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Cupluri Dristor

Cele mai frumoase cupluri din Dristor care vor sex sunt aici pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 49, Casatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

eu Partenerul ideal...femeia ideala...Idealul, in sensul strict al cuvantului, este imposibil de atins, sau, daca nu imposibil, extrem rar. Poate individul ideal, barbat/femeie, se afla doar in povesti si in cer. A fi mereu nemultumit(a) de cel de aproape tine doar pentru ca nu intruneste condtile idealului, inseamna sa fii mereu trist(a), "ceva" va lipsi mereu. Eu nu sunt ideala, sunt mai pamanteana, cu bune si mai putin bune, dar nu-mi este rusine sa privesc in oglinda sufletului meu. Asa fiind, nu caut un mascul ideala, ci unul pe marime felului meu de a fi, cu speranta ca unul il poate desavarsita pe celalalt. Imi cer scuze, varsta mea reala este, este mult mai mica. Dintr-o eroare a aparut asa. Ceea ce spun, este adevarat !
rog fiintele de sex feminin sau cupluri sa se abtina!
vei afla
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

De treaba.Ccomunicativa. Sunt o femeie simpla sunt divortata recent am 2 baietei frumosi!!! nu doresc aventuri,eu sunt o fire vesela ,optimista,si putin rebela,.eu caut un mascul adevarat pt mine,si un tata bun pt copii mei!!!!
Eu ma numesc Maryna am25de ani.Caut o fata serioasa pentry o relatie de lunga durata.
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Femeie, 42, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

sunt o tipa plina de viata si foarte vesela sunt o persoana care apreciaza, bunul un simt al umorului bine dezvoltat,sincera.deschisa in absolut orice provocare..Caut un baiat.dragut,serios,simplu,care isi vrea cu adevarat o relatie serioasa..apreciat,iubit....sau gresesc?
persista sa descoperiti voi ...
caut o fata cu care sa ma imprietenesc. Fetelor va astept !!! Rog barbatii sa se abtina si le multumesc pentru intelegere.
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

NU minciunii, NU ipocriziei si mult simt al umorului! Pana la urma. ...Viata e mult prea scurta incat sa nu o traim cum se cuvine si mut prea eleganta incat sa nu.i acordam ,cel putin, un zambet zilnic!
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Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

o iubita interesanta Well, Im a very nice, honest, loving and down to earth person who loves to hangout with friends and especially with Loved ones. Im looking for someone i can trust,some to be there for me at this point in time, to fulfil my heart desire.
foarte sexy
stiu ce vreau o corespondenta pe toate planurile doresc sa i impartasesc toate fantasmele mele ei...
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Femeie, 46, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

sunt firul de nisip purtat de vant... .Welcome to my home, pull up a chair, have a cup of tea, lets chat and maybe become friends. Partea interioara decorating is one of my hobbies. A good cook, I enjoy entertaining friends & family. A bit of a daydreamer, I can travel to beautiful beaches & far away places without ever leaving my home. I love to gaze at the moon,the stars, all the beauty nature offers us. Holding hands, long walks, soft mood music, a little dancing, candlelit dinners, all singular things to me. I enjoy watching Football,& I like to fish. My theory is, if people had the same love & devotion to each other, as a pet to its owner, what a wonderful world it would be. Thanks for stopping by, enjoyed our chat
Las pe altii sa ma caracterizeze
"te caut darz si fara de folos/esti visul meu, din toate cel frumos/si nu-ndraznesc sa te dobor din cer gramada"
cupluri dristor
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

