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Curve In Orsova

Cele mai sexy curve din Orsova sunt aici pe site-ul de matrimoniale Intra si tu!
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

Its me wynes,am 31years old,from knowle in bristol uk,I want u to know tht it will be ma greatest placere to meet you and know you better,because i know that..\"The purity and trueness of love through an Internet relationship far passes that of one based on physical contact,and I am glad that i have come across u ..but I have always wanted the love of my life to be understanding, loving, caring, faithful and most of all someone who would accept me for who I am..I\'m a touchy-feely type of woman...I like to kiss and hug, and cuddle, but I won\'t smother you. I\'m an honest, thoughtful, caring, clean, independant, fun, one man woman. Full of energy I like dancing to the oldies or country music, walking on the beach & boardwalk, going to the theatre, traveling, roller coasters, horseback riding, dining in or out, or just working around the house. I enjoy spending time with the man in my life but also allow him free time for himself. I\'m in a position to go anywhere, so distance is no problem. soreel me in so I don\'t get away. You\'ll have a good catch if you do.The key to my heart will be the man who wants to be close to me, holding hands, hugging, spending OUR time together doing the things we both like to do, like seeing a good movie, working out, or just sitting at home nestled in front of a tv on a cold winter nite..A man with some energy, not a couch potato. He needs to be a well groomed, thoughtful, caring, a happy with himself man, that likes to talk as well as listen, who wants a friend that leads to love, that accepts as well as gives. One who wants only one woman in his arms. I\'ll be faithfull to you, and will be there when you need an ear that listens. Kissing you when you least expect it, that kiss goodnite and another when you wake, and the big hug when needed most.
curve in orsova
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

las la apecierea ta :-*:-*:-*:-*:-* My name is mable,i am 32 years Old, black hair, Gray eyes, My height is 5 feet,7 inches.i weight 58kg.,Long Hair and a healthy Lady. 58kg.,Long Hair and a healthy Lady. self-confident, psychologically aware, emotionally and financially secure. and I am a Student and i am Study Accounting,i have no Kids and Never here looking for love
curve in orsova
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

ok... sono una ragazza molto dolce anke se a volte stronza con ki se lo merita... ho una migliore amica fantastica e le voglio un bene dell'anime.. sono single e non so se è una fortuna per voi..^_^ un bacio contattatemi..
Nu imi sta in caracter sa ma laud ... anyway ... societatea spune ca arat bine!!!
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

sunt o fata de treaba .... I am a very sensitive woman but strong in mind and independent.I love and respect family background and its values.I love nature with beautiful small villages.I enjoy reading,cooking,going fishing and gardening in my free time.And traveling is one of my big dreams in my life !
arat bine
sunt deschisa la orice fel de provocare....
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

sunt sensibila, comunicativa... sa rad, sa glumesc, sa citesc, sa dansez, sa merg la film, imi place viata in aer liber, sa calatoresc, ...asta ar fii lista a ceeace imi place sa fac in viata. Ce caut: cineva sa ma pot intelege si sa am o relatie de prietenie si sa (re)intemeiez o relatie durabila, o familie.
curve in orsova
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

Sunt sensibila dar in acelasi timp si extrem dura. In rest mai vorbim si ne cunoastem.Nu? I'm single never been married with no kids, I don't smoke, I drink occasionally (wine). I'm just a normal lady a caring lovable lady that seeking for something simple and I am a lady that prefer giver than a taker. I'm seeking for someone caring, Lovable, honestly, trustworthy and a man that I can be trusted. I'm looking for a strong man with a gentle heart that I can stand by in Good time and bad.I seek a man who is willing to share, a man that is sweet, a man that would appreciate a nice kiss early in the morning, that would appreciate being dressed up for work in the morning and breakfast in the morning, a man that would respect me and understand me always be there for me.
Este suficient sa spun SEXY
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

