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Escorte Sighetu Marmatiei

Cele mai sexy escorte din Sighetu Marmatiei sunt aici pe Intra si tu!
Elegance Nails
Femeie, 25, Casatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

nu imi place sa ma descriu I am a very sensitive, romantic and open minded woman. Where I am - real paradise and firework are. I am like real fire in all and in love too. I am a very emotional and very natural person. I love to be like "fresh air" for people who are around me. I love to open new things for myself too. I do not afraid to learn and to know something interesting. I love to travel. I was in many countries and I love to feel other cultures. I love to cook very much and hope to hear from you on lampteyruth157 at lets say gemall dot com for us to get in touch and explore together
amici,amice pentru socializare,prietenie
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

sunt o pisicutza dulce careia ii place sa fie alintata si mangaiata... Am 1m 63cm, 63 kg. Sunt educatoare de profesie si locuiesc in Olanda de 10 ani.Deasemenea am o companie de import export cu sediul la Rotterdam.Imi place sa fiu vesela,binevoitoare,dar si serioasa cand e cazul.
numai pentru cunoscatori!!!
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

Cred ca sunt amuzanta/sexy Just to introduce myself..... I am very honest, have a great sense of Humor(be prepared to laugh so hard), loves to cook, explore the world(travel) or just drive to somewhere that I have never been(adventurous and crazy)), stable as far as I know, have awesome cute kids that I love so much and, passion for cooking(excellent chef), Dance to crazy music(looking for a salsa partner...if you love to shake it then you better hurry up), charming smile(yeah) finally sport fanatic( If you love Tennis, basketball, volleyball and etc...then you are are on the right track). Just looking for friends to spend time and do stuff with. Just moved here and would love to meet new people that share the same interests.
Blonda,atetica ochii caprui
Totul, fara casatorie
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

draguta:) Optimista,luptatoare,sincera cu simtul umorului,vulcanica uneori si cu multa dorinta de viata cand o traiesc aproape omul adecvat mie.Domnilor fara mai va respect,va salut!!!
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

Imi place sa fac ce imi trece prin cap...fara regrete fara alte sentimente...bine sau rau o fac in felul meu!Am facut greseli,nu vreau sa le repet...ce-am castigat am castigat prin ce vreau sa pierd,nu sunt un tip si nici nu vreau sa fiu!
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Femeie, 47, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

Sincera Ben je suis une fille trà s attentionnà Je mesure : 1m70 pour 58kg ,yeux marrons , cheveux mini longs brun ,j'adore mamuser sortie avec mes copines aller au restau , au cinà mais rarement que je part dans les discothà ques je ne suis pas trop habituà mais je ne peu pas dis que je suis sincere honnete fidele j'aimerais qu' ont me decrouvrent me connaitre comment je suis comment est mes caractà res si je suis une fille vraiment fait pour une homme voilà ma franchise tous ce que je peu dit de moi. Je ne sais pas quoi dit de moi , mais je pense que me contactà et fait ma connaissance seras plus mieux alors a bientà t. Je suis daaaun naturel trà s franc et je prends souvent en compte mes à motions plus que ma raison. je souhaites rencontrer ma moitià ou une personne avec qui j'aurai une relation durable et pourquoi pas fonder une famille (c'est une chose qui me tient à cÅaur).
Caut sotii lesbi sau by din baia mare,,,,barbati ignor,,
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

roscata,ochi caprui,ten creol,1,65,47 concis draguta
caut un barbat dragut,care sa ma respecte,sa-mi ofere un gram de fericire si cu o situatie materiala buna(NU sunt pe interes)banii nu aduc fericirea dar o intretin...daca ti s-a parut ca sunt o pers. interesanta lasa-mi un mesaj...kiss
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

Tot ceea ce-ti doresti! I am a very sincere and generous woman. I take family seriously and my study i am hard working working strong brave honest faithful caring loving trustworthy passionate romantic giver lover one woman man and God fearing...
Simpatica, draguta, o prezenta agreabila cu care nu te poti plictisi
Un tip cu simtul umorului, care stie ce vrea si care are numeroase de oferit. Esti tentat sa ma cunosti?
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

