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Escorte Campulung

Cele mai sexy escorte din Campulung sunt aici pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

Persoana sensibila ,educata ,ador tot ce e frumos si cu bun simt imi cunosc valentele si drumul catre orizont ,,,sunt loiala iubirii facand diferenta intre trecut si prezent ,,,apreciez eleganta ,modul de a cuceri .nuanta de a duce catre ,,,,a fi sau a nu fi ,,,,!!!! Mi-e dor de ,,,,,tot ce e firesc si omenesc,,,,,!!!,,,,,,,,DECAT O NEVASTA RANITA ,,,,,,MAI BINE ,,,,,,O IUBITA INDRAGOSTITA ,,,,CU RESPECT ,,,,,,
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Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

My friends describe me as kindhearted,straight forward,active,pretty and sincere person and i agree with them.. i am also caring,a good communicator,a good listener..i know what i want out of life and a serious relationship and am willing to pursue that which is why am here..i am a one man woman and also hope to find a one woman man who knows what he wants out of life and also willing to pursue it..i want to concentrate and be committed to that man in the relationship and also make each other happy for a lifetime together..i really hope that man is out there waiting for me
Perfect !
Un mascul , respectos intelegator iubitor si sa stie vorbi cu o nevasta sa o respecte si sa o protejeze. Te astept
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

Sunt o fire energica imi place sa calatoresc Buna baieti ! Ma numesc Gabriela si am aproximativ 21 de ani. Eu in initialul rand vad eventual intr-un baiat un bun amic pentru inceput. (Apropo sa ascultati pe youtube melodia de la "Marshmello- Friends", ca sa ma intelegeti mai bine) Hobiurile mele sunt de a canta si suna la orga piese de muzica usoara actuale. In afara de asta, sa imi petrec timpul cu pisicutul meu Felix. La momentul actual sunt acasa si nu fac nimic decat sa ma distrez dar in martie o sa lucrez la un call center pentru inceput si voi fi o maseoza in devenire. Mi-a mers bine la profilul filologic deci imi place mult filozofia daca nu va deranjeaza (Zic asa deoarece anumiti romani sunt de parere ca vorba multa e saracia omului - fapt intreg gresit. Comunicarea sta la baza). Am trecut peste puternice atacuri de panica trei luni la rand si am suferit de depresie severa. Acum stau mai bine. Anumite lucruri care le-ati putea sti despre mine sunt in primul rand ca sunt sincera si sunt destul de constiincioasa de ce se intampla in jurul meu. Imi place si sunt creatoare de echilibru si armonie. Imi place sa fiu logica dar si ironica. Nu imi place sa ma cert. Respect pe oricine chiar de forma dar cand cineva imi calca codita, atunci spun lucrurile verzi in fata. Va doresc fericire si sa fiti frumosi. Multumesc pentru atentie(:
Las la aprecierea voastra
caut o relatie serioasa
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Femeie, 23, Casatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

Ciao!sunt o persoana sensibila,educata,afectoasa,dar foarte singura,nu caut aventuri si nici distractie,caut un suflet blind si sensibil asa ca mine care poate sa-mi prezinte toata dragostea si increderea de care am necesitate pentru totdeauna.Daca cineva se conformeaza poftei mele sa ma contacteze.Va multumesc celor care ma viziteaza si le vor toata dragostea din lume si multa multa fericirede care toti avem nevoie!!!
simtul gaseste?
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

Vesela, comunicativa iar daca vrei sa sti mai mult ma poti intreba. je suis plutôt simple, compréhensive, attentionnée, sympa, j'aimerais rencontrer un homme qui à la tete sur les épaules et les pieds sur terre. et surtout que j'aime profiter de la vie, le reste à découvrir.
Lucrul asta se poate vedea din poze.
Prietenie,distractie si eventual o relatie.
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