Sunt o persoana sociabila,loiala,cocheta ,bine intentionata,sensibila si corecta.Daca esti un om serios,cu un caracter puternic, un om care stie sa pretueasca si sa aprecieze femeia de aproape el,bine intentionat,loial,onest si fara multe vicii,cauta-ma!
cine stie cunoaste ;)........
...persoane cu care sa poti conversa...
curve in orsova
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

Simpla...asta sunt eu cu calitati si defecte... ............................???????????? e modest sunt eu:)nu caut nimic numai interpretati gresit daca suntem aici nu neaparat cautam ceva macar de ar fi ceva pe aici serios:) Va multumesc pt vizite si voturii:)
las la este elegant ce e frumos...este frumos ceea ce iti place...
Comunicare,prietenie poate ceva mai mult cine stie?
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Femeie, 25, Casatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

O PERSOANA DESTUL DE NORMALA,CU BUN SIMT,EDUCATA Le admir fara retinere pe frantuzoaice au o mare grija de ele,si imbatranesc cu gratie..sunt tonice si emana o frumusete special !! Imi place gandirea si corectitudinea nemtoaicelor,respectul si cuvantul dat Cred in sufletul romancelor,cald si plin de iubire,glumet si plin de viata !! Aceasta sunt EU...trei in unul !!!!
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

You have to be prepared to meet the most passionate and adventurous girl. Why be prepared? Because not every man can handle this. I will not pretend to be as everybody, because I am not, and I want to show this at once. But you won't be bored.
curve in orsova
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

Ambitioasa,incapatanata,ador surprizele si tot odata sa le ofer...imi plac riscurile ...imi plac ranile provocate de ca ma fac nebuna si in acelasi timp ma maturiseaza. If you are looking for something really special here, you have finally found the right profile! Nice to meet you! And it would be even better to meet you in reality! I think I should let you know that I am a simple woman in the real sense of it and would stand by my man no matter what. I believe in the principle of love, once you are in it then you have to make it work as the younger generation these days do not seem to know what that is about. I can say that I'm elegant, sweet, very communicative, and naturally young lady! I know exactly what I want from life and one of my greatest desires is to meet my partner and make him the happiest in the universe! I'm ready for a serious relationship. Live happy every day! That's my motto, it helps to find something that I can be thankful for every day! Because we only live once, we should appreciate small and simple things that happen to us every day. I enjoy good food, wine and an interesting conversation.
complicat de simpla,copilaros de matura, amuzant de serioasa, reflexiva si cu o personalitate destul de puternica...ce caut? sa fac prostii si sa scap neprinsa...intr-un cuvint "o caut"...uneori chiar si cu luminarea...problema e ca intatdeauna trebuie sa explice.
caut persoana potrivita si compatibila ,caut iubire si afectiune as dori ca persoana gasita sa fie nebuna,rebela ,zapacita ,imprevizibila..... sa ma surprinda in fiecare moment cu ceva nou.
curve in orsova
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

Sunt o persoana educata discreta si dornica de a cunoaste marea iubire Ich bin nicht auf der Suche nach dem charmanten Prinzen oder dem Ritter, wie wir es oft in den Filmen sehen, aber ich suche jemanden, der zuerst auf der Erde ist und Kopf an den Schultern ist, der eine ziemlich große Anschaffung von Reife und eine ziemlich große Vorstellung vom Leben, ein ernsthafter aufrichtiger Mann, der weiß, was er will und was er von einer Frau erwartet, einem einfachen Mann, der ehrlich und treu für eine ernsthafte und dauerhafte Beziehung ist ... angenehm s absehen.
un mascul educat si asumat
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

poi va las pe voi sa ma cunosteti mai bne:P Sunt o fiinta normala, atragatoare cand e posibil, antipatica cand e necesar. Cred ca pacea in sufletul fiecaruia, ceea ce inseamna sa nu porti ranchiuna nimanui, sa ierti si sa accepti defectele ca de pilda calitatile la o alta persoana, este cea mai importanta pentru viata de zi cu zi. Salutari la toata societatea
Nimik deosebit
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