NU VREAU SA MA DESCRIU EU,ASTEPT CRITICILE VOASTRE.... Salve mi chiamo Olimpia ho 48 anni divorziata con 2 figli il sono una persona tranquilla sincera di parola fidabile voglio trovare un uomo come me! Un abbraccio a tutti che vogliono visitare mio profilo
depinde de ceea ce intalnesc....
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

I am single lady with full of surprise to give. I want to reach the world to share ideas and views with other people with love and the future dreams . u are all welcome to my world..Am kinda God fearing,honest,open minded,gud sense of humor,down to earth...
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

cu simtul umorului,descurcareatza,romantica si putin incapatanata I am intelligent pretty girl with good sense humor. I love a life in all its displays. I appreciate each moment, and I admire in each afternoon. Very much I like to travel . To me to be pleasant to communicate with interesting people, in general I very positive and romantic person, therefore in people appreciate an openness and sincerity. I romantic and gentle in relations, I know as it is necessary to love how to give happiness, warmth and care to the beloved. Also I faurite in the house a harmony.
va las pe voi sa decideti.:)
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Denii Denisa
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

Sunt o fata simpatica , cu ochii caprui si par saten. Imi plac aventuriile I'm not a Princess, who wants to get marriage with some King to be a Queen and to have her own country kingdom! I'm just a little simple girl, who wants to find her second half, who will be also the simple man!!! I do not need any wealth!!! The main riches is LOVE, which, as I believe, will save the World!!!
Sunt o bomba sexy.
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

poi imi place sa ma distrez si sunt o persoana ce imi place sa ii zic omului pe fata tot sunt o fire glumeata restul veti vedea I am a muse and inspiration for my beloved man. I am a real lady with soft and tender voice, but much passion inside. A diligent and skillful teacher during the day time, but a hot cat at night. When in a relationship, I am absolutely supportive and dedicated, you can rely on me, I will not betray or put a knife in your back. Sometimes I am too open-minded, and usually people are not happy to hear what I really think of them. Well, I have to fight this trait. Flexible and optimistic in life. Like to see good sides in any situations, and stay positive. Will inspire my man for reaching his goals in life. And will stay side by side both in good and bad times.
bruneta,ochii caprui,kg43 creola............
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

I`m 5`7"140 with a athletic build , mentally stable, physically fit, a bunch of laughs, warm, caring, honest, good listening, God Fearing, and a positive person,I am real easy person to talk to and a good listener. I love to play golf and I enjoy chilling` with my friend/family. I like going to the movies or watching movies in my room , I like swimming , fishing, listening to music and dance, traveling , going bowling and etc.I am a family oriented person and I get along with everyone in my family and outside my family.
arat destul de bine ....daca moare toata lumea dupa mine reprezinta ca is bunoca ;) :D:))
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Andra Andreea
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

Eu sunt o femeie care isi doreste barbati de varsta mea Hello my name is Maria I'm Brazilian (Brazil) I am 26 years old I'm single Without children (I currently live in Brazil, in the state of São Paulo). I am looking for a serious relationship to get married. I am prepared to form a family and together with a special man to be happy. I am affectionate, honest and true, I am very dedicated to the family, I value a lot for the U , peace and family harmony. I like to travel, to go to the cinema, to read a good book and also to stay at home, to have happy moments for two.
Am ochii albastri parul blond am un metru75
De preferinta mascul cu ochi albastri slabut
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

Dragutza:D Modul ideal in care ar trebuie sa incepem fiecare zi este prin multumire si recunostinta fata de toate darurile primite. Trebuie sa cauti in sufletul tau acele momente, lucruri, persoane, visuri cu care Dumnezeu te-a binecuvantat din plin si sa le lasi sa iasa la suprafata. Un suflet plin de recunostinta este un suflet peste care nu se poate depune colbul regretelor, al suferintei, al tristetii si negativismului. Un suflet care abunda in dragoste, speranta si credinta este un suflet care se poate inalta in fiecare zi deasupra tuturor obstacolelor vietii. Aminteste-ti acest fapt in fiecare dimineata si pune-l in practica. Nu ingaduie lucrurilor pe care nu le poti controla sa-ti dicteze pasii inspre fericire! Fa-ti o rutina din a intampina fiecare zi cu incantare, cu zambete si placere interioara, cu pozitivism si incredere, cu determinare si curaj! Priveste in sufletul tau si scoate la lumina tot ce este mai frumos si mai plin de speranta si agata-te de ele pana trece vijelia din viata ta! Poate pare imposibil la intaia vedere, dar numeroase dintre lucrurile pe care le realizam par la fel la inceput.
Cineva cu care sa ma pot distra non stop :))
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Poze verificate
Femeie, 56, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