About my hobbies. I like to sing, write poems, listening to music and dancing to the beat, swimming, playing Basketball, watching TV, Movies going to GYM and comedies. I love friends and family, I am a fun person and make friends easily. I am a person who is very real when it comes to life and it's issues. Am honest, kind caring, affectionate, good sense of humor, easy going, free thinker, trustworthy and respect the lives of other people.
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Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

sunt o persoana careia ii place sa se distreze si nu ma opreste nimic sa fac lucrul acesta! Thank you for paying attention to my profile. I am easy-going, like to joke, but serious when it is needed. I would be better alone then with just somebody. I want to get married once and for the whole life. I am am friendly, kind, family-oriented, I never complicate things and prefer to enjoy life.
caut masculi cu care sa pot vorbi,intalni si de ce nu si distra!!!
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

Frumoasa, desteapta si iubareata foc i love to travel. People are my passion . I am happiest when I am serving your needs and turning your fantasies into reality. Sensuality and eroticism are my key components. I am petite, all natural. I love lingerie, a good conversation, and a sense of humor.I like to go horseback riding in the summertime and skiing in the winter. Hope to make some magic with you soon. Kisses.Please i don't like italians they are fake,i love just english or german people so don't insist.Thx.Clediane.
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

Das erste, was Sie über mich wissen sollte, ist, dass ich ein sehr ruhiger und schüchterner Mensch bin und es dauert einige Zeit, aber wenn die Chance gegeben Ich weiß schließlich beginnen zu öffnen mehr. Aber ich kann ehrlich sagen, dass ich ein lustiger Mensch bin und auf jeden Fall kennen zu lernen .. Ich Einfach und Classy bin. Ich habe einen guten Sinn für Humor, was loyal, fürsorglich, fleißig, intelligent, hübsch, romantisch, fürsorglich, sexy, Götter, brillant, talentiert, lustig und bin Ziele setzen für mich und mein Bestes tun, um diese Ziele zu erreichen, ist sehr wichtig, me .. ich bin liebevoll und zuvorkommend. Ich genieße zu Fuß am Strand, sind Singen und Dancing.My Interessen Musik, Lesen, Natur, Fotografieren, Lesen und verbringt viel Zeit zu Hause mit meinen Hunden. Ich liebe, zu lächeln und ich suche jemanden, der mich glücklich machen und lächeln immer. Ich bin sehr romantisch und leidenschaftlich und ich genieße Kochen. Ich bin ein einmal im Leben einmaliges Angebot, jeder Mann und jede Frau den Traum. Ich bin bereit, auf ein sicheres Fundament zu verlegen eine feste Beziehung und die Bedingungen zu erfüllen .. weil meine Karriere ist der wichtigste Teil meines Lebens verfolgen. "Der Himmel ist die Grenze.
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Maria Dragusin
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

o fiinta umpluta de viata , un pik cam salbatica, dornica de orice trairi noi, in cautare de iesiri in aer liber departe de indiferent ce prejudecati je suis une femme chr̩tien j'ai 30 ans Je suis une femme calme ̩l̩gante, honn̻te, optimisme, savoir vivre, charmante, culture du bonheur, g̩n̩rosit̩, gentille sensible, fid̬le, Mes talent sont: je sais aimer et je suis tr̬s patiente et je r̻ve: d'un homme de la۪id̩al pour une relation ou rencontre amour ou rencontre projet. J'aime bien la cuisine , musique , ma famille , restaurent , piscine , lecture , natation ,tennis , danse , filmes , TV
cauta-ma sa ma descoperi toata
inchipuiri salbatice
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

