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Escorte Alexandria

Cele mai sexy escorte din Alexandria sunt aici pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

sunt cum sunt si voi fi cum vei vrea... Sunt sincera si apreciez sinceritatea si la cei din jurul meu. Imi place sa imi petrec timpul liber in natura, fie ca reprezinta drumetie, o plimbare cu bicicleta sau pur si rudimentar in parc sau in gradina. Nu ma intereseaza o aventura deci economisiti-va timpul si puterea cei care cautati asa ceva. Sa gasesti o persoana compatibila este greu, mai ales dupa o anumita varsta, dar cine stie.
va las pe voi sa decideti...
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

Ma plak mult*--Eu nu Fur inimi-le ,,,Le primesc Cadou ! Buna!Caut un mascul grozav serios care vrea o relatie serioasa eventual casatorie sunt o femeie intelegatoare muncitoare si o luptatoare vor sa-mi gasesc jumatatea sufletului meu nu doresc aventuri !!!
asa cum vedetzi;)in poze
pentru Relaxare.....
escorte alexandria
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

I am a very shy and gentle woman, but as regards feelings and love, I am very open and always ready to take steps towards my destiny. Therefore, I am here. I'm very self-sufficient and I'm not used to depending on anyone, but still I want to be near a strong man whom I could lean on.
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

O femeie normala, interesata de un om normal, nu suport filfizonii, mincinosii si pe cei ce cred ca societatea se invirte in jurul buricului lor. Imi plac masculii atenti, inteligenti, tandri si cu simtul umorului. In fotografia de profil sunt tatal si fiul meu.
escorte alexandria
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

Mi-as dori sa-l gasesc pe acel care vrea sa se uite in ochii mei cu dragoste , zilnic, sa vorbim, sa ridem sa fim sinceri unul fata de celalat ,iar atunci cind nu suntem laolalta sa sintim ca ne lipseste ...aerul pe care il respiram.. Sa ne bucuram de natura,de liniste ,de serile petrecute in familie. Micile gesturi pentru mine reprezinta mult. Un zambet, o imbratisare, o amintire de care sa ma bucur mereu. Nu vreau sa spun ca e prea tarziu.
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

cand poti zambi dc nu`o faci?cand poti vb dc sa taci?dc in loc sa razi u plangi?cand e sa stai dc u fugi?dc disperi cand poti spera?dc sa pleci,cand mai poti sta?dc urasti cand poti iubi?cand esti chemat dc nu vii?dc sa cazi cand poti zbura?dc urasti cand poti ierta?
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

...dragutika,sociabila... Je me nomme alexia .je suis de la France et je recherche un homme avec qui le passerai le restant de mes jours afin de fonder une famille .alors n'hテゥsitez pas テ me contacter si celテ vous dis de faire plus connaissance. Merci
escorte alexandria
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

I can say that I am a very, self-motivated person. I have achieved many things in my life, but I realized that I missed one important thing - family. I look for serious relations and marriage in the future. My heart is full of warmth and love, but I need someone with whom I will be able to share my affection. I want nothing more than to love and to be loved. I want to wake up and fall asleep near a man with whom I cannot poza my life. I am a very positive person. I love life being interesting and different, that is why I try to spend every day differently, adding something new and undiscovered to each moment. I am a lady with charisma and sparkle in my eyes!
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

I am a very woman and I am single and looking.I am kind, but strict, beautiful, but faithful, tender and caring. I believe that life is a gift and we should appreciate every moment. I have strong values in life and want to create a strong family. I easily make friends and trust people. I am a devoted friend, always ready to help.
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

hmmm:)) I the cheerful romantic girl. I search for serious relations! I go in for sports. I go to fitness club. So I support myself in shape. I love children. I like to look as they grow. But unfortunately I still do not have children and I very much want it.
pe el:x
escorte alexandria
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