Sunt o persoana optimista mereu cu zambetul pe buze Trec printr-o perioada grea a vietii si am uitat sa mai zambesc Iubesc oamenii sunt romantica si pasionala Nu-mi lipseste nimic decat un partener care sa-mi aduca zambetul pe fata din nou Imi place sa dansez sa cant si sa rad
sunt o persoana dupa care intoarce lumea capul Sunt inalta 1.75 m ,61 kg Imi place sa fac miscare Restul se vede din poze
caut un mascul care sa mi se potriveasca din toate punctele de vedere Stiu ca nu se afla idealul dar tin sa cred ca exista cineva corespunzator si pentru mine
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Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

Sunt o femeie simpla ? ? ?aFyTzE GeSTuRyY sH tUpEu AsTa E taLEntUL mEu Pe EcRaN dA FOarTE bN o PRInteSA ajEA cA mN sTyu Sa\'N vaRT toTUl pE loK doBOr pRosTY dinTR\'uN fOk sUnT FEtyta smeCHErita Hai fA paSI sH guRA mik? ? ?a
Sunt finuta
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Femeie, 32, Casatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

o persoana simpla, foarte comunicativa si deschisa I am active, cheerful and quite intelligent. I am always kind and well-wishing, I like to help people even with small things. I can say I am rather sociable and curious for new activities; discovering new cities and making new friends is always a huge pleasure. I donat forget about self-development; hope my future partner is not a couch potato. For me it is important to grow together, become a better man or better woman for each other, work on our relationship, help and support each other! Also I do not like fights; I am for compromising, as there is nothing we couldnat talk over. Well, thank you for paying attention to my words and hope we can meet soon! Intelligent, kind-hearted, reliable man. Age and appearance are not as important as a kind heart. Fortune is also not important, Iad even prefer to spend my life with regular man but who would be generous to me in all aspects a attention is the rarest form of generosity nowadays.
placut dupa parerea mea
nimik in mod singular
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

skumpik:D:*:*:* I do not smoke or drink, I am christian, Virgo. I like Dining, Outdoor Activities, Reading, Watching Sports. I want a man that is not too hurt and not too hard to trust again and can give himself to a woman like to be loved and taken care of in a way that will bring him joy of life and an appreciation he will look forward to every day, to spend the rest of my life with., I am looking for man that is tender hearted, kind, considerate of others needs, one that would appreciate having a woman that would love him in a way that heas not been loved before.
frumusik foc:D:D:D:d
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

Ma numesc Mogovan Lavinia, sunt o persoana destul de prietenoasa, sociabila , draguta , slaba cel putin arat bine :)) . Sunt o persoana extrem nebuna, copilaroasa, ori unde ma duc imi place sa arat bine. Imi place sa am un stil vestimentar dichisit , lejer. Imi place sa fac sport sa dansez... !!
In primul rand sunt inalta.. arat bine , sunt slaba , sunt bruneta.. am ochii caprui.. cam atat ! :)))
Ceea ce caut este .. distractia !!
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

draguta I am a very simple and honest lady.My nature is very peaceful been romantic at heart l wanna share it with a very simple and honest man.I careless about distance and want a man who has a very good sense of humor towards a long term relationship leading to marriage.
un mascul bun la toate
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

