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Escorte Bals

Cele mai sexy escorte din Bals sunt aici pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

O fata speciala cu simtzul umorului dezvoltat peste masurile asteptarilor tale... Sunt romanca,stabilita in Statele Unite Ale Americi.Sunt considerata o iubita luminoasa si charismatica. Sunt spirituala, independenta, iubitoare de frumos, nonconformista, imaginativa, puternica, generoasa, empatica, sincera. Am simtul umorului, dar si simtul propriei valori ca nevasta . Am un caracter integru si valori traditionale in ceea ce priveste bunele chipuri sau relatiile romantice. Imi tin intotdeauna promisiunile. Iubesc confortul, provocarile si las mereu loc pentru schimbare. Sunt pregatita sa explorez in tandem, alaturi de masculul potrivit, formele profunde de manifestare a dragostei, intr-o uniune de cat mai lunga durata.Imi doresc o relatie in care libertatea individuala sa potenteze comuniunea in cuplu, bazata pe cat mai multe afinitati, pe respect, placere impartasita,stabilitate afectiva, spontaneitate, comunicare pe toate planurile. As vrea sa cred ca mai se afla un mascul bun, cu sufletul deschis spre iubire, creativ, prezentabil, matur, cult, rafinat, cu un simt al umorului,un OM de la care sa am ce invata,sa ne respectam si sa ne oferim tot ceea ce putem mai elegant si bun. I'm Romanian, established in the United States of America.
Agreabil din spusele multor persoane
Ceva la care visez de mult timp
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

imi dati popppp.... sau morrrr!!!! Fosta sportiva ,inca pot sa trec peste punctul mort .Iubesc muzica, poezia, florile, animalele si imi place sa gatesc.Nu stiu totul,in fiecare zi invat ceva si ma bucur de fiecare zi.Chiar daca presupune sa iesi din luxul tau,cred ca viata in doi e mai palpitanta. Daca esti romantic,educat un pic altruist ma poti contacta.
decideti voi
o prietenie sincera si cine stie....
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

Dulceata de fetita :) I'm kind and responsible woman, seeking for good relationship, someone I can fabricate a strong family with. I am a calm, life-loving, never lose my temper and I was brought up to respect men in every aspect.
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

I am lana by name i am 31 female with no kids ...never been married...5\'7 feet tall and athletic and I was born in colorado and raised in Ghana and my race is colorado My heritage is English,may be u may ask what i mean by my heritage is English is all cuss our Colonial masters was the British and my dad is a British man, my religion is a Christian,never mind about me been a Christian so let us see what the future would hold for me and u.
nu incerc sa gasesc iubirea absoluta,p-u ca nu exista. Totul este relativ pe societatea asta,pana si iubirea!!
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

pur si rudimentar eu..andreea Il caut pe EL: -cel care nu se teme sa iubeasca - cel care vrea sa se implice,sa investeasca emotional,sa planuiasca, sa construiasca o relatie viguroasa si frumoasa. - cel care vrea sa-mi fie impreuna cind gresesc,cind ratacesc drumul , care ma invata, ma sfatuieste si intreaba pentru ca tine cont de parerea mea. Cel care viata nu l- a plictisit care mai gaseste placere in lucrurile fara valoare care nu se pot cumpara cu bani: iubire,tandrete,sinceritate,respect. Sunt interesata de masculi care au un profil fara cusur inclusiv o foto recenta. Fotografia mea este recenta, luna Mai 2018 Looking for Romanians only!!
destul de atragatoare
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