Simpatica intelegatoare buna gospodina rabdatoare optimista iubitoare comunicativa amuzanta Vor sa cunosc un mascul din Brasov , Covasna , Predeal, Sinaia fizic placut ,serios , curat , elegant , gospodar de casa , distractiv . Sai placa drumetiile , plinbari in natura ,excursii un om cu suflet bun pentru o prietenie sincera .
blonda cu ochii caprui constitutie atletica
Un barbat serios ne fumator un bun familist
escorte alexandria
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Femeie, 67, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

iubesc animalele si natura ,am o frumusete interioara care se gaseste greu ,nu stiu daca eu voi gasi frumusete interioara ca si a mea As putea scrie indiferent ce aici , insa este o mare diferenta intre realitate si ceea ce se scrie aici,..asa ca este mai bine sa nu scriu nimic ,cine cunoaste isi v-a da seama numai uitandu-se vigilent la mine , multumesc pentru intelegere!
satisfacator chiar si asa grasuta
caut un barbat cu o frumusete interioara ca si a mea,la aceasta virsta cred ca este primordial sufletul frumusetea sa cam dus,incepem sa schiopatam ,sa ne strimbam chiar daca ne este greu sa recunoastem dar acesta este adevarul ,sper sa inteleaga si acele persoane care se cred la virsta tinara
escorte alexandria
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Femeie, 55, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

Sunt o fire romantica,visatoare dar ambitioasa, careia nu-i plac jumatatile de masura.Sunt sentimentala si in acelasi timp rationala.Imi place sa respect promomisiunile,si sa-mi respect prietenii adevarati.Cu toate ca viata mi-a daruit multe necazuri, am reusit sa trec peste ele , si sa nu-mi pierd caracterul meu vesel si altruist.
Sunt roscata cu ochii verzi, fata ovala gura mica, ten descis la tenta , am 1.62 m inaltime .Imi place miscarea , mersul pe jos ,natura ,plimbarile, imi plac in mod deosebit.
Vor sa cunosc un barbat care sa-mi readuca zambetul adolescentei, romantismul si visarea varstei de 20 ani, pe care sa-l fac sa vibreze in indiferent ce moment, caci ,acolo, printre trandafiri si multe flori il va astepta acea raza, mult cautata, a fericirii.
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Femeie, 56, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

urata si frumoasa.........senzuala si incremenita in nepasare fizica.......o imagine contradictorie in care fiecare-si poate gasi echilibrul dupa care tanjeste , depinde pentru cata vreme Well, I hope that this lets you know a little about me, and I hope I don't come across as being too cynical, harsh, or meansounding. I will give you the benefit of the doubt (we're all human, we all make mistakes), but I also don't like being taken advantage of.
frumusetea interioara,profunda,....dragoste si tandrete....sinceritate si iubire
escorte alexandria
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Eva i
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

Astept sa ma descoperiti voi!! sunt o persoana normala care invata din greselile proprii dar si din greselile altora , traiesc prezentul,trecutul este istorie iar viitorul mister,,,,, masculii casatoriti nu sunt bineveniti in viata mea
Caut un mascul iubitor, respectuos cu care sa ma inteleg.
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Ica armeanu
Femeie, 57, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

Sunt o fire glumeata. Hello U..............??? Un compact resume`:Sunt nテ・scut in BUK/RO iar de 23 ani locuiesc in Stock/SWE.De prof pilot-capitan SAS civ.air trafik.Div de cca 5 ani,serios,cultivat,civili- zat,modern,f.pedant,rafinat, costiincios,bun la suflet,de incredere si cu frica lui D-zeu si f.f.singur,caut fata viselor mele care sテ・ indepline ascテ・ calitテ・tiile de mai sus si care,cu abs 100% sigurantテ・ sテ・ creadテ・ in expresia``what goes around ALLWAY`S come`s around` o rog din tot sufletul sテ・ mテ・ kontakteze Pテ・nテ・ atunci tie,fata viselor テ・ti urez din tot sufletul... O zi bunテ・ ! ciao
Un pic plinuta..
Un barbat chipes.
escorte alexandria
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Femeie, 52, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

Admira frumusetea fizica umana,dar nu o idolatriza,pretul pe care il vei plati este si asa mare,si sa fii fericit daca vei persista doar...singur.Extremele aduc desfatari limitate,echilibrul bucurii nemarginite...
mascul sentimental
escorte alexandria
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