I am active, cheerful and quite intelligent. I am always kind and well-wishing, I like to help people even with small things. I can say I am rather sociable and curious for new activities; discovering new cities and making new friends is always a huge pleasure. I donat forget about self-development; hope my future partner is not a couch potato. For me it is important to grow together, become a better man or better woman for each other, work on our relationship, help and support each other! Also I do not like fights; I am for compromising, as there is nothing we couldnat talk over. Well, thank you for paying attention to my words and hope we can meet soon! Intelligent, kind-hearted, reliable man. Age and appearance are not as important as a kind heart. Fortune is also not important, Iad even prefer to spend my life with regular man but who would be generous to me in all aspects a attention is the rarest form of generosity nowadays.
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

sunt extrem prietenoasa si caut sa experimentez Sunt o fire sociabila, deschisa experientelor noi, sunt genul de persoana langa care poti face tot ce iti doresti, fara a avea retineri. Astept oferte! Iti promit ca nu vei regreta ca m-ai cunoscut!
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

buna I\'m a caring, fun loving young woman who is looking for a diplomatic, handsome and loving man. I have a lot to offer in a relationship. I am very laid back, down to earth and easy going person, understanding, loving, caring , honest and kind.I am simple and I don\'t mind if my match is perfect or not. i like nature, swimming and also listen to music., I like traveling.
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

Buna ma numesc boby si caut o relatie serioasa how are you doing? am precious senafiawo,i am independent easy going woman and i am responsible respectful caring romantic honest sincere dawn to earth and open minded person,i am faithful loving understanding helpful hard working person and have the sense of humorr, I am strong but gentle, intelligent, hard working, reliable and affectionate, I am the last born of my parent, I am willing to have a man that is gentle, loving, loyal, hard working and mild tempered. To me the most important quality a person can have in a relationship is reliability an independent easy going man, responsible respectful caring romantic honest sincere dawn to earth and open minded person,i am faithful loving understanding helpeful hard working person and have the sense of humorr, I love to dance, swim, cook, love kids, but i don't have one for the moment, I am living in ghana
Bruneta normala
Relatie serioasa
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

sunt asa cum sunt:D Hi, I hope you have some time for me, even if you don't have much of it. I am here because I really believe that I will find my love here. I had a very hard history in the past and I will never be the same. I want to start my happy life with someone who can help me be happy with him and who is willing to take care of me. You should know that I am good at cooking doing sports and working Let me know if I am good for you.
asa si asa
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Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

imi place sa`mi traiesc viata la maxim! I'm a very loving person looking for someone who can bring joy in my life hope to meet that one. I love God and the outdoors. I am a very happy women with a lot of love to share.I like to swim ,fishing .cuddling and a lot more. I'm kind and reliable sometimes stubborn. I like walking and reading. I enjoy cooking and gardening also. I love music, enjoy the theatre and eating out.
;;) uite`te si tu
sa ma distrez si sa gasesc prieteni noi
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

sunt o persoana simpla si dragutza I am an adult who is accustomed to achieving everything in this life and I know what I want. I spent a lot of time building up my career, adjusting to be and finding myself. Now that I finally feel like a full-fledged person, I want to find the same life partner. To achieve complete harmony and self-realization.
consider ca sunt nici prea slaba nici prea grasa parerea mea
caut un tanar care sa fie sincer si care sa accepte o prietenie curata si sincera. vor pe cineva care sa nu se gandeasca numai la pat, poate fi si asta dar cu timpul. caut sinceritate, adevar, blandete si tot ce tine de elegant pe cat posibil
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Femeie, 43, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

te las sa descoperi..tu!!! a man that is hardworking. A man that has love in abundance and is Ready to give it out. A man that needs care and support in Life. A man that will be there for me In The Good and Bad time of my life. A man that we will live together and Bear children and a man that will Love our Kids and take Good care of them and a man that we will like happily, hope to read back from you telling me the kind of woman you seek for...
pe placul cuiva... k siguranta!!!
o persoana cu codul bunelor maniere...responsabil,s.a.m.d
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

