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Fete Tautii Magheraus

Cele mai frumoase fete din Tautii Magheraus care vor intalniri sunt aici pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

Nu-mi plac masculi falsi.. minciunile, tatuajele, tigarile, alcoolul. Imi place sinceritatea. Oare mai sunt, acesti barbati, din tot ce doresc eu, de la eii(el) !!! Hmmm. Aici ce vad.. Ff rar ii vezi ca scriu pe profilul lor.. Casatorie sau prietenie. Majoritatea.. Mai multi spun in profilul lor.. Flirt. Este ff frumos sa ai o relatie de prietenie. Dar sa fie ff seriosi. Sa stie, ce vor din tot restul vieti, lor. Doamne ajuta! Multumesc pentru intelegere!
Caut fata sau fete lesby
fete tautii magheraus
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Elegance Nails
Femeie, 25, Casatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

nu imi place sa ma descriu Sunt o persoana pozitiva si responsabila! Incerc in fiecare zi , sa devin ceea mai buna versiune a mea! Iubesc natura si oamenii! Il iubesc pe Dumnezeu si ma simt Binecuvantata!!! Ador mancarea de caliatate si calatoriile! Imi iubesc ,familia si prietenii!!
amici,amice pentru socializare,prietenie
fete tautii magheraus
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

sunt o pisicutza dulce careia ii place sa fie alintata si mangaiata... Description is the pattern of narrative development that aims to make vivid a place, object, character, or group. Description is one of four rhetorical modes, along with exposition, argumentation, and narration. In practice it would be difficult to write literature that drew on just one of the four basic modes. Wikipediar Thank you for your interest in Merriam-Webster. We find that many questions can be answered at our Help Pages, so you may find your answer more quickly if you browse those options first. Otherwise, use the form below to send your comment or questions, and donat forget to select the topic you are contacting us aboutSearch more than 275,000 synonyms, antonyms, related words, and idiomatic phrases. Find concise definitions pinpointing the meaning shared by synonyms, and sample sentences showing how words are used in context. The thesaurus is more than just a list of synonyms; it is your guide to more precise and effective use of language
numai pentru cunoscatori!!!
fete tautii magheraus
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

Cred ca sunt amuzanta/sexy Self Description:I consider myself to be an honest and kind person who is also friendly and warm-hearted. I have a very tender nature. I accept people in a way they are without trying to change them. I am a very romantic lady who appreciates calm moments with a beloved person. I am open and communicative and believe that sincerity in friendship and relations is vital.i am truthful and i don't lie and I hate liars Comments: My perfect man should keep healthy way of life, be attentive to me, kind,, be intelligent and educated and respectful to the other countries cultures.
Blonda,atetica ochii caprui
Totul, fara casatorie
fete tautii magheraus
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

draguta:) "Life is too short to drink a bad wine!"'s the same with men and is too short to spend it with the wrong person. I am here only for the special one...if there is any men like this on this site...About me...someone said this better in a famous movie : "I have a head for business and a body for pleasure" :))...I hate stupid people and lazy men. Be smart if you want to impress me!!!
fete tautii magheraus
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

Imi place sa fac ce imi trece prin cap...fara regrete fara alte sentimente...bine sau rau o fac in felul meu!Am facut greseli,nu vreau sa le repet...ce-am castigat am castigat prin ce vreau sa pierd,nu sunt un model si nici nu vreau sa fiu!
fete tautii magheraus
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Femeie, 47, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

Sincera ? ? ?aFyTzE GeSTuRyY sH tUpEu AsTa E taLEntUL mEu Pe EcRaN dA FOarTE bN o PRInteSA ajEA cA mN sTyu Sa\'N vaRT toTUl pE loK doBOr pRosTY dinTR\'uN fOk sUnT FEtyta smeCHErita Hai fA paSI sH guRA mik? ? ?a
Caut femei lesbi sau by din baia mare,,,,barbati ignor,,
fete tautii magheraus
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