Dragutza, nu?? ;) Does anyone really know what to do these days? We're all struggling through this process so let's take a chance and connect. Thank you for taking the time to look at my profile. I love to have fun, I'm happy, optimistic, and I avoid drama. While I'm well educated and intelligent, I especially like my more creative side (photography, floral designing, decorating, cooking). I love my dance workouts which have kept me healthy and in great shape. I like long walks , hikes, traveling, and exploring new places with someone special.
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

sunt o fire foarte iubitoaree Caut prieteni. Oameni de treaba, cu multa scoala si buna crestere, iubitori de Dumnezeu. Sunt o fire destul de activa, hotarata, filantropica, nu am timp de povesti cu pesti cu oameni lipsiti de integritate.
un mascul puternic care sa fie alaturi mine si la bine si la rau si eu la fel la randu meu
escorte alexandria
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Femeie, 43, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

I'm not pretending to be ideal but I'm trying to be the best possible version of myself during every single day. I'm not one of these women who are getting lazy as I'm always moving, working hard on self development and want to be the best for my future man! i'm not a materialistic person as I'm a lot more interested in inner qualities. so I won't be impressed with some material values. but if you have a big and passionate heart this would be definitely noticed.
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

Draguta,sensibila,naturala,plina de viata dar in acelasi timp libertina I am just a simple girl from small country who is tired of being lonely. I like people with a good sense of humor and kind heart. I still believe in pure feelings and honest love. And that\'s why I am here.
escorte alexandria
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

de treaba... I believe that only with love in your heart you can be really happy. Love for me is a feeling, which contains passion, friendship, trust, and understanding. On the other hand, I'm a very positive and optimistic person and you will never get bored with me. I'm a serious woman you can rely on. I know what are my goals and I always try to achieve them! I do not concentrate on problems, but concentrate on creating happiness and placere around me. I love having fun and feeling happiness and harmony in myself. I also like to smile my smile is very sincere and real and I would like you to see my smile every morning!
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

ambitioasa si destul de prietenoasa imi place sa fiu respectat ca sa pot sa respect,si sunt o fire realista...imi place sa am discutii cu fiecare stiiesa aibe o discutie atat Viata poate fi traita intr-o maniera eleganta,poate fi savurata ca o calatorie,nu ca o cursa disperata spre destinatia finala.Incearca sa traiesti o viata de exceptie,prin felul in care gandesti ,prin ceea ce spui si prin ceea ce faci.
bruneta,inaltime 1.75 ,57 d kg,par lung,ochi caprui,...
cu simtul umorului bineinteles placut si brunet
escorte alexandria
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Femeie, 39, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

analta bruneta 170 inltime 56 kl I am a loyal hard working person who is looking for someone I can trust, laugh and have fun with. Someone who wants to go for a big adventure or the local flea market. Kindly get back to me on shellymckannas at Gm. I love the beach and my dog. I would love to meet someone who enjoys the little things like id & knows those are the big things. If you like what you get to read In my profile Kindly get back to me on shellymckannas at Gm figure out that. Looking for someone respectful, stable, sincere and consistent in thinking and behavior. Someone who shows humor and integrity and is fun to be around.
o persoana sincera si cu suflet cald .ne alcolic . scop prietenie eventual casatorie
escorte alexandria
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

de gashca I am good looking young girl, full of romantic dreams and thoughts, passion and ready for everlasting love. I believe in god and in good people. I am quite optimistic and enjoy good people around me and merry companies. I donaaぎa┐t like noisy parties and prefer to stay with my friends at home and to cook something particular and tasty for them. Yes, I like cooking very much especially for the people I care. I work as a teacher of dances, but I donaaぎa┐t dream about career, but for the happy friendly family and cosy house.
multsi prieteni noi
escorte alexandria
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Femeie, 44, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

Fire vesela,optimista,familia...dar si sensibila,romantica,jucau sa.. .merita sa ma cunosti! I am sweet girl that is full energy and ideas how to realizate perfect relations with a man, just haven\'t found a decent man for that yet. But i am all in my searchings. I believe in love with a first sight and even with the first letter. I am quite cheerful, intellectual and pretty, that is why i am looking for respectful and smart man.
1.65,57 kg,saten,caprui
Mascul calm,intelegator,fara vicii,peste 1.75 inaltime
escorte alexandria
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

