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Escorte Vitan

Cele mai sexy escorte din Vitan sunt aici pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

De treaba.Ccomunicativa. Ma plimb pe aici in speranta sa gasesc un mascul destept si cu bun simt si care sa vrea o singura relatie - stabila. ...................................................... "Daca zambesc reprezinta ca ma bucur; Daca te caut inseamna ca mi-e dor; Daca te ajut inseamna ca imi pasa; Daca intreb inseamna ca ma intereseaza; Daca ofer inseamna ca meriti; Daca cer inseamna ca am nevoie; Daca spun inseamna ca vreau sa stii."
Eu ma numesc Maryna am25de ani.Caut o fata serioasa pentry o relatie de indelunga durata.
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Femeie, 42, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

sunt o tipa umpluta de viata si foarte vesela Hello!!! I am very glad that have found your profile, you have seemed to me Very interesting also has decided to write to you. Probably we shall find much in common Also we become good friends. My name is Olga and me of 29 years. If you will write to me that You can learn about me much more. Therefore I wait from you the letter in mine mailbox. Write to me, I think we shall make friends.
ramane sa descoperiti voi ...
caut o fata cu care sa ma imprietenesc. Fetelor va astept !!! Rog barbatii sa se abtina si le multumesc pentru intelegere.
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

Emotiva, romantica,sensibila si precauta...prefer si iubesc siguranta. Compasiva...imi place sa ajut atunci cand altii sunt in face fericita. Sunt mama....iubesc copiii deci sunt o fire f protectoare. Atata timp cat se afla respect si sinceritate va exista dragoste eternaa️.
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Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

o femeie interesanta Sunt simpla. .urasc minciuna, si respectul e mai sus decit orice...iubesc natura....ador sa ascult muzica anilor 70,80,90...Și alte intrebari astept sa imi trimiteti voi cei care vor cu adevarat sa ma cunoasca
destul de sexy
stiu ce vreau o corespondenta pe toate planurile doresc sa i impartasesc toate fantasmele mele ei...
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Femeie, 46, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

sunt firul de nisip purtat de vant... I am a simple woman who has a good sense of humor and I am serious, respectful, generous, ambitious, affectionate, tender, sincere, frank, understanding, sentimental, caring and sensitive and I like to give affection to the one who will love me.
Las pe altii sa ma caracterizeze
"te caut darz si fara de folos/esti visul meu, din toate cel frumos/si nu-ndraznesc sa te dobor din cer gramada"
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

SaNT O FATA CU UN SIMT DEZVOLTAT AL UMORULUI SI CU O DORINTA IMENSA DE A CUNOASTE NOI LOCURI I am attractive, serious, romantic and kind devushka. Ya think that I already had one, and now I want to find a single man for a semi. V free time I like chitat. olshe I will tell in the correspondence, if I am interested in you.
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

sunt destul de dornica de actiune, socializare, prietenie, iubire. I am very simple, work hard, and love to laugh. I am looking for serious relationship. Haven't been in a relationship for almost 10 month . And I'm here 504 .If you want to talk to me, I'd love to hear from you. rushasbrownatyahuudotcome is for me 475 read between the lines to find me to chat.I am looking for someone who wants to be 89 loved and married for the rest of their life and has a great family as well 22 If you are smart enough you will know how to contact me via the contents in my profile message.Family and friends will always come first for me
Buna. Sunt eleganta asa cum sunt.
Iubita caut barbat.
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

sunt o fire deschisa la orice,sociabila,de treaba It is not a lot of about itself: my name Olga, I live to Russia, my city Kirov, it not big, but very beautiful, At me light hair which you can see in a photo, I have not big growth, I have finished University, and work now in library, I love books, and very strongly I like to read, I could not find the love, here, in the homeland, to the poet I have decided to visit this site of acquaintances, To try to find love, about a bark I so a long time dream, I am very strong the lonely girl, I have not enough friends, I live with my parents, I work much to help them. I love reading books, novels, a fantezie detectives, still I love navigation, but on it at me not so It is a lot of time, still I like to walk in the street, easier to sit in park, and to read books, I have got used To loneliness, and now I want that my life has changed, I have no children, but I very strongly love them, and very strongly I wish to have the children. I search for the kind, fair person, only not mere words, Which is capable for me of the big step in the life which can understand me, and can can grow fond, for me the age does not matter, we in Russia have a saying that I love all age are obedient. Therefore I search for love, I do not smoke and I do not drink, I have no bad habits, and consequently At me good health. It is not a lot of walks along the street, and you the happiest)) if I are interesting to you, That I shall be happy to read your message. Only any games and to not offer sex. I not the girl Easy character, that dont sent to you erotic photos. At me they are not present, can not ask at all. I think that it is only small part about me if you wish to know about me more write to me.
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