Sunt o persoana sincera si sufletista dar urasc naivii Via?a este f?cut? sa fie tr?it? in ,,doi" , dar nu cu orisicine! Ur?sc aventurile si aventurierii! Domnilor, nu privi?i o rela?ie ca pe un sport de intre? oricum nu v-a dura!! Incerca?i pe cat posibil sa fi?i persoane loiale si devotate, nu aduce?i din start minciuna! INTR-o rela?ie daca nu se afla respect si incredere, nu exista nimic!! Multa lume....OAMENI putini!!
Las la aprecierea ta
O persoana sincera si iubitoare care sa stie ce sa vrea de la viata
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

sunt o persoana energica, vesela, dornica de distractie.. Eu sunt o persoana normala, ca toti ceilalti, imi plac,plimbarile, conversatiile de calitate, muzica,cinema, literatura, teatrul etc, dar asta nu ma face diferita de indiferent ce alta femeie. Ceea ce ma face diferita este modul meu de a ma comporta, sunt alegerile pe care le fac, nu ascult pentru a raspunde, dar adesea pentru a intelege. Fii omul care vrei cu adevaratsi poate iti vei da seama daca iti place ceea ce sunt eu! Fii amuzant, inventiv, original, evita frazele prestabilite si expresiile idiomatice si abuzive. Eu prefer umorul si sinceritatea. In drum spre fericire nu ezita sa te inarmezi cu sinceritate. Restul o sa fie de descoperit si de inteles !
inalta, blonda, draguta
caut persoane cu care sa pot discuta si cu care sa ma pot simti atat momentan
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

I am Hawwa Originally from Ukraine Iaa‚¬a„¢ve been living in Ukraine all my life interested in for a long time relationship . I love to learn about new places, people and cultures. Iaa‚¬a„¢m single never been married . I like to be in harmony with the world around me. but Iaa‚¬a„¢m very down to earth I like to read a lot and keep up with many thingsaa‚¬a€œpolitics, social issues, culture, travels, people. I especially value humor, being able to laugh at yourself, being able to communicate, culture in general, social issues, staying healthy, and the freedom to think out of the box. I also like Woody Allen films, swimming, hearing peopleaa‚¬a„¢s stories, and simply talking with people. Iaa‚¬a„¢m looking for a companionaa‚¬a€œsomone with his own life, with a strong personality, yet also able to make the compromises that life sometimes requires. Someone who isnaa‚¬a„¢t too thick and who is able to laugh at himself. No smokers, please.
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

buna tuturor.... My character and soul are close to the ocean: wide and deep, quite and warm, sometimes is very active. I am charming lady with good sense of humor and active life style. I am very sociable and friendly that is why I have a lot of friends. My attitude to the life is philosophical and if something has happened it should be so. If we have done something we should accept it as our life experience and continue to live. The main characteristic of me is compromise. I want people know that I am a very active person.
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

Iubitoare Hi! I'm mixie from Philippines !! I am a very loving, caring, friendly,im single, sincere lady seeking nothing but happiness and a man to complete me in a way no one has. I am very hardworking, passionate and very down to earth. i am fun to be with and a family oriented lady. if you feel you want to learn about me, then drop me a note and where you could be reached via Email,skype, whatsapp or viber.. Well i also love cooking, hiking, sports, shopping, photography and traveling around the world "how I wish".. I want a serious relationship but I am not in a rush to get what I want. I want to love and be loved, I want true happiness and laughter, I want to settle down for what fara cusur for me and understands me, cos no one is perfect, but you've got to be corect for someone and understand someone to be in a relationship . I value commitment a lot and love to have fun. Life's too short and beautiful , I want to spend it with someone beautiful at heart and knows what they want.. A Open minded and knows what true committment is (for better or worse) they will always be there for me .. "I hate cheater & scammer please"
Caut un barbat adevarat
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miri w
Poze verificate
Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

Urasc prostia si minciuna... Buna ziua.Sunt o persoana cu suflet bun, sincera, cu bun simt si optimista. Urasc minciuna si mincinosii. Imi dau seama imediat daca sunt mintita. Caut o persoana de genul masculin din Slatina,Bucuresti sau in apropiere de Slatina cu aceleasi calitati care sa isi doreasca o relatie serioasa care sa duca la casatorie.
e ok....
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Femeie, 45, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

