sky. I adore spending romantic evenings with my partner.
frumusik foc:P
un barbat frumos;)
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

ok Sunt o persoana destul de atipica (nerdy), sunt medic de familie, prefer youtube comparativ cu televiziunea, imi place sa invat lucruri noi. Admir Nerdfighteria. Pasionata de filme bune, de la Deadpool si Suicide Squad pana la The shawshank redemption, Winter's tale si Bad Moms. Pasionata de carti bune, de la medicina si farmacologie la new adult, young adult si romance. Bautura mea preferata e ceaiul cald ;-)
extra ok
sa fie la fel de ok
fete busteni
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

come and meet me!!! I am a tender and romantic woman. I wish to admit that I am a woman who knows exactly what she needs in her life and doesn't want to loose time in vain. I like to care about people who are close to me! I have a lot of love in my heart and I want to give it to someone.
...caut barbat....frumos!:)
fete busteni
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

Lauda de sine nu miroase a bine :P Ich liebe es, neue Dinge auszuprobieren, wenn ich etwas in meinen Kopf stecke. Ich mache es und bin sehr streng mit mir. Ich bin sehr empfindlich gegenüber anderen und ich bin nicht böse auf andere, egal was sie mir antun und keine Rache suchen, aber ich halte mich dann von diesen Menschen fern. Ich liebe Respekt und bewundere Menschen, die es aufrichtig zugeben und sich bei Feller entschuldigen.
fete busteni
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

Romantica, umpluta de viata, sincera si de incredere. Sunt o fata cu bun simt, respect sa fiu respectata, apreciez oamenii cu suflet si caracter, iubesc apa, florile, animalele, sunt miloasa de fel, responsabila in tot ceea ce fac, ador calatoriile in are liber, ador iesirile la iarba verde, ador sa ascult sovaitul raului langa padurice, sunt mai retrasa de fel, ador locurile incarcate de verdeata, ciripit de pasarele, liniste si armonie, dar in zilele noastre, uitam de tot ce e frumos, din pricina grijilor si stresului in care traim cu totii. Toti, care cititi aceste cuvinte, scrise din suflet, va vor sanatate, sa priviti cu, chipul sus azi, maine si ce va fi,,,,!!!! Doamne ajuta pe toata lumea, peste tot va aflati.
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

I am the ocean and it's turbulent flood. Sunt singur, grijuliu ?i politicos tan?r?, care este destul de entuziast ?i obiectiv orientate. Am tendin?a de a construi rela?ii bune ?i de durat?, preferand s? canalizeze energiile in ceva pe termen lung ?i merit?. Sunt persoana deosebit de ie?ire, comunicativ, u?or merge ?i deschis. Sunt un mare credincios in egalitate ?i dreptate, eu provin mereu placere m? jur, cu bune ?i pozitive oamenii minte. Imi place s? citesc c?r?i, de gatit, cinema, teatru, muzica, animale si socializare. Simultan Imi place s? se bucure de lini?tea de plaja sau la munte ca o prostie ca suna. Prietenii mei spune c? sunt cinstit, inteligent, interesant, amuzant ?i aventuros. Cu toate astea eu sunt altruist, minte pozitiv? fa?? de ceilal?i ?i nu sunt greu de mul?umit ....
The Lady In Red
Be with me, i will open the gate to your love. I wait with silent passion for one gesture one glance from you.
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

o persoana Unica!! I am nice, dynamic, caring, and passionate woman. I enjoy traveling, cooking, and listening to music. I am open minded and compassionate. I am looking for a honest relationship, and communication is very important to me. P.S.: Please do not message me if you do not have a profile picture. thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------- P.S. Va rog nu trimiteti mesaj fara poza de profil.
un fizic f frumos .. dar depinde de ce gusturi aveti ;)
pe mine .. la masculin !
fete busteni
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Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

Buna sunt o fata draguta,de gasca,cu simtul umorului.Daca vrei sa afli mai numeroase despre mine contacteaza-ma.Pupici am Kelly by name ,new on this site i came here seeking for true love a man who will love me also take me as the only,i want you to know that am not here for game's, am here to make my own true man on here someone who i will trust also be honest with me forever and always have me as am going to be there with my own right person. have been cheat,hurt, also heart break and i don't want this to happen to me anymore
Caut sinceritate, prietenie adevarata... cam atat.
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

