Sunt sociabil cu simtul umorului, imi place vacantele, stau bine financiar, am casa mea, masina etc, momentan lucrez in Uk am functie de manager la o fabrica si am 28 de ani.. am de gand sa imi gasesc o relatie serioasa si in curand sa ma retrag in tara
Astept mesajul tau si hai sa ne cunoastem! Placut
Sunt o fire romantica , open mind, cu simtul umorului dezvoltat si sper sa intalnesc fata potrivita constitutie atletica , 1,75 m saten , ochi caprui ... o fata decenta , serioasa , care e pregatita pentru o relatie serioasa ... chiar casatorie
About us.... Well we both have professional jobs. But that is about to change:) we have started our own company and it is going very well. Currently we live in Texas about a block away from the sea. We are looking at moving to Florida for about 9 months in Florida and the rest in Europe. Hmm tall with just enough muscles... and tiny and cute sums us up:)