SaNT O FATA CU UN SIMT DEZVOLTAT AL UMORULUI SI CU O POFTA IMENSA DE A CUNOASTE NOI LOCURI I am an honest heart that\'s looking for a stable relationship,I understand it is important to lay down lasting foundations for a lasting relationship,I am an active person who enjoys cycling and running best. I believe keeping fit is important. I am not interested in games or drama,I enjoy fine dining and am always looking for someone to share the appreciation of good food and fine wine,I amjust as comfortable with my hair up in old jeans as with my hair down wearing my favorite little black dress,I love to dance:All styles, disco,house or swing
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

sunt extrem dornica de actiune, socializare, prietenie, iubire. Vor sa cunosc un mascul din Brasov , Covasna , Predeal, Sinaia fizic placut ,serios , curat , dichisit , gospodar de casa , distractiv . Sai placa drumetiile , plinbari in natura ,excursii un om cu suflet bun pentru o prietenie sincera .
Buna. Sunt frumoasa asa cum sunt.
Iubita caut barbat.
cupluri dristor
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

sunt o fire deschisa la orice,sociabila,de treaba Acea persoana care stie sa ofere:linistea, armonia, dragostea si intelegerea intr-o relatie, are un atuu.Plus,sa stie sa fie responsabil ,familist, calm,sa aibe simtul umorului ,sa fie tandru,sa existe chimie si ,comunicare intre noi,atunci,e masculul pe care-l caut sa mi fie alaturi. Sa fie acel barbat pe care abia astept sa -l vad cand vin acasa .
cupluri dristor
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Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

Pozitiva ,plina de speranta ,increzuta in sine si imi place tot ce este gratios in omenirea aceasta,in orice persoana caut intelect ,energie si sinceritate ,daca nu persista sinceritatea ,atunci celelalte calitati nu mai are rost sa le caut.
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

Beautiful, sociable and well educated. I am a fun, out-going, intelligent, open-minded woman who enjoys dancing and having a good time. Some of my hobbies are: photography, dancing, movies, No drama here and not looking for it. I want someone who can just be themselves and that is enough.
Beautiful, attractive...
Beautiful, warm, mannered and intelligent. I am the perfect choice in case you search for qualitative sex, erotic masaj or just nice company with nice and sexy girl. I'm open mind.
cupluri dristor
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

I am a very kind, romantic and creative girl! I lead an active lifestyle because I believe that sport is life! I am still very energetic, it can be understood because of my way of life, I try to be everywhere and always, and I manage everything thanks to my enthusiasm! Here I want to find a man to create a family! My cherished dream is to facute a big and happy family in a house that we will build ourselves! But unfortunately, I have never met only my beautiful man with whom I can fabricate a beautiful family.
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Monalisa mona
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

Bruneta Toti scriem,toti citim,toti ne vedem perfecti (sau cel putin pe aproape)insa nu stiu cum facem ca la capitolul situatie civila ,cred ca circa 90% suntem neimplicati in vreo relatie si cand sa vezi......mai toti "singuri in 2"....vai,vai,vai........oare sa-i felicit ca sunt capabili sa traiasca intr-un intocmai infern sau sa ii las sa imi faca capul patrat desi mama a avut grija la nasterea mea sa mi-l rotunjeasca?.....inca nu m-am hotarat,dar am tot momentul din lume......:)
Un partener de viata
cupluri dristor
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

Friends & Family Health & Fitness Travel and Holidays. Camping & 5 Star My hope of meeting someone I think is amazing inside and out. Like playful banter and all of the emotional, intellectual and physical side of a relationship. Will never see myself as too old to do anything and looking to live life to its fullest. After you get to know me you will also see me as loyal, loving and strong ethically. Hopefully the above rings true for you and you send me a KISS.
cupluri dristor
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Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

I am a good and cool lady who is friendly and like hanging out with family and friends. I like communication and likes to joke. I am new to this internet thing, i am on a try for a luck. I am only 5'6 tall, average and sportive. I like to meet someone who would like me as i am .
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