Sunt o fire vesela si comunicativa.. I am open minded, honest, direct, loving and faithful. I am intellectually curious, like to read and am really keen on personal development in all areas of my life. I am very active but I also enjoy relaxing time...watching good documentaries and biographies, reading, listening to music, enjoying the gorgeous fall colors, fresh snow or the blossoming trees in spring. My hobbies este alcatuit din travelling, spending time in nature, dancing, skiing, skating, yoga, swimming, biking, hiking, cooking, photography,organizing and creating a loving home, socializing with friends, singing in the shower, watching good comedies and inspirational movies. I take courses for personal development (eg. Anthony Robins, Landmark Education). I am also interested in psychology, life coaching and relationship coaching. I like to have fun, laugh, travel together with my partner, explore new things. I love walking hand in hand, hugs, kisses, romance. I see challenges as adventures and opportunities to unleash my inner strength and power. I enjoy lively conversations on mostly any topic. I like to start the relationship with a warm friendship and then take it to a higher level of intimacy.
asa si asa
prieteni, persoane cu care sa vorbesc..
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Simona matei
Femeie, 47, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

Sunt o persoana draguta,miloasa,iubesc animalele,sunt geloasa in dragoste,dar si destul de romantica.Imi plac sportul,arta si oamenii speciali,deschisi,care care stiu sa se bucure de viata si care nu au prejudecati.
am 1,83 m inaltime,slabuta,blonda....restul las aprecierea voastra
Caut prieteni noi,oameni deschisi,cu chef de vorba si cu idei interesante.
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

O fire sociabila si serioasa Sunt o persoana cu prea mult bun simt, sincera, loiala, un prieten la bine si la rau fara asteptari, o romantica invechita, cu prejudecati, care nu-si gaseste locul intr-o lume fara principii; daca vrei sa ajungi la inima mea trebuie da fii un om de calitate ;fb.nicoleta graur bacau
Un mascul care sa mi prezinte echilibru
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

Caut o relatie serioasa! Languages spoken: English My personality traits are:Cheerful. Very positive. Optimistic. Charming. Very creative mind. Always thinking. Quick thinking. Thoughtful & considerate of others feelings. I like these kinds of music: Jazz, pop, classical, Caribbean, country, bluegrass, everything but rap. I usually read: Business books & magazines, history, psychology, self-improvement I like to go out ... Theater, movies, dinner, travel to places..
Un mascul adevarat si serios!
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

nonconformista,atipica I am a cheerful and smiling person.I feel that I am kind, considerate, honest, loving, and I try to be a good friend. I want to be best friends with my new man.I'm looking for honest , caring man with big heart.I am looking for a companion. Someone with a great personality who can also pay a lot of attention to me.I would like to be with someone I care for and that cares for me. I am an open and trusting person who needs to be with some one they can trust.
nu-mi plac stereotipurile....deci ce ramane!
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

cuminte si devreme acasa!!!!:) I am sweet, thoughtful, kind, intelligent woman, and have a great sense of humor. Text me on: eight five zero seven four five four one five five, I am very easy going and laid back. I am often told that I am very easy to talk with. I am not an angry person, I am happy with myself, and my life, and I like to think it shows. I have held on tightly to the hope that this blessing will be bestowed upon me to find that one unic man or i should say beloved partner in life with whom I can share everything unite my heart, body and soul
am trei trei urechi!!!:)))glumesc
sa spun ce spune toata omenirea ,, ce nu am gasit pana acum " as fi penibila:))).....never say never!
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

bunaaaaa Je suis une femme de caractère, douce et calme a la fois, honnête, franche. la vie est si précieuse, alors j'espère que de cette façon je trouverais celle qui mérite de partager ma vie, qui en sera comblé de bonheur...
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

sociabila I believe in the truth and honest of love..i am really a very sincere person when it comes to sharing feelings and emotions with that special person and i really am down to heart honest about the things i say and do cause i don't like hurting peoples feelings,cause everyone has a chance to laugh,so why do i make them sad..i am really very easy to get along with,fun to be with and am very adaptive and communicative when it comes to conversant conversation.and my life is based on the truth and honest of self personality...
dragutza......restul il vei afla cand ma vei cunoaste
dragutz,cu simtul umorului,vorbaret brunet cu ochii verzi,1,70
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