Beautiful, sociable and well educated. I love to laugh and have fun but am responsible and level-headed with good common sense. I can lead or follow depending on the situation, and am not afraid to speak up or share my opinions. I like to travel, shop, eat out, but also enjoy dinner at home, a good book, or a movie at home, especially snuggled up with someone exceptional
Beautiful, attractive...
Beautiful, warm, mannered and intelligent. I am the divin choice in case you search for qualitative sex, sexual massage or just nice company with nice and sexy girl. I'm open mind.
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Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

I am not saint, I am not rebel. I am ordinary girl from Ukraine. But I have a very big heart. And with a help of this site I am going to full my heart with love. I havenat got any bad habits; I am very kind and tender lady. I am not stupid, but I am not too smart?. I have a lot of friends and very good family, but without love my life is not so bright. I want to find my soul-mate and to make him the happiest man in this world! I have so much warmth and tenderness for him! I do not need something very special, I just want to love and to be loved, and I think that it is great. Cause it is impossible to live without love. So I will patiently search for my half and hope I will have luck in this?
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

asa cum e fara modificari...... AR FII AIUREA...SI ASA GUSTURILE DIFERA IMPORTANT SA MA SIMT BINE IN DERMA MEA CUM SUNT ..RESTUL CONTEAZA MAI PUTIN ......(situatiile complicate, casatoriti, aventuri .exclus..)
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Monalisa mona
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

Bruneta I have a very aimed personality. I have achieved many things in my life, but I realized that I missed one important thing - family. I understand clearly that the most important thing for me is to meet the right man now. I am a caring and lovely lady and I know how to make my man happy. I want to create a strong family, where there is not going to be me and you, there will be only we. We are the best base for strong family in harmony. I am ready to relocate to you. I am here only with serious intentions. I want a real meeting and not a virtual relationship. I am active, optimistic, sexy, seductive, attractive, sociable and interesting lady who is always smiling and who is always ready to discover the world. I can be spontaneous, adventurous and risky but all the time I remain honest, reliable and trustful. I am definitely a one-man-woman and I am looking for sincerity in a relationship. Cheating is taboo for me. I am not a teenager and I am looking for serious attitude and not for flirting. If I see and feel that you really love me, I will show you heaven number nine and make you stay there forever! I like laughing and having fun with my friends. I like creating something new and enjoying life. I am a goal-oriented woman knowing what she wants so I also like reaching new levels and developing my abilities! Even if you are not interested in me I hope you will find your real love here. I wish everyone here to find big and mutual love. LOVE will save world.
Un partener de viata
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

''Complimentele tale nu ma ridica! criticile nu ma coboara!sunt ceea ce sunt nu ceea ce vor altzii sa fiu!nu sunt grozava nici nu vreau nici nu pot!sunt ceea ce sunt!iar daca nu`ti convine nu ma plang ..;)
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Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

I'm a woman who has a pure heart who's loyal and only one man. I'm the woman who believes that everything happens for a reason and everything happens for life's growth. I'm the kind of woman who's matured enough in continuing life to the fullest. A simple woman who always look life colorful as a rainbow in after a pouring rain.
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