Sincera,desteapta,de treaba Hello, let me introduce myself. I come from China. I am working and living in Beijing, China. I'm looking for a serious relationship, so I hope we share same roots and beliefs. Also, I'm hoping you have college degree, speak English, and accept me sincerely. I hope to start as friends and perhaps I need some time to get to know you before it is official. I wish we could be very happy together. Grazie!!
slaba,ochii caprui , par saten, zambareata
Un mascul sincer
escorte alexandria
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

o persoana sociablia umpluta d viata destul de rebela Concubinul ideal...femeia ideala...Idealul, in sensul strict al cuvantului, este imposibil de atins, sau, daca nu imposibil, extrem rar. Poate individul ideal, barbat/femeie, se afla doar in povesti si in cer. A fi mereu nemultumit(a) de cel de alaturi tine doar pentru ca nu intruneste condtile idealului, constituie sa fii mereu trist(a), "ceva" va lipsi mereu. Eu nu sunt ideala, sunt mai pamanteana, cu bune si mai putin bune, dar nu-mi este rusine sa privesc in oglinda sufletului meu. Asa fiind, nu caut un mascul ideala, ci unul pe marime felului meu de a fi, cu speranta ca unul il poate desavarsita pe celalalt. Imi cer scuze, varsta mea reala este, este mult mai mica. Dintr-o eroare a aparut asa. Ceea ce spun, este adevarat !
va las pe voi sa va dati cu parerea
escorte alexandria
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Femeie, 40, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

I'm an interesting person to communicate with. I'm an understanding woman. I am a sensitive, gentle and romantic girl. I know the value of life and I consider that we should appreciate every moment. There are so many things in life to enjoy. I do not want to tell you that I am the best match for you. Also I do not want to tell you how much I would love you, care about you and give myself to you. It is just words. Corresponding is good, but only meeting personally would say what can be real. This site gives us the opportunity to get acquainted, to make first step, so let's do it and see what would be. I do not want to tell you that aaぎナ的 am a kind, sincere, honest, beautiful and great personality just for youaaぎ (it is who we are most of American women), just ask me and I would answer you. I want you to be that man I am ready to devote my life to and share all my feelings with, to know that we are like one. You should be mature and responsible. You should know what you want from life, to be careful and tender to me and have a good sense of humor.I am looking for the one and only driver, who will love me, appreciate my ideas and will be proud of me! I won't like it, if he has a lot of other cars in his garage! I have to be the one and only for him, as well as he for me! I want my man to take care of me, and thus, who will let me look after him! I see near me a REAL man, who knows how to show his pluses and how to fight with his minuses! He will definitely have a potential, not only dream, but also realize his dreams! If you are exactly such driver, please, write me! Waiting exactly for you!.
Everything depends on my mood
I would be glad to meet an intelligent man, who knows how to think originally and independently.
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

daca dragoste nu e ,nimic nu e I search only for serious attitudes!!! I search serious for the man clever and which will love me, very strongly is strong. I do not play with feelings and I would ask that I was written only by serious men and which search only for serious attitudes instead of for game
un suflet cald impreuna de care sa cunosc fericirea
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

nu mi-e frica de BAU BAU :)) ...Nu stiu cine sunt,ce caut,ce vreau;stiu doar k locul meu nu este aici,intr-o lumea atat de expirata in care fericirea e un dar care se cumpara.....Fericirea mea e suferintza altora: un blestem... Sunt o persoana speciala,care se implica emotional in tot cea ce face.....Pacat,k nu se merita...M-am convins k nimeni nu merita atentie,ci doar mila pe care nu o am fatza de toate jigodiile din jurul meu.... Multumesc pentru tot cea ce iubesc acum, adik familia si rest nu am ce dori alta viata,dar din pacate nu eu decid, totul se rezuma la a fi jucaria plictisitoare a unui copil mic numit D-zeu care se joaca,se joaca,se joaca......Despre categoria numita baeti;ei bien imi plac baetii de moda veche,simpli normale si destul de maturi atat cat sa stie ca un sentiment nu e un drag a voastra zuzy
lasa ca vedeti voi :P
caut !!!
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