O iubita draguta Am invatat sa apreciez tot ceea ce primesc. Insa de multe ori privesc in spatele a ceea ce se vede, la pretul ascuns ochilor si inimilor grabite, sa vad cat a costat cu adevarat. Fiindca tindem sa trecem de multiple ori cu vederea pretul adevarat, fara sa pretuim la justa valoare ceea ce primim. Si sa nu ne dam seama ca intr-o simpla imbratisare putem primi uneori, nevazuta, chiar inima unui om.Am invatat ca, inainte sa judec, sa privesc dincolo de ce se vede. La pretul absolut al gestului care-mi sta in fata, ispitindu-ma sa il judec, fara sa stiu cat a costat, de fapt, cu adevarat. Cine stie cate imbratisari simple aruncam dispretuitori la gunoi, fara sa stim ca in vreuna dintre ele statea poate asezata, cu multe jertfe, dupa multe chinuri, lacrimi si dureri, inima unui om. Si inima unui om nu are pret...
Las la aprecierea ta
un barbat dragut
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

Nu sunt eu in masura sa ma descriu Sunt o persoana decenta ,civilizata si nu doresc relatii de compromis! La drum... Azi i-am spus tristetii: nu te mai intoarce! Am inchis fereastra, nu poate intra, Am stins si lumina, nu ma vede-n noapte, Usa-i ferecata, lacat e pe ea! Mi-am creat bagajul, plin e cu de toate, Pun intai iubirea, e pe primul loc, Mai asez speranta, dorul, bunatatea, Gingasia, visul, pacea, dragostea. Pun si frumusetea...dar, Am luat si mandria, De a nu permite, Un alt ieri
Alura fizic ok
Caut pe cineva sa ne completam unul pe celalalt
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

o fata natural cu multe curiozitati I am passionate, loving ,genuine and romantic lady who believes in taking all the time needed to learn about each other and develop a good trust before going further because once there is trust then our possibilities are endless. I love intimacy and getting swept up in a new relationship,that whirlwind when i meet someone and fall for each other instantly because i believe true romance is about getting to know someone and connecting on a deep level as it is more than just chemistry and attraction.
desfatatoare spun eu
oameni draguti cu care pot purta un dialog
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gyulya georgya
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

ce sa va spun eu meey?va las pe voi sa dezcoperizi!!poopl voy!! I am a serious woman and i need a serious man close to me I want to have a family..this is my only one dream..just be happy,true love,true feelings i like honest people,i hate lie.. its very hard to get a serious man this i looking for something extrem and for all my life
blonda,1,70cmh, ochii verzi.
in cautare de prietni !!!
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

hmmm.... sincera e curiosa di provare qualcosa di particolare, non avendo esperienze speciali... Cerco una DONNA per amicizia o qualcosa di più... scrivimi un messaggio. Write me a message to know more about us. Grazie
tot aia...
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

Eu, cu bune si rele, ca orice tanara de varsta mea ... I am honest, Loving, caring, Romantic, Decent, loyal,kind, respectful and friendly, and out going personality I am thoughtful and generous with everyone i meet,,....I am a self-confident individual who enjoys talking with and helping others
Nimic deosebit
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Femeie, 49, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

pasionata de calatorii.... Pot fi toate culorile din combinatia luminii...dar nu le poti vedea decat daca gasesti acel unghi specific de refractie;)..Imi vor sa gasesc un mascul care sa ma descopere si iubeasca din toate unghiurile posibile!;;)
ceva stiu...
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

I love great conversation, walks on the beach, snorkeling, and a hot bath with a great book. I love to cook and experiment in the kitchen, as well as going out for a delicious meal. I like all kinds of music, movies, and art. I've been classically trained in piano, but am only playing the ukulele these days. I will go anywhere and do anything, including riding roller coasters or taking a last minute road trip.
momentul pierdut..
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

ehh uita-te si vezi i never stop being grateful to God for his mercies upon my life and all the experiences that i have been exposed to. I am a fun loving man, jovial, Kind, easy going, lovely and passionate man. I like to have fun, work, travel, Play, and smile. I think of myself as being clever but harmless
mai ma gandesc
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

I'm a very honest and sincere person. Kind of old-fashioned in ways. I enjoy cooking, baking, spending time with family. I love the mountains and the sea. Anything specific you'd like to know about me, please feel free to message and ask!
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

sensibila Sweet flowera€¦:)) sometimes wild, sometimes tender and very lovinga€¦like to communicate with people, learn English and look for my soulmate:) Hmm, a little bit shy..very sexy anda€¦super girl!! And it is me!!!!
cine ma place ma place asa
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

sant o persoana simpla I come out as a strong woman with a great sense of humor, loyal, humble, honest, caring, devoted & most of all understanding person. I enjoy reading good books, swimming, fishing, horseback ridding & playing Tennis & Golf most on my weekend gate. I don't seek much in qualities in whom I need to meet but someone who is ready for a long term, devoted, loving, honesty & understanding is a great spark for my search!!!
un barbat sincer care sa isi doreasca acelashii lucru ca si mne,o familie.
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Femeie, 48, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