Buna te astept sa ma descoperi daca vrei un frectie de relaxare esti stresat te astept sa vb mai numeroase Das erste, was Sie über mich wissen sollte, ist, dass ich ein sehr ruhiger und schüchterner Mensch bin und es dauert einige Zeit, aber wenn die Chance gegeben Ich weiß schließlich beginnen zu öffnen mehr. Aber ich kann ehrlich sagen, dass ich ein lustiger Mensch bin und auf jeden Fall kennen zu lernen .. Ich Einfach und Classy bin. Ich habe einen guten Sinn für Humor, was loyal, fürsorglich, fleißig, intelligent, hübsch, romantisch, fürsorglich, sexy, Götter, brillant, talentiert, lustig und bin Ziele setzen für mich und mein Bestes tun, um diese Ziele zu erreichen, ist sehr wichtig, me .. ich bin liebevoll und zuvorkommend. Ich genieße zu Fuß am Strand, sind Singen und Dancing.My Interessen Musik, Lesen, Natur, Fotografieren, Lesen und verbringt viel Zeit zu Hause mit meinen Hunden. Ich liebe, zu lächeln und ich suche jemanden, der mich glücklich machen und lächeln immer. Ich bin sehr romantisch und leidenschaftlich und ich genieße Kochen. Ich bin ein einmal im Leben einmaliges Angebot, jeder Mann und jede Frau den Traum. Ich bin bereit, auf ein sicheres Fundament zu verlegen eine feste Beziehung und die Bedingungen zu erfüllen .. weil meine Karriere ist der wichtigste Teil meines Lebens verfolgen. "Der Himmel ist die Grenze.
Usoara cu simtul umorului
Buna te astept sa vorbim
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

I am just an ordinary girl who has a lot to share and a lot of good qualitys , such as a good heart and a good character. You have to be prepared to meet the most passionate and adventurous girl. Why be prepared? Because not every man can handle this. I will not pretend to be as everybody, because I am not, and I want to show this at once. But you won't be bored.
I think I don't look bad, maybe interesting...
I look for quality men who know what they want from life, not just young and selfish kids.I need a man who can be there for me and stand up for me, caring, loving, honest and serious.Or maybe I am asking too much??
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

sunt buna rau I am patient,generous, kind, and loving. I am always upbeat, have a positive attitude about most things and I like to have fun. I enjoy music, theatre, movies and art. I love to travel, and to go sightseeing. I love musemus, romantic dinners, seaside resorts and sunsets.
sexy, forme, tot ce vrei..
un mascul care stie ce vrea.
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Poze verificate
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

Cand ma gandesc la frigul de afara, La stelele cu chip de portelan, Nu inteleg de ce astept in gara Rapidul ce opreste intr-un an Doar intr-un loc neinsemnat pe harta, Cu felinare sparte si-un peron Pe care rataceai tu altadata Cu rochia turcoaz pe sub palton. Stau si ma mir cat e de scurta halta Pe care-o faci in zori la poarta mea... Cand sa mi-aleg penelul, s-ascut dalta Sa desenez pe tren adresa ta? - Tu vezi, iubire, se contracta momentul Dar am ramas acolo pe peron Imbratisati la fel ca-n anotimpul Primei iubiri. Al rochiei cordon Ma tine-n visu-acesta prizoniera La fel de suav ca bratul tau, Acest spectacol e o premiera... Ai vreun regret? Imi spui ca-ti pare rau? Adu-mi un argument care prinde Sincopa dintre straniu si firesc Si-atunci cand nu-ti mai amintesti de mine, Invata-ma sa supravietuiesc!
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

aNu sunt perfecta! Nici nu vreau, nici nu pot!a Daca intelegi ceea ce citesti, atunci iti poti da seama daca are, sau nu, rost sa ma abordezi. Daca pozele tale sunt din 1900toamna, intoarce-te in anii aia si cauta pe cineva atunci. Eu traiesc in anii astia si nu ma pasioneaza pozele tale de acum un sfert de secol. E penibil, mai ales pentru un barbat, sa se dea mai june decat este, la fel cum e penibil si sa se etaleze in poze la bustul gol. (Desi portiunea asta o pricep: reprezinta ca nu are ce arata altceva). P.S. Masculul ideal? Neaparat carunt. Nu vreau sa poata zice ca eu i-am scos peri albi. P.S. 2 Daca ai simtul umorului esti binevenit, daca nu ... asta e! Voi suspina discret si in tacere. :D P.S. 3 Numele tau trebuie sa fie Gheorghita. Nu am bani sa sterg tatuajul. :D P.S. 4 iubesc Aradul! P.S. 5 Profilul fizic conteaza, intr-adevar, dar numai pana cand vezi ca nu e in situatie sa lege doua propozitii. :D
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

hot I'm very open minded,understanding,passionate,God fearing,religious,responsible,caring,honest,loving and friendly,i like to put smile on other peoples face.I don't imitate,underrate,impersonate and disrespect.I believe God created us all equal.
hot hot
o nurca pretioasa in dulap,un jaguar stilat in garaj,un tigru salbatic in pat si un magar sa le plateasca pe toate...:)))
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Femeie, 55, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