ca sa ma cunoastetzi tre sa treceti "vama"...:P:P Sunt o persoana tonica, dinamica, cu simtul umorului , optimista, draguta si inteligenta (deloc modesta) . Caut un mascul normal, sa ne plimbam in parc , sa mergem la munte, sa comentam un film bun, o carte, sa bem o cana de ceai sau vin....., depinde de situatie
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

o sa descoperiti voi If you are looking for something really aparte here, you have finally found the right profile! Nice to meet you! And it would be even better to meet you in reality! I think I should let you know that I am a simple woman in the real sense of it and would stand by my man no matter what. I believe in the principle of love, once you are in it then you have to make it work as the younger generation these days do not seem to know what that is about. I can say that I'm elegant, sweet, very communicative, and naturally young lady! I know exactly what I want from life and one of my greatest desires is to meet my partner and make him the happiest in the universe! I'm ready for a serious relationship. Live happy every day! That's my motto, it helps to find something that I can be thankful for every day! Because we only live once, we should appreciate small and simple things that happen to us every day. I enjoy good food, wine and an interesting conversation.
placut,foarte placut
un barbat frumos,cu bani si care stie sa se poarte cu femeile
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

"mandra care-i faina tare t inseala pana moare..."si unde mai punem ca am ochii verzi..."p mandra cu ochii verzi nicicand s nu o crezi..."....sunt asa cum sunt... I want to see your smile every morning, kiss you everywhere i want, hold your hand and think about you all the time ! Do you see the thruth through all their lies ? And if you want to talk about it anytime - Write! On you it depend!
nu ma consider o persoana frumoasa,nici nu sunt!!sunt asa cum trebuie....uneori urata,alteori frumoasa...!!ok.....cum arat??chiar conteaza???ma rog...pai sunt brunete,ochii verzi,1, simpatika,asa mi s-a spus......
caut un mascul care s nu fie nesimtit,pervers,ipocrit,infidel.....adik s nu aiba "calitatile"barbatului "modern" din ziua d azi...cine nu s indentifica s nu ma contacteze...
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

dragutza....doar u potzi decide daca e asa cum spun eu fire vesela,zambitoare,nu fumez,sincera ,onestaiubesc adevarul urasc minciuna,romantica iubesc calatoriile,nu sunt bogat a in banii ci doar in un suflet bun si curat sa stiti ca nu am abonament,deci nu pot conversa cu toti favoriti multumesc pt.intelegere fire vesela zambitoare, un baiat de 32ani iubesc frumosul si calatoriile urasc minciuna respect si vreau respect,nu fumez,romantica,bogata in un suflet bun nu in banii restul mai vedem....... sa stiti ca nu am abonament deci nu pot conversa cu toti favoriti,multumesc pt.intelegere. t,
cat de cat am
sa imi fac prietenii si cine stie....
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

nebunica,cu simtu umorului,in cautare de nou. I am normal blond, hazel eyes, a great sense of humor, associative, jolly girl. I believe in love at first sight. My heart is open for sincere feelings, I do not like people with malicious intent and hate lie. I am kind, honest, loyal and compliant person. I dream about my little world, where I can love and be loved.
cred k placut...
un barbat dragut cu ochi albastri si brunet...
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gagyca mony
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