sunt o fata cu simtul umorului,imi place sa ma distrez si sa cunosc persoane noi...daca vrei sa ne cunoastem da-mi un ai nimik de pierdut Nu merge inaintea mea,ptr ca s-ar putea sa nu te pot urma. Nu merge in urma mea ptr ca s-ar putea sa nu te pot ghida. Mergi alaturi de mine si fi PRIETENUL MEU.UN PRIETEN ADEVARAT ESTE CEL CARE-TI ESTE IMPREUNA ATUNCI CAND RESTUL LUMII TE-A PARASIT...cei ce nu se regasesc in aceste randuri DND pls,,nu-mi plac AVENTURIERII.[m-ai cautati si o sa gasiti si aventuriere ptr ca sunt destule..]
roscata,ochi caprui,ten creol,1,65,47 scurt draguta
caut un barbat dragut,care sa ma respecte,sa-mi ofere un gram de fericire si cu o situatie materiala buna(NU sunt pe interes)banii nu aduc fericirea dar o intretin...daca ti s-a parut ca sunt o pers. interesanta lasa-mi un mesaj...kiss
fete tautii magheraus
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

Tot ceea ce-ti doresti! Hello, I am very glad, that you have paid to me attention. Pleasantly, certainly. Well, about itself I can tell, that I very cheerful and interesting girl. In a life at me it is a lot of predilections, such as: to read books, to go in for sports, listen to music etc. In a life, I kind, understanding and always the sincere girl. I do not love lie and a deceit, because this most bad quality which can be in the person. I prefer good dialogue with interesting people where there will be no falseness and lie. I am sure, you understand, about what I want to tell to you.
Simpatica, draguta, o prezenta placuta cu care nu te poti plictisi
Un tip cu simtul umorului, care stie ce vrea si care are multe de oferit. Esti tentat sa ma cunosti?
fete tautii magheraus
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

NU VREAU SA MA DESCRIU EU,ASTEPT CRITICILE VOASTRE.... Sunt de "moda veche "in ce prive?te modul meu de a in?elege via?a de cuplu. Sunt fidela,serioas? dar in acela?i timp cu unpronuntat simt al umorului,educata,sincer?. Imi doresc un OM pentru toat? via?a ,care sa ?tie ce inseamn? a respecta FEMELA si care sa si aplice respectul. Dac? sim?i di STI ca ai aceste caracteristici caracteriale si-ti dore?ti acelea?i lucruri de la via?a ,vreau sa te cunosc si,cine ?tie ,e posibil sa ne schimbam via?a !Daca te-ai saturat de nesiguran?a emotiva si de tr?d?ri atunci caut?-ma!Dava i?i dore?ti doar aventuri si sa supravietuiesti ca un fluture,te rog sa ocole?ti acest profil !
depinde de ceea ce intalnesc....
fete tautii magheraus
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

Buna, sunt de loc din Bihor, am trait, studiat, confectionat ca si consultant independent in ultimii ani preponderent in strainatate. Sunt multe lucruri care imi plac, ador natura, aerul liber, calatoriile, serile in intimitatea celor dragi sau impartasind un pahar de vin si povesti in compania prietenilor. Mi-as dori sa intalnesc pe cineva compatibil, curios, pe picioarele lui atat financiar cat si caracterial, cu drag de a face lucruri, a se bucura de viata si poate a construi ceva rezistent impreuna.
fete tautii magheraus
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

cu simtul umorului,descurcareatza,romantica si putin incapatanata I am a kind-hearted, sympathetic, tender, sociable, active, responsible, sincere, broad-minded, soft and sweet girl. I love getting new knowledge and impressions. I lead a healthy life style. I am easy to concentrate my attention. I am a good listener. I am very cheerful and extremely optimistic. I can say I am a lively personality who loves to give positive emotions, give presents, accept guests at home and help my friends.
va las pe voi sa decideti.:)
fete tautii magheraus
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

?-???????, ? ??????? ??????, ?? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??? ???????, ?????? ? ???? ????? ? ???, ? ???? ??????? ?????, ???? ? ????. ?-???????, ??????? ????? ? ??????????? ???? ????????, ?????? ???? ??????? ?????. ??????? ?... ? ? ?? ?????????...
arat destul de bine ....daca moare toata multimea dupa mine inseamna ca is bunoca ;) :D:))
fete tautii magheraus
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Denii Denisa
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