I am just an ordinary girl who has a lot to share and a lot of good qualitys , such as a good heart and a good character. I am loyal, modest, cheerful and honest woman. I had enough sad moments in my life, including loss of my parents, divorce and others but there were also many happy days and the most happiest was when my son was born. I am a good mother and very caring person. I appreciate trust in relations and do not like lie and meanness. In childhood I dreamed about being a designer of fashion clothes. But I became a manager in the real estate agency. We never know where life will bring us to. As well as we do not know when and where we will meet our love.I dream about going to Paris, the city of love. I am easy-going and down-to-earth woman. I am hardworking and economic. I am always ready to help others because I know how important to have someone close when you are in a bad situation. I will give all my support and care to my future husband. If you look for loving and faithful wife, I wait for you. I miss tenderness, love, care and attention in my life. I look for the man who will want to give all that to me. He should be sincere and kind. I will never accept rudeness and cruelness in my family. I am very soft and look for the man who will appreciate and cherish me, who will make me feel a lady, who will treat me with love and be generous. My future husband should also love children and put our family first. I want us to share each other's interests and spend a lot of time together t
I think I don't look bad, maybe interesting...
I look for quality men who know what they want from life, not just young and selfish kids.I need a man who can be there for me and stand up for me, caring, loving, honest and serious.Or maybe I am asking too much??
cupluri dristor
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

I would also like to find a like-minded male,open minded as well as down to earth who likes to enjoy life to the fullest,where we can participate in activities together and encourage each other to pursue their interests as well
cupluri dristor
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

Buna te astept sa ma descoperi daca vrei un frectie de recreere esti stresat te astept sa vb mai multe I like to share,communicate and develop strong bases for pleasant actual life and future. All of my life I am trying to knock into the people's souls not through words. I can consider Love as a superior way of friendship and I learnt long ago that the taste depends not so on the ingredients and the emotions you put inside. I have family values. A very warm and friendly person who is always optimistic about life. I'm very considerate with very good manners !Who can be both serious and humorous and like to see the funny side of things.I'm very quiet in a group of people. I am a better listener than anything. And can sometimes get uncomfortable talking about myself.
Desfatatoare cu simtul umorului
Buna te astept sa vorbim
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Poze verificate
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

FLIRTUL este ceea ce il lasi tu sa fie. Asa se explica faptul ca flirtul reprezinta lucruri diferite pentru oameni diferiti. In timp ce pentru unii flirtul e un lucru destul de sexual si pretios, fiind rezervat doar pentru ochii unora si in niciun caz ceva acceptabil in public, pentru altii e de a dreptul vulgar si rusinos, iar altii il considera un JOCULET CU TOTUL INOFENSIV, care poate fi ''jucat'' aproape in orice context. Astfel, daca e sa observi zece oameni diferiti flirtand, vei descoperi nu numai moduri deosebite de a o face, ci si contexte si abordari diferite.Ca indiferent ce JOCULET, si FLIRTUL are niscai reguli pe care e bine sa le stii dinainte. Cateva dintre ele sunt stiute, altele mai putin.Flirtul nu este un scop in sine. Daca iti propui doar sa ai o conversatie, nu mai e atat de mare presiunea, si lucrurile vor curge mai natural.Flirtul NU este o piesa cu un singur personaj. e un JOC DE DOI si reciprocitatea este esentiala. Asa ca nu uita sa il lasi si pe el sa raspunda si sa initieze subiecte, in aceeasi masura in care faci si tu asta. Pentru femei, aceasta INFIDELITATE EMOTIONALA este mult mai dureroasa, la fel cum pentru barbati este mult mai putin semnificativa decat e inselatul la un grad fizic. Pana la urma, este greu de crezut ca se afla o singura persoana care sa ne indeplineasca toate NEVOILE EMOTIONALE ; faptul ca avem nevoie sa flirtam cu altii e cat se poate de omenesc. Fireste, depinde de fiecare cuplu in parte sa stabileasca granitele comportamentului de flirt pe care le tolereaza. Dupa o astfel de negociere, cele doua parti trebuie sa fie multumite si sa nu existe, pe cat se poate, senzatia de compromis!:)
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

sunt buna rau Nu-mi place sa ma descriu, dar de data asta o voi face. Sunt un barbat bine, de o virilitate iesita din comun, hiperactiv sexual, un bun si loyal prestator de servicii. Nu gresesc, nu cer, ba ofer, nu vorbesc neintrebat, nu astept raspunsuri, nu pun intrebari. Cuminte, cu bun simt, atent, manierat, calm si generos.
sexy, forme, tot ce vrei..
un mascul care stie ce vrea.
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Femeie, 55, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