Iubitoare de frumos. Eu...caut,dar sunt sigura ca nu mai exista.Dupa ce am impartit 12 ani bune si rele,am devenit "Babaciune zbarcita"si "Pensionara".Cred ca toti masculii ,dupa ce se folosesc mare de femei,le arunca intr-o debara,le tin ascunse,iar viata lor continua cu o relatie paralela,cu vreo Bunaciune in loc de Babaciune.Niciodata nu am visat la vreun print superb si bogat,dat fiind faptul ca nici eu nu sunt vreo Madona.Imi vor un om cu bun simt,care sa stie ce este acela RESPECT,si care intr-adevar sa isi doreasca o relatie cuminte,bazata macar pe respect reciproc,daca A IUBI oricum nu mai reprezinta nimic in zilele noastre.Eu sunt o iubita normala,spun eu...,vesela ,glumeata,inca dornica de o infatisare sau alta de distractie.Sunt si nenorocita daca este cazul,imi scot si eu ghearele ,daca este nevoie.Dar deja sunt scarbita de gheare,colti si pumni,rautati si jigniri.DOAR daca te regasesti in caracteristicile pe care le caut,cauta-ma.Daca esti obsedat sexual,cumpara in alta regiune.Aici e inchis.
O persoana care sa ma faca fericita pe termen nedeterminat.
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Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

Intreaba-ma! Here I am among women seeking men. I joined the dating site to find my other half. I am a quite serious and confident person, but I can relax and have fun as well. I can be a little bit sentimental. When someone of my mates or friends is sad, I try to boost their mood and help them to get rid of these negative emotions. I like traveling, meeting new people and making friends
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

Nu ma judeca dupa spusele oamenilor, sau dupa felul cum arat! Ca sunt grasa sau in alte feluri? Dar va intreb altceva? Noi fetele mai "grase"cum spuneti voi !Nu avem suflet? ?Nu putem iubi?Nu ma placi nu ma baga in seama! Este simplu!Aparentele inseala! Nu sunt aici pentru "sex" pentru ca as putea avea oricand sa am aceasta placere! FI om si voi fi o Doamna cu tine! Fi porc si voi fi o scorpie!
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

asa cum sant.... Am pierdut pofta de a-i multumi pe cei care nu ma plac, de a-i iubi pe cei care nu ma iubesc si de a zambi la cei care nu vor sa-mi zambeasca. Si, cel mai important , nu mai am rabdare cu cei care nu merita rabdarea mea. Sa fii sanatos, iubit si fericit , cititorule!!
se va vedea la fata locului
caut un el,
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

Sunt o fata care ii plac drumetiile,calatoriile si multe cumparaturi. VIATA=BUMERANG!nu raspund la cei fara foto..!neasumandu-ti varsta,fotografia si cine esti sunteti penibili!!! LUATI aproape voi omul de la care ai ce invata ,fascineaza vorbind depasindu-si limitele !scriu intocmai cum gandesc eu nu altii!Intelepciunea ta= valoarea vietii tale.comoditatea,alcool,lenea ,impulsivitate sunt dusmanii tai!daca nu stii ce vrei;nu-ti asumi actiunile , nu poti iubii,TRAIEȘTI IN TRECUT ȘI nu faci o prioritate din relatia ta STAI solitar !!educati copilul perfect despre prietene si masculi daca tu nu esti un exemplu de evolutie personala, moral si fidel nu reprezinta ca nu exista!azi esti respectat dupa gradul de confort oferit!!nu ma impresioneaza varsta ,banii,functia ci doar cum te comporti!!! PT FETI "FRUMOSI uita profilul!Un sfat poate inalta,dobora depinde ce interes are cine il da.Acasa=sentiment =armonie.Azi gasesti barbati,femei absolut indiferent ce calitate.,lasi, Isteti(e)naivi(e) depinde ce vrei sa traiesti., sa decorezi casa? viata?iubesti adevarat cand lupti pt iubirea construimdu-o.Stiu EXACT ce vreau un partener de viata OPEN mind,harnic sincer, (*cu un par frumos) care poate iubii,familist convins ca mine!o sotie capabila sa investeasca iubire ,atentie care si-a invatat lectiile din exp de viata poate oricand lua de la inceput!doresc sa locuiesc in Sibiu!plini de virtual,principii risipim timp iar sentimente frumoase zac in noi de parca mostenim pamantul
Bomba :)
Caut o relatie serioasa poate si o casatorie cu jupanul potrivit.
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