I am a matured, caring, motivated, family-oriented and hardworking woman. I like meeting new friends. I enjoy hanging out with friends sometimes. I am willing to learn more. I love to cook. I am happy together with my family. I believe in love. I am very willing to relocate someday.
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

sunt o fata sociabila,,,,comunicativa,, I love to laugh until my belly aches. I'm appropiate almost all of the time, but once in a while the silly rebellious side can sneak out and do the unexpected. So, don't be surprised, just go with it and it'll be a lot of fun. I'm a mix between the East and the West, motion and rest, impulsive and reflective. I'm sincere and true to myself and try to do the right thing and be a good person. So, if you like the versatility and the range and not afraid to be a bit outside of the box, we should talk.I know that my soulmate and Prince Charming is out there, he's just a little "directionally challenged" and hasn't found me yet. He is in touch with his feelings and not afraid to communicate them. He welcomes changes but his integrity does not falter. He communicates with an intent to understand rather than dissect and analyze. Etc..
1,60 inaltime, 50 kg, ochii verzi,,satena
sunt in cautare de un barbat care sa stie sa iubeasca,, sa nu ma minta,,sa fie direct,, sa fie brunet cu ochii caprui.....
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just for you
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

imi place foarte mult sa-mi petrec timpul liber alaturi de persoana iubita I work with the red cross team ,i am a clinic Doctor i specialize on traumatic injuries from bombs and missile am looking for a sincere man to spend the rest of my life with,,who can laugh one who ia motivated and ambitious ,and willing to learn new things...
un mascul care sa gandeasca matur si sa stie sa aprecieze o iubita
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

Nu din prima I am a very cheerful lady with a great sense of humor. I have a warm, calm and kind soul. I am a great companion who is easy to spend time with and to rely on. I am understanding, caring and loving. My good attitude towards people helps me make new friends and maintain relationships with good friends. I believe that love conquers all: differences, distances and barriers. All I can offer to you are love, respect, loyalty as well as tenderness, all my affection and passion. I believe that I can keep my man happy in many ways. A lady with a spark in her eyes and a big loving heart.
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

Peaceful yet playful. Good sense of humor. I am creative and I enjoy learning for a better balance in life. I appreciate giving and receiving without keeping scores. Honesty is a must. Like beauty in life and people. Like my life full of "spices". Like people who know to listen. Like meaningful content. Spontaneity and being genuine. More at a different time and place.
Im looking for a nice,cute male who want too share his privacy with me and ofcourse his friendship!Thats all for the moment,I hope we will find the harmony between us and something mooore:)
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

Ask me I prefer to smile rather than to be grumpy. And for me a glass is always half full and not half empty. I am thankful for every small nice ocazie in my everyday life. thankful to God for everything I have. Life is great, it's my motto. I am very active. Cooking is my best medicine from bad mood, so if you like to eat healthy delicious dishes, think about me
Nice man good heart who can make me happy
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Evelina 29
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

Comunicativa, logica, directa, amuzanta, afectiva,intelegatoare, inteligenta. Calatoare prin viata, intr-o lume nebuna... p.s.: daca nu te incadrezi in descrierea lasata pe profil, daca nu ai poza de profil, daca esti insurat, daca ai trecut de limita de varsta(42), nu imi raspund
Un tip inteligent, romantic, diplomat, atragator, manierat, emanand finete si bun gust...
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

o tanara extrem sexy dupa parerea mea si desi blonda...destul de inteligenta I\'m a very sincere and passionate person, who is just tired of being alone especially in my spare time which I don\'t have very often. I\'m a hard working person who has short and long term goals for myself. I enjoy playing sports and working out when I get the chance. I also like just staying home and watching movies on the couch, but it feels much better when you are watching with someone special. If you turn out to be the one for me. I assure you there will be nothing I won\'t do for the love of my life!!
just sexy & hot
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

realistica ,sociabila ... Vivre seule libre et disponible. Je laisse faire le hasard, pourvu qu'il soit gentil avec moi ! Je m'efforcerai de répondre à vos éventuelles questions. Vos messages sont d'autant de réconfort, a bientôt donc !
ceva interesant :D
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your sensation
Femeie, 31, Casatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

Sunt destul de zapacita si cu o inima male male de tot:x NU FUMATORILOR !!! Vor sa-mi TRAIESC VIATA cu o persoana placuta, culta, prezentabila, sportiva, iubitoare de Natura , calatorii si drumetii!! ((( Pandemia ne reduce miscarea,dar SCAPAM DE EA si ne revansam)))) Mult.!! SUNT O FIRE DISCIPLINATA ȘI ORDONATA !!! RESPECT NATURA ȘI INTREAGA CREATIE!!!!!!!!!! DACA REGASEȘTI !!!,,,,,,,,.
Destul de placuta
Ma relaxez
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