Iubitoare de frumos. The very thought of you And I forget to do The little ordinary things that everyone ought to do I'm living in a kind of daydream I'm happy as a queen And foolish though it may seem to me that's everything The mere idea of you The longing here for you You never know how slow the moments go Till I'm near to you I see your face in every flower Your eyes in stars above It's just the thought of you The very thought of you My love
O persoana care sa ma faca fericita pe termen nedeterminat.
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

Italian single woman , goodlooking, good sense of humour, family fond, deeply into culture, searching for similar human being ... nov 2007: is there any 50 - 55 old, single, professor (university or highschool) of romenian or italian literature or arts who wants to visit italy? only serious requests, thank you - grazie!
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

As dori sa fiu contactata doar de persoane cu bun simt..INTERZIS persoanelor care doresc emotii asta sunt alte site-uri care sa va satisfaca vor ceea ce meritati.. Decenta este o haina prea eleganta pe care nu o poate purta oricine... Ramai calm in indiferent ce situatie, caci linistea ta inseamna putere....!!
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

asa cum sant.... ...My personality type tends toward being I'm outgoing people would most often describe me energetic, loving,caring, extremely emotional, bubbly, understanding, very supportive, very caring and warm, very passionate and loving, easy going and down to earth.
se va vedea la fata locului
caut un el,
cupluri dristor
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

Simpatica, sincera, nu-mi plac fitzosii Ma plimb pe aici in speranta sa gasesc un barbat destept si cu bun simt si care sa vrea o singura relatie - stabila. ...................................................... "Daca zambesc reprezinta ca ma bucur; Daca te caut inseamna ca mi-e dor; Daca te ajut inseamna ca imi pasa; Daca intreb inseamna ca ma intereseaza; Daca ofer inseamna ca meriti; Daca cer inseamna ca am nevoie; Daca spun inseamna ca vreau sa stii."
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

hot Nu prin cateva cuvinte prea succinte sau generale poate fi caracterizata o persoana, ci prin amprenta pe care o lasa in trecerea ei prin lume. NB: semn zodiacal - fecioara. Simplu si clar, asand metaforele si subantelesurile lor la o parte, ceea ce caut la concubinul meu este sa fie: mai inalt de 1,75, cu studii superioare, activ, manierat, pozitiv si cu initiativa. Daca nu va potriviti acestei descrieri, nu are rost sa ne pierdem momentul reciproc. ;)
hot hot
o nurca pretioasa in dulap,un jaguar stilat in garaj,un tigru salbatic in pat si un magar sa le plateasca pe toate...:)))
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Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

Intreaba-ma! Am accesat acasta pagina pentru ca am decis sa-mi schimb viata .. Am considerat ca poate fi o sansa sa gasesc acel barbat capabil sa umple un gol ramas in suflet de ceva vreme , sa ma faca sa rad , sa ma simt implinita , sa simt ca apartin celui mai adevarat om de pe planeta , de incredere, simpatic si cel mai bun prieten totodata. Stiu ce ofer si stiu ce astept . Am avut timp sa demonstrez cine sunt si cred sa fi reusit. Sigur ca gusturile nu se discuta , dar , ca sa fiu mai explicita nu ma adresez unor masculi mult sub varsta mea oricat de realizati ar fi , aratosi sau potenti. Ma adresez unui mascul care a creat ceva in viata , este solitar momentan si ravneste o relatie serioasa, de durata, care apreciaza familia traditionala si pretuieste si sufletul unei femei si personalitatea ei nu doar aspect sau averea . Asa incat rog politicos toti potentialii pretendenti sa citeasca cu atentie profilul meu si sa ma contacteze doar daca cred ca ar fi ceea ce caut . Multumesc . Succes tuturor!!!!
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