Zambetul tau imi lumineaza viata, ma face sa traiesc, sa sper ca ziua de maine o voi petrece impreuna de tine...In concluzie fara zambetul tau nu as putea trai....puup dulce all Ma numesc Georgiana si as dori sa imi gasesc dragostea adevarata.Sunt o fata romantica ,amabila si sincera .as vrea sa imi gasesc perechea si sa fie fidel,romantic,tandru,dragastos,sincer spt ca nu imi plac minciunile si tradarea
nu imi place sa spun cum cred ca as fii,prefer sa las la aprecierea altora
un barbat dulce care sa fie mereu alaturi de mine cand am nevoie
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Femeie, 40, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

sunt f serioasa sincera : I am a very romantic lady. Not only do I look like a princess; I am the same inside and out tender, vulnerable and kind. But I will not give offense and simply delete from life of people who are capable of betrayal and cruelty. I want to find our true love, so that we both live in our own extrem world, where there is only space for care and tenderness, frankness and honesty. While modern women are struggling every day, I just dream of becoming a wife and hiding behind my special man from all the hardships!
o relatie f serioasa
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

MAI MULT DECAT SOCIABILA I am a good and cool lady who is friendly and like hanging out with family and friends. I like communication and likes to joke. I am new to this internet thing, i am on a try for a luck. I am only 5'6 tall, average and sportive. I like to meet someone who would like me as i am .
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

Romantica, sensibil? cu simtul umorului,Iubesc copii,animalele si viata la tara . In rest sunt cu bune cu rele , o prietena naturala , Doresc sa intalnesc un suflet bun ,cald cu bun simt pe um?rul c?ruia sa ma odihnesc cind sunt obosita,sa plang cand sunt trista ,sa ma bucur cand sunt fericita ,sa ne bucur?m laolalta si sa Imb?tranim frumos . Sa iubeasca viata la tara si gradinaritul .
cat mai multi amici!!!
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Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

draguta populara , imi place sa cunsc lumeade aproximativ Sunt o fata cu bun simt, respect sa fiu respectata, apreciez oamenii cu suflet si caracter, iubesc apa, florile, animalele, sunt miloasa de fel, responsabila in tot ceea ce fac, ador calatoriile in are liber, ador iesirile la iarba verde, ador sa ascult sovaitul raului aproape padurice, sunt mai retrasa de fel, ador locurile incarcate de verdeata, ciripit de pasarele, liniste si armonie, dar in zilele noastre, uitam de tot ce e frumos, din pricina grijilor si stresului in care traim cu totii. Toti, care cititi aceste cuvinte, scrise din suflet, va vor sanatate, sa priviti cu, chipul sus azi, maine si ce va fi,,,,!!!! Doamne participa pe toata lumea, peste tot va aflati.
nici slaba nici grasa
o proetenie
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Femeie, 70, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

Sunt o persoana teribil de serioasa,responsabila si exigenta in relatiile umane.Urasc minciuna si oameni falsi si ipocriti.Nu-mi plac compromisurile.Sunt o persoana vesela si cu simtul umorului. I am an honest,loyal, passionate, generous, giving, affectionate, sexual, supportive, sensitive, and a good listener who is easy to get along with. I am ready for a serious relationship and I really look forward to starting that with the right person...I am a simple girl who is probably not mature enough to dream of creating a strong and long-lasting relationship, but I do and that is why I am here. My friends say that I am a shy kind, maybe this is why it is harder for me to find a second half. But I am ready to fight). Humour and Laughter are a must in life.I posses a strong sense of Fairness, Work Ethics and Morale values. Always striving to put others first.Sharing my Thoughts, Feelings, Dreams and Desires. Hopeless romantic, Sensitive, Emotional, not afraid to cry. Remember if you are not the serious one, donat message me.
Micuta si grasa,foarte simpatica atragatoare la vedere.
Caut un barbat serios sincer si responsabil.Nu-mi plac aventurieri.Apreciez cultura si educatia.
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

Buna. Sunt o persoana cu suflet bun,caut un suflet bun.vreau o rel de indelunga durata. i am a calm,lady of 30 years,full of love and romantic,never married no kids and single.finding a nice,honest,faithful and caring man is my aim or what have been looking for,i love to cook, tennis,volleyball,soccer and ride on horse as my interests.
o relatie serioasa de indelunga durata
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Femeie, 54, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

sono una persona per bene...spero If I will describe myself like a deplin woman it won't be right! But I can say, that I am optimistic person and I am realist of course. If I have a dream I always do steps to achieve this dream. I am merry and cheerful person. I like to keep everything in order and I am a bit like a perfectionist. But the wish of my MAN is the most important for me. I am full of warmth to share. Just take it!
cerco uno come sono io non di piu
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Femeie, 56, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