cum ma vezi....!!! Salut! Sunt foarte bucuros ca gasit acest site. Imi place acest site si sper ca voi gasi o persoana cu care ar fi o grava corespondenta sau chiar o relatie serioasa. Numele meu este Anna. Sunt atractive si natura fata, imi place sa aiba prieteni noi. Sunt 24 de ani. Sper ca pot gasi aici nu numai un prieten, ci o persoana cu care am putea avea o relatie. Sunt foarte sociabil si receptiv femeie. Intotdeauna am fost capabili de a comunica bine cu oamenii si imi place de a comunica cu oameni interesanti. Imi place de animale. Eu nu am casa la casa. Pentru ca nu imi place sa eliminati de animale. Dar imi place sa te uiti la vaci, oi si cai. Este un extrem bun casa. Imi va face placere sa vorbesc despre animale, de asemenea. Am numeroase interese. Imi place a asculta muzica, ma uit la TV, plimbare in parc, se implice in sport. Sambata am fugit in parc. Acest lucru este de a faciliteaza sanatate. Eu nu am de obiceiurile rele si cred ca as fi destul de dificil, daca as fi fumat sau de baut alcool. N-am fumat si nu folositi alcool si au intrebuintat niciodata droguri. Cred ca aceasta este o dificultate foarte mare pentru oameni. Pentru ca oamenii care folosesc alcool si droguri, nu au o situatie buna de sanatate si de foarte multe ori au dificultati in familie. Am multe rude si eu sunt foarte alipit de rudele lor. Nu rareori se vedea familiile lor. Cred ca voi fi foarte incitant daca spui despre tine. Cele mai stapaniti de gand sa scrie pentru a-mi mai multe As dori scrisoarea dumneavoastra. Spune-ne despre hobby-uri. Despre unde stai si ce faci. As fi fericit sa stiu despre obiceiurile si modul in ceea ce posedati relatii in viata dumneavoastra. As fi bucuros daca vom trimite-mi lor fotografii. Cred ca se uita nu sunt importante pentru om, dar atunci cand stii cum o persoana care arata ca un om cu o mult mai captivant sa-i vorbeasca. Cred ca ar fi foarte bine daca trimiteti fotografii, nu doar in sine, ci si din orasul tau. De asemenea, voi trimite aceste fotografii. Cred ca o astfel de comunicare va fi foarte bine daca ai scrie-mi mai multe si trimiteti-mi lor fotografii. Am o multime de fotografii bune. Cred ca de profil de pe site-ul nu se poate spune despre o persoana mai mare decat o persoana se poate spune despre mine. Cred ca trebuie sa-i spuneti despre mine insumi. Eu lucrez ca manager la firma de la vanzarile de alcool. Imi place munca mea, pentru ca eu platesc bani buni si este interesant de lucru. ? As fi fericit daca as scrie, barbatii care doresc relatii serioase, sau doresc sa aiba un prieten. Eu nu sunt cautati pentru sex. Sper ca nu voi primi scrisori de la oameni care sunt in cautarea de sex Cred ca voi fi foarte dificil de a comunica in vivastreet, astfel incat sa puteti scrie-mi la e-mail - cred ca ar fi mai bine daca nu voi scrie pe e-mail. I-mi doresc foarte mult pentru a scrie mai mult si de a scrie, de fapt, oamenii care doresc relatie serioasa si vrei sa prietenie. Scrie-mi! Voi raspunde la toate scrisorile de la persoanele care doresc sa aiba de prietenie cu mine, sau se cauta o relatie serioasa! E-mail-ma. Putem fi un foarte bun corespondenta! Anna.
destul de placut
sa imi fac prietenii
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

Sunt buna, prietenoasa. nU sunt egoista si suparacioasa sensibila, draguta, cu picioarele pe pamant si mai ales care sta pe propriile picioare... Caut o relatie cu o persoana serioasa, care locuieste in Germania sau in apropiere si ravneste o prietenie sincera.
Sunt sexy, dragutza si numeroase ale calitati
caut un baiat dragutz bun si prietenos cu care sa nu ma plictisesc
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

noncomformista...imi place sa traiesc viata la mare I may appear as a bit of a shy and sensitive girl at first, but if you allow me to get to know you, then you'll soon discover why I save the best of myself for people that I hold dear. Time is the most valuable thing that we can give each other. I'll appreciate a moment of your time and you writing to me if you are interested. Just say "hi".
Buna rau....asa zic majoritatea
caut un barbat sa ma satisfaca,sa imi acorde toata atentia cuvenita!
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

ma descoperi I'm not a body with a soul, I'm a soul that has a visible part called body. Iar daca esti aici sa-ti umpli momentul sau alte motive de genul, te rog ignora-mi profilul, fa-mi o favoare si nu ma face sa-mi pierd eu timpul
buna si mai buna
mai vedem dupa o discutie
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