Sunt o fata care ii plac drumetiile,calatoriile si numeroase cumparaturi. I am a cheerful lady... with a good sense of humor. My smile Smile illuminates this world , my eyes glisten on seeing the stars in the sky , my soul sings hearing the noise of the waves . My heart starts to beat faster with anticipation of something new and unknown . I love photography. It's my hobby and a part of my life . Because you can see parts of your life which you will never forgeta love couples ... the beauty of our nature.. peoples smilesa
Bomba :)
Caut o relatie serioasa poate si o casatorie cu partenerul potrivit.
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

Eu ma stiu destul de bine :)) daca vrei afla si vei vedea I am a serious woman and i need a serious man close to me I want to have a family..this is my only one dream..just be happy,true love,true feelings i like honest people,i hate lie.. its very hard to get a serious man this i looking for something special and for all my life
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

I am family-oriented, friendly and very communicative person by nature, warm-hearted, faithful, honest and trustworthy, intelligent, loving and caring by nature. I love children and appreciate a good sense of humor, genuine in my wish to meet a man for life with whom I feel easy and who will let me be myself when we are together.
sa ma iubeasca,romantic si in acelasi tip pervers
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

imi plac masculi dar si femeile, vreau sa ma distrez, vreau sa explorez toate posibilitatile I am extremely romantic, loving and passionate woman. I am hard working and stubborn when I want to achieve my goals and dreams. I am family-oriented.. Seeking a serious true heart who is trustworthy and understanding, who is ready to have his own family. That one man i can share my thoughts and explore the world of love with..
super buna
pasiune, inteligenta si respect.
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

i'm very pretty! :) I am very beautiful, lonely girl, who is looking for a good loving Man for all my life. I try to enjoy my life on full and use every chance to experience something new!! I am communicative and sensitive, a young girl who is tired to be alone!
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

nu ne comportam si nu suntem ca atare la fel perceputi de nimeni in acelasi putem fi numai intr un anume fel.diferenta o face conjunctura,momentul ,persoana si dispozitia noastra care poate genera un anume tip de comportament.suntem mereu diversi....deci eu nu pot spune ca sunt numai ,,asa,,...
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

It\'s quite difficult to write about oneself when you know that aothersa will be judging you on what you write - huh. Anyway, I would describe myself as honest, loyal and compassionate kind of woman who is quiet, somewhat reserved and a great till hoping something \"mind-blowing\" is not an impossible dream! Life is a little less fun than I wish for.I am caring, compassionate and passionate about being he best I can be with what I have.. I like to dine out at a really nice place, or have a night out occasionally. I try to have a weekend away regularly
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Andra Rosianu
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

Sunt o nevasta naturala trecuta prin numeroase in viata , cu speranta in mai bine si umpluta de umor .Imi caut jumatatea pe care am pierduto . Caut seriozitate .Cine vrea ma poate gasi pe mes . Am idiul aurica.ifrim si vor bun simpt si seriozitate . Multumesc .Doresc un mascul serios , de ani apropiati si o inaltime peste 180 . Va astept ...Doresc o persoana draguta si cu suflet mare asa cum sunt si eu . Sa ne intelegem sa ne respectam si sa ne iubim pina la adincii batrinete !!! .
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

O fire foarte jucausa DoarEu... Și atat...sincera,onesta plina de dragoste si iubire pentru persoana care stie sa ofere, iubire, dragoste, atentie, antiviolent in vorbire si fizic.... Anii sunt niste cifre.... Inima si mintea conteaza sa ramana mereu tinere...
Un partener
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

Fotograf. Zodia Taur. Sunt o sotie cu abilitati creativ-constructive, utile pentru a face viata de zi cu zi interesanta si placuta! Caut un mascul normal, cu gandirea limpede, care sa stie ce vrea si ce nu vrea si pe care sa nu-l intereseze DOAR sexul!
Sunt jumate. Si am necesitate de inca o jumatate Visatoare dar si realista.. romantica si pasionala.. sociabila.. si mereu in patratzica mea.. nu fac fitze, nici figuri. Decat daca altfel nu se poate...
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Femeie, 44, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