Sunt o femeie de viata ,glumeata,si imi place sa ma distrez Past relationships have made me realize how important sincerity, loyalty, honesty, adoration, and respect are. The most important thing is to let your faith lead the relationship - I believe Ia€™m ready for equally yoked relationship for the long haul. I am fully prepared and ready to enter into a serious relationship. I want to share everything I have and enjoy each day to its fullest in the quest we choose to embark together. So sent be shy dear one.
Un barbat sa stie cum sa se poarte cu o iubita !!!
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Femeie, 48, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

Sint o persoana draguta sincera prietenoasa care isi cauta inca jumatatea I have a very aimed personality. I have achieved many things in my life, but I realized that I missed one important thing - family. I understand clearly that the most important thing for me is to meet the right man now. I am a caring and lovely lady and I know how to make my man happy. I want to lucrate a strong family, where there is not going to be me and you, there will be only we. We are the best base for strong family in harmony. I am ready to relocate to you. I am here only with serious intentions. I want a real meeting and not a virtual relationship. I am active, optimistic, sexy, seductive, attractive, sociable and interesting lady who is always smiling and who is always ready to discover the world. I can be spontaneous, adventurous and risky but all the time I remain honest, reliable and trustful. I am definitely a one-man-woman and I am looking for sincerity in a relationship. Cheating is taboo for me. I am not a teenager and I am looking for serious attitude and not for flirting. If I see and feel that you really love me, I will show you heaven number nine and make you stay there forever! I like laughing and having fun with my friends. I like creating something new and enjoying life. I am a goal-oriented woman knowing what she wants so I also like reaching new levels and developing my abilities! Even if you are not interested in me I hope you will find your real love here. I wish everyone here to find big and mutual love. LOVE will save world.
Bruneta,ochi verzi,slabuta.
Caut barbat de virsta apropiata dragut care sa isi doreasca o relatie serioasa
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Clara Marya
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

Sunt o fata plina de viata,cu o potenta inepuizabila. Imi place aventura si nebunia vieii,dar totusi sunt si o fire romantica, ce stie sa gateasca...pot fi si o gospodina. Daca esti un mascul ce vrea sa isi traiasca viata,iti plac plimbarile si noptile pierdute in doi, cauta-ma!
Sunt slabuta. Nu destul de inalta....Sunt tot ce trebuie.
Aventura,discutii deschise despre indiferent ce subiect,plimbarii,noptii pierdute in daca devine serioasa treaba ,cu atat mai bn. Imi caut jumatatea ce ma completeaza.
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

I love singing and I am intense. O fire serioasa, rest urmeaza de testat.... Caut un barbat la fel de serios, sincer, cu facultate si...imi dau bine seama ca cei buni sunt aproape familiile lor, dar totusi cred ca undeva se afla UNUL pentru o prietena de o rara cumsecadenie, care n-o sa regrete nicicand ca m-a cunoscut. ROG SERIOZITATE!!! CEI FLUTURA VANT SA SE ABTINA!!!!!
I am beautiful and sexi.
I want the right person.
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

I am a woman who likes extreme, I like when my life sated by events and acquaintances. Most of all I like dialogue with people. I am a very vigorous and spontaneous woman... I must tell you that all my friends believe I bring luck and success. ..I guess Ia€™ll give you a kiss for luck if we meet one day.
nu raspund la mesaje cu favoruri sexuale
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Femeie, 56, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

sincera,cu bunul simt,timida, Calatoare prin viata, intr-o lume nebuna... p.s.: daca nu te incadrezi in descrierea lasata pe profil, daca nu ai poza de profil, daca esti insurat, daca ai trecut de limita de varsta(42), nu imi raspund
dragut cu simtul umorului,necasatorit
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

o fire care se supara greu,de gasca si glumeata Ia€™m a beloved, careful, loving woman. My man can always lean on me and my support as in sad as in joyful minute.I am very communicative, easy-going, optimistic woman who likes this life. I am active person, I lead healthy life style, I think I am kind, honest, sincere, tender and caring. I value friendship, love and mutual trust.
am forme misto,dar mai trebuie putin confectionat
tipi de gasca glumeti cu care sa se poata discuta despre orice,amici in toata regula
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Claudia eva
Femeie, 56, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