Sunt cea mai dulce fata. 5'4", Hzl-greenish eyes,116 lb.I only want nice guys that know how to treat a lady.Make sure you have a recent picture in your profile...(cei care nu au poza la profile,nu ma contactatzi ca nu va raspund...)
Cred ca arat destul de bine nu sunt nici grasa dar nici slaba .
Caut un mascul fidel in intaiul rand si sa fie amuzant.
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

sunt o persoana sensibila,sociabila si las la apreciera altora celelalte calitatii ale mele! I am sweet, thoughtful, kind, intelligent, and have a great sense of humor. I am very easy going and laid back. I am often told that I am very easy to talk with. I am not an angry person, and I am not interested in someone that is. Having past events shape your life is one thing, carrying the past as a burden that sits heavily upon your shoulders is not the way i view life. I am happy with myself, and my life, and I like to think it shows. I would do the best with someone that isn't extremely uptight, unless of course you are willing to learn to let things go!
un mascul intelegator ,dragut si sincer
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Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

Buna!Caut barbat pentru casatorie! I'm young, attractive, honest, kind, attentive and I am searching for a nice, simple man who can love and who knows what it is to be loved to confectionate a family together and to build ourown life in our own place, to bring our children up with faith in God.
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Femeie, 54, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

sincera,simpatica,atragatoare, Inteligenta,draguta,onesta intr-un cuvint ecechilibrata imi place sa gatesc,sa ascult muzica buna si sa petrecem timp de calitate in doi ,cu omul potrivit...bineinteles!!! Inca o precizare,nu raspund la mesaje ce vin din componenta profilelor fara poza.
barbat sincer,prezentabil si cu servici
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Femeie, 58, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

o persoana normala Dac? nu vei imb?trani niciodat?, dac? i?i g?se?ti puterea in tinere?ea altora, aventura la indiferent ce cost e prioritatea ta, dac? tu cau?i magia ?i coupe de foudre, atunci nu m? c?uta! Toate astea ar putea ?a?ni prin porii t?i intr-o zi f?r? s? le cau?i. Ceea ce caut eu, e o persoan? pe care s? o simt pl?cut?, pe cineva c?rui s?-i cer un pahar cu ap?, intr-o zi . Desigur, voi p?stra ?i eu la indeman? un pahar cu ap?! Ce s? v? spun:-baft??!
persoane inteligente
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Femeie, 53, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

ok My life is like a merry-go-round: lots of people and events happening around me, I can say that I never feel dull, there are lots of interesting things for me, I have wide range of hobbies, but a€¦. but I need to find the centre for my lifea€¦.. and I want this centre to be my love, my relationship with beloved man!!
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Femeie, 72, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

sincera, sociabila, gospodina , familista, Am a down to earth single and Looking Lady..Who loves to cook,dance,listen to music and also the most of all to cuddle..Am Looking to meet that caring and Loyal Man.someone who is going to love me forever and ever.I dont care about age nor distance.I have alot to share with you about me.cause am a great and Romantic lady
normal, placut, chiar atractiv
barbat sincer, tandru, vesel ,sanatos, aspectos. gospodar
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Femeie, 57, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

nu sunt frumoasa, dar am simtul umorului, stiu sa glumesc si cu cei care nu stiu,sunt rac,dar nu dau inapoi So often when we realize that all of our existence is longing to be in a couple, to meet the right person and just enjoy the happiness we all long for, i realize that we often think of what this relationship or this person will bring into our life- passion, tenderness, a reason to wake up, yet now i believe that first you have to feel the need not to take but to give, and only now i came to the stateb in my life when i know for sure what i have to offer, i am not searching anyone to complete me, to make my life fuller, I am not looking for my other half, as i believe we all separately already whole, already complete, and relationship is a solid U of two worlds that cherish the power of interaction
prieteni ,distractie,etc.....
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Femeie, 56, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