Simpatica, sincera, nu-mi plac fitzosii I'm a very loving person looking for someone who can bring joy in my life hope to meet that one. I love God and the outdoors. I am a very happy women with a lot of love to share.I like to swim ,fishing .cuddling and a lot more. I'm kind and reliable sometimes stubborn. I like walking and reading. I enjoy cooking and gardening also. I love music, enjoy the theatre and eating out.
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

Eu ma stiu destul de bine :)) daca vrei afla si vei vedea I'm a Laid back lady who enjoys spending time with friends and meeting new people. I have [Siblings] and my family means the world to me.A perfect night for me is getting my family together and cooking a nice dinner for everyone. I try to always remain positive and be in a good mood. I like to go out and have a good meal over stimulating conversation. In terms of going on dates, I am not very hard to please. As long as I am spending quality time with my significant other, I believe in karma and that you should always treat others how you would like to be treated. I am looking for a man that is fun loving and spontaneous. Some other characteristics I am looking for include: independence, sense of humor,career driven and trustworthy.
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

nu ne comportam si nu suntem ca atare la fel perceputi de nimeni in acelasi putem fi numai intr un anume fel.diferenta o face conjunctura,momentul ,persoana si dispozitia noastra care poate genera un anume tip de comportament.suntem mereu diversi....deci eu nu pot spune ca sunt numai ,,asa,,...
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

I am a very responsible, reliable and serious person, but at the same time charming and easy-going lady. I know and feel the right moment to be serious and responsible as well as when I can let myself go. I like to laugh and I adore people with a sense of humor. I am a progressive and communicative person. I like to communicate with people. I have no bad habits and I care about my health. I am a very faithful and caring woman. My future man will feel my devotion and affection as well as love and support in good and not very good times of our happy life. Oh, I have so many interests that I am sure we would find something in common with my future man. I am very active and I like hiking in the mountains, skiing, swimming, but at the same time as most of ladies I also like cooking. I enjoy reading, especially, I like psychology. I like to dance and to travel. Different kinds of music like blues, jazz, rock and roll, soul please my ears. I think it is very important to have at least one common interest and then everything will be much easier.
sa ma iubeasca,romantic si in acelasi tip pervers
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

imi plac barbati dar si femeile, vreau sa ma distrez, vreau sa explorez toate posibilitatile Serioasa, moderata, calma.Sunt copil si adult totodata,prietena candva de toate,curioasa atat cat imi permite bunul simt!Imi doresc un suflet pereche impreuna de care sa ma simt implinita,fericita si caruia sa-i pot fi alaturi la bine si la greu! Sunt o familista convinsa .
mega buna
pasiune, inteligenta si respect.
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

Sunt pregatita sa cunosc barbati! I am a gentle, easy-going, genital and family-oriented lady. I like to bring home comfort and hospitality. I prefer romantic atmosphere more. I am a very positive person, cheerful and I look forward to a new day, giving thanks to God. I do believe in a real love and I genuinely believe, that I can meet my love here, on this site. I am very active person. I am interested in everything that gives me pleasure.
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

i'm very pretty! :) I am single lady with full of surprise to give. I want to reach the world to share ideas and views with other people with love and the future dreams . u are all welcome to my world..Am kinda God fearing,honest,open minded,gud sense of humor,down to earth...
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

O fire extrem jucausa Sunt fierbinte. Cred c-am luat o febra urata cu prilejul ultimei excursii in Congo. Keep out! P.S. Mai berbecilor, lasati pupicurile dulci ca nu ne-am tras de sireturi la gradinita. P.P.S. Well, sunteti cam grei de cap - o femeie nu poate fi nicicand chiar atat de...So, I'm a man, caraghiosilor. E doar unul dintre miile de profiluri false, deci... pierdeti-va vremea cu gasculite adevarate.
Un partener
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