Comunicativa, vesela,optimista ... Naturala spre superba (vorbesc despre caracter) si modesta :)) El trebuie sa fie placut, inteligent, sincer, serios dar nu foarte, sa ii placa sa isi rasfete femela de impreuna el... Oricat am scrie noi aici, totul este dat peste cap cand intervine chimia. Chimia intervine cand lasam on-line-ul deoparte si iesim sa dam piept cu viata reala...
Un tip comunicativ, destept...
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

Sunt pregatita sa cunosc barbati! This is where I get to tell you all about myself and try not to tell too many lies, lol, only kidding. If I was to use just one word to describe me it would be ?Integrity?. Your word is your bond and without it you have nothing worthwhile. My friends would tell you that I am honest, sincere, loyal, up front and don?t play games. A new term called ?WYSIWYG? is the best all around way to describe who and what I am. It stands for What You See Is What You Get.
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

Fire sociabila, independenta, vesela. I am socialable and adorable character.I love life and have a huge variety of tastes,enjoy being casual and easy-going,I love the outdoors.i have a good sense of humor, which can often throw people off, but I'm always able to laugh things off, which I have found to be a necessity in today's world.I'm educated, but not a snob.I'm charming, smart, good family values, morals and family ties. honest, responsible and devoted as well.kind, giving, passionate and believe in treating others the way he want to be treated. have a good family life, friends and relatives, but am ready to share all of these with someone special.I am a woman who is caring honest and understnad.I need a man who is caring honest and intelligent also i need a man who will love me for who i am and not what i have.
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

carpe diem :D I come out as a strong woman with a great sense of humor, loyal, humble, honest, caring, devoted & most of all understanding person. I enjoy reading good books, swimming, fishing, horseback ridding & playing Tennis & Golf most on my weekend gate. I don't seek much in qualities in whom I need to meet but someone who is ready for a long term, devoted, loving, honesty & understanding is a great spark for my search!!!
normal :)
socializare :)
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Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

Sunt tepoasa...nebuna...lista continua...:) Sunt o femeie serioasa sensibila romantica dar care n o prostesti usor..ami vor o relatie serioasa cu un mascul bine,serios , fara vicii si aiba ochi doar pt mine....daca se poate....deci ! Sa ma iubeasca asa cum sa aiba vigilenta de schimb ai voi oferi iubirea mea ceea ce pt un barbat ar necesita sa fie suficient. Seriozitate la maxim , si daca e seriozitate vine si Iubire la mare intensitate !....Subliniez : Fiti oameni seriosi !
Satena,ochi caprui...restul AFLA...
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

Nu e trebuinta singura,fara obligatii,caut relatie serioasa cu un domn educat si cu caracter,capabil sa ma iubeasca asa cum sint(cu bune si rele),cu virsta intre 55 -62 ani,sa fie din apropiere sau Germania(Nürnberg oder Fürth).
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

sar de la o extrema la alta....f des When I cook, I think that I am great housewife, when dressed and look at mirror, I am the most sexy and beautiful ,friends tell me I am shining of humor! So when I am with you i want be the most happiest person ! I Make friends with those who are - friends, I want make love with those who able touch my heart!
opusul meu
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

caci d-zeu mi-a dat sa scriu\"aceste \" rinduri.Credeam.Numai sa privesc la public,Si poate,Din umbra unei terase, intr-o dupa amiaza Tacuta,cu soare,va trece o pasare,departe... Ca printr-un parc.. Gindeste-te atunci La fastuosul basm.
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Dristor, Bucuresti Romania

mai bine ma intrebi I am a gracious and sincere woman with good morals and a caring personality. The best way to describe myself would be that I am a happy woman; Apart from that I work as a the make-up aryist which I enjoy very much. My work colleagues are like my second family, I guess because I am a warm and honest woman people tend to grow close to me. I am honest and I say things how they are, I am also a great believer that life is precious and needs to be lived to the fullest and this is why I am here, looking for my piece of happiness. I am ready to love and be loved back as well give my everything to the other person. What I value the most is confidence, openness and honesty in people.
satisfacator zic eu
nici eu nu stiu,poate acul in carul cu fan!
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