o entitate comuna cu calitati si defecte in egala marime ... zic eu ;) Ia€™m Leticia, Im 32 years old, I live in Hadensville Virginia, I work as an partea interioara decorator for a firm, Ia€™m single never married looking for serious and I can call my souls mate... if you are interested in knowing me better you can buzz me
nu neaparat caut! in primul rand comunicare si daca se intampla, sa existe un om care sa merite respectu si aprecierea mea...
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

poi . . . eu zic ca`s de treaba & destul de intelegatoare . . . imi plac fluturasii, pisicile & florile albe(in special trandafirii albi) . . . mi-e frica de paianjeni & nu suport c-urvele sau sa tipe cineva la mine . . .
poi . . . eu nu am o parere buna despre fizicul meu . . .unii zic ca as fi destul de dragutza, dar cam scunduta . . .
prieteni buni care sa ma inteleaga & care sa ma faca sa zambesc at cand am nevoie, indiferent de locatie, varsta sau lb pe care o vb . . . bn acum nici sa vb chineza ca nu intel nimic,dar eng si chiar italiana se accepta . . . pt ca prietenii buni raman prieteni buni indiferent de aceste detalii . . . kiss everybody :*
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Poze verificate
Femeie, 48, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

I am a fun loving person. I love to try new things and believe that everything happens for a reason. I enjoy photography and learning about new cultures and different walks of life. Snorkeling is a passion, along with swimming.
cand am sa sa anunt....
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

FORZZA CRAKANIEI!!! Mi-as dori sa-mi gasesc sufletul pereche.Sa ma accepte asa cum sunt si cu calitati si cu defecte.Sa-mi dovedeasca ca ma iubeste cu adevarat si sa-mi fie impreuna si la bine si la greu.Barbatul pe care mi-l doresc as vrea sa fie galant,serios ,cu bun simt si prezentabil.
Crak de sus pana jos...
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Femeie, 59, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

Serioasa, simpatica la vedere,distractiva, I am here only with serious intentions.I want a real meeting and not a virtual relationship. I am active, attractive, sociable and interesting lady who is always smiling and who is always ready to discover the world. I can be spontaneous, adventurous and risky but all the time I remain honest, reliable and trustful. I am definitely a one-man-woman and I am looking for sincerity in a relationship. Cheating is taboo for me. I am not a teenager and I am looking for serious attitude and not for flirting. If I see and feel that you really love me, I will show you heaven number nine and make you stay there forever! I like laughing and having fun with my friends. I like creating something new and enjoying life. I am a goal-oriented wowoman knowing what she wants so I also like reaching new levels and developing my abilities
Tipa blonda, miniona
Caut un tip serios pentru prietenie
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

SUNT O FATA SIMPLA DACA VB CU MN DESCOPERITI MAI NUMEROASE I am lonely single female, I am marriage minded, family orientate and i like to do care at al time as i don't have time for game and am not here for friendship or internet games. I am fun, honest, easy going, Romantic, Godly, light hearted, caring, loyal, obedient, and i love to be sincere and honest about my words as i am caring ,kind ,friendly very easy to get along with and social ,romantic, passionate ,smart ,intelligent, cool headed, adaptive with a big heart of caring and loving and i do believe in the truth and honesty because honesty is the only key to human success and with honesty, i believe in myself and my life is based on truth and its all about who i really am and am ready to have long term relationship and i don't really care to get relocate to any where.
poi caut o relatie serioasa dar si aventuri
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

F sociabila I work with the red cross team ,i am a farmaceutic Doctor i specialize on traumatic injuries from bombs and missile am looking for a sincere man to spend the rest of my life with,,who can laugh one who ia motivated and ambitious ,and willing to learn new things...
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

Zodia rac,timida si sincera Greetings from me. I am Juvita by name, and I'm here to look for friends with the aim of finding a good man.I hope you are nice and potential ... well If you are interested , we can keep in touch and get to know each other better .
Forma bun
Barbat sincer,iubitor
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

vesela,spontana,comunicativa,open mind I am a happy person, i love to smile laugh,i think am a very down to earth and easy going, i love cooking, listening to music,spending time with family.. i am a person of confidence optimistic, lovely and a simple girl..
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