Libera in cautare de partener Franta. ...coasta de azur. Schimbam abordarea, pentru ca suntem prea amiabili. Intotdeauna, vor avea prioritate cei ce stiu sa domine. Sunt aici pentru singurul pretext pentru care cred ca suntem toti. Nu cred in "sentimente". Cred in carne. Ah, sa nu va prind ca ma luati cu "buna". Tare mi-e dorinta de un falus strasnic...
Partener de de Franta ....coasta de azur...nice
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

sociabila Sunt un simplu om cu bune si rele....ceea ce stiu e ca imi place a traiesc din nu se mai interpreteze....a trai din plin ,nu inseamna ma bucur de fiecare clipa a vietii...doar eu.............nonconformista si fara prejudecati!
o fata naturala
o retie serioasa
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

sunt o fire extrem vesela I am very active and cheerful. I love harmony and comfort. I am a cheerful woman and I can make your mood wonderful every day. My day always begins and ends with a smile on my face.Six Eight Two Six Two Eight Six Four Two Two, To be chatting more and get to know each other as well.
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

I come out as a strong woman with a great sense of humor, loyal, humble, honest, caring, devoted & most of all understanding person. I enjoy reading good books, swimming, fishing, horseback ridding & playing Tennis & Golf most on my weekend gate. I don't seek much in qualities in whom I need to meet but someone who is ready for a long term, devoted, loving, honesty & understanding is a great spark for my search!!!
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

ma numesc karina si abia astept sa vad ce putem face impreuna I am told to look like a little devil, but I am an angel indeed, I just have a very playful character and I am always easy going, cheerful, outgoing, life loving and sociable girl, who likes being up to date with worlds events and catch up with everything thata€™s going on. But even such an active person can feel lonely, be sure, the same as anyone in this world I need a person to hold me tight and tell me I am loved. I bet you feel the same at times, dona€™t you?
blonda slaba cu ochi caprui
un domn generos
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

nu ma pot descrie singura Sorry guys, this is me now, and I only respond if you are familiar with the German or English language!!! I have been testing someone and now I guess it's not worth the GAME anymore!! However, if you have a PIC' and you do not look like a PIG, then I might respond to you... Sure, it's the INSIDE of you which counts, but my eyes love beauty, so please respect that and don't waste my time! I know what I want, and it is "ALL or NOTHING!" I do not walk this Earth for the first time neither am I unconscious of the infinite Universe... LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT...You are about to meet a true HUMAN BEING and I came with the OLD CODE!!! Life is not a coincidence, it has a PAST and a FUTURE, and you are the WRITER of your own SCRIPT! Walk in PEACE and embrace the LIGHT!!! NAMASTE
sunt micuta dar draguta
pe cineva cu care sa pot vb
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

mmm no coment, nu are rost sa ma laud sau sa ma critic singura...las la aprecierea celor care ma vor vedea sau poate ,de ce vor cunoaste mai bine:D I am an easy going professional, sincere and honest woman. I like quiet evenings at home with my dogs, watching television, listening to music, science fiction, reading a book or having lively conversation. I have a good sense of humor. Don't hesitate to ask me anything.
Pai de fizicul meu ce pot sunt greasuta sunt slabuta, am ochii albastrii, intre 1,73-1,75 inaltime.
un b sarbatimpatic elegant cu buze dulci:D...., nu fie nu fie slab...
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