eu sunt eu,o fire deschisa,nonconformista I have great sense of humor and laugh at myself all the time. i would like to meet someone who is caring, sweet and loving.... I am a very caring, friendly person open for love and serious relationship. I am also an intelligent lady with a good sense of humor. I am a joyful and have pretty emotional personality along with feelings of compassion and empathy.
nu zic nimic
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Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

sunt o persoana dinamica,incapatanata,intelegatoare,iubitoare...........foarte dificila I am just a simple girl and have an extremely good sense of humor. I like living life on the edge. I find that this makes life more exciting. This is why I always go for the things I want! I am not very picky, when I feel right about the person I open myself to
caut baietii pt prietenie.......
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

placuta I\'m very Cheerful girl with open heart. I prefer active lyfestyle. I am family-oriented girl, who wants to love and to be loved! I hope, that this my little but very sweet dream will come true one day!
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simonik dulcik
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

So true life is what you make of It, usually people at the new Year eve are busy with revaluating their life, remembering which consiquences were caused by what actions or decisions, trying to make a new prospective and make a plan for tomorrow and a life after, but for me this turning point is today, so what I made of my life so far: made my choice for education- now have even two jobs that help me to discover all sides of my personality- I use my thirst for knowledge working as a teacher in college, and let my creativity out at the performance agency, have an active life, my days are longer than 24 hours, still have time for my favourite books, reazlied my home is where my heart is, know the real meaning of a family, open to life, to new horizonsa still singlea still a dreamera still perfectionist
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

sociabila...comunicativa Imi caut UN PRIETEN-65-79 ani necasatorit ,baimarean, ca sa ne petrecem impreuna momentul liber,(plimbari,scurte excursii, spectacole, etc.) si sa ne ajutam reciproc in caz de nevoie- .Nu vorbesc cu barbatii casatoriti sau indecisi Prefer sa locuiasca in baia mare sau la mica distanta de oras.
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

Sunt o iubita care cauta casatorie .imi place distractia si munca je suis une femme chrétien j'ai 30 ans Je suis une femme calme élégante, honnête, optimisme, savoir vivre, charmante, culture du bonheur, générosité, gentille sensible, fidèle, Mes talent sont: je sais aimer et je suis très patiente et je rêve: d'un homme de laidéal pour une relation ou rencontre amour ou rencontre projet. J'aime bien la cuisine , musique , ma famille , restaurent , piscine , lecture , natation ,tennis , danse , filmes , TV
Sunt inalta si,frumoasa
Un barbat muncitor,cu o situatie financiara buna cu masina si cu simtul umorului
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Gipsy queen
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

I am a very outgoing and social woman. I love meeting new and like minded people. I'm always up for a good time. I'm very caring, funny and cute. I have a lot of energy and am very entertaining and talkative. I would like to meet a rarisim man, to share my quality time with. He is gentle, caring, sincere, real, and honest, open minded and romantic. My intentions are sincere and I am serious in my search to find you. My heart and arms are open to meet.....
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

Femeie. Mama. Visatoare. Fac minuni si vrajesc inimi :) Imi cresc singura baietelul de 9 ani si fiecare zi e o aventura pentru noi, cu picioarele bine infipte in pamant dar cu aripile intinse ... Daca esti SOLITAR si tanjesti dupa viata de FAMILIE, esti descurcaret, un pic visator dar suficient de pragmatic si pasional cat trebuie ... atunci hai sa ne cunoastem! O inima suficient de incapatoare pentru doi ar fi o conditie esentiala, la fel ca si o educatie solida si o situatie sociala si materiala stabila, ca sa fim siguri ca ne potrivim la start! Si rog sa nu pierdem timpul daca nu ne dorim aceleasi lucruri, iar anonimii (fara poze) sa se abtina din a ma deranja! Multumesc ... Woman. Mom. Dreamer. Magic maker and soul shaker :) Iam raising alone my 9 year old wonderful little boy and every given day is a new adventure for us, with feet on the ground but wide open wings ... Looking for my partner, friend and lover to share my life with. I am not here for cheap games, so please move on if thatas what youare looking for! Also, if youare undercover (no profile photo) please donat bother! Thanks!
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magda 66
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