PAI CE SA ZIC ....MIE IMI PLACE CUM ARAT ...NU SUNT NARCISISTA DAR SE POATE SPUNE SI ASA I'm not perfect, as any person, but as any person I want to be happy. I have many advantages which can be attractive to those men who are looking for their soul mates. I am a real woman and I like everything that is connected with it. I know that life is hard but I always try to stay optimistic. Family is what we should live for and I am ready to do everything to complete it. I feel that I was created to keep the family fire, I want to use a chance that I will be given. I feel myself 100% ready to marry , but only if I am sure that my marriage will last forever.I am a kind, easy-going, energetic and sociable woman. But at the same time I am calm and tolerant in relations with all people. And yes, I am also a loving, passionate, caring, positive minded and optimistic person.
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Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

te las pe tine........... romantica, sociabila, placuta, comunicativa... rog fiintele tinere sa se abtina de la a ma contacta! Imi vor o persoana matura, sensibila, independenta financiar, cu studii pentru o prietenie luxoasa si adevarata!
un om cu suflet bun
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

Pai...simpatica , draguta , sociabila.. restu descoperi singur daca te intereseaza :* Greetings from me. I am Juvita by name, and I'm here to look for friends with the aim of finding a good man.I hope you are nice and potential ... well If you are interested , we can keep in touch and get to know each other better .
las la apreciera ta...
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

simpatica cu simtul umorului dar dak vrei iti pot fi si cea mai buna prietena I'm seeking an attractive, educated man, that is kind, honest, loyal, and is looking a serious relationship, and is looking to marry.I can talk to, my mate that will sit in the hot tub with me and talk for hours, hold hands, and get to know each other on an intimate level, spiritual level.I'm not into sharing my man with other women.I like to treat my man they way a man should be treated.
potrivita zic eu putin mai marunta pt varsta mea
caut prieteni pt distractie si amuzament
escorte alexandria
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

prietenoasa,cu simtul umorului,de viatza....etc Sunt o persoana educata,chiar daca nu am o facultate.Am produs cursuri de stil interior si am mestesiugit in ultimii 8 ani intr-un birou de arhitectura . Am lucrat in proiectare ca tehnician proiectant (proiectare constructii-civile )) Imi plac florile, natura, excursiile.Sunt o gospodina buna. Imi place sa gatesc . Imi place viata de familie.Partenerul pe care il vor alaturi mine as prefera sa fie vaduv, cu ganduri serioase si sa ne ajutam reciproc. Am permis de conducere auto de 34 de ani, schimbat recent.
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

Well, I hope that this lets you know a little about me, and I hope I don't come across as being too cynical, harsh, or mean sounding.. I will give anybody the benefit of the doubt (we're all human, we all make mistakes), but I also don't like being taken advantage of.
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

simpatik,isteata,cu simtul umorului,ft sensibila,restul va las pe voi :D I can say in one word about me a I am a joyful person! I believe that all people are created for happiness, and me and you of course , too! I cant understand why we should be sad, while we can be happy instead and enjoy life!!!! As for me, I try to make the best of any situation, and even if I have something sad, it soon passes, and I have good mood again! And I want to meet someone who, like me, treats tis life as a holiday!
prieteni noi cunostinte
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

va las pe voi sa descoperiti O fire serioasa, rest urmeaza de testat.... Caut un mascul la fel de serios, sincer, cu facultate si...imi dau bine seama ca cei buni sunt impreuna familiile lor, dar totusi cred ca undeva se afla UNUL pentru o prietena de o rara cumsecadenie, care n-o sa regrete nicicand ca m-a cunoscut. ROG SERIOZITATE!!! CEI FLUTURA VANT SA SE ABTINA!!!!!
un mascul serios
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

sex mult sex I want to open up like a flower for my man! My heart is full of love and tenderness. I would say that I am well-balanced and have optimistic and kind nature. I am soft-hearted and fair to other people. I am looking for my soulmate with a witty mind and good sense of humor, a man who is not afraid of responsibilities and who knows what he wants from life. Of course I want to see by my side a reliable and decent man.
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Femeie, 28, Casatorit(a)
Alexandria, Teleorman Romania

buna.numele meu este mihaela I am very cheerful, reliable and decent person and I like an active style of life. My relatives and friends say that I cook deliciously. To be honest, ita冱 not my hobby. Most of all I like to look after plants. I consider myself like a happy person. But ita冱 not complete, as I have no my beloved second half. I dream to create a strong high-grade family, to born and bring up children. I dona冲 accept aggression, lie and egoism. On the weekends I prefer to go somewhere, on the nature or travel and see different new unknown places for me. Also I study English, as I hope it will be a strong bridge in the future relations.
asa si asa
relaxare,chat si poate o relatie de indelunga durata.
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