Sunt o fata placuta , cu ochii caprui si par saten. Imi plac aventuriile Sint o nevasta fireasca si duc o viata la fel de normala. Dupa patru ani de la divort cred totusi ca merita sa mai incerc inca o data. Aventurile de o noapte nu sint ceea ce caut asa ca nu-mi solicitati ID ul de la Yahoo sau telefonul daca asta cautati. Ce fara imagine sa nu-mi scrie caci nu vor primi raspuns.
Sunt o bomba sexy.
fete tautii magheraus
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

poi imi place sa ma distrez si sunt o persoana ce imi place sa ii zic omului pe fata tot sunt o fire glumeata restul veti vedea Sunt o persoana vesela si umpluta de viata dar devin usor antipatica daca cineva nu imi place. Caut un mascul pentru o relatie serioasa nu aventuri. Nu raspund la cei fara poza la profil. Sunt o persoana pozitiva si dinamica. Daca ai aceleasi calitati, am putea incerca sa comunicam.
bruneta,ochii caprui,kg43 creola............
fete tautii magheraus
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Andra Andreea
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

Eu sunt o sotie care isi vrea masculi de varsta mea .Welcome to my home, pull up a chair, have a cup of tea, lets chat and maybe become friends. Partea interioara decorating is one of my hobbies. A good cook, I enjoy entertaining friends & family. A bit of a daydreamer, I can travel to beautiful beaches & far away places without ever leaving my home. I love to gaze at the moon,the stars, all the beauty nature offers us. Holding hands, long walks, soft mood music, a little dancing, candlelit dinners, all distinct things to me. I enjoy watching Football,& I like to fish. My theory is, if people had the same love & devotion to each other, as a pet to its owner, what a wonderful world it would be. Thanks for stopping by, enjoyed our chat
Am ochii albastri parul blond am un metru75
De preferinta barbat cu ochi albastri slabut
fete tautii magheraus
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

Dragutza:D ....Viata asta e un lung sir de pasi,de treceri de la ceva catre mereu altceva,de undeva catre altundeva,de la ceva ce stii inspre necunoscut!Și cu fiecare pas facut fiecare aeuaal tau se modifica si devine mai atent,mai curios,mai plin de intrebari,mai matur!Și il duci pe fiecare catre necunoscut,catre maturitate,catre raspunsuri ce par pierdute in eternitate!Faci un pas mic si fiecare atua vine dupa tine cu increderea ca mergi pe drumul bun si ca viata nu te va pocni in fata sau din spate!Treci prin frig,prin indiferentele unora construindu-ti poduri,construindu-ti pasii catre propria si necunoscuta destinatie!Oare destinatia asta reprezinta o parte din infinit?!
Cineva cu care sa ma pot distra non stop :))
fete tautii magheraus
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Poze verificate
Femeie, 56, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

Sunt o persoana optimista mereu cu zambetul pe buze Trec printr-o perioada grea a vietii si am uitat sa mai zambesc Iubesc oamenii sunt romantica si pasionala Nu-mi lipseste nimic decat un partener care sa-mi aduca zambetul pe fata din nou Imi place sa dansez sa cant si sa rad
sunt o persoana dupa care intoarce multimea capul Sunt inalta 1.75 m ,61 kg Imi place sa fac miscare Restul se vede din poze
caut un barbat care sa mi se potriveasca din toate punctele de vedere Stiu ca nu se afla idealul dar tin sa cred ca exista cineva potrivit si pentru mine
fete tautii magheraus
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Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