las pe altii sa aprecieze Sunt o persoana simpla si destul de prietenoasa . Iubesc sa depind de mine . Timpul meu liber il petrec in bucatarie si in munca . Ador distractiile insa toate cu limite. Caut un baiat care intr-adevar e demn de o relatie serioasa .. Nu am de nevoie de averile lui cum ar fi banii sau masina sunt doar obiecte. Insa averea sa o gasesc in el ca sa faca fericita o sotie !!!
Iti inchipui prietena din zodia Fecioarei ca pe o creatura pura ca zapada? Iluziile tale sunt pe cale de a fi spulberate.In primul rand coloana ei vertebrala e creata din otel inoxidabil.Are toate vicleniile si armele necesare, inclusiv hotararea de a-si cauta fericirea, peste tot s-ar afla aceasta. Daca pe acest drum se intampla sa dea peste ceva spini, nu va lesina si nici nu va striga dupa ajutor.Este singura iubita din zodiac care poate fi mortal de practica si perfect de romantica in acelasi timp.
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

dulce;)/sweet;) I am single,never been married and i am here looking for a life time partner to love and start a new life with. I just don't believe in divorce and thats why i am here for a long term relationship. I enjoy jokes and comedy movies.I love good conversations over a cup of coffee or glass of wine, candle light dinners, walks in the park or beach, dancing, entertaining, traveling, reading books of substance/self help/inspirational, writing and quiet evenings at home too. I am one man woman and i don't believe in cheating in a relationship.I like to swim, ride, read, listen to music ,beaches, fishing, riding, Camping, Dancing, Singing ,Reading , Cooking and spend great time with my partner and make him happy. I am a Bible believing Christian, Who studies the word of God.
un tip cu suflet.../a guy with a soul
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

umpluta de initiativa, dornica de aventura si fe evadare din cotidianul anost I am a very affectionate person and I love to cuddle, I like to show somebody how I feel not just telling them. I love to be close to somebody whether it is in the bed on the couch or wherever.There are a lot of things I like doing as in boating, riding motorcycles, camping, etc. My ultimate goal and what I think would make me happy is to have a man by my side that I love and loves me, and children that I can raise and have fun with. I guess it is the typical individual dream.I am looking for something long term, but I do know that it takes time and effort to build a solid relationship. I have been single for about a year and few months I guess because I am scared of suffering another heartbreak and the games. just got out of a bad relationship.Ask more about me and i will tell you all that you need to know.
;))) poti vedea solitar din poze
un mascul adevarat, punct.
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

sunt o fire prietenoasa ,sociabila,comunicativa Iubesc adevarul,urasc minciuna. Imi place sa daruiesc si urasc zgarcitii. Confotabil sunt papicii de Casa iarna . Imi face desfatare sa discut cu oameni care se respects si stiu sa respecte. Bafta la toata lumea!
bruneta, ochi caprui,bine creata
masculi sexi
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

I am a very open minded person, someone who accepts people as they are, I am a fair individual who adapts to changes in life and enjoys life to the fullest,and looking to meet a man that i can spend the rest of my life with in goodtimes and in badtimes as well, A man that I can love and cherished with all my whole being and heart and I pray to God almighty that he will provide me with that kind of a woman someday in my life. I'm pride of myself in being honest and most trustworthy, I seek that in a mate, someone who is compassionate yet understanding who has a calm behaviour and a great personality.
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

Sincera, glumeata, de viata, restul e ...cancan I am a kind communicative and open-minded woman with good welcoming personality and I have a smiling face that's why I can easily make friends with any one. Happiness is for those who wish to give and receive the rewards and challenges of relationships. . If I were to live life all over again, I would want to meeting someone that is responsible, loving, caring
Voi descoperi singura
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

I am here only with serious intentions.I want a real meeting and not a virtual relationship. I am active, attractive, sociable and interesting lady who is always smiling and who is always ready to discover the world. I can be spontaneous, adventurous and risky but all the time I remain honest, reliable and trustful. I am definitely a one-man-woman and I am looking for sincerity in a relationship. Cheating is taboo for me. I am not a teenager and I am looking for serious attitude and not for flirting. If I see and feel that you really love me, I will show you heaven number nine and make you stay there forever! I like laughing and having fun with my friends. I like creating something new and enjoying life. I am a goal-oriented wowoman knowing what she wants so I also like reaching new levels and developing my abilities
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