Dragostea este o fiinta salbatica. Cand incercam sa o tinem in frau, ne distruge. Cand incercam sa o inchidem, ne inrobeste. Cand incercam sa o intelegem, ne tulbura.EU SUNT DRAGOSTEA Am a girl of 24yrs loving, caring obedient and humble still searching for the love of my life, no matter how rich, poor, color or religion all i need is a man of dignity that\\\'s all thanks and God bless as you contact me with this email address
sunt exact cum ma vezi .....o fata de treaba
ce anume caut ......vreau sa-mi fac noi prieteni
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Femeie, 49, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

doar eu! I'm kind and responsible woman, seeking for good relationship, someone I can fabricate a strong family with. I am a calm, life-loving, never lose my temper and I was brought up to respect men in every aspect.
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

...vrei sa afli mai multe....contacteaza-ma :P I the pleasant girl in dialogue you will understand it after will write to me the letter. I wait for it from you. To me 29 years, call Olga. Was born in city Omsk. Where and till now I live. I very much love music interesting films. And in general I love life. I with sense of humour, like to have fun, but when it is necessary to be serious, I become very serious. I do not like to joke of such moments. .
sunt slabutza....mai multe pe parcurs...
as vrea sa discut cu cine vrea...asa despre viata in general....simpt nevoia uneori sa stau de vorba cu cineva....
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

sunt o fata teribil de sexy Femeie tanara, de origine din Brasov,am imigrat in Canada acum 7 ani. Sunt serioasa, sincera, directa si practica. Am insa o latura artistica si poetica, iubesc muzica,animalele,cartile, limbile straine si natura. Cred in a-ti trai viata cam de Dumnezeu. Caut un om ortodox, care sa fie sincer, responsabil, poate si cu simtul umorului. Trebuie sa ii placa copiii si sa fie rabdator cu ei. Am o fetita de 10 luni, careia vreau sa-I ofer o viata crestina , intr-o reala familie. Nu sunt casatorita, am facut si alegeri gresite in viata, de aceea vreau ca acum alegera sa fie cea buna.
ochii caprui nu consum alcool fumez
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

misterioasa si simpatica,rea dar tandra...ce ar fi sa descoperi solitar cum sunt!! I am very energetic sportive girl who is looking for her soul made. I am easy going, down to earth and i know what i want to get from this life and also what i want to give to this world! I am intelligent and well-educated but at the same time, i am weak and naive like a little child, that's why i need a strong man, who will love me and protect me.
nu caut perfectiunea intruchipata pt ca nu exista...dar te caut pe tine.....
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

Cinstita, corecta si foarte directa. Ce tie nu iti place, altuia nu-i face! Caut un barbat sincer si sufletist. Am doi copii pe care ii cresc singura si sunt casnica. Am trebuinta de un mascul familist cu care sa-mi intemeiez o familie frumoasa. Vreau pe cineva care e dispus la compromisuri, anume sa se mute in timp alaturi mine. Nu deranja aiurea. Nu imi place sa imi pierd momentul inutil. Exclus zgarcitii...
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

sunt ceea ce nu pot altzi sa fie....poate ca ammulte calitatzi dar si defecte pe care uneori nu le pot ascunde Sunt o nevasta matura si rationala..vaduva..imi doresc o relatie stabila..o relatie care se ajuta pe reciprocitate..un mascul puternic care sa imi asigure stabilitate,nume,confort decent,respect si mai ales iubire.Nu il voi dori pe cel mai bogat barbat...dar nu voi accepta nici un pierde-vara,care nu este capabil sa se intretina pe sine...Apreciez in mod deosebit seriozitatea si implicarea..corectitudinea si comunicarea.Sunt genul de persoana care incearca sa nu nu supere..asa ma simt bine...imi place sa traiesc in armonie cu ceilalti..dar nu imi plac provocarile copilaresti.. glumele de prost gust...virtualul..prefacatoria si abuzul...atunci pun piciorul in ripostez.Sunt o persoana statornica si sensibila dominata de latura afectiva...cand ma implic intr-o daruiesc pentru a o face viabila..totusi nu ma agat cu disperare de relatia care nu are sens..sau sanse de supravetuire reala...sunt capabila sa renunt fara bazez pe ratiune.Sunt o companie simpatica si reconfortanta..dispun de o gama diversa de resurse care le folosesc adecvat echilibru..pentru a mari savuoarea..putin retinuta pentru a nu depasi limitele.Sunt o luptatoare care nu se lasa doborata de incercarile vieti..Dzeu ma ma eu ma iubesc aceia acelui barbat care va reusi sa imi intre pe sub piele...ii voi fi precisa , cinstita,si apropiata...ceia ce ii va asigura certitudine si va gasi cu simplitatea echilibrul natural.
fac soprt de reusita de 5 ani
ceva deosebit si special:X
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