Nice to read from you again, Well am Rahma Am open minded, energetic and an enthusiastic participant in life. Others have described me as fun loving with a good sense of humor, romantic, adventurous, pragmatic and down to earth, optimistic, honest and sincere, loyal, intelligent and hard working. I'm a sports fan so it's a real treat to see professional teams play in person (Go Suns!, Go Cardinals!). I belong to a church chore. My convenient is to stay in touch with God. My room mate said my display picture i posted here is beautif more ul is she right??? you can see for yourself. One of my life's goals is to see as many of the world's major cities as possible. I've been to quite a few already but there are many more still on the list! Other aspirations contine living a meaningful life with love and laughter; helping others in recognition of those who helped me; being an available and sympathetic friend; Am working hard so that life will be comfortably for me. maintaining a healthy lifestyle and having lots of fun along the way. I see life as an adventure, it could never be better if God and you are not part of it. That is why I'm here, looking for you ... a special man who is active, flexible, honest, expressive, thoughtful and kind, emotionally available and financially stable. A non smoker with traditional values, some of the same interests and some that are different. We can enjoy learning about each other, where our lives have taken us and where we want to go. Does that sound like you? If so I hope to hear from you!!!! Am looking for a man who i can put trust in him, who is honest and very caring, I am a very sexually adventurous person and it satisfies me to know my partner feels good. I want a relationship with someone who knows what he wants and who is ready to be serious. I want to be with someone I can be friends with and someone who likes to spend time around me and willing to spend the rest of his life with me,
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

Fire sociabila, independenta, vesela. I can say that I have a very versatile personality. One part of me is an independent, persistent, neat person, and the other is a very loving, caring, sweet and feminine lady. I try to maintain balance in my personality, my life, my work...
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

carpe diem :D I'm just a simple woman who likes to try out new things, keeps going till she gets what she wants, I'm open minded and very easy to get along with, loving, caring, sensitive and very romantic. I like living every day with a lot of optimism and hope for a better tomorrow.
natural :)
socializare :)
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Femeie, 44, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

Comunicativa, vesela,optimista ... I am a very simple and honest lady.My nature is very peaceful been romantic at heart l wanna share it with a very simple and honest man.I careless about distance and want a man who has a very good sense of humor towards a long term relationship leading to marriage.
Un tip comunicativ, destept...
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

Imi doresc o relatie care sa duca la intemeierea unei familii. Sunt independenta, incapatanata si caut oameni de calitate, cu valori morale normale si aspect fizic placut, care pot macar intretine o conversatie. Fitosii, printisorii, baietii lu` mama, nu au ce cauta in viata mea. As prefera sa ai studii superioare, dar si mai mult as dori sa nu fii vreun frustrat, indolent sau misogin. Sunt genul de persoana care se descurca sa schimbe un bec, sa unga un lant (de bicicleta, caci e una din pasiunile mele) sa bata un cui si altele, dar ideea e sa nu trebuiasca sa le fac tot eu. Si nu, nu ma omor cu statul la cratita, (pot gati) dar pot si comanda mancarea daca am avut o zi prea plina. S-ar putea sa vreau sa ies la o cafea cu tine dupa 5 minute de conversatie sau nici dupa o saptamana.. depinde de tine. Eu sunt pe aici..:) Pe scurt, caut pe cineva care sa imi suporte defectele, sa imi adore calitatile si pe care sa mi-l doresc alaturi chiar si cand ma enerveaza! :))))
Sunt jumate. Si am trebuinta de inca o jumatate Visatoare dar si realista.. romantica si pasionala.. sociabila.. si mereu in patratzica mea.. nu fac fitze, nici figuri. Decat daca altfel nu se poate...
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Andra Rosianu
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