Salut! Sunt Victoria! Sunt o fata zimbitoare cu simtul umorului, inteligenta, amabila si cu suflet mare. Vor sa-mi gasesc viitorul sot, nu caut fara cusur dar cel putin sa fie aferent pentru minè. Nu aventuri!!Ceva care sa ma motiveze de a costruì impreuna un viitor magnific, sa fie blind si bun nu numai cu minè dar cu toata lumea si sa poata sa inteleaga care este sensul vietii. Si nu in ultimul rind sa aiba un stil de viata sanatos si estetic.
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

sunt blonda:))))))))) je suis une jeune femme de nature souriante calme ,attentionn̩, sensuelle, qui recherche une relation s̩rieuse et durable bas̩e sur la confiance,la courtoisie,le respect et le sens de la communication . Tu penses avoir passe le cap du passe et avoir fait table ras du passe envie de d̩couvrir l'amour amour tu as plein d'amour a donner na۪h̩site pas atingere moi
nu stiu sa ma descriu singura si nici nu imi place ...ii las pe altii:))))
nu caut nimic special......ce mai poti gasi in ziua de azi?:))
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Femeie, 40, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

O femeie care isi vrea sa fie cu cineva din suflet!Nu din obligatie,nu din plictiseala sau din disperarea de a nu fii singura! I consider myself a person quite tactile and diplomatic, respectful and loyal to others and opinions of others. With good manners, educated and open for new knowledge and new learning. My personality is even-tempered, without any hysteria, believe in compromise and dialogue, in conversation and reasonableness. My heart is kind and caring, I value the same in others. I know how it is important to enjoy life even if days are not so easy and there are difficulties, I am a cheerful person, don't like sitting without any actions, I am purposeful and I want some changes, I make steps towards this.
Placut.Tu ce zici?
Un mascul dragut,placut ochiului,un barbat bland placut inimii.Prima cerinta este o bijuterie,dar cea de-a doua este o autentica comoara.
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

sunt o persoana dragutza...........companie placuta.........careia ii plac calatoriile..............imi place extrem mult sa am prieteni sinceri care sa ma ajute cand am la randul meu ofer ajutorul tuturor celor care il cer
sunt micutza de practicat gimnastica cativa anisori....sunt bruneta cu ochii caprui..
sinceritate...........simpatie.......aspect fizic placut..........
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Poze verificate
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

I enjoy exercising daily which either involves training or aerobics. I think it is important to exercise and eating very healthy meals. I love to go out dancing, to nice romatic dinners and shopping at large malls like the Mall of America. I enjoy romantic music and slow dancing as well an fast dancing. I prefer romantic, attractive, affectionate men. I believe that romance is a very important part of the relationship. I enjoy men who are confident with themselves and are not afraid to express themselves in a diplomatic way
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Femeie, 53, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

Nu supert minciuna,,ofer respect,si cer aceelasi lucru, Description is the pattern of narrative development that aims to make vivid a place, object, character, or group. Description is one of four rhetorical modes, along with exposition, argumentation, and narration. In practice it would be difficult to write literature that drew on just one of the four basic modes. Wikipediar Thank you for your interest in Merriam-Webster. We find that many questions can be answered at our Help Pages, so you may find your answer more quickly if you browse those options first. Otherwise, use the form below to send your comment or questions, and dona€™t forget to select the topic you are contacting us aboutSearch more than 275,000 synonyms, antonyms, related words, and idiomatic phrases. Find concise definitions pinpointing the meaning shared by synonyms, and sample sentences showing how words are used in context. The thesaurus is more than just a list of synonyms; it is your guide to more precise and effective use of language
Nu sunt frumoasa ,dar cred ca mai mult conteaza frumusetea sufletului,
Relatie de lunga durata
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

sexy si rea!!!!!!! A kind hearted, cheeky, independent, articulate guy who is family orientated, appreciates his friends and has a similar sense of humour to mine.Laughter is sexy, so you must be able to make me laugh. I'm hopeful to meet someone who can make me laugh, thoughtful, caring, has the same passion and direction in life, chivalry and a little romantic . Someone whom understands how to treat a lady with respect and honesty. The rest will come.
Baiat cat de cat de draGUTZ,SERIOS,SINCER,etc
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Busteni, Prahova Romania

ce vina am eu ca sunt asa eleganta ???? Persoana serioasa de incredere .ce iubeste viata cu buneun sisa cu, rele Persoana linistita iubitoare afectuasa gospodina....femeia clasica DE CASA RestulMa cine estedi interesat va descoperibene si. Solitar Acesta.i farmecul
decat sa ma laud eu ....prefer sa o faca altii...!!!:))
ce caut eu????........nimic.....voi ma cautati pe mine:))))
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