de-as fii o floare m-as numi orhidee,de-as fi fii un cal salbatic alergind pe malul oceanului,de-as fii un nor as asigura furtuna sa las mai apoi soarele sa-ti incalzeasca obrazul.... I value honesty & loyalty in all my relationships, always have. It's not an effort, just who I am. I have difficulty dealing with dishonesty, whether it be a boyfriend, friend, any person in my life. I can definitely laugh at myself; a sense of humor is so important. Having fun isn't overrated! Love to travel. Weekend getaways are great too, big cities or just a quaint B&B. Also love down time - weekends at home w movies. I'm independent, secure with myself & self-aware; I value healthy relationships. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that if both people aren't relatively secure & don't have similar views of what a healthy relationship is, it doesn't work. We all have issues & insecurities, that is normal, but anything to the extreme is damaging, at least in my experiences.
uneori se intorc privirile cind trec eu...alteori simti doar un curent rece...
nu stiu exact...apreciez fiintele directe si inteligente care nu se invirt in jurul cozii!!!
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Femeie, 62, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

toti sintem subiectivi cand e vorba de propria persoana Dragostea este doar un cuvant pana cand apare cineva si ii da un sens. Cred cu tarie ca dragostea poate vindeca orice boala a sufletului, orice handicap al fiintei, perfect orice frangere de aripi. Orice. Dincolo de cele opt litere si un spatiu se afla magia pe care o citeam in povesti, atunci cand eram mici. Nu suntem Fat Frumos si Ileana Cosanzeana, ci oameni simpli care iubesc alti oameni simpli. Și cea mai luxoasa iubire este cea simpla, cea in care lucrurile se intampla de la sine....Mai am,rabdare,credinta,speranta si vise astfel incat sa stiu ca viata e minunata,adevarata minune!!!Mai bine ceva PARTICULAR pentru cineva special, decat chiar ce pentru oricine...!!!!!!
doresc sa cunosc un barbat care sa nu fie gelos,sufocant,iritant alte chestii plictisitoare
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Femeie, 64, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

o persoana aspect fizic placut...suflet cald... Im a Mexican girl living in Romania. Im an Spanish an English teacher and I love to meet new people. If you want to contact me, you have to do it in English or Spanish... (sorry)... Im not looking for someone by "money" interest, but with a medium-high cultural level ;) Thank you!
infatisare fizic placut... intre timp sa se transforme, intr-o relatie de viitor...
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Femeie, 92, Casatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

un zbor frant,pe-o aripa indepartata Accept realitatea si astfel ideile despre care vorbesc curajoasa atunci cand ele se nasc , ,alimenteaz? comunicarea si creaz?. armonii cand si ceilal?i pot face asta. Imi e clar? diferen?a intre complicat si complex. superficialitatatea asumat? , pe aceea, care poate da savoare suflet.ului ,pe aceea care rezoneaz? simultan intre oamenii care de?i ,poate nu seam?n? unii cu ceilal?i i i?i pot g?si asem?n?ri si profunde si genuine. Cu drag celor care simt liberi( nu libertin)si se si pot face in?ele?i .
nu am oglinda, toate se sparg ,habar n-am de ce.
mi-am pierdut o batistuta......
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Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

,,nu imi place minciuna" I'm seeking an attractive, educated man, that is kind, honest, loyal, and is looking a serious relationship, and is looking to marry.I can talk to, my mate that will sit in the hot tub with me and talk for hours, hold hands, and get to know each other on an intimate level, spiritual level.I'm not into sharing my man with other women.I like to treat my man they way a man should be treated.
...ochii albastri...altele o sa vedeti voi...
o prietenie placuta si multa dragoste...
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Femeie, 48, Necasatorit(a)
Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures Romania

Sunt o persoana vesela,sincera,harnica,corecta,ambitioasa,etc... I do not like to sit still; always moving forward. I love to try something new. Very afraid of heights and I want someone to help me overcome this fear.Am God fearing and down to earth lady who like to help others and make other happy
O persoana de incredere, simpatica,cu bun simt,sincera si daca se poate cu inima deschisa
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