sunt de nedescris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E DIFICIL SA VORBESC DE MINE INSUMI ,PREFER SA O FACA ALTII ,INDIFERENT DACA E DE BINE SAU DE RAU ,LA FINAL NU STIU DACA SE APRECIAZA INTERIORUL UNEI PERSOANE SAU CEEA CE SIMTE ACEEA FIINTA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NU CAUT AVENTURI VREAU SA INTELEG IN PLUS CUM EVOLUEAZA OAMENII DIN ZILELE NOASTRE. Tu ce ma faci sa cant si sa visez acuma, Eu vad ca esti departe, si poate n'ai sa vii... Si cine esti, eu nu stiu, cum cine sunt, nu stii; Dar simt ca esti frumoasa, ca ochi albastri ai, Ca porti ceva in tine din rozele de Mai, Tu, care esti departe - si poate n'ai sa vii... ... Si cine stie? Poate e visul meu de vina, Caci el iti dete viata, si doar in el traesti, Tu, care azi nu esti - Si poate nici odata aevea n'ai sa fii... Dar eu visez - si visul aripile-si intinde, Dar eu visez - si visul din nou mai mult s'aprinde, - Chiar daca vei persista un dor neimplinit, Tu, care nu esti astazi, si poate n'ai sa fii Ori esti, - dar prea departe, si pururi n'ai sa vii. .............................................................................
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

Love is a nutrient that can never be lost in life. Life is because of love, it becomes colorful; in the family, it is because of love, it becomes happy; in school, because of love, it becomes full of laughter and laughter of children; my life, it will become more exciting because of you. I look for a good man who loves children and wants a family.
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

I am a professional Christian singer and songwriter/religious leader that travels internationally spreading love through song and speaking. I enjoy surrounding myself with positive energy. I am a unique man that sees the world in a unique way.
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

Soy Divorciada, tengo 1 hijo, me gusta hacer amistades y con el tiempo lo que surja, No me gusta que me contacten si solo es por tener sexo...o relación de un ratito ..Si esta es su intención le pido por favor NO me contacté Gracias....
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

I\'m natural blonde woman with sports figure. I\'m open-minded person,looking for trust and mutuality. I prefer bitter truth than sweet lie. My heart is open for sincere feelings, I can give tenderness, attention and care. I want to make a warm, cozy world where mutual understanding and mutuality prevails.
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

Io sunt ceea ce sunt, ceea ce ALEG sa fiu, ceea ce ALEG sa manifest din mine, LUMINA sau Umbra.... dar intotdeauna , atunci cand interactionezi cu mine, prin gand, privire, fapta, gasesti RASPUNSUL. Ma numesc Thalia.Am in prezent 55 de ani.Din fericire,sunt o fiinta draguta, cum spune lumea,o fiinta sensibila, nu prea stiu sa mint, dar imi place sa tachinez anumite persoane la care tin. Toata multimea cand ma vede imi spune: aCe ochi frumosi ai! sincer ma uit mereu in oglinda in speranta ca o sa descopar ce e asa aparte la ei. Am multiple pasiuni...imi depasesc limitele, sa am mai mult curaj si incredere in mine.aCe e mai greu, e mai usor dupaa.Nu am reusit sa termin o facultate nu pentru ca nu am vrut ...pentru ca am avut o responsabilitate mult mai mare de dus pana la capat. Lucrez in mai multe domenii pentru ca nu am o ordine in idei..pentru singurul ratiune ca o pot face. Alte pasiuni pe care le mai am sunt...dansul , patinajul,plimbatul in natura,pictura , sculptura,styling hair, gatit,pescuit , fac multa deplasare si nu sunt pretentioasa.Sunt o indragostita, o fire sensibila, iubesc oamenii.... animalele, am un motan nazdravan de care am preocupare si cu care ma joc mereu... O catelusa si doi perusi.Am o situatie rafinata caci tatal meu este imobilizat la pat si nu o sa il ABANDONEZ NICICAND PENTRU JUPANUL CARE VA FACE PARTE DIN VIATA MEA.
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