NU minciunii, NU ipocriziei si mult simt al umorului! Pana la urma. ...Viata e mult prea scurta incat sa nu o traim cum se cuvine si mut prea eleganta incat sa nu.i acordam ,cel putin, un zambet zilnic!
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

de treaba si o sa vedeti mai numeroase dupa ce vb cu mine k sa ma cunoasteti I am a fun-loving, happy and positive person. I cana€™t stand to see someone be sad, or be sad myself. I think we should try to be happy, literally, all the time. Why not? Life is too short! Ia€™m an intelligent girl who thinks through decisions thoroughly (sometimes, I might overthink a little). Ia€™m romantic a€“ I am the type of person who will send you roses at work just because I cana€™t wait to see you come home with a smile on your face. I treat my partner like hea€™s the last man on earth! Ia€™m looking for someone with whom I have physical chemistry. For me thata€™s where interest starts, but of course it doesna€™t end there. My ideal man is intelligent but not competitive about it, caring and warm. hea€™s sexy and knows it. hea€™s friendly, outgoing, and has a happy outlook on life. I want to find someone who I love for who he is, without wanting him to change in any way. I expect my match to feel the same way about me. I want to find the person I will spend the rest of my life with.
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Femeie, 70, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

consider ca sunt o persoana agreabila I am a very optimistic person. I like to smile and to laugh, and make others happy. I always hope for better. I think life is beautiful as long as you think so. I am positive that everything is possible in life.I am very friendly and adore kind, balance and intelligent. I am communicative and genuine person by nature. I appreciate home coziness and I am interested in social life. I have many friends and good family, but I feel lack of a exceptional person by my side who I can give all my care, warmth, love and tenderness. I want
un partener de viata serios pentru mai departe
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Femeie, 61, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

sunt o persoana sociabila,pretentioasa,cu caracter, I have a good complexion though with this age. Anyways, talking about my attributes being a person, I do love challenges, friendly, and adventurous type of woman. What I am hoping is that I could have a happy and wonderful life with a loving man and our future children. I want to get married and to start a complete family. I want to have a companion in my remaining years in this lifetime of mine, and I want to feel the countless happiness brought by pure and everlasting love
un barbat sa aibe simtul umorului,comunicativ,sociabil,educat
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Femeie, 54, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

Un om. I am very beautiful, lonely girl, who is looking for a good loving Man for all my life. I try to enjoy my life on full and use every chance to experience something new!! I am communicative and sensitive, a young girl who is tired to be alone!
Vezi foto.
Jumatatea mea.
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

sunt o persoana sociabila comunicativa in cautare de prieteni Sunt o doamna matura si serioasa pentru varsta mea tanara. Dar am trebuinta de mascul mai in varsta pentru a crea casnicie fericita. Cultura si traditiile mele m-au invatat sa ma ingrijesc de om! Pentru mine, omul este scopul meu in viata. Vreau sa creez o relatie iubitoare. Tu si cu mine ne vom ingriji si ne vom iubi unii pe altii. Sunt iubita veridica si de incredere si voi fi un sprijin pentru viitorul meu om in viata pana la sfarsit. Ii voi ataseaza mereu pe viitorul meu sot si il voi ajuta in nevoile lui. Sunt o prietena nemaivazuta si am necesitate de un astfel de barbat. Vreau sa fiu o echipa cu sotul meu si sa castig impreuna in toate situatiile de viata. Echipa iubitoare, parteneriatul si intelegerea reciproca este scopul meu in casatorie...
am 1,70cm
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Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Campulung, Arges Romania

Im Mary Spencer,29 years old,also I live in North Carolina,I being an adventure person, I figured I would write you and see what happens. I believe that fate deals us the cards and it is up to us to play it by our hands, I'm a very creative, caring,loyal,honest,generous and cool headed person.
Mariage and long term relationship
I need someone caring,generous,romantics,loyal,humble and honest man whom knows how to take care of women.
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