Sunt o prietena simpla Sunt o persoana sincera, matura, iubitoare si conceputa profesional, independenta financiar. Caut partener onest, inteligent, compatibil si autonom pe toate planurile, pentru socializare si poate mai mult.
Sunt finuta
fete tautii magheraus
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

skumpik:D:*:*:* I\'m full of life and passion. I\'m down to earth, respectful , confident and very positive. I\'m very passionate in giving and receiving back as well. I live life with a lot of joy. I appreciate the simple things in life, I believe that the little things in life are worth more then anything. I keep away from drama as much as possible. I\'m a person who doesn\'t like to plays games, so, therefore I don\'t like people who play games. I\'m very affectionate, loving, playful but very sharp. I\'m open to trying new things at anytime. I would like someone with their on interests and beliefs and that will pull me into their world and teach me what they are all about. I\'m known to be a sweet person but I do have a temper when I need to stand my ground. I believe strongly in communication so, therefore, I\'m not afraid to speak my mind but always with the respect that the person deserves. I\'m serious here I\'m looking for my best friend and my mate, please don\'t get any ideas that I\'m looking for a sugar daddy. I enjoy Psychology, dancing and photography. I\'m not religious but i do consider myself spiritual.I enjoy Foreign movies too. I\'m also into learning new languages and learning other type of cultures. There is so much i can say about myself about I\'m pretty much an open book and have no secrets.
frumusik foc:D:D:D:d
fete tautii magheraus
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Femeie, 32, Casatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

o persoana simpla, destul de comunicativa si deschisa sunto persoana spontana pasionala dar atentie,nu actionez pripit si bineinteles ma feresc de declaratii inflacarate.sinceritatea este ceea ce ma caracterizeaza iubesc adevarul si urasc minciuna,doar sinceritatea si forta interioara iti vor permite sai cuceresti pe cei din jurul tau .
placut dupa parerea mea
nimik in mod singular
fete tautii magheraus
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

I am really interested in wanting to know about what makes you the unic person you are today, I want to know more about your family, your background, your life experiences, past relationships, your goals and dreams, your interests, and anything else you want to tell me. I even want to learn about the secrets you very rarely share with someone!. So come on and share it all with me, as I am not here to talk to you about general things such as partying, the weather, sports, e.c.t. I want to learn about you and what makes up your heart and soul, as the friendship I want to build with you I want it to be like no other you have ever shared in or experienced. This friendship I want to build with you will be filled with substance, quality, spirituality and potential.
fete tautii magheraus
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

Ma numesc Mogovan Lavinia, sunt o persoana destul de prietenoasa, sociabila , draguta , slaba cel putin arat bine :)) . Sunt o persoana foarte nebuna, copilaroasa, ori unde ma duc imi place sa arat bine. Imi place sa am un stil vestimentar cu bun gust , lejer. Imi place sa fac sport sa dansez... !!
In debutantul rand sunt inalta.. arat bine , sunt slaba , sunt bruneta.. am ochii caprui.. cam atat ! :)))
Ceea ce caut este .. distractia !!
fete tautii magheraus
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

draguta Als Mensch einander zu lieben ist wahrscheinlich die schwierigste Aufgabe, die wir bekommen haben,eine Aufgabe auf die oberste priorità t und somit sind sie andere unwichtig.Die Liebe ist ein Anstoss fà r jedes zu solchen,wird zu jemanden zu einer Welt selbst und fà r die willen jemand Ca un om sa iubeasca pe altul e probabil cea mai grea sarcina care ne-a fost incredintata, sarcina suprema, examenul final, opera pentru care toate celelalte sunt doar un preludiuaa . Iubirea e un imbold pentru fiecare sa se desavarseasca, sa devina cineva, sa devina o lume el insusi de dragul cuiva
un mascul bun la toate
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

sunt asa cum sunt:D I would also like to find a like-minded male,open minded as well as down to earth who likes to enjoy life to the fullest,where we can participate in activities together and encourage each other to pursue their interests as well
asa si asa
fete tautii magheraus
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