Sunt inalta.slaba.frumoasa.desteapta.iubarwata.inteligenta Sunt o persoana onesta, sociabila, loiala si cu un caracter sanatos. Sau altfel spus, doamna in lume, gospodina in bucatarie si ...TU ce doresti? Eu vor sa cunosc un mascul in care pot avea incredere, care sa ma respecte, care ma poate face sa ma simt apreciata si cu care eventual sa-mi petrec restul vietii in liniste si armonie. Nu imi plac minciuna si ipocrizia. Daca iti poftesti sa afli mai multe si sa ma cunosti...esti doar la o "tasta " distanta de mine!
inalta .ochii caprui.par saten.
caut prietenii pentru a comunica
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

arat bine si ma port frumos... I the nice girl. My growth 175 see, weight of 57 kg. I very kind and sympathetic. I like to listen to modern music and to walk in the nature, and still I support a healthy way of life. I do not drink and I do not smoke. I conduct an active way of life. My motto: "not to put off, when it is possible to make today."
las pe alti sa comenteze!
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

te astept sa ma descoperi Nu-s o leguma.. nu-s sugar... ma descurc singura... fac de toate.... am chiar si medalii si diplome... am stat 3 ani singura in buc... la facultate... nu-s o povara! Sunt o pers cu handicap... in scaun rulant de 15 ani... ma descurc singura 90%... sunt vesela optimista... comunicativa.. imi plac animalele si copii... stiu sa fac prajituri bune! Caut un baiat de varsta cu mine.. care sa ma accepte asa cum sunt... P.S. nu-mi plac obsedatii sexual..
un barbat matur care stie ce vrea de la viata
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

o fata open mind vesela comunicativa si restul ramane de vazut Daca am fi pietre, nu am avea trebuinta de sentimente. Daca am fi picaturi de ploaie, nu am avea necesitate de lacrimi....insa, suntem oameni si avem nevoie de dragoste."Poate itr-adevar cea mai mare dezamagire este in iubire . DE CE ???? In iubire daruiesti TOTUL , daruiesti sufletul, inima aceluia pe care il iubesti si uneori constati ca ti-a fost tavalita , improscata cu noroi simtind cum se rupe din ea bucatica cu bucatica.O inima o reconstruiesti greu , si din punct de vedere medical vorbind, indiferet cat de priceput va fi ' medicul' care va incerca sa o reconstruiasca
o relatie de prietenie
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

sunt visul de ieri,umbra de maine si uneori ceata din amintirea anilor pierduti... Sweet girl, charming and tender! I dona€™t have any disadvantages!:-)))) Am I a boaster? No! I say only truth!:-) I have a lot of interests and vivid imagination, I dona€™t like rude people, I try to find only positive points in everything, yes, I am an optimist! Although it doesna€™t mean that life likes mea€¦.
1,70...48 kg...arat bine pentru cine stie sa ma priveasca din doua unghiuri diferite...unul fizic si altul spiritual...
caut mancare=)))))) am glumit :D:D:D vreau sa intalnesc lume noua cu care sa pot sa rad si sa ma inteleg bine fara prea multe obligatii...
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Bals, Olt Romania

Cineva acolo sus ma iubeste...
O diversitate...a lucrurilor.
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