o pers.sincera,care uraste minciuna si fitzele Drumurile noastre poate se vor intalnii vreodata ???? N am sa ti cer , ce nu mi poti da vreodata . O IUBITOARE de calatorii , de natura in unic imi plac florile sa le ingrijesc si sa le primesc , nu caut perfectiunea.... imi doresc un ARDELEAN
nu caut ceva anume,poate ceva ce n-am gasit pana acum. Persoane deschise, fara fitze si sa aibe macar "limita" de bun simt.
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

Te las sa ma descoperi... I am a matured, caring, motivated, family-oriented and hardworking woman. I like meeting new friends. I enjoy hanging out with friends sometimes. I am willing to learn more. I love to cook. I am happy together with my family. I believe in love. I am very willing to relocate someday.
Cineva imi zice ,,atleta mea draga',so...
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

I am clever and serious girl with the broad audience of interests and hobbies, I have good sense of humour. The main features of the character I think independence and ambition. Adequately I treat criticism of other people. try to be the good professional of the trade. I very much love children and to me would like to have the child from the beloved person.
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

Hi! I'm mixie from Philippines !! I am a very loving, caring, friendly,im single, sincere lady seeking nothing but happiness and a man to complete me in a way no one has. I am very hardworking, passionate and very down to earth. i am fun to be with and a family oriented lady. if you feel you want to learn about me, then drop me a note and where you could be reached via Email,skype, whatsapp or viber.. Well i also love cooking, hiking, sports, shopping, photography and traveling around the world "how I wish".. I want a serious relationship but I am not in a rush to get what I want. I want to love and be loved, I want true happiness and laughter, I want to settle down for what divin for me and understands me, cos no one is perfect, but you've got to be perfect for someone and understand someone to be in a relationship . I value commitment a lot and love to have fun. Life's too short and beautiful , I want to spend it with someone beautiful at heart and knows what they want.. A Open minded and knows what true committment is (for better or worse) they will always be there for me .. "I hate cheater & scammer please"
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

I am a person who is very real when it comes to life and its' issues. Am honest,kind caring,affectionate,good sense of humor,easy going,free thinker,trustworthy and respect the lives of other people...
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sweetie girl
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

Sunt o doamna onesta si cu o inima de aur, dupa cum spun cei care ma cunosc. Iubesc binele din oameni, indragesc indiferent ce fiinta si urmaresc sa cultiv o atitudine pozitiva si optimista clipa de clipa. Caut un partener loial, matur sufleteste si cu o gandire rafinata. Rog seriozitate.
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

Sociabila,vesela si onesta.Ce as dorii de la viata ?......o calatorie in jurul lumii de exemplu! Sau..........o viata la tara cu o gospodarie umpluta de animalute..........:) Fidelitatea este importanta pentru mine.Am un aroma fin la minciuna :)si daca nu ma accepti asa cum sint nu incerca sa ma schimbi ca te vei lovi de un zid....sfatul meu este sa treci mai departe :)
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Orsova, Mehedinti Romania

Sunt o fire simt al dorii sa cunosc diferite persoane....restul vom vedea :) I am what a good man deserve. I know we have lots of good men out there, but am looking for just one that would be mine and see himself as mine only. I am compassionate, loving, naughty, caring , affectionate and not scared to love again. The only unconditional love I had ever known was that of my parents. My father used to tell me that , theres a man for me out there. Honesty, trust , loyalty, faithfulness and commitment and healthy relationship is what I seek out there. I am now embarking on the journey of finding love and I have chosen to seek a partner online for the first time.
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Curve In Orsova

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