Ce ar fi . . . sa ne dam in leagan, pana la cer; sa admiram culorile padurii, toamna; sa ne cuibarim si sa ascultam muzica in surdina; sa scotocim in targul de vechituri dupa acomoria; sa dansam tango cand nu ne vede nimeni; sa imi plimb degetele pe buzele tale; sa mergem la teatru; sa iti port camasa; sa furam trandafiri din parc; sa imi spui care este cel mai frumos fapt creeat de Dumnezeu; sa iti spun bancuri; sa admiram ciresii infloriti; sa radem pana la lacrimi; sa ne tavalim prin zapada; sa imi armonizez respiratia cu a ta; sa imbratisam un copac; sa te strecori in visele mele; sa lingem turturi; sa privim marea in amurg; sa te miros in scobitura gatului, sa ascultam cum suiera vantul; sa mancam paine calda, de casa; sa inotam sub clar de luna; sa vorbim in tacere; sa ma piepteni; sa citim aceeasi carte; sa mancam pepene rosu si sa ne lingem pe degete; sa ne uitam la poze vechi; sa iti colorz viata; sa lenevim la un pahar de vin si-o vorba; sa gasim capatul unui curcubeu; sa traim fara masti; sa te atatueza cu carioca; sa imi furi gandurile; sa alergam prin ploaie vara; sa bem cafea din sinonima ceasca; sa iti ravasesc patul; sa impodobim bradul cand avem noi chef; sa imi strigi numele; sa iti sarut palma drept in mijloc; sa mergem aiurea cu masina; sa ma faci sa tremur; sa facem ce nu am mai conceput niciodata; sa ma tii in brate, pur si simplu; sa imi fie dor; sa... :)
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

Adevarul pur si simplu. .. Sunt o fata cu bun simt, respect sa fiu respectata, apreciez oamenii cu suflet si caracter, iubesc apa, florile, animalele, sunt miloasa de fel, responsabila in tot ceea ce fac, ador calatoriile in are liber, ador iesirile la iarba verde, ador sa ascult sovaitul raului langa padurice, sunt mai retrasa de fel, ador locurile pline de verdeata, ciripit de pasarele, liniste si armonie, dar in zilele noastre, uitam de tot ce e frumos, din cauza grijilor si stresului in care traim cu totii. Toti, care cititi aceste cuvinte, scrise din suflet, va doresc sanatate, sa priviti cu, chipul sus azi, maine si ce va fi,,,,!!!! Doamne ajuta pe toata lumea, oriunde va aflati.
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

sar de la o extrema la alta....f des im ok looking and i am on here looking for my dream partner who will care for me and treat me like a woman who won't cause me shit in our relationship and won't cheat on me because i have been cheated on lots of time
opusul meu
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

I am sweet girl that is full energy and ideas how to create perfect relations with a man, just haven\'t found a decent man for that yet. But i am all in my searchings. I believe in love with a first sight and even with the first letter. I am quite cheerful, intellectual and pretty, that is why i am looking for respectful and smart man.
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

mai bine ma intrebi As dori sa visez la iubirea adevarata,si acest vis sa devina realitate.As dori sa te iubesc pt ca....imi alungi singuratatea intr-o lume umpluta de aglomeratie.Te iubesc pt. ca fara tine e greu sa ma pot regasi.Te iubesc si sunt definitia fericirii eterne.Te iubesc pt. simplele banalitati pe care le faci,te iubesc pt. ca bei apa,pt. felul in care te incalti.Te iubesc pt. ca traiesc implinirea mea totala.Simt nevoia sa-mi fii sti ca te iubesc mai presus decat pe mine vreau sa te stiu mai intai pe tine fericit...mai putin contez eu...iar fericirea ta,imi da mie potenta sa te iubesc mai mult....te iubesc esti TOTUL in viata mea.Asta as dori sa simt.Este greu?????? Nu imi doresc singuratate in doi, visez la intelegerea tacita (din priviri), implinirea sufleteasca ( chiar daca, uneori, sunt schimburi de cuvinte). Imi vor sa simpt, ca esti in viata mea!
placut zic eu
nici eu nu stiu,poate acul in carul cu fan!
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

Nu e necesitate Iam looking for serious relationship here, as I am choosing the mate of my life! I hope to meet sweet, reliable, caring man and wonderful person in general. Knowing myself I can say that I often pay attention at a manas eyes. I hope you have kind eyes and will show me your wide smile when we meet.
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Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Vitan, Bucuresti Romania

Sunt tepoasa...nebuna...lista continua...:) Sunt o doamna onesta si cu o inima de aur, dupa cum spun cei care ma cunosc. Iubesc binele din oameni, indragesc indiferent ce fiinta si urmaresc sa cultiv o atitudine pozitiva si optimista clipa de clipa. Caut un partener loial, matur sufleteste si cu o gandire rafinata. Rog seriozitate.
Satena,ochi caprui...restul AFLA...
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