Bruneta naturala
Relatie serioasa
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

sunt extrem prietenoasa si caut sa experimentez Caut o persoana speciala care sa-mi fie, in intaiul rand, prieten, in care sa am incredere si pe care sa ma pot baza... sa fie sufletul meu pereche si, apoi, iubit... ...o persoana care sa ma iubeasca pentru ceea ce sunt si asa cum sunt... care sa ma accepte cu toate calitatile si defectele mele! Imi vor o relatie bazata pe intelegere, incredere, devotament, respect reciproc, sinceritate, onestitate, loialitate, tandrete, preocupare unuia fata de celalalt, o buna comunicare si deschidere... Daca si TU apreciezi aceleasi lucruri si crezi ca putem fi pe aceeasi lungime de unda, te astept sa-mi scrii! I am seeking someone, a particular person, someone who can be a friend and confidant, soul mate and later a lover... Someone to share the good times and, when necessary, the not so good times... who likes simplicity, admiring sunsets together, walking in the park, hiking in the mountains, watching films, talking about books, traveling together... I'd like someone to like me as I am and for what I am... to accept all my qualities and imperfections... The relationship must be based on understanding, trust, devotion, mutual respect, sincerity, honesty, loyalty, tenderness, care, good communication... But as a first step.. you need to contact me! :)
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

sunt o persoana simpla si dragutza Sunt ceea ce vezi,nimic mai mult sau mai putin. Rog fiintele frustrate sa nu ma contacteze. Sunt aici pt conversatie cu persoane educate si cu bunul simt... Daca. te regasesti in aceasta categorie de persoane esti bine venit. Un salut la toti.....
consider ca sunt nici prea slaba nici prea grasa parerea mea
caut un tanar care sa fie sincer si care sa accepte o prietenie curata si sincera. doresc pe cineva care sa nu se gandeasca numai la pat, poate fi si asta dar cu timpul. caut sinceritate, adevar, blandete si tot ce tine de frumos pe cat posibil
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

Easy going down to earth fun loving and understanding woman, loving and caring woman, loyal and honest! And spiritual woman! Love to laugh and make people around me laugh too! Passionate and affectionate woman.
cat mai multi amici!!!
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Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

imi place sa`mi traiesc viata la maxim! Cine sunt eu:Sunt o iubita cu lumina in ochi si cantec in suflet...Ma despart exceptional de greu de ceea ce imi este drag, obiecte sau oameni... Se spune ca fiecare are un pret...exista cativa oameni in viata mea pentru care mi-as vinde si sufletul.Urasc sa fiu jignita. Rar sunt pesimista, dar si atunci gasesc solutii. Plang de fiecare data cand simt nevoia. Sunt confuza de fiecare data, pana analizez bine situatia..Produc uneori furtuni prin ideile mele, dar le duc la indeplinire cu stoicism.Vorba ceea, eu cant, eu joc!Sunt incomoda din pricina sinceritatii mele, dar asta e... Am necesitate de libertate, incredere, atentie si tandrete...Multi oameni cred ca ma cunosc, cand de fapt nici eu nu ma cunosc.Sunt naiva.. inca mai cred in povesti, in suflete pereche, in oameni buni....imi adun cu zambetul pe buze bucatile de inima si le asez la loc...Ma caut in fiecare zi, cred ca ma gasesc, ma pierd si iar ma caut... Cred ca nicicand nu stii ce iti asigura ziua de maine... :)Nici eu nu stiu!
;;) uite`te si tu
sa ma distrez si sa gasesc prieteni noi
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Femeie, 92, Casatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

un zbor frant,pe-o aripa indepartata I am a cheerful woman with an active lifestyle. I love myself that's why I'm always trying to look beautiful and to take care of myself. The most important thing in life for me is a family and a loving man next to me. I will never betray my loved one and I want to start my life from scratch. By nature, I am very patient, but I'm not going to tolerate if I get offended often. I am looking for my like-minded friend and lover all in one person.
nu am oglinda, toate se sparg ,habar n-am de ce.
mi-am pierdut o batistuta......
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Femeie, 62, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

toti sintem subiectivi cand e vorba de propria persoana I\'m a very sincere and passionate person, who is just tired of being alone especially in my spare time which I don\'t have very often. I\'m a hard working person who has short and long term goals for myself. I enjoy playing sports and working out when I get the chance. I also like just staying home and watching movies on the couch, but it feels much better when you are watching with someone special. If you turn out to be the one for me. I assure you there will be nothing I won\'t do for the love of my life!!
vor sa cunosc un mascul care sa nu fie gelos,sufocant,iritant alte chestii plictisitoare
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Femeie, 70, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

Sunt o persoana teribil de serioasa,responsabila si exigenta in relatiile umane.Urasc minciuna si oameni falsi si ipocriti.Nu-mi plac compromisurile.Sunt o persoana vesela si cu simtul umorului. I am a cheerful and smiling person.I feel that I am kind, considerate, honest, loving, and I try to be a good friend. I want to be best friends with my new man.I'm looking for honest , caring man with big heart.I am looking for a companion. Someone with a great personality who can also pay a lot of attention to me.I would like to be with someone I care for and that cares for me. I am an open and trusting person who needs to be with some one they can trust.
Micuta si grasa,foarte simpatica placuta la vedere.
Caut un barbat serios sincer si responsabil.Nu-mi plac aventurieri.Apreciez cultura si educatia.
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Femeie, 54, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

sono una persona per bene...spero Sunt aici pentru a gasi o relatie serioasa pe care mi-o doresc. Sunt o persoana onesta si directa si caut un mascul serios asemeni mie care sa isi doreasca o relatie bazata pe respect, dragoste si onoare.
cerco uno come sono io non di piu
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Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

draguta populara , imi place sa cunsc lumeade aproape I want to open up like a flower for my man! My heart is full of love and tenderness. I would say that I am well-balanced and have optimistic and kind nature. I am soft-hearted and fair to other people. I am looking for my soulmate with a witty mind and good sense of humor, a man who is not afraid of responsibilities and who knows what he wants from life. Of course I want to see by my side a reliable and decent man.
nici slaba nici grasa
o proetenie
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

Buna. Sunt o persoana cu suflet bun,caut un suflet bun.vreau o rel de lunga durata. I am sweet, thoughtful, kind, intelligent woman, and have a great sense of humor. Text me on: eight five zero seven four five four one five five, I am very easy going and laid back. I am often told that I am very easy to talk with. I am not an angry person, I am happy with myself, and my life, and I like to think it shows. I have held on tightly to the hope that this blessing will be bestowed upon me to find that one aparte man or i should say beloved partner in life with whom I can share everything unite my heart, body and soul
o relatie serioasa de lunga perioada
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Femeie, 43, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

te las sa descoperi..tu!!! Ich bin eine Frau Nett, ehrlich, aufrichtig, aufmerksam, treu, ich möchte echte Gefühle teilen, wendet sich an die positive, die gute Laune und die Empathie. Mit Werten des Respekts, gerechten Teilens und menschlicher Wärme. Ich möchte Menschen mit den gleichen Qualitäten kennenlernen, nicht egoistisch oder skurril, die ihre Vergangenheit gegraben haben und bereit für die Adventszeit sind Gibt es die große Liebe noch? Ich suche immer noch nach der Antwort auf diese Frage, die jeder fragt, aber ich fange an, es leider zu bezweifeln. Wie du wahrscheinlich schon verstanden hast, suche ich nach einer ernsthaften Beziehung und vor allem stabilen ... Wenn für dich Frauen Sammlerstücke sind, danke für das Unterlassen, wie jeder
pe placul cuiva... k siguranta!!!
o persoana cu codul bunelor maniere...responsabil,s.a.m.d
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Femeie, 40, Necasatorit(a)
Tautii Magheraus, Maramures Romania

sunt f serioasa sincera I am a beautiful, smart, responsive woman who wants to build a serious relationship with a man who can win my heart and who is ready to prove to me that he is a real man. I am ready to give my man care and warmth and in return I want to receive the same. With my man, I am ready to go anywhere if my heart belongs to him.
o relatie f serioasa
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fete tautii magheraus
fete tautii magheraus
fete tautii magheraus
fete tautii magheraus
fete tautii magheraus
fete tautii magheraus
fete tautii magheraus
fete tautii magheraus
fete tautii magheraus
fete